Choices (9 page)

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Authors: Annie Brewer

BOOK: Choices
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“What do you want to teach?” I ask taking a sip of my boring water. It’s almost gone so I stick my hand in the glass and grab a piece of ice to eat.

“Science. Do you want more water?” My face flushes and I fidget with my glass some more in hopes that he doesn’t notice my apple red face. I shake my head no and keep eating the ice.

“That is awesome.” I say looking down at the table. I could see him as a Science teacher.

“What about you?” He asks. I look up at him, puzzled.

“What about me?”

“What do you want to do after high school? Do you have goals or aspirations?” I did. Let’s see I was going to move to California, where I always wanted to live with my ex-boyfriend who got into a good school on a football scholarship and I was going to hang out by the beach every day and soak up the sun. That was until I found out I was pregnant and told him, then was left alone. So now, I’m just going to be a mother by the time I graduate and see what happens next. But of course I don’t say any of that.

“I don’t know yet. I haven’t really thought about it.” Lie, lie, lie. I hate lying, never been good at it. But he seems to believe me, which sucks. Well, it doesn’t totally suck. I just feel guilty for lying to him.

“Well, I guess you have plenty of time to figure it out. You have your whole life ahead of you.” He says looking straight ahead, as if he’s lost in his own thoughts.

If you mean my whole life being mainly centered on diapers, breastfeeding and a college fund not for me, then yeah. I have my whole life ahead of me alright.

He quickly glances at me, as if he just remembered I was here.

“I’m sorry; did you still want that cheesecake?” At the mention of cheesecake my stomach makes a rumbling sound and I freeze…totally embarrassed. Carter laughs, raising an eye brow in amusement.

“Looks like I got my answer.” He gets up from the booth and winks.

Okay seriously…now is not the time to be funny. I tell my stomach-or more or less the baby. Carter is watching me. Damn! This is so mortifying.

“Um, can I have some more water please?” I say in a sweet baby voice. It’s maddening to my ears and I can only imagine what it must sound like to him. But he just smiles and grabs my glass and saunters back to the drink station.

“Am I keeping you here too late?” I ask out of courtesy. I had forgotten that it’s past closing time. He glides back to the table and hands me my water and the cheesecake. My mouth waters and I silently pray that my stomach doesn’t embarrass me again.

He slides into the booth with a cup of coffee. “No, you’re fine. I don’t mind company every now and then.” He’s smiling at me and I look away, blushing. Damn, I need to start wearing blush when I’m around him.

“How much do I owe you for the cheesecake?”

He shakes his head. “Don’t worry about it. It’s on the house.” He smiles.

“Thank you.”

We are both silent for a while.

I stuff my face with cheesecake and Carter, he watches me stuff my face with cheesecake…which is quite nerve-wracking. I hate when people watch me eat.

“Damn, you’re hungry.” He observes. I’m eating for two and this is just so damn good.

“Uh, yeah I haven’t eaten much today.” I really haven’t actually.

I finish the delicious dessert and slide the dish in front of him, stretching my body and stifle a yawn. He grabs it and takes it to the back to wash it.

“Well, I better get out of here.” I say when he’s walked back to the table. There’s a twinkle in his blue-green eye and the dimple in his left cheek shows itself. Jesus, this guy is killing my “friends only” plan.

“Okay, well thanks for stopping by.” He walks me to the door, such a gentleman and I turn around because I just remember something. “Hey, can I have that application?”

“Oh, yeah hang on I’ll be right back.” He walks off and I lean against the door feeling oh so very tired. Baby Jordan liked the cheesecake, I think. But now it’s time for bed.

“Here you go. Just fill it out and bring it back whenever you want. And we’ll talk hours, pay all that mambo jumbo.” I nod taking the application from him. But I can’t stop staring at him.

Hello Gracie! Get the Hell out of there!
My subconscious screams at me.

“Thanks again for the cheesecake. And for this.”

“You’re welcome.” He dazzles a smile.

We walk outside and he actually walks me to my car. Very chivalrous. Who said chivalry was dead? When I unlock the door, he opens it. My God, Nick hardly ever did that and we were dating. I should make a mental note later.

