Choices (12 page)

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Authors: Annie Brewer

BOOK: Choices
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Chapter 22

“Ready?” Meg asks walking to the door.

“I think. I mean, I am. I am ready.” Why was I getting so nervous?
Be cool, Gracie.
I smooth my dress again for the millionth time.

“Now we can just go down there like normal girls or you can make a dramatic Cinderella entrance and glide down the stairs.” I give her a comical look, pointing to my belly. “Oh right, you can’t do that. Well, I can do it for you.”

“I think I’ll just walk down the stairs like a normal person. And hope I don’t trip in the process.” Meg laughs at that.

“Suit yourself.” As we enter the hall outside of my bedroom door, I hear his voice. It sends butterflies soaring through my body. Good God, just his voice has a crazy effect on me. I take a deep breath.

“I’ll go get her. She should be ready to.” I hear my mom tell him.

“I’m here.” I announce from the top of the stairs. I slowly take each step carefully, concentrating on not
tripping over my dress and falling on my face. Talk about a dramatic entrance, I’m sure Meg would appreciate that.

I look over to my right below and see Carter staring at me in awe. He’s wearing a blue and white striped polo shirt and khaki pants with black dress shoes. My breath hitches in my throat at the sight of him. His blue eyes gleam as he stares me up and down as I descend the stairs, with a slight smile on his beautiful face. I become aware that the room is silent as I hit the
last step. I keep a firm grip on the banister once Carter is in front of me. At that moment, I feel like Cinderella at the ball-meeting her prince.

It occurs to me Carter looks nervous. He clears his throat and reaches for my hand, helping me step down to the tile in our hallway by the front door.

“You look. Wow.” He finally says. I smile shyly.

“You too.” I reply.

“Awe, you both look amazing.” My mother chimes in, hands clasped in front of her face as if preparing for a cheer. My face heats up in embarrassment, hoping my mother doesn’t humiliate me.

“Oh you look beautiful Gracie.” I hear Tyler’s voice from the top of the stairs. I look up and smile at him; unable to speak-afraid my voice will crack. I am feeling so overwhelmed
by everything.

“Can I get a picture of you two?”

“Mom, we’re not going to prom. It’s just a date. No one takes pictures.”

“Oh come on, this is your first date in a long time. I want to remember it. I mean, I want you to remember it.” She amends. I laugh and turn to Carter for help.

“It’s cool with me. Hey can I get a copy of that Mrs. Jordan?”

“Certainly. And please call me Mary. Come here Tyler, come meet someone.” He comes down the stairs and stands beside me looking at Carter.

“This is Carter. Can you say hi? Carter this is my little brother Tyler.” Carter bends down to his level and holds his hand out.

“It’s nice to meet you Tyler. I’m Carter.” Tyler shakes his hand, smiling approvingly.

“Do you play Xbox?” Tyler asks.

“Do I? Well, I’ve mastered every Zelda and Donkey Kong game there is.” We all laugh.

“Okay, well we’re off now.”

“Wait, I forgot my picture. I was so busy talking, silly me. Come on now, get closer.” I give my mother the death glare, but scoot a little closer to Carter’s side. He puts his arm around me, placing his hand on my back just between my shoulder blades. Since there is only skin and no clothing, the contact
sets my body off into flames. I try to stay still and will the sweat between my breasts away. Is it hot in here? I wipe my forehead, not wanting to be too obvious but the outside night air would be really good right about now.

“One more.” My mother beams, oblivious to my discomfort. Carter angles his body towards mine but frowns when he notices my expression.

“Are you okay?” He asks in a low tone for only me to hear.

“It’s really hot in here. I need some air.”

“Yes, it is hot in here.” He winks at me. I glare at him when he gives me a “what did I do?” look. I smile once more for the camera.

“Perfect. These are just wonderful. I can’t wait to show them to your father. He should be here any moment.” I move my lips around to stop the tingling numb feeling from my face. Seriously one more picture and I’m going to go mad.

“Okay, well we’re off now.”

