Cherish Me (The Protected Love Series) (17 page)

BOOK: Cherish Me (The Protected Love Series)
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“So what do we need to know?” Judy whispered.

“Ryan and Mason were going to meet with a client about an ongoing security detail when an armed man approached the vehicle at a red light and Mason was shot.” Aaron told them as if he believed it himself.

“Ok.” Abbi said looking down at her hands.

“Listen, I don’t want this shit over your heads. I am sure that Ryan will take care of the police and he will talk to Mason once he comes to. But just in case…” Aaron looked at them apologetically.

They sat in silence for a moment. Judy
knew that neither Abbi nor her wanted the guys to get in trouble so this would be there little secret. Just as she sat back into her chair she saw the door to the waiting room fly open and Jace came through the door. She jumped up as his eyes searched the room until falling on her. Her heart clenched as she took off running towards him jumping up into his arms as his arms wrapped tightly around her waist.

“Oh, Babe you’re finally here. Are you ok?” She sat back in his arms.

“I am fine, Baby. I am so sorry you had to go through that.” She watched as a smile crept across his face.

“What are you smiling about?” She grinned back at him.

“I have someone I want you to meet.” He spoke softly as he set her back down onto the ground.

Chapter seventeen

“You gotta be shitting me.” Mark’s voice was exasperated. “You kept a fucking kid in this shit Williams?” He paced back and forth across the room; Jace could see the irritation growing back through his eyes.

, get over here and get him.” Jace untied the belt from the bed leaving Trent’s hands bound together and handed it over to Antonio.

“Please, Jace. Please don’t let them take me.” Trent pleaded.

“It’s out of my control now. You made your bed, now it’s time to sleep in it.” Jace let out a breath. “What are you going to do with the girl?”

“Take her back to the boss.” Antonio answered.

“I will give you each fifty thousand if you take her safely and drop her off at the rehab center downtown.” Jace looked over at the three gang members. The dim light flickered through their stunned eyes.

“Deal, Ese. We can work out the details later.” Antonio reached out and shook his hand.

“Get them out of here. Now.” Jace snapped. “Mark, call Lucas and tell him to get here with a car. Tell him to be inconspicuous.”

“Ten four, Boss man.” Mark pulled his cell out and walked from the room.

Jace took a deep breath as he looked around the dimly lit room. A small battery powered lantern sat on the make shift end table. It was dirty and the smell of mold seeped from the walls. How could anyone keep a kid in this environment? No electricity, no running water. The place was a shit hole. No wonder Alexis wanted to get her child away from here. Quietly Jace made his way to the bedroom door just outside of the room. Another lantern flickered in the corner of the room casting light across the sparse room. A few tattered toys lay scattered across the floor.

He made his way past the pallet of blankets on the floor. Slowly he made his way over to the closet. He wasn’t sure
what to expect as he slowly slid the door to the closet open. From the corner of the closet a pair of scared green eyes stared up at him. He sat down on the ground crossing his legs in front of him.

, Sebastian.” He said trying to calm the little boys fear.

“Hi.” Sebastian whispered.

“Are you ok?” Jace asked him.

“Are you gonna hurt me?” The fear in those green eyes cut down to his core.

“I promise you I will never hurt you. I am here to help. I need to know if you’re ok though.”

“Daddy hurt me.” Sebastian shivered.

“I promise you he won’t hurt you again.” Jace placed his hand on Sebastian’s. “Do you want to come out of there?” His voice was soft as he tried coaxing the little boy from the closet.

“Ok.” Sebastian took Jace’s hand and walked out into the room.

Jace took a moment to look him up and down. His caramel skin and vibrant green eyes reflected Alexis. His hair was short but you could still see the curls.

“Are you ok Sebastian? I need to know if you’re hurt right now.” Jace knelt down in front of him.

“I’m ok. Daddy panked me. He yelled at me so I hide in the cowoset.” Jace smiled as the little boy tried to explain.

