Checkmate 2: Let the Games Begin (5 page)

Read Checkmate 2: Let the Games Begin Online

Authors: Tiece

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban, #Multicultural, #Genre Fiction, #streetlit3

BOOK: Checkmate 2: Let the Games Begin
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“Hey Mrs. Mack,” Candy spoke as Mona walked upstairs to give her a hug.

“Hi, Candy. You’re looking nice today.” Mrs. Mack commented.

“Thanks, Mrs. Mack and so are you.” Candy stated just as Mona made it to the top of the stairs. Candy stayed downstairs to give Monty a few pointers.



“Hey, Mama Mack.” Mona said. She slightly wrapped her arms around the top part of Mama Mack’s back.

“Hey there pretty girl.” Mama Mack said as she leaned back to get a better look at Mona. “Your hair is so pretty. How have you been?”

“I’m doing well and thanks for the compliment. Candy just finished it right before coming here.” Mona said continuing to smile. “You’re looking good yourself, as usual.” She stated.

Mama Mack was wearing a gold spice, ruffle trim, knee length skirt suit with the buttoned front, portrait-collar jacket and ruffle cuffs. Her perfectly matched, high heel shoes made her thick figure look much trimmer as she stood there smiling. She had jet black hair. There wasn’t a gray string that could be seen and unlike most black people, their family was of genuine Native American roots. Mona could clearly see it in Mama Mack’s and Rico’s pronounced cheekbones, finely shaped nose, largely black eyes, smoothly brown skin color, and beautiful hair. Even though Mama Mack’s hair hung mid way her back, she always wore it pulled back in a neat, wrapped ball, but it always looked so professional. Mama Mack grabbed Mona’s hand.

“I haven’t seen you around in a while. Where have you been?” she softly asked.

“I’ve been taking classes all summer and that has kept me pretty busy lately.” Mona was hoping that Mama Mack wouldn’t notice the certain glow about her that her mama noticed.

“Well, I’m glad to see you now. Your skin is so clear and pretty. You’re looking like a lil lady with your hair like that.” Mama Mack ran her hand down Mona’s hair. “That is really cute on you.”

“Thank You.” Mona replied.

“You should come over and see me sometimes. We miss your company.” Mama Mack slyly commented.

“I plan on stopping by there, more than likely tonight if your son doesn’t have other plans.” Mona informed her trying to get a feel of what had been going on with Rico.

“He’ll cancel those plans just as soon as he finds out you’re coming over. He talks about you all the time. He really misses you, ya know. Call him and you’ll see. When I leave here I’m going to go home and cook dinner. We are having steak and baked potatoes. I’m also making a nice garden salad.” Mama Mack said.

“Is that an invitation?” Mona teased, but felt that she could really enjoy a meal like that.

“Yes sweetie, it is. I would love for you to come over and have dinner with us. Trust me when I say that Rico would love it, too. You know he’s moving in a few days so I told him I would make him a nice dinner before he leaves. I’m glad that he’s getting his life together.” She said.

“I didn’t know that. I’m definitely going to call him in a lil bit, because we have some things to talk about.” Mama Mack smiled at the idea of them working out their issues. She knew that her son adored Mona.

“Well, that’s good honey. Y’all really do need to talk. Hopefully, I’ll see you later this evening. Now go ahead and look around because it’s really nice in here. I’m excited about decorating this place for my boys.” Mama Mack said looking downstairs at Monty. He was still holding MJ. “Bring me that pretty baby.” Mama Mack said.

Monty and Candy walked upstairs then he handed over MJ who was showing all gums while laughing at Mama Mack talking to him.

“This is one cute, juicy baby and he smells so good.” Mama Mack squeezed him tight. “I’ll be glad when I’m a grandmother. I don’t know what Rico is waiting on.” She looked over at Mona who had walked off peeking inside the doorway of the break room.

“He’ll have one soon enough.” Monty said thinking of Monica.

“Yeah, I agree.” Candy said as she was thinking of Mona.
You’ll have two come to think of it,
thought Candy quickly.

After looking around upstairs Monty and Mama Mack discussed a little more in detail what and where he wanted certain furniture pieces and pictures on the wall. Once all the details were discussed they made their way back downstairs. Mama Mack gathered her things and prepared to leave.

“So Monty you said that you’re having an initial meet and greet next week?” Mama Mack asked.