“You said that the last time and look you’re still here.” Meg retorts.

“And this time I mean it. Don’t you have somewhere else to be?” I say as I grab my purse and my black sweater jacket.

“Hey, I’m not missing my best friend’s first date.” She wraps me in a hug and whispers in my ear, “Enjoy yourself Gracie. You deserve this.” I pull back to look into her sincere face and smile.

“Thanks Meg.”

“Go get you some Carter action and report back to me.” I shove her in the shoulder giggling. I know it would never go that far but I find it funny anyway.

“Honey, I want you to have a good night. Relax and forget all your troubles for one night.” As if I could forget my troubles. Putting them aside, maybe but forgetting them? It’s not likely.  My dad walks in right as we’re finally leaving.

“Daddy, you’re just in time.”

“What are we, having a party up in here?” He hugs me then steps back to give me a once over.

“I think you’re a little too dressed up darlin’.”

“Dad, this is Carter.” He looks at Carter and reaches out his hand. “He’s taking me out tonight.”

“My little girl is going out on a date? Well, I’ll be damned. It’s about time you get out and enjoy life.
” Carter shakes his hand.

“It’s nice to meet you Mr. Jordan.”

“Carter, we’re on a first name basis in this household. Call him Allen.” My mom smiles.

“I’ll remember that. Thank you. And don’t worry; I’ll bring your daughter home at a decent hour.”

“Oh no worries Carter, keep her out as long as you like. She doesn’t get out enough. We trust her.” Wow, I’ve never heard him say that before. He must be drunk or on happy pills, which is crazy because he does neither. It is Saturday night and I normally stay out late when I’m at Meg’s house.

“Okay thanks dad. We’re leaving now.” I steer Carter away, or at least try to. We don’t get far when Tyler claims our attention. “Hey maybe soon you can come over and we can play some Xbox.” Carter musses my brothers hair, smiling.

“I’d like that little buddy.” He gives Carter a hug and I can’t help but watch in awe. My brother was never that friendly with Nick. Or maybe Nick was just not as easy going with Tyler. But still, it gave me a sense of comfort to know that Carter’s actions were sincere when it came to my brother. I give him a bear hug as we make our way out the door. Finally, I get some fresh air. And freedom.

I wave to everyone, reaching for the door handle but Carter is quicker than me, shaking his head. “Nu uh. I will open the door for you.” I raise my eyebrows in surprise, but say nothing. Carter is a real gentleman.

“Good to know chivalry isn’t dead.” I smile at him as I pull myself up into his truck. “Thank you Carter.” He smiles his glorious smile, which sets off the butterflies in my belly-or was that starvation? His truck is very clean-like squeaky clean. It looks like it had just been through a wash and vacuum before he came over.

“Hey did you just clean your truck out?” I ask as he hops into his seat. I’d only been in it once but I could tell this wasn’t how it always looks. Or maybe it is. I could be wrong.

“Uh, yeah. I had it vacuumed and washed today.” I smile in approval and relax against the seat. “Do you like it?” He asks, looking hopeful.

“Yes, it’s very clean and nice.”

“Good. Glad you approve.”

“I’m sorry about my family. They can be a bit much sometimes.”

“No, don’t worry. They were just fine. They seem like a great bunch.” I cross my legs feeling slightly exposed. I absentmindedly rub my left leg-it was smooth but I feel a few hairs rising to the surface through my dress and I just shaved. What the hell.

“Are you cold?” He asks, noticing me fidget

I shake my head.
“No, I’m okay. Thanks.”

“I’m sorry; did you want to listen to music?” He asks reaching for the stereo.

“No, it’s okay. I don’t mind talking.” He grips the steering wheel with his left hand while his right hand sits loosely in his lap. I memorize the shape and length of his fingers, wondering what they’d feel like on my skin. But then I remember for a brief moment they were on my back earlier. I guess I didn’t get enough of it then.

“You look beautiful tonight.” Startled, I glance up at his face-blushing.