I turn back to him before getting into my car and say, “Do you want to hang out some time?” I can’t believe I just asked that. It’s not really my thing. I wait for guys to ask me out, not the other way around. This pregnancy is making me a little bold and daring. I like it!

“I thought we were hanging out.” He says and my goofy smile I was just wearing disappears, replaced by disappointment.

“Oh, yeah. But I mean outside of this place.” I gesture to the coffee shop with my hand. He’s too close to me making me nervous so I get in the car before I do something stupid, like kiss him. But I leave the door open.

“I’m kidding. I’d love to hang out with you, again.” I smile.

“Okay. He gives me his number and I leave feeling pretty damn awesome. I blast the music on my way home and belt out some tunes on the radio, at the top of my lungs.

Meg is going to be proud of me.


Chapter 17

I get home in a good mood, skipping up to my room in a daze. I think about calling Meg and telling her all about it but instead head down stairs to where my parents are watching TV. I’d rather tell Meg in person anyway so I can catch her expression.

“Hey mom and dad, can I talk to you for a minute?” I ask plopping down onto the sofa. My dad grabs the remote and hits the mute button and turns to me, leaning back in his recliner. My mother is sitting across from me.

“What did you do this time? The last time you wanted to talk to us was when you confessed your pregnancy.” He’s raising an eyebrow suspiciously.

“Well, obviously it can’t be worse than that.”

“Okay, so what’s up?”

“I wanted to ask your advice. I want to get a part time job.”

“Whatever for?” My dad asks as if it’s the dumbest idea he’s ever heard.

“Um, because I want to save some money, my own money.”

“But you can’t work in your condition.” He says, and I look at mom who is in deep though. My condition?

“Dad, I’m pregnant not disabled. Besides I won’t work the whole time, just until I’m about seven months along or something, or until the doctor says I can’t work anymore.”

“I think it’s a good idea.” My mom finally comes to my aide. “Depending on the job requirements.
” She looks at me and continues. “It might be good for you. What were you thinking anyway?” She asks, my dad is not in favor.

“I got a job application from the café outside of town. It would be mainly weekends and some nights during the week. I would make coffee and serve food and whatever they do. It’s pretty easy work.” My dad taps his bottom lip with his finger, contemplating.

“Your mother and I need to talk about this. Go on upstairs and we’ll let you know what our decision is.” What? I’m almost eighteen for crying out loud. What is so wrong about wanting to get a job? I just want to make money so I can buy stuff for the baby and not rely on them for everything.

“Okay, I’ll be in my room when you decide.” I say hastily. My mom gives me an apologetic look as I get up to leave.

I lie on my bed staring at the ceiling, I hear a faint knock but I don’t move to answer it.

“Gracie?” I hear my mom’s voice on the other side of the door.

“Yeah?” I respond but still make no effort to open the door. She opens it anyway and sits down on my bed next to me.

“Honey your father isn’t trying to be unfair. It’s just that he doesn’t think you should be working at a time like this.” I look down at her, annoyed.

“At a time like this? Mom, this is the time I should work. I need money to buy stuff before the baby comes and I don’t want to ask you guys for money all the time. I am just trying to figure things out mom. I have no idea how I am going to take care of this baby. Or where I am going to live or how I will finish school.” I sit up and cross my legs, folding my hands in my lap.

“I guess he’s just worried about it interfering with your grades. That is your priority right now.”

“I can do both. It’s called multitasking.” She sighs, feeling defeated. “Come one mom, I can do it. It’s not every day and I can bring my books with me to work so I can study before my shift. I won’t let it affect my grades.” I sound like a child begging for candy but really, what is the big deal? I know I can do this.

“Would you want to graduate early and just work?”

“What?” I am not sure I heard her right.

“You can graduate early and get out of school if you want. People have done that.” I thought about just dropping out of school and finishing my classes online. As appealing as it sounds and most kids would jump at the chance to get out of school early, it’s not happening.

“No, I want to finish with my class. I want to graduate here.”

“Okay, well as long as you do not let this job affect your grades, you can work, part time.” I throw my arms around her in excitement, catching her off guard.

