Checkmate 2: Let the Games Begin (19 page)

Read Checkmate 2: Let the Games Begin Online

Authors: Tiece

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban, #Multicultural, #Genre Fiction, #streetlit3

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“Are you ready to go?” He asked her.

“Yeah,” she said, trying to sit up. Rico stood up to help her. As they got out to his car he walked around and helped her get in. “Don’t worry, I’ll have someone come get your ride and bring it to you.” He said, closing the door behind her as she got comfortable. He then walked around on the driver side to get in.
What the hell am I gonna do now?
He asked himself, thinking about Mona.



Monty pulled up to the crib with thoughts about Candy putting him out. He was upset that things went down the way that they did, but in his mind he’d seen it coming a long time ago if Candy had ever found out about him and Monica. He sat in the driveway wanting to get out, but his thoughts kept going back to the look on Candy’s face when she found out that he put her out to go be with Monica. He knew exactly how they initially met up, but explaining it to Candy just wasn’t coming out the correct way.

He looked in the backseat and saw his clothes there. It kind of angered him that she went to those extremes. She didn’t just say leave for a few days, giving him the chance to get his own shit. She just started throwing them out of the drawers at him and told him that they needed time apart.

How much time?
He asked himself. At this point it didn’t matter. He’d come clean to her and told her almost everything about him and Monica and she didn’t care to even consider that he was being honest. In his heart, he hated that he’d made up his mind to not go back there to live with them, but maybe this was his chance to get his own place and if Candy decided to take him back then she and MJ could move in with him. That’s all he wanted, anyway. For the time being, he’d live with his mama until he found a nice house of his own.

He got out of his whip and walked up to the door.
Damn, I should have had a key.
He thought as he rang the doorbell. The door opened up and there was MiKayla standing there in sexy, black and white, polka dot lingerie.

She smiled at him. “What took you so long?” She asked, hugging him gently around his neck. She smelled good and looked great. Monty was ready to be able to take his time with her and clear his mind of all the drama that had occurred earlier. He kissed her, pushing the door up behind them as the heated sexcapade began.



Mona lay in the bed tossing and turning. She couldn’t keep her eye off of the clock. It was 11:02pm and she hadn’t heard from Rico. She didn’t want to call him, because that would seem like she didn’t trust him. The person she couldn’t trust was Monica and she hated knowing that Rico was possibly still with her.
Why in the hell haven’t you called me?
She thought, hitting the pillow. Her phone rang and she quickly answered it.

“Hello,” she said hoping it was Rico because she didn’t even bother to check the caller id.

“Hey honey,” a sad voice on the other end said. “Are you busy?” Candy asked, sighing.

“Oh hey,” Mona said almost disappointed that it wasn’t her man. “No, I’m not busy.” She said as she sat up in the bed.

Candy didn’t waste any time pouring out her heart. “I really need a listening ear right now.” Candy said, feeling bad about the fallout she and Monty had.

“Sis, you know I’m here for you.” Mona knew that Monty must’ve come clean. She could hear it in Candy’s voice and she felt her pain more than Candy could know.

“First off, I asked your brother to leave my house.” Candy paused. “Well, I actually put him out.”

“Wow, so he told you about Monica, huh?” Mona asked quickly.

“Yeah he did and I wasn’t happy to hear about it.”

“I didn’t know it would be that bad.” Mona stated. “I’d just found out about the whole Monica thing recently and I’m sorry I didn’t mention it, but I had so much to deal with concerning her ass and Rico until I didn’t know what to do. Plus, Monty reassured me that he’d tell you everything. Sis, I’m so sorry.”

“It’s not your fault, Mo. Monty has a mind of his own and his dick gets him in trouble every time, because he can’t control it. He told me about him and that nasty bitch, Monica sleeping around while I was away.” Candy’s voice cracked a little. She tried to fight back the tears. “I don’t know why he does the stupidest things without thinking of the consequences.” Mona was silently listening. “I was even more surprised to hear that she and Rico were messing around, too.”

“Yep, I was just as surprised when I heard the news.” Mona stated thinking about the phone call from Monica on the day MJ was born.

“At least Rico was man enough to tell you, though. I had to hear about this shit after the fact.” Candy was becoming upset as she thought about Monty and Monica sleeping around. “Damn, Mo this shit makes me so mad.”

