Cherish Me (The Protected Love Series) (18 page)

BOOK: Cherish Me (The Protected Love Series)
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Jace smiled down at Judy
as they headed toward the parking garage. She now had
favorite men in her life.

Chapter eighteen

“So what do we need to do to get the ball rolling? Can he come home with us today?” Judy tried to hide the worry in her voice.

“I can grant you temporary cus
tody pending a formal hearing. We will need to do an inspection of the home and living conditions. We have already had a look at your background records and other information.” The custody worker said from the other side of his desk. “Ms. Adams, the fact that you were listed in Alexis Reynolds’ living will as the godmother of Sebastian helps. Of course the judge will make the final ruling.”

“That’s perfectly fine.
When do we need to schedule the inspections?” Jace asked.

“The inspections will be random and you will be notified of the custody hearing once a date is set. I have your lawyer’s contact information here Mr. Alexander.” He smiled warmly over at Jace and Judy before continuing, “All we want is for Sebastian to have a good and loving home. We want him to be taken care of as much as you do. I am sure you won’t have any problems
, this is all procedure.” He reassured.

“Thank you, Mr. Davis.” Jace stood taking the man’s hand in a firm shake. “I appreciate your support.”

“Yes, thank you for all of your help.” Judy smiled excitedly.

“In the meantime
, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to call me. I will get the process started now. He should be ready for you now. Go down this hall, take a left. It’s the first room on your right.” Mr. Davis pointed down the hallway.

“Thank you so much.” Judy said taking off down the hallway.

It had been over a week since they’d had to turn Sebastian over to protective custody. It broke Jace’s heart thinking of him being all alone in a place he didn’t know. In the short time they’d had him he had already become attached to Jace and Judy, he had already started feeling comfortable being around them. He hadn’t slept the first two days that Sebastian had been gone. Jace had been a product of foster care and he knew how scary it was.

Going from somewhere y
ou begin feeling comfortable into a place that is unfamiliar is scary. He’d been through the system for many years and he would make damn sure Sebastian didn’t have to experience that. He’s never going to go a day without knowing that he was loved and that he’d be taken care of. He’d never be scared of what was going to happen or where he’d end up. He’d never have to live amongst ten or twelve children in a cramped house with a woman who only wanted the state money to pay for her next bottle of vodka.

Jace followed Judy down the hallway as quickly as he could. She was practically sprinting as she turned the corner waiting at the door impatiently for Jace as he came up next to her. As he turned the handle a flood of emotions took over. He was happy, sad, anxious, and scared. He’d never experienced anything like this before. He stood just inside the door and watched as Sebastian’
s eyes light up as he raced over towards Judy. Dropping his toys mid stride and jumping up into her arms.

In that
moment the world slowed down. He watched as Judy slowly spun a circle wrapping her arms around him. His precious green eyes were bright with joy and excitement as he giggled. This was his future standing right in front of him. He didn’t have a clue how it had happened, but right here right now he knew he would worship the two of them. All of his wants and needs from before he’d met Judy had all gone out the window, never to be thought of again. Nice cars and fast women were in the past, a past that he’d burn to the ground if he could. His future now held movie nights and baseball games. Football once he got old enough and teaching Sebastian how to drive a stick shift. It was all about this now. About family. He would do whatever it took to make Judy, Sebastian, and himself a family.

“Come wook at this!” Sebastian said excitedly pulling Judy’s hand toward a train set in the corner of the room. “It moves wike a weal twain!”

“I see that.” Judy smiled as she ran her hand through the short curls on Sebastian’s head. Looking him over to make sure that he was healthy.

“How are you Sebastian?” Jace came over sitting next to them on the floor.

“Good. I missed you.” Sebastian said standing and wrapping his arms around Jace’s neck.

“We missed you too buddy.” Jace swallowed the lump forming in his throat.