“How old are you Sebastian?” Jace asked.

“I’m free. Awmost fouwa.”

“Are you hungry? What do you say we get you a cheeseburger?” Jace stood reaching out his hand. He could see the resistance in Sebastian’s eyes at first but after a few seconds he felt the little boy’s hand wrap into his.

As they made it to the door he could see the fear grow into Sebastian’s eyes. Reaching down he scooped him up into his arms and headed away from the dirty apartment. As they made their way down to the empty courtyard Jace could feel Sebastian relax in his arms. His small arms wrapped around Jace’s neck as he carried him farther away from the life he’d never have to live again.

Mark was waiting for them out by the tree line near the road. “Hey little guy. How’s it going?” Mark spit the long piece of grass from his mouth as he came up to Jace and Sebastian.

“Hi.” Sebastian said sheepishly as he hid his head in Jace’s neck.

“Five minutes and the kid loves you already.” Mark smiled. “Hey little man, I got something I bet you’d like.” Mark reached into his pocket and removed his phone. Swiping the screen he tapped an icon pulling up a game.

Sebastian’s head lifted up in interest as he peered over at Mark’s phone. “Was dat?”

“Ahh, this is the best game on Earth. It’s called Candy Crush. You wanna play?”

“Ok.” Sebastian answered with a shrug.

“Here he is.” Jace nodded toward the black SUV coming down the road toward them. He watched as the running lights flashed and the SUV came up in front of them. They walked from the darkness of the trees and hoped in. “Thanks for getting us man.”

“No worries man. Who you got here?” Lucas said nodding towards Sebastian.

“Long story. I will explain on the way to the hospital. Drive slow. I don’t have a seat for him.” Jace answered
as he placed Sebastian on the seat between Mark and him and buckled the seat belt around his small frame.

Jace watched as Mark explained the game to him. The same green eyes as Lexi’s looked up at him and smiled for the first time. Jace wasn’t sure what would happen next but he was sure what he wanted to happen. As soon as he could he would be contacting child protective services and seeing what the process would be.


Jace’s hand squeezed Judy’s as they walked down the hallway toward the small cafeteria. Her heart fluttered as they approached the swinging doors. As a patron walked out she peered in catching a glimpse of Mark at one of the tables. She had no idea who would be sitting behind the door. Anxiously she pushed the door open and stepped inside making it almost a few steps before she froze. She didn’t have to see his face to know who he was. His bronzed caramel skin and short curly hair resembled Alexi
s. Everything had been for this; it had all been worth it for this very moment.

She looked up at Jace grinning as she tried to fight the tears threatening to fall. S
he took a few more steps toward the table as Mark looked up at her smiling as she looked over and took in the playful grin of the little boy. His green eyes reached deep into her soul. He was beautiful. A shy smile spread across his face as she walked the rest of the way to them and took the seat just next to him. For a moment she sat in awe as the little boy stared back at her. He looked so much like Lexi.

“Hi. I’m Judy.”
She smiled at him.

“I know.” He smiled
back at her as he took a sip of his juice.

“You do?”
She looked up at Jace who shrugged.

“Yep. My mommy t
old me who you was. You was in her picture.” He said.

“Well that was nice of her to show you my picture. What’s your name?” Judy asked.

“Bastian.” He giggled. “Have you pwayed Candy Cwush? It’s the best game in Amewica. I can show you how.”

Judy laughed as Mark patted Sebastian on the back. “Got you hooked already little man.”

Judy watched in amazement at every move that Sebastian made. She could see Lexi in every move and every smile. She couldn’t help but fall in love with him with every misspoken word and giggle from his mouth. She sat smiling as he explained how to play the game to her. Abbi came through the door with Ryan smiling.

“Judy, Mason is awake.” Abbi called out, her smile growing larger
as her eyes settled on the little boy at Judy’s side.

bastian, I will be right back ok?” Judy said to him.

