Chocolate Temptation (6 page)

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Authors: a.c. Mason

BOOK: Chocolate Temptation
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No more. She couldn’t do this. Too much death and pain surrounded her.



Chapter 8


Cathen pulled back with the pistol in hand. “
I’m all right, coquette.

Ugo reared and brought his hooves down on the man’s head again. A bird outside alerted Cathen to another man with a weapon outside.

He handed Alexia the gun. “If he moves shoot him.” Though he was sure the man had expired, he needed to put any fears she might have to rest about him stepping outside the barn.

Making short work of removing his clothing, he maneuvered around Ugo. As he picked up his pace, light burst from his body, lifting him from the ground. Hair covered his flesh as his limbs morphed from two legs into four paws, sprinting in wolf-spirit form. These men dared to threaten his mate’s life. He’d kill them–all of them. He snuck around the building to grab the intruder by surprise.

Another male Shunu approached the Gestapo, growling, and the human backed away. How was it that the animals had not sensed the other Shunu outside?

Who are you?
” Cathen questioned the male. For all he knew he was the creature who had given his blood to transform Alexia. He could be working for the Gestapo.

I am Varor Ulfr. My sister, Tyra, and I aren’t your enemy,
” the other male Shunu responded.

The completely white furred Shunu carried an ancient name of the Norse, “guardian of the wolf” That didn’t mean Cathen trusted him.

I shall be the judge of that,
” Cathen said.

Varor lunged at the man. The soldier pointed his gun at Varor and Cathen bit down on the arm, forcing him to release the weapon. Varor leapt on the Gestapo’s chest, shoved him to the ground and tore open his jugular. Blood sprayed in the snow and on Varor’s fur, making him appear more wild than tamed.

The tension inside Cathen did not lesson. If anything, having another male of his kind would increase his anxiety toward his unsealed bond with his mate.

Tyra and I welcome you both to spend the night at our home, and to rest up for your journey.
” With his snout, he gestured to the small farmhouse. “
However, I don’t suggest you linger too long as more will come looking for the ones who don’t report back in

Cathen bit his tongue. “
Thank you
We need to continue south, then west.
” Not a single part of him trusted either of these two, so he lied. Why hadn’t the animals warned him of the other Shunu outside? Something didn’t add up.

Varor nodded. “
So we may dispose of the bodies, Tyra can see your mate into the house

,” Cathen snapped. “
Thank you, but I must see her into the house.

I understand. Tyra tells me you are marked but you’ve yet to complete the union. The first room in the hall to the right shall be for you both with its own bathroom
.” Varor bit into the dead man’s collar and dragged the lifeless body away.

Beneath where the body had rested, Cathen covered the bloody snow. The sister had powerful abilities, and so did Varor. What were their other gifts? How had Varor managed to remain hidden from the animals?

They mean us no harm
.” Alexia’s voice sounded in his mind.

There was no talking him into trusting them, even if she was an empath. Since she’d already broken her word to him, he wasn’t inclined to trust her, either. “
That may very well be, but you are my responsibility
.” He entered the barn. She sat shivering with the pistol pointed at the lifeless body. She was physically shutting down from the trauma.

He sensed his words had angered her. Tension tightened his insides with the weight of the need he felt for her. “
,” he demanded and turned from her.

A few steps behind, she followed him into the house. No sign of Varor’s sister. Once Alexia entered the room, he turned from her.

I shouldn’t be long,
” he said. “
Lock the door and
do not open for anyone other than me.

She saluted him. “Yes, sir.”

Pain struck him in the heart at her actions. Every moment that passed between them, she hated him further. He did not know how to mend the gap widening between them. She was his world. Without her, he would be a hollow creature.

* * * *

Cathen held the doorknob in his hand to the bedroom’s bathroom. Alexia had locked the door and gone into the shower, forcing him to wait until she was done to enter. He wouldn’t have it. Varor unlocked the room with a spare skeleton key, giving him one more reason to worry about their hosts.

At this very moment, he feared for the emotional state of his mate. Alexia cried, huddled in the base of the shower just beyond. He was losing her. She went in circles, contemplating if there were ways she could end the danger she put the pack in without giving the Nazis access to her blood.

There was but one way for that to be possible. The mere thought of her burning alive tore his heart into tiny pieces. No one should suffer such a horrible death.

He turned the handle, breaking the locking mechanism, entered, then closed the door behind him.

Alexia stood and clutched the curtain. “What are you doing in here?” With puffy eyes, she peered out from the other side of the shower curtain.

To calm her, he’d steal, beg and lie. “You know the answer to that question.”

“I won’t. I refuse you.” She backed away, clutching the material, fear plain in her face.

Pain rippled through his chest from her words. “You cannot.” Verbally she could say what she wanted, but her body would not be able to reject him. He wouldn’t put her through a forced sealing of their bond. No love could come of such a betrayal. He removed the trench coat Varor had provided him.

“I already have,” she said.

“I know that you are hurting and I am sorry for your pain. Lashing out at me will not bring him back. Nor will it fill the pit of emptiness you feel. I can.” He pushed aside the barrier. “But you won’t let me, so I will make you a deal.”

She covered her breasts with her forearm and the triangle of curls between her legs using her hand. Every part of him ached to touch and know her. As if her hiding could erase the imprint of every inch of her curves from his mind.

“For you to make an informed decision you must know what is at stake. And if I were not in danger of losing you and myself, I would never allow you to know this...” He grabbed her hand, pressed her palm to his chest and closed his eyes. The scar tingled beneath her fingers.

She retreated.