“Yes ma’am. It’s nothing major, but I’d like for you and Maurice to get together and discuss what kind of décor he wants in his office and since Rico left early then that’ll be a good time for you and him to talk about his as well.” Monty replied.

“Isn’t it someone else that is going to work with you all?” Mama Mack asked. 

“Yes ma’am. It’s my cousin Brendon, but he won’t be here until the first of the year. He’ll have to get with you then. His taste is probably like mine I’m sure.” Monty grinned. “Will you be able to have the conference room table here by the beginning of the week? If so that would be great. That way we can sit down and discuss other things concerning the business.” Monty stated.

“Sure, that won’t be a problem. You still want the oak wood, black, shiny table and with ten, black Captain’s chairs, with chrome handles and oval back cushions, right?”

“Yep, that’s right. I know you have to order it, so just let me know if it’ll make it here by then. If not then I’ll think of something else.”

“Oh don’t you worry ‘bout that.” Mama Mack said in her spunky tone. “I got this.” Everyone laughed. “I’m gonna go ahead and get outta here. I have dinner to cook tonight.” Mama Mack kissed MJ on the cheek and hugged Mona as she whispered in her ear.
“I hope to see you tonight.”
Monty handed MJ to Candy so he could help Mama Mack with her things.

“We may as well all leave.” He stated as they all exited the building together. Once outside, Mama Mack put her things in the backseat and got inside of her car. She blew the horn as she left.

Candy handed MJ back over to Monty so he could buckle him snugly in his car seat. He kissed his son lightly on the lips.
“Daddy is coming home shortly big boy.”
MJ laughed. He loved any attention he could get. Monty closed the door and turned to Candy, hugging her around the waist. “I’m glad you love the place, Sweetie. I knew you would.”

Candy smiled. “Yeah, I do and can’t wait until I’m watching you leave the house in your nice suits getting ready for a busy day.”

“I can’t wait, either.” He commented looking over at Mona who had opened up the door to get inside the car. “I’m glad you got out today too, Sis. It’s good to see your ugly self. You’re normally shut up in your room doing homework and shit when I come over.”

“Well, I’m glad I got out today, too. You’ll be seeing more of me because those tests are over and I’m glad. I can relax a little bit now. My hardest courses are over.” Mona said.

“Well, that’s good. I’m happy for you. I almost didn’t recognize you with your hair like that. It’s cute on you, but don’t get it twisted; you’re still ugly.” He said grinning.

“Shut up, boy. I know I look good.” Mona laughed, hitting him on the arm. “I do love this place and Mama is gonna be so happy when she comes over to see it.”

“She’s at work today, right?” he asked.

“Yeah, she was only there for a half day today. She should be on the way home in a little bit. I’m sure she’ll be calling one of us soon.”

“I’m sure she will.” Monty smiled as he continued to hug Candy giving her a kiss on the lips. “I’ll be over a little later. I’m about to go meet up with Rico at his new crib. He’s been slowly moving things in.” Monty said.

“Yeah, I didn’t know that your boy was moving.” Mona said, digging for more information.

“Wow, you mean to tell me that Rico is getting his own place. Things are really looking up for y’all, huh?” Candy stated as she felt impressed with Rico.

“Yeah, he didn’t want me to say anything, but since he’s got the place now I guess its okay to talk about it. It’s a nice three bedroom, two bath crib with a double garage over in Lakeside Estates. He’s doing big things and I’m happy for my boy.” Monty stated.

“Well, that’s real good.” Candy said, looking over at a blushing Mona who was also proud of Rico but didn’t want to admit it.

Monty looked over at his sister. “You should call him, big head. I’m tired of him talking about you every day.”

“Well, just maybe I will.” She responded then got inside the car. She let the window down and watched Candy and Monty kissing. “Damn y’all take that shit home! Come on bitch, let’s roll. My nephew is getting restless sitting in this car seat. You know how he is when he gets crunk.” Mona grinned.

“You’re right, Mo. Let me go, babe. I’ll be home waiting for you.” Candy said.

“Alright and y’all be careful. Call me in a little bit.” Monty said kissing Candy again before she turned and got inside of the Tahoe. She backed out of the parking lot. Next, Monty got inside the 750 BMW and pulled out right behind them.



Monty had made his way over to Rico’s house. He sat down on the dark brown, leather sofa and admired how Mama Mack had decorated his homey’s bachelor pad.

“Your mama has done a great job hooking up the place.” He stated.

