Checkmate 2: Let the Games Begin (16 page)

Read Checkmate 2: Let the Games Begin Online

Authors: Tiece

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban, #Multicultural, #Genre Fiction, #streetlit3

BOOK: Checkmate 2: Let the Games Begin
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“I’m going to be here until after I have the baby. I’m seven and a half months pregnant now. I’m guessing a few months.” She confirmed.

Damn, I’ma have to come clean with Candy some kind of way, because she is bound to see Monica around; especially if she is going to be stopping by the office unannounced. Rico need to handle his business. Monty thought while they walked inside the building. Monica looked around.

“You really hooked this place up.” She said entering the double doors as she stood inside the lobby area. Monty wasn’t really trying to hear anything she was talking about. His mind was on Candy, because he knew the shit would eventually hit the fan. “I’m digging it. This place doesn’t even look the same as it did when I purchased it, but I knew that whoever I sold it to, or in your case, gave it to would have no problem fixing it up.” She stated wanting to get more of a view, but Monty just nodded since he was not about to literally walk her around and show her the layout.

He was noticeably uneasy about her being there. He didn’t want her to think that what she did to him and Rico was excusable by any means. She noticed the tension between the two of them and knew that Monty hadn’t forgiven her for being so mischievous, so she decided to ask for Rico. Before she could finish her thought, Rico walked out of his office. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Monica standing there with Monty.

What the hell,
he quickly thought. She stared at him, wondering if she had made a huge mistake. She’d been so busy trying to rekindle a flame that was long ago put out with Monty, when all along the man she should have been pursuing was staring her in the face. Rico was surprised as they both stood there eyeing each other.


Chapter Fifteen

Rico hesitantly made his way over, feeling totally caught off guard by Monica’s surprise visit. He couldn’t believe that their reunion was already taking place and right here in front of Monty. He shook his head and tried to find the right words to say without sounding like he was annoyed that she was there.

“Monica, I thought you were going to call me before you showed up like this.” He managed to say.

“Well, hey to you too.” She said as she pushed her Coach shades back on the edges of her hairline like a head band. Rico could see the innocence in her face, but knew that he couldn’t judge that book by its cover. Monty stood there watching his best friend and the woman who used to have his heart sharing a conversation that didn’t involve him. He knew he should probably excuse himself, but he stood there out of curiosity, just to see their interactions with each other. He was still amazed at how this whole thing went down.

“Monica, I know we talked over the phone, but please don’t pull this shit no more. You need to call and tell me when you’re going to stop by. I might be busy or something.” Rico said. Monty was shocked that Rico was holding his ground and being firm with her, but Monica’s response told him that she wasn’t trying to hear it.

“You might be busy doing what?” She asked putting her hand on her hip while waiting for his response.

“That’s none of your business. We aren’t together like that. My only connection to you would be this baby; if he’s mine.” He looked in Monty’s direction with a frown.

“Don’t be looking at me like that. I’m ‘bout to go. I don’t have shit to do with this. You’re on your own playboy.” He said taking that as his cue to leave, so he quickly headed upstairs leaving the two of them together.



Monty walked into his office and sat down behind his U-shaped, black laminate desk. He leaned back in his chair and rubbed across his wavy hair. He felt the tension from his own relationship, as well as, the banging headache that came out of nowhere. Monica had been back in town for less than an hour and was already stressing the hell out of him. He sighed and thought about his next move. A knock on his door interrupted his thoughts as he looked up.

“Hey man, are you alright?” Maurice asked as he stood in the doorway.

“Oh yeah, I’m cool. I just have a few things on my mind. I’ll work it out though. I always do.”

“I feel ya, but don’t let whatever it is stress you. I mean look around, man. You couldn’t ask for much more. I just wanted to say thanks for bringing me aboard. We’re really going to put this realty business on the map. Everybody is going to know about us.” Maurice stated with confidence.

“Thanks man, for the pep talk. I’m fully aware of what we have going on around here. It is gonna be booming around here. I’m sure we’ll bring in more business than any other realty company out there. The business is not what’s bothering me, though. I just have some things to work out, but we’ll talk about that later.” Monty changed the subject. “I hear you got my lady’s cousins number.”