“Thank you. You look hot yourself.” I flinch at my own boldness. But Carter just laughs.

“Thank you. I’m glad you approve.” He grins, and then winks at me.

“My brother seems to take to you pretty well, which is unusual for him.”

“I have that effect on kids.” He says proudly, it’s fairly obvious. Nick only played ball with him a handful of times but he wasn’t as easygoing or playful the way Carter seems to be.

“It shows. Thanks for paying attention to him. My ex didn’t have nearly the effect on him. I mean he liked my brother okay but didn’t pay much attention to him.”

“He probably doesn’t have any younger siblings. I have older sisters in which one has children and I’m very close with them, especially my niece Maddie.” He runs his hand through his dark hair-which I find to be pretty sexy and I can’t stop staring. I finally peel my eyes away from him long enough to glance out my window, unsure of our location. It looks more country than suburban.

“Where are we going?” I ask curious. He glances at me, his expression is unreadable.

“Oh I thought we’d. I thought I’d just drop you off in some field in the boonies and watch you try to find your way home.” I raise my eyebrows in shock and look to my right where there’s a field and a wooded area, which looks really creepy. I shift my gaze back to Carter who seems amused.

“Do you always try to freak your dates out? And by the way, that place looks creepy. You’d have to pry me off this seat to get me out there.”
He starts laughing and I punch him in the arm which makes him laugh harder. “You’re so cruel.” I stick my tongue out at him.

“And you’re so naïve, b
y the way, who taught you how to punch?” Not sure if it’s an insult or compliment, I clench my fist in my lap. I do have a good punch but I didn’t use any force on him and he’s lucky. Now if he cares to test me, I’ll gladly challenge him. He smirks at me. “Do you bowl?” I’m momentarily confused by his question but nod anyway. “Good, because that’s what we’re going to do first. I’m quite the pro, not to toot my own horn, but I kick ass.”

“Toot too
t.” I say sarcastically, I actually love bowling. My family use to bowl on leagues. I learned a lot about the game from my Aunt Linda who would cream all of my family members. I just have a problem with bowling tonight. “So, maybe back at my house would have been a good time to tell me about bowling. How do I bowl in this?” I ask pointing to my dress. He looks down at me and grins.

“Well, hmm I guess you just bowl granny style.”

“Not to sound conceited, but I’m really good at this game.”

“Oh is that a challenge?” He asks.

“Oh it is.” I reply.

“I like a little competition.” We’ll see.

Chapter 23

We pull into the busy parking lot of the bowling alley. From the outside, it looks like an old abandoned building-plain white with a blue roof and a red and blue sign that reads: Pins –N- Strikes. It fits. We get out and walk inside. When we step through the doors, I’m drafted by a gust of air that hits me in the face. But then I see a fan blowing to my right on full speed. I guess with a lot of people, it can get stuffy. Smart, I think to myself. It’s about half the size of a Main Event but very inviting. The tile is smooth and pretty clean. The lights are a retro-y disco thing going on, and the colors glow giving a school dance feeling.

“Hey, if you want to go pick out a ball I will get the shoes. What size are you?” A feeling of giddiness makes me jumpy and antsy and I shift from my left foot to my right foot.

“I’m an 8.” I tell him.

“You need to go to the ladies room? It’s over there.” He says pointing to the bathrooms.

“No, I’m just excited to be here. I love bowling. But I really should have changed. I feel overdressed.”

“Nah, you’re fine, though you may have an advantage tonight.” I lean a little closer to him and whisper, “Oh yeah? And why is that?”

“Because you’re going to be a huge distraction look
ing like that. I’ll have to shoo the guys away that gawk at you all night. It could throw me off my game.” I laugh.

“What are you afraid of losing to a girl?” He raises his brows in amusement.

“Just quit doing the “I’ve got to pee dance” and go find your balls.” I playfully shove him and walk off, not daring to look back in case he’s watching me. I’d probably get all embarrassed and trip or something as equally humiliating.
Okay, don’t embarrass mama tonight. Please.
I whisper to my baby.

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