“Trust me, I know. That tramp and I had it out today. I walked in the office and there she was. She was standing there talking to Rico, rubbing on her stomach like she was gloating.” She explained.

“Damn, she got some nerve. How the hell did she know where they would be at?” Candy asked thinking that between all the chaos she and Monty had, she had forgot to ask.

“I don’t know if Monty told you, but she’s a Real Estate broker. So from what I hear she has the scoop on anything dealing with realty. She can also be very conniving to get what she wants and that makes me hate, even more, that Rico possibly has to deal with her for a very long time.” Mona looked back over at the clock. Rico not calling was stressing her.

“I know how you are and I bet you felt the same way I did when I saw her ass earlier today in the mall. I didn’t even know about the shit between her and Monty at that time, but I still wanted to beat the bitch ass for some reason. Now, I see why.

“You saw her earlier today in the mall?” Mona asked. “It must’ve been after she left the office then.”

“It prolly was. Hell, I don’t know, but when I realized it was her, I walked over and basically made it known that Monty and I were together. I even gloated about us having a son, but I bet the bitch already knew. Monty claimed he told her that he was gonna be with me, but she was acting all surprised, talking shit like;
lil Candy and Monty,
” Candy mocked her. “Bitch, I’ll show you lil.” Candy said as if she was in Monica’s face.

“Right,” Mona agreed. “That’s how I feel about the bitch. I guess she was stressed today then, because me and that bitch damn near started fighting at the office. I couldn’t believe she showed up there like she running shit. I just wanted to slap her ass when I saw her. Rico had to stand between us. I hate that she might be pregnant by my man. I don’t know what the hell he was thinking. Rico is one fine, good looking ass nigga, but sometimes I think he don’t have good sense.” Mona stated, laughing a little to relieve the stress.

“Hell, don’t feel bad. I feel the same way about Monty’s ass sometimes.” They both laughed to cover the damage they were feeling.

“Well, she’s in the hospital now. She called Rico and told him. We probably stressed her out, huh?” Mona asked as if she cared.

“Who gives a damn?” Candy bluntly asked. “So, what’s wrong with the home wrecker? Why is she in the hospital?”  

“I don’t know. Rico left here to go check on her.” Mona paused. “I still can’t believe that he was sleeping with her.” She became even more annoyed that it was 11:35pm now and she still hadn’t heard from him yet.

“My thing is that Monty was fucking her too. Hell the baby could be his. No telling who the baby’s daddy is.” Candy stated.

“Well, Rico was hitting it raw, because he never led on that he used a condom and he’s not certain, but he acts almost sure that the baby is his. I guess we’ll find out soon enough.”

“Damn Mo, I’m sorry to hear that shit. I mean, I know you were finally excited about being with Rico and having his baby and now you got to deal with this bullshit. I mean, what the hell is up with our men? Do you think that she was the one that called you talking ‘bout she was pregnant by Rico?” Candy asked.

“I’m now almost certain that it was her.” Mona sighed and played it off once again. Candy shook her head.

“Wow.” She said. “Who would have ever known?”

“You’re right about that.” Mona replied as Candy continued.

“They let their head below determine their every move and thought process. It’s a shame and it’s sad.” Candy shook her head. “They see a pretty woman with a nice body and it drives them crazy. Hell, nowadays she ain’t even gotta be that pretty and her body doesn’t have to be all that tight for them to want to fuck her. Pussy has no face, especially when they’re used to a decent fuck anyway.”

“And you are absolutely right about that.” Mona agreed, looking back at the clock again. “Rico left here right before 9:00pm and has not called me to tell me what is going on. What the hell am I supposed to do?” She asked, needing her best friend’s advice.

“Why haven’t you called him?” Candy paused. “Well, maybe you shouldn’t, ya know. You don’t want him to think you’re hounding him.” Candy said as she walked through her quiet house. Everybody was gone and she was really feeling lonely now. “No telling what is going on. I don’t think he would be messing around with her, though. Especially, since he knows how she is. Rico is crazy, but not that damn crazy.”

“Well, I hope you’re right,” Mona stated, pouring herself some juice and she trying to forget the reason why Rico left. “How are you feeling? I know it was hard for you to put Monty out.”