Looking over and seeing the smile and glistening tears forming in Judy’s eyes he took her hand. For a moment they just sat watching Sebastian’s enjoyment with the toy train set. He showed them how to put it together and turn it on.

“What do you say we buy you one for your room?” Judy
looked over at Jace as she asked Sebastian who was sitting in her lap.

“Does that mean you’re
gonna be my new mommy and daddy?” Sebastian looked up into her eyes.

“Do you want us to be?” Judy wiped at the tear rolling down her face.

“Don’t cwy. I want you to be my mommy and daddy.” Sebastian turned in her lap wiping the tear from Judy’s cheek.

Jace could barely contain his own emotions as he cleared his throat trying to hold it back. “Well then
what do you say we go pick out some new stuff for your room?”

“I weally get to go home with you?” Sebastian’s eyes lit up again as the smile spread across his face.

“You really do!” Judy smiled.


Three and a half weeks later…

“Uncle Mason!” Sebastian squealed as he ran across the living room of Janet and William’s beach house.

“Bastian!” Mason reached down and picked Sebastian up.

“Are you still hurt?” Sebastian asked.

“You can’t hurt superheroes!” Mason smiled at him.

“If you’re a superhewo
, where’s your cape?” Sebastian gave him an unconvinced look.

“It’s in the truck. I promise I will show you later.” Mason winked at him.

Sebastian squirmed down from Mason’s arms running over to Jace. “Daddy! Uncle Mason has a cape! A weal cape!”

“Oh yeah. Well he isn’t as cool as me though.” Jace picked him up flying him around the living room like an airplane. The sound of Sebastian’s giggles resounded off of the walls. Something Jace would never get tired of.

“More, Daddy! More!” Sebastian begged.

“Ok, one more round and then we have to get ready for Uncle Ryan and Aunt Abbi’s wedding.” Jace grinned picking him back up and spinning him back up into the air.

“Wee!” He squealed. “Wook Uncle Wyan! I’m an Airpwane!”

“I see that!” Ryan said coming into the room as he fidgeted with his tie. “I hate ties.”

“Oh come on man you can’t be going drama queen on us this quickly.” Mark laughed from the other side of the room as Sebastian giggled.

“What’s so funny?” Ryan reached down and started tickling Sebastian.

“Uncle Mawk said you was a dwama queen!” Sebastian choked out between laughs.

“Well Uncle Mark is gonna get it l
ater. What do you say we double team him?” Ryan held his fist out as Sebastian bumped it with his own.

“Ok!” Sebastian eyed suspiciously over to Mark.

They’d spent the better part of the morning carrying barrels, lanterns, and chairs out to the beach in front of the house. Ryan had been stressed all morning as they set up the wedding. As many battles and he and Jace had gone into together, not one had ever made him as nervous as he was now. After they’d finished setting the beach up, showered, and dressed, they’d enjoyed a beer in the kitchen in honor of the big day. Now the waiting game had begun as they waited for the girls to finish getting dressed to give them the green light.

“Any word from my future wife? She didn’t get cold feet did she?” Ryan looked over at Jace.

“No word. I am sure with all of those buttons and ties on that dress it’s gonna be a while before she’s ready.” Jace answered.

Mark coughed out, “Drama. Queen.” As Sebastian covered his mouth and pointed.

“I heawd that!” Sebastian giggled.

“Hey, Little Man. Why don’t you go check on your mommy and see what they are doing.” Jace knelt down to Sebastian.

“Ok, Daddy.” He smiled before he took off down the hallway towards the back room making airplane sounds the whole way.

“Never thought I’d see the day man
. Never once did I think I’d see the day that you’d be a dad.” Ryan came over slapping his shoulder.

“You just wait until your little bundle
of joy comes out.” Jace smirked.

“Yeah. I wish I could keep her in there until she’s eighteen. At least you got a boy, who happens to be potty trained already.” Ryan laughed.

“Yeah what can I say, Alexis gave us an amazing gift.” Jace smiled.

“That she did man.”