“You pwomise?
” He looked up at her.

“I promise.” She hugged him before making her way toward the door.

“You good here Mark?” Jace asked following her.

“You betch
a. Ok let me show you how to drive people crazy with requests.” Mark gave Jace a thumbs up as he scooted his chair closer to Sebastian.

As they made their way into Mason’s room Judy’s breath caught
in her throat. Mason was lying on the bed with most of his torso wrapped up; the faint red where blood had seeped showed the layers of bandages. She quietly made her way over to his bed and took his hand in hers. His eyes flickered open as she took the seat next to his bed.

, sis.” His voice was raspy. “It looks worse than it feels I promise.” He gave her a weak smile.

“I am just glad that you’re ok Mase.” She smiled as she kissed the back of his hand.

“How are you feeling, Brother?” Ryan asked from the other side of the bed. “Gave us a hell of a scare.”

“I feel great.
Especially when I push this little red button here.” He smiled drunkenly over at them. The medication was obviously doing the trick.

“It only works e
very 15 minutes Mason.” An auburn haired nurse came walking through the door smiling at him.

“Well hello again
, Beautiful.” Mason smiled up at her.

“Mason!” Judy laughed as she slapped his arm. “That’s your nurse!”

“I know, ain’t she hot.” He smiled up at her. “And don’t hit me. I am wounded.” He cut his eyes towards Judy.

“Oh no worries ma’am. I can’t say I get it all the time, but it’s amazing how the narcotics obscure their vision.” She winked over at Judy.
“My name is Melissa Weeks. I will be Mason’s nurse tonight.” She reached her hand out toward Judy.

Judy shook her hand as she looked up into the warm eyes of the nurse. She knew Mason would be in good hands and well taken care of. At least that was one thing off of her plate but she still had no idea what to do about Sebastian who was waiting for her in the café. She didn’t know what they had to do but there was no doubt in her mind that she wasn’t letting him go.

“Mason do you need anything dear?” The nurse said checking his vitals.

“Just a forever with your beautiful face.” A cheesy smile spread across his face.

“You’re impossible. Has it been twenty minutes yet? I am about to hit that button and put you back to sleep.” Judy laughed.

“Ok, I will be back in a bit to check on you.” The nurse smiled as she marked notes on his chart and walked out the door.

“Isn’t she great?” Mason smiled over at Judy. “She’s gonna be your sister-in-law someday.”

“Ok sure, Mason.” Judy giggled.

“So did they catch the bad guy?” Mason looked up at Jace.

“Yep, he has been taken care of.” Jace patted his leg. “No need to worry about that anymore.”

“What about Ashley?” Mason stuttered as his eyes got heavy.

“Ashley?” Judy looked up at Jace.

“We will talk at the house.” Jace whispered towards her before speaking again to the room, “I think Mason needs to get some rest and I am sure that he will be plenty fine if we leave him with the nurse.”

Judy looked back over at Mason who was now snoring loudly from the last shot of morphine. She smiled knowing that her brother was going to be ok. A warm feeling spread through her body as the realization that the threats were now behind them. They could all finally start living a life and not worry about looking over their shoulder everywhere they went.

Her new focus was on those green eyes down the hall and making sure that he never questioned how much he was loved and how much his mother cared for him. As they left Mason’s room, Jace found the nurse and left their contact information with her. Reaching for his phone he read the text message from Mark saying he and Sebastian were going to be in the surgical waiting room across the hall.

As Judy
made her way into the waiting room she smiled; Mark was lightly snoring on the couch in the corner of the room with Sebastian’s small frame laying on top of him sound asleep. Gently, Jace reached down and picked Sebastian up as Mark’s eyes blinked open taking in who was in front of him.

t shoot. It’s me.” Jace joked to Mark as Sebastian curled his arms around Jace’s neck.

BOOK: Cherish Me (The Protected Love Series)
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