“I don’t know how I feel. I just know that things were perfect between us, and then he had to blow it with that bullshit. I almost wish he would’ve just kept it to himself.” Candy said, lying back on the sectional in the family room. She turned on the TV.

“It’s better you found out from him instead of someone else, like Monica.” Mona commented quickly.

“You’re right about that, Mo,” she agreed. “It just hurt me to know that he spent the night with her on his birthday. Then, he lied about it, not once, but over and over again. You have got to know how many times I called him and he didn’t answer his phone that day.” Candy thought about that night as it played in her head like a scratched record. The same shit repeating itself. She was so upset with him. “That was the only reason why I left him and went to Atlanta.” She revealed.

“I know that must’ve hurt, but it’s in the past now. You can’t let Monica win.”

“I’m not gonna let her win. When I put him out I was running off of broken emotions and I know I can’t take it back, but if I had to do it all over again, I’m sure I would.” She said.

“Will you take him back?” Mona asked.

“Yeah, I know I will. I just don’t need to be around him right now. I have to forgive him in my heart, because if I don’t then I’m gonna keep bringing it up and it’ll never be the same. He may not know it now, but it’s for the best. You know how we do it. We just keep throwing the shit in their face and all they are really tryna do is make it right with us. They’ll take it for a while but, eventually that shit plays out and it begins to piss them off. And, what do they do?” She asked knowing Mona already knew, but she answered it anyway. “They end up going right back to their same, old, cheating ways. So, I’ll hold out for a minute and wait until I’ve truly forgiven him. That way, I won’t slap him the face, with the affair he had with Monica, every time I’m mad.”

“I feel ya, gurl. I’ve forgiven Rico, but just knowing Monica is here and may be staying is what’s eating me up. Oh well, we’re gonna have to figure out a way of dealing with her ass.” Mona sighed.

“Yes we are.” Candy stated. “But, don’t worry about anything. Rico loves you and he doesn’t want to be with Monica. He’ll explain everything when he comes home. So, relax and I’ma let you go Sis, but call me if you need me. Rico will there before you know it.”

“Alright, Sis that’s cool and I’ll be over there tomorrow. Tell Dee I said hey.” Mona said.

Candy grinned a little. “I will, but she’s on a date tonight.”

“Already?” Mona asked.

“Yeah she went out with Maurice.”

“Maurice from the office?” Mona asked.

“Yeah and I can’t wait to hear about her date.” Candy said as she turned off the TV and headed down the hallway.

“I’m coming over early. I wanna hear about this too.” They both laughed. “Good Night, Sis.” Mona said.

“Good Night, Hun.” Candy responded as they ended their call.

Mona sat on the side of the bed as she took in a deep sigh. “Where the hell are you, Rico?” She asked out loud.



Rico and Monica sat in her den. The ride over to her house was silent and awkward. Rico felt kind of bad for her situation. It felt funny for him to be sitting there with her in that way. The relationship they had was nothing other than small talk and hot, steamy, sex. It felt strange to really have to sit there and get to know her on a personal level. He looked over at her as she rubbed on her swollen stomach. He smiled a little to himself thinking that this was his son for sure growing inside of her. He felt very strongly about it at that moment for some reason. He thought he’d clear the tension in the air by opening up a conversation with her.

“Monica, do you have anyone that’ll come and stay with you, at least, until after you have the baby?” Rico asked.

“No, not yet, but I will. I just want to get some rest tonight and then I’ll call my mom in the morning. She may come or send my lil sister to help me out.” She said as if she was sad about having to depend on someone to look after her.

“Are you alright?” He asked her, looking deep into her beautiful eyes.

“Yeah, I’m cool. I feel a lot better and I’m not in anymore pain.” She said as she sat there. She looked at him and a tear fell from her eye. She tried to hurry and wipe it before Rico could see that she was crying. She tried to stand up and walk in the bathroom, but it took her a little longer to get up. Rico stood quickly as he helped her to stand on her feet. He was shocked to see her eyes watering as the tears fell uncontrollably. He tried to hug her, but she fanned him off of her, pressing her face into the palm of her hands. She cried and Rico just stood there not knowing what to do.

“Monica, what is wrong with you?” He asked, feeling bad for her.

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