Rico smiled. “Yeah, she’s really proud of me man. I know she’ll be over to visit me almost every day.” He said. “I’m glad you stopped by.”

“You know I had to come over and check out my boys crib. If I lived alone this is how I would like for my shit to be. I like the mini bar you got counter cornered over by the bay windows.” Monty looked up. “A crib ain’t a crib without vaulted ceilings.” He laughed. “That shit sets it off.”

“I know that’s right.” Rico responded, walking over to the mini bar to fix him and Monty a drink. “What will you be having, bruh?” It felt really good to have his own place, because he could do whatever he wanted, when he wanted.

“I’ll take some Crown and coke.” Monty replied.

“You know I got some, too. I just bought a fresh bottle just for you. You know I love my vodka.” Rico said mixing up the drinks. He walked back into the den and handed Monty his drink. He sat down on the leather recliner and leaned back, resting his feet on the pull out.

“So, have you been thinking about if Monica shows back up here?” Monty asked.

“Yeah, I’ve been thinking about that shit a lot. I actually tried to call her a few times just so I don’t get any surprises, but she got the number changed.” Rico said as he drank from his glass.

“That doesn’t surprise me. I hate that you got yourself tied up with that one, man.” Monty said. “Paris was on some crazy shit, too and I hate things ended up the way that they did, but Monica is one chick you really wanna keep your eyes on.”

“To be honest, I never meant for this shit to go this far. I shouldn’t have been sneaking around with her lowdown ass anyway.” He confessed.

“She should feel real low knowing that I know how trifling she is now, but she probably don’t care. She’s not the same Monica who I cared for years ago. She changed over time and grew cold. Maybe it was after the move, who knows. But, by the time she came back, I had moved on and she just couldn’t accept that.” He stated.

“It’s obvious that she is used to getting her way and when she don’t she can’t handle it. I just don’t want any surprises outta her ass. I already know that she is capable of anything.” Rico said drinking from his glass again.

“Yep,” Monty said nodding his head in agreement, taking a sip from his glass.

“I want your sister back, man. We had just started getting closer with each other right before I got shot and then the next thing I knew.” He paused. “She was through with me.” Rico took another drink of his vodka and cranberry juice. “I have never told you this, but I cried, man. When she told me it was over, that shit hurt like a muthafucka. I tried calling her, but she’d never answer and all I wanted was an excuse why. The only excuse I got was that she didn’t owe me shit and I didn’t owe her shit. It was nothing more and nothing less.” Rico shook his head in disappointment. “That lil sister of yours is feisty as hell when she wanna be.”

“Well, damn… I don’t know what that was all about and she never cared to discuss it with me, either. So I didn’t pressure her. She’d been busy with school, so I let her have that lil bit. I did see her today, because they stopped by the office and she seemed to be feeling better. She even acted like she missed you a little bit.” Monty said making Rico smile.

He was excited to hear that. “Damn, are you serious? She came by the office today?” He asked. “Who was with her?”

“She was with Candy and MJ.” Monty responded.

“Damn, I missed her. I ain’t seen her in a couple of months, man. She just don’t wanna see me for some reason. Hell, I could’ve expected this kind of resentment if she would’ve known about Monica, but hell don’t nobody know about that shit but us.” Rico sounded a little down.

“Well, she didn’t seem uptight earlier. She looked rather happy. She said that her tests were over and she’d gotten past her hardest classes. Maybe she just needed to focus on school or something. I don’t know, but she seemed to be back to herself. We did a little bit of name calling and shit. It felt good to see her smiling and acting like the sister I know.” Monty said as he drank from his glass of Crown and coke.

“I’m glad to hear that.” Rico said. “I just want her to be happy, man.”

“To be honest, Bruh… I don’t want her getting tied up in no shit with you, Monica, and this baby. I do know that Mona has feelings for you, but I don’t wanna see her get hurt over this shit.” Monty said.

“I know man and if she gives me the chance to talk to her then I’m gonna explain it all to her. I’ll come clean and tell her how I really feel about her.” Rico downed his drink as did Monty.

“Yeah, you really need to tell her ‘bout that shit if you’re going to try to be with her. You ain’t gotta worry about me, because I ain’t saying nothing. That’s your job, man.”

Rico felt relieved to have his homeboy’s support. “I appreciate it, man.”

“So when are you moving in?” Monty asked as he stood up to look around the rest of the place.

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