“Thank you mom. I promise I won’t.”

“Thank your father. He finally agreed to it.”

I skip down the steps trying not to topple over and fall on my face as I approach the landing and enter the living room where my dad is still in his recliner, watching an old western movie.

“Thank you daddy.” I say, hugging him. He pats my back affectionately.

“Just don’t make me regret this. I just want you to focus on school honey.” I nod and kiss his cheek.

“I will, I promise.”

The next morning before school I am waiting at Meg’s locker waiting to tell her about last night. I’m searching the crowd from both halls, wondering where the hell she is. I finally spot her, with Mason. And I notice their entwined fingers, my eyes wide…and what the? Am I seeing things? I guess we both have news to share.

“Oh my God, what’s this?” I ask as soon as they are in front of me. I am smiling gleefully at both of them, looking from Mason to Meg then back to Meg who is grinning at me.

“Um, Mason and I have some news to share.”

“Obviously.” I say leaning against the locker, arms crossed over my chest in a relaxed pose.

“Well, um we are officially a couple. I took the plunge and told him how I felt and he reciprocated. Told you I don’t lose a bet.” She says smirking.

“Yeah, she was very convincing. I actually didn’t see it coming.” Mason states, looking at Meg adoringly. I can’t help my smile and happiness for them. My two best friends finally admitting their feelings for one another is definitely something to celebrate.

I hug them both. “It’s about damn time.” I pull back and lean against the locker again.

“Well, I want details later but first I have
my own news to share.” They both stare at me, waiting for my confession. “I talked to Carter. And not just the “hi how are you doing” kind of talk. No, I mean I actually went to the café and had cheesecake and we talked for a couple hours. The café was closed and it was only us.” Their eyes widen in surprise, mouths gaping.

“Shut up. Shut the hell up. How did this happen?” Meg says, grabbing both of my hands, grinning.

I tell her everything. I tell her that after I left her house, I saw the light in the coffee shop still on so I stopped and parked. Then saw the “Now Hiring” sign and asked about a job, and how we sat in there for hours, talking about everything. Well, not everything.  I told her how easy he was to talk to and how comfortable I felt being with him. She listened intently, hanging on my every word.

“Oh my God! That is amazing, Gracie! I told you he was easy to talk to and you need someone like him around. And your parents like the idea of you getting a job?”

“My parents were reluctant at first. Or just my dad was. But he caved when I told him I wouldn’t let it interfere with my grades. I just have to fill out the application and give it back to Carter.” Meg gives me a skeptical look and I can’t help but wonder what she’s thinking, it’s usually not good. “What?” I finally ask.

“Nothing.” She turns away but I catch the expression on her face that says it’s something. I cross my arms over my chest, right foot out as I study her.

“What’s the look for Meg? And don’t say it’s nothing. I know that look.” I press. She bites back a laugh that is trying to slip out.

“Oh, you know it’s only a matter of time. Gotta go to class now.” She starts to turn but I grab her arm and stop her.

“Matter of time for what?” As if I don’t know what she’s saying, though clearly I know what she is thinking. Meg is not that hard to read. “Go ahead, say what you’re thinking.” Mason shifts uncomfortably. I had forgotten he was standing there.

“Well, it’s just that I saw a flicker of light in your eyes as you were talking about Carter. Now, it could be the light, but I doubt it. It sounds like you really enjoyed hanging out with him.”

“So? That doesn’t mean anything. Come on, we said friends remember? I want to be his friend. Don’t pressure me.” I felt so comfortable with him that I almost revealed my pregnancy. I’m not sure how that would have gone down. I’m so glad I didn’t let it slip, though I really wanted to tell him. We barely know each other and yet I still feel obligated to be honest. I just hope it doesn’t come back to bite me in the ass.

“Nevermind. Let’s drop it.” I agree, it’s not worth the fight.

Two days later after school I make a stop at the café to bring my application. I haven’t spoken to Carter since that night. Truth is, I’m nervous to call or text him. Maybe I should wait for him to make the move.

I walk in straight to the bar area, lean over with my elbows on the edge. I don’t see Carter anywhere though. It’s not too busy yet.