“Yeah she’s sexy as hell. I couldn’t help it. I saw her watching me just as much as I was watching her. We shared some small talk, then she took my phone and saved her number in it. I liked that. She’s not shy at all.”  Maurice stated as Monty grinned.

“It definitely must run in the family, but that’s not a bad thing.” They both laughed.

“Well, I’ll call her later. I have some business to tend to right now.

“Okay cool,” Monty said. “Oh how do you like the furniture in your office?” He asked.

“I love it, man. The furniture is really nice and all I have to do now is hang up a nice portrait on the wall. Rico’s mom really knows her stuff.”

“Yeah, she does. She works magic.” Monty stated. “The computer systems won’t be in until next week, but the office phones should be on at some point today, though. Everything is definitely coming together.” Monty stood up and he and Maurice shook hands. “I’m glad to have you aboard, man. I mean that.” He said.

“This is going to be fun, to say the least.” Maurice stated while turning to leave. Monty sat back down placing a text to Candy.

I just wanted you to know that I love you. Monty

Maurice headed downstairs. As he walked past Rico he gave him dap. Maurice did a double take when he looked at Monica.

“Hey Monica, how are you?” He spoke.

“I’m doing great. How are you, Maurice? I haven’t seen you in a few years.” She commented.

“Yeah, not since you sold me that property in Atlanta. I sold it for double the price.” Maurice said with a grin.

“Well, I have always tried to be fair. It just doesn’t seem to work out for me when I’m not.” She stated as she looked back over at Rico.

“I see you’re expecting. Congratulations,” he stated.

“Thanks, I appreciate it.” She said.

“How is your mom and dad?” He asked.

“They’re doing great. I’ll have to tell them that I saw you.” She replied.

“Yeah, do that and tell’um I asked about them. Maybe we can sit down for lunch and you can update me on some new tricks of the trade.” He grinned.

“Yeah, that sounds good, Maurice.” She responded.

“Well, let me know. I still got the same number.” He stated as he looked back at Rico. “A’ight my man, I’ll catch ya later.” He said and walked off.

“Damn, you know everybody.” Rico retorted.

“Don’t be tripping. I met him through a seminar that my Father was speaking at. My Father did introduce us because he knew him through business and seen great potential in him. Plus, my Father loved his character, because it reminded him of how he used to be when he was just getting started with the business. So, long story short, we hung out and did a little business together, but that was it.” She clarified.

“Oh, okay.” Rico said. “If you say so.”

“Well, that’s what I said and nothing ever happened between us. We were good friends for about six months and he moved here because of an amazing job offer.” Rico shook his head in disbelief. He couldn’t believe anything she said, but he just went with it anyway.

“I’m not going to try to make you believe me.” She commented sensing his disbelief. “Anyway, can we go somewhere more private and talk?” Monica asked.

“Well, to be honest, I’m expecting someone to come over in a little bit.” He responded.

“Who is it?” Monica asked just as Mona came walking through the doors and headed straight over to them. Her stomach turned to see Monica standing there talking to her man.

What the fuck?
Where this hoe come from?
She thought then cleared her throat. “Well,” she paused. “Hi Monica, long time no see. I wish it could have been longer.” She stated in a casual tone. Rico cleared his throat, because he knew that Mona would get ‘bout it’ if she had to. “I didn’t expect to see you here so soon.” Mona candidly stated. She was trying to hold back a few other choice words that she really wanted to say.

“Hi, Mona,” Monica flatly said, rolling her eyes as she looked her over noticing the baby bump. “Your brother just went upstairs, Sweetie. So, if you don’t mind Rico and I were having a private conversation and I’d like to keep it that way.” She jerked her neck in disgust as Rico interrupted the women quickly.

“Monica, anything that you have to say can be said in front of Mona.” He said, just from watching Mona’s body language he knew she was itching to slap the shit out of Monica.

“And why is that? She has nothing to do with me and you. I understand that she’s your homeboy’s sister, but she need to know her place when I’m around.” Monica said. Her true colors showed how black and evil she could be on the inside, despite how beautiful she was on the outside.

“My place,” Mona said grinning, a little, to keep her cool. She was so close to hitting Monica and the only thing that saved her was the fact that both of them were pregnant. Rico frowned because he could tell that things were about to get real ugly.