He held her wrist to prevent her from pulling free. With a deep breath, he opened himself to her, releasing the floodgates of the agony he contained.

She screamed and collapsed to her knees. “Please…enough. Stop.” Blood streamed from the inner corners of her eyes.

He kneeled and cradled her in his arms. “I’m sorry.” It wasn’t as if he wanted her to know the burden he felt at her refusal, but how else would she know the danger he could pose? Nor did he want her to agree to be his mate out of pity or guilt for what he suffered.

“What is this deal you offer me?” she asked, yanking back from him.

“Your freedom. I will release you from our bond if you help me return to the pack and we get them out of Europe.”

“You’d release me?” She narrowed her eyes, examining him with mistrust.

“Yes.” Did it matter that the only way he could do that was to take his own life? For him to die a dishonorable death by leaving the pack without a leader to take over would damn his soul to the underworld. She was his mate and he would give her anything she needed for her happiness. He would take his own life for her.

“And what am I to do to get you back to the pack?” she asked.

“Allow me enough of you physically to keep me from being swallowed by the hunger growing inside me. I promise to take the least I can from each exchange to tide me over.”

She lowered her head.

“I won’t touch you again that way unless you consent.” He reached for her face.

She jerked back.

“Alexia, I give you my word.” His actions had already cost him her heart. He would not risk her safety or life. Nor either of them feeling further ashamed at his careless actions with her the first night.

The water splashed over her skin, running down her curves. He was filled with an insatiable desire and hated he could not control what was going on inside him. Like an animal with rabies, he’d need to be put down if she did not come to accept him as her mate. There was no other way he could agree to take her. It was completely, body, mind and soul, or he’d free them both. And he had to make sure the pack did not come to realize what he was planning or they would try to pressure them both into sealing their bond.



Chapter 9


Alexia squeezed her eyes shut, trying to purge the red haze of pain swirling her mind into despair. No matter how she wished to forget this was what her rejection did to Cathen, she couldn’t absolve herself of feelings of guilt.

“Alexia, please. I’m begging you.” Cathen’s voice was raw with pain. As Alpha of the pack, he’d need to see to their safe escape.

She turned from him, not sure how she’d live with herself for enjoying his touch. “I consent.” Tears mixed with blood, tingeing her vision with a rosy color. If only this were seeing the world through rose-colored glasses. The world had gone mad and she was on a descent into hell. A decadent, hedonistic journey of pleasure. Cathen knew his way around a woman’s body. That she couldn’t deny.

He swooped her into his arms. “I’m sorry that it must be this way for you,
.” His words were sincere. The warmth of his cheek pressed to the side of her face, and he released her legs.

As his hands moved over her, she trembled. She grabbed hold of his forearms. “I have one condition. You mustn’t enter my mind during.”

“I know you don’t want me, and I will understand if you need to close your eyes and imagine him touching you to get through this. You have no need to hide this from me. I will not judge you or hold this against you.”

“Cathen, please do this for me.” If only that were what she feared would happen in her mind. “It is I who is now pleading with you.”

“As you wish.” He exhaled deeply.

The heaviness of his thoughts withdrew from her psyche. Lost in the sea of her own mind, she relaxed into his muscular form. It was him knowing the pleasure she took in being touched by him she feared. He wouldn’t understand this. Nor her resistance to him when she enjoyed him.

“Begin…” She relinquished herself to his touch.

Cathen caressed her neck with his lips, his kisses moving over her skin like a gentle summer breeze. He slid his hand over her breast, coaxing her nipple to a peak. Each breath in and out grew deeper. She gasped.

He grew stiff against her bottom, groaned and held her to him tighter. Heat swirled inside her. Water rushed over her body as he ducked beneath the stream from the showerhead with her and ground his need against her. She placed her palms flat on the tile in front of her. This was madness. She shivered and forced her eyelids closed. He covered her hands with his own larger ones and slid them above her head. His breathing deepened, the gruffness of his groan echoed in the small space. The scent of him engulfed her in all that was him. Warm, tender and loving, he cocooned her with his strong muscular frame.

“I won’t enter you,
.” He slipped his cock between her thighs and pumped.

Doing so would seal his hold on her. Even she understood that.

The shaft of his cock teased her labia.

“I promise.” His cheek pressed to hers tenderly.

She shivered in delight.

How he’d manage to withhold once her body prepared for him, she didn’t comprehend. The silky flesh of his penis rubbed her wet folds. Slick moisture rushed between her thighs. Her heart ached at the way her body responded to his touch. He glided between her inner lips and the head pushed to her nub. Back and forth, he teased her soaked crease. The opening to her grew wetter, and she wanted to feel him inside her. She gritted her teeth for desiring such a thing. Despite not wanting to enjoy him, she took great pleasure from him.

“Cathen.” She moaned. Waves of hunger crashed through her. She rocked to the motion of his rhythm to feel the satiny touch of his penis.

As his fingers slid past her curls, he pumped faster and circled her clit.

Fire ravaged her. She cried out shamelessly, surrendering to the sensations he invoked in her. “Please…Cathen.” The madness needed to end.

.” He pressed his lips to her ear. “Soon.” With quickened thrusts, he hurried his movements. “We are almost there.”

She squeezed her thighs to help draw his release.

Her inner legs quivered, but she was supported by his strong forearm, and succumbed to the delight, gushing her climax on his stroking length and fingers. The throbbing of her pulsating clit thumped in rhythm to his cock. He wrapped his other arm around her torso and jerked against her with a growl, which moved through her. He brought his fingers from between her folds to his mouth.

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