An older man with white hair and a beard approaches me. “Can I help you?” I look around again.

“I’m here to see Carter actually.” He smiles.

“I’m sorry; he’s stepped out for a few. Can I help you with something?” I shake my head and smile politely. I don’t know this guy and I’d rather talk to Carter himself. “No thanks. I’ll just wait for him to come back.”

“Suit yourself.” Is all he says before he stalks off. I glance around at all the people sipping on their disgusting coffee, laughing and talking. This place doesn’t seem so bad to work. Now if only I could keep my nausea at bay, this coffee stench is making me queasy. Seriously, how can people drink that shit?

I’m about to give up after staring at the door for ten minutes more and move to stand when I hear his voice from behind me. “Looking for someone?” I turn around and face him. He’s smiling, surprised to see me. Or maybe happy to see me. My pulse races inside my wrist. I swallow as I take in his appearance. He’s wearing black slacks with a nice blue button up dress shirt that’s tucked into his pants and a black belt. His hair is slicked back with a few loose strands hanging over his right eye, making him look dangerously sexy. My mouth goes dry.

“I was looking for you.” I force out. I turn away and curse myself for being such a teenager with a crush. He seems amused by my embarrassment.

“As all the girls are. What can I say? I’m a charmer. What can I do for you?” I mentally kick him for being so cocky, though he has a right to be but still. I smile as he sits down in the chair next to me. I pull out my application from my purse and set it down in front of him, ignoring the heat that is bouncing off of him onto me due to our extreme closeness.

“Here you go.” He looks it over, biting his bottom lip in the process. I never noticed how sexy that is. But when he does it, I want to bite his lip for him. I look away to get my bearings and compose myself. I am here to talk business, not pleasure.

“So, I’m guessing you want the job.”

“Good guess. Yes I do, with one condition. It can’t interfere with my school. I can work weekends but during the week I might have to bring my books in to study when it’s not busy.”

“I can help you. I’m quite the study partner.” He grins and places his left elbow on the bar, resting his hand on the back of his head, looking at me.

Holy crap, this friend thing is going to be harder than I thought. “We’ll see.” I shrug, trying to act nonchalant. I look down at my hands for distraction.

He gets up and holds his hand out to me, to shake. “Well, it’s a deal. I will work around your schedule and we’ll discuss hours and pay next week. You’ll do great.” He smiles and I shake his hand, ignoring the tingling sensation in our touch.

I get up to leave and thank him for the job. “Oh, hey.” He says and I turn around as I approach the door. “Welcome to my world.” 


Chapter 18

Since Carter gives me the rest of the week off to get things in order before starting the job, Meg and I go shopping at the mall for new clothes. I have none that would really make me look like a Barista or professional anyway.

“I’m going to have to get pregnancy clothes soon.” I say, sifting through the junior’s section in Macy’s. I hate shopping, especially for pants.

“Well, until that time comes, we are shopping here. Ah, look at these.” She takes a black pair of spandex off the rack to show me.

“Um, I’m not wearing those to work Meg.” She chuckles, clearly amused by my expression.

“No of course you’re not. But you can wear them out with Carter. He’d go gaga all over your ass.” She puts them back on the rack, moving to another rack of pants.

“I hate shopping for pants. I wish we didn’t have to wear them.” Meg laughs at me but I’m actually serious. It wouldn’t be too bad. I used to run around without pants, when I was a kid. I guess that would be indecent exposure. And a little wishful thinking.

“You look hot in pants so I’m sure whatever you buy, it will work.” I give up and stop looking when I see them outside the store, in a shoe store across from us. Nick. But he’s not alone. I tap Meg on the shoulder, staring at them. He’s with Lauren, my supposed friend.

“What?” She finally gets tired of my poking and turns around to face me. She sees me in a trance and follows my

“Well, what do you know, Lauren has converted to
betrayals. I can’t believe she’d do that to you.” Meg snickers in their direction. It’s not like we’re that close anymore, anyway. I look away from them and search through the rack of blouses and shirts on sale.

“Let’s go. I’m done here.”

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