“Ok, everything is ready downstairs. Where the hell are the girls at?” William came in through the sliding glass door from the balcony.

“We just sent Sebastian on a mission to find them.” Jace answered.

“Well that should only take an hour or so with his attention span.” William joked. “You ready, Son?” he came over propping his hand on Ryan’s shoulder.

“Never been more ready
for anything, Pops.” Ryan answered. “I just hope I don’t fall on my face.” He said in his best impression of a woman’s voice as he eyed Mark.

“I am proud of you, Son. You know your mom and I love Abbi already and I am proud that you let someone in and found the one.” William choked slightly as he embraced Ryan. “Jace, Son. I am proud of you too. You know Jane
t and I think of you as our own. I am proud of you for stepping up and taking on the responsibility of giving that sweet boy a home.” William came over taking Jace into a tight embrace.

“Thank you, Mr. Dixon. That means a lot.” Jace hugged him back.

“Alright, let’s get this started before we all turn into pussies.” Mark hopped up off the couch.

“Oh come here, Mark.” Jace motioned his arms into a hug. “I know you need one too.”

“Hell no. Stay away from me.” He laughed as he hopped over the table away from Jace leaving Aaron and Gabe in Jace’s path.

“Aaron? Gabe?” Jace asked towards them with his arms open.

“Naw, I’m good man.” Aaron laughed.

“I’ll take a hug, just be easy on me. I really will cry if you hug me too hard.” Mason laughed as he straightened his tie.

“Ok boys! Outside!” Janet called from the back room. “William! Get back here!”

, I have been summoned. Good luck boys.” William took off down the hallway.

“Alright, Men. We have been through many wars, battles, and fights together. I want you all to know that there isn’t a better group of guys I’d want standing next to me today.” Ryan said to the group standing around him. “I want to say thank you for everything. We have been through a lot. I am glad I
’ve got you guys.”

As they lined up to head out the door Mark called out from the back. “Alright, Pussies. Let’s make this shit look good. No crying!”

Jace tried to contain his laughter as he followed Ryan down the stairs towards the altar.

chapter nineteen

“Mommy! Where awe you?” Judy heard Sebastian call from outside the door.

. Judy could never tire of hearing that from the lips of that precious little boy. Every fiber of her being felt that it was now her responsibility to carry on that role in his life in honor of Alexis.

“I’m in here, Sweetheart.” Judy called out.

She watched as his face lit up as he came running into the room. “Mommy!” He ran into her arms as he looked over to Abbi. “Aunt Abbi, you wook weally pwetty. Are you marwying Uncle Wyan?”

“Yes sir I am.” Abbi smiled over to him as Bridgette pulled the lace of the corset back wedding gown tighter. “Good grief I am not going to be able to move in this thing. I knew I shouldn’t have waited this long.”

“It’s ok. We got this girl. You are going to look hot!” Bridgette blew the stray hair from her face as she tied off the laces and tucked them down into the lace skirt of the dress.

“Poor Liv
ie is gonna be squished in there.” Abbi laughed.

“Aunt Abbi you have a pewson inside you?” Sebastian looked over at her confused.

“Too soon.” Judy laughed over towards Abbi. “Yes Baby, Aunt Abbi has a baby inside her tummy.”

“How d
happen?” Sebastian looked over at her with a shocked look.

“Oh, Honey we will talk about that later.” Judy smiled at him.

“Ok girls how do I look?” Janet said coming out from the bathroom.

It had taken her months and one last trip with Judy to the store to find her dress. For an older woman she had a rocking body and Judy was happy that she’d let her talk her into a more modern dress. The coral one shoulder dress flowed down to the ground in flowing chiffon. It was very modern and more than fitting for a beach wedding. She insisted that Abbi have her own friends in the wedding instead of her being the Matron of Honor
but Abbi had won that battle; mostly because she didn’t have many friends.

BOOK: Cherish Me (The Protected Love Series)
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