He cleared his throat again. “Yes she does, because she’s my lady and she’s having my baby. So, in actuality Monica, she has every right to be here and to hear what we’re talking about. I’m not keeping secrets from her.” He stated.

“What, you have got to be kidding me!” Exclaimed Monica with her mouth dropped open. She was very surprised to hear the news.

“Yes, and unlike your baby, Sweetie. We definitely know who this one belongs to.” She said rubbing her baby bump and rolling her eyes at Monica. Monica’s face showed the displeasure that she felt, thinking that she would have Rico all to herself if she played her hand right. Unfortunately, she would now be sharing him with her first love’s sister who was also pregnant.

Damn, I can’t believe this shit,
she thought as she stood there somewhat embarrassed that she had come back here to be with a man that was now with someone else. In her mind she was already thinking of a way to make Rico want to be with her. If it took every strategy she had she was going to make him leave Mona and love her.



Monty still sat at his desk thinking about his situation. He regretted messing around with Monica, but he didn’t regret his business, the money, and the other properties that she was so willing to give him. She didn’t even look the same. It was like he could see the snake in her and that part of her wasn’t cute at all. Now, she had returned to town and this was surely going to interfere with him and Candy’s relationship. As he sat there waiting for Monica to leave, he heard Mona and Rico arguing. The two of them walked into his office.

“Did you see that bitch downstairs?” Mona asked as she rolled her eyes. “That bitch is trouble.” She shook her head. “I’m tryna tell y’all.” She said. Rico couldn’t get a word in, but the truth was that Monica had no right showing up like that so he let Mona vent. “I mean, really… who does that kind of shit, just showing up somewhere like she owns this place or something.”

“Yeah, I saw her, Sis. Why don’t you just calm down.” Monty stated. He gestured for her to take a seat. Mona sat down huffing and puffing. She was really pissed.

“I don’t know what to say about Monica, man. She’s on some other shit.” Rico stated as he sat next to Mona. “I told her crazy ass to call me before she just showed up like that. She doesn’t like to listen to nobody.” He said.

“She ain’t gonna have a choice but to listen to me when I put my foot in her ass.” Mona said, still clearly upset.

“Baby, why don’t you just chill out, because you’re not going to do anything that’s going to jeopardize your pregnancy.” Rico stated then placed his hand on her thigh to try to calm her.

“Sis, just calm your ass down. You got to think about your baby before you do something crazy. Hell, I’m sitting here thinking of how I’m going to tell Candy this shit.” Monty said as he stood up.

“Damn, man I didn’t even think about that. Maybe you don’t have to tell her everything. You can just tell her that Monica came back to town and that I was sleeping around with her.” Rico said. Mona rolled her eyes at him and moved his hand off her thigh.

“Nah man, Candy is too smart for that shit.” Monty said.

“And you’re right about that.” Mona agreed. “She’s gonna be pissed off with me, because I knew and didn’t tell her.” Mona shook her head. “What the hell am I going to say?” She asked. “Y’all men get caught up in some of the craziest shit. Who would’ve thought I’d be caught up in this shit, too?”

“Hush, Sis. You ain’t making this any easier.” He said. “I’m going to have to figure something out.” Monty said as he sat back down.

“Well, we are going to have to tell her truth, because it’s gonna come out one way or another. I don’t know how else to put it or say it. She’s definitely going to be very upset with us.” Mona believed.

“She’s prolly going to end our relationship over this shit. Damn!” Monty was upset that he’d gotten himself caught up and was going to have to come clean.

“Well bruh, I’d rather her hear it from you first than from Monica, because you know if Monica sees her no telling what she’ll say.  I’ll just have to back you.” Mona stated.

“Nah, don’t worry about it. I’ll take the heat. You don’t even have to know anything about this. I’m not mentioning your name at all. I’ll just tell her what she needs to know and that’s it, nothing more; nothing less. Tell Mama to get my room ready, because I’m sure she’ll put me out after this shit.” Monty stated.

“I just wanna beat that bitch’s ass. Wait till I have my baby.” Mona stated causing Rico to shake his head. “Baby, are you ready to go?” Mona asked as she stood up.

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