Choosing Happiness (26 page)

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Authors: Melissa Stevens

Tags: #Romance, #Arizona, #suspense, #ex-military

BOOK: Choosing Happiness
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"Not to my knowledge," she said, her face revealing nothing.

Charles turned and looked at Andrea. "Well, if it's not Jeanie, it's got to be you. Did you put these under the tree?"

"I didn't put anything under the tree."

Charles turned and pinned Jake with a look.

"I just unpacked the bags, I have no clue what was in them." Jake held his hands up in front of him.

"Which one of you is pregnant?" Sophia asked looking back and forth between Jeanie and Andrea.

Andrea looked at Jake, delaying just a few seconds before she spoke up. "I am." She admitted.

Sophia shoved the box still sitting in her lap into Charles's hands as she quickly stood up and hugged Andrea. "Oh, Baby! That's wonderful!"

Andrea hugged her mother back. "Thank you, Mama."

Charles looked at Jake. "Are you happy about this?" he asked as he watched the women dance around the room.

"I am. It was a bit of a surprise but I'm thrilled."

"That's good to hear." He nodded and went back to watching the women. “Do you have a date for the wedding yet or is my grandbaby gonna be here before you get married?”

“We’re working on it. I told her I want to be married before the baby gets here, so she and Jeanie have been working on it. I’m not sure of the details yet.”

Andrea turned and looked at them. “I’m trying to get everything scheduled for some time before the end of January but we can’t find anywhere indoors that’s not already booked.”

Her father looked at her a moment. “How big of a thing are you wanting?”

“About twenty people, probably less. I just want family and a couple of close friends.”

“Just have it here.” He looked as if she should have thought of it.

Andrea blinked and stared at her father. Then turned to look at Jeanie who was staring right back at her.

“I wish we’d thought of that two weeks ago.” Jeanie said.


ndrea sat at the vanity in her childhood bedroom, wearing only a slip and underwear. Her hair was in hot rollers and she was doing her make-up while she waited for them to cool.

A knock sounded on the door.

“Come in,” she called without looking away from her reflection.

The door opened and closed as Andrea continued to apply foundation.

“You always entertain men in your underwear?” Ben asked.

“That would be how I ended up knocked up before I’m married.” She grinned, knowing it would annoy him.

Ben shook his head and came up behind her chair. “You’re not gonna get to me today.” He watched at her reflection in the mirror.

“Does this mean I can say anything I want?”

He scowled. “Don’t push it.”

Setting the compact of foundation aside she picked up a brush and her blush and applied that. “I thought you were Mom. She’ll be here soon to help me into my dress.”

“She said she’ll be here in a few minutes. I just thought I’d see if you need anything. Something to eat? Drink?”

“I’m good.”

He lifted his brows. “When’s the last time you ate?”

She was silent a moment and her eyes rolled up and to the left as she tried to remember. “Breakfast.”

“And it’s now after three. I’ll bring you something.” He went to the door, stopping before opening it.

“I-” She started to argue but he cut her off with a look.

“It’s not just you anymore. You’ll eat what I bring you, not because you’re hungry but because you need to feed my niece or nephew.” He didn’t let her finish.

She turned around and looked at him a second. “All right. But nothing messy. I don’t want to get anything on my dress.”

“You got it.” He disappeared through the door. Andrea went back to her makeup.

A few minutes later, her makeup done, she was pressing one hand against the rollers on her head, trying to decide if they were cool and if she should take it down when the door opened again. Her mom slipped inside and closed the door.

“You ready to get dressed?”

“Almost. Ben guilted me into eating, he’s bringing me something. I want to wait until I’m done to get dressed. We’ve got time?”

“You’ve got as much time as you need. Everyone will wait until you’re ready.”

Andrea let her head fall forward and exhaled, stretching her neck. She lifted her left arm and did a couple of the exercises her physical therapist had given her before moving the arm in a circle, stretching the aching muscles. She ran her other hand over the still pink scar tissue and thanked God she was still alive and healing.

Ben came back, a paper plate in one hand. “Here. It took me a couple minutes to make it.”

Andrea took the plate and found he’d brought her a sandwich. She lifted one corner of the bread, there was a brownish pink goo inside. “You mixed up peanut butter and jelly?”

He turned pink. “It was the only thing I could think of that I could make quickly and be at least somewhat nutritious. I mixed it so there would be no chance of it dripping and making a mess.” He handed her a paper towel. “For your hands, when you’re done.”

Setting the plate on the vanity she got up and kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you.”

Ben looked at the floor, his ears turning red. “Yeah, well, eat up, then get dressed and get out there. If you take too long that guy getting dressed in my old room will think you’re getting cold feet.”

She laughed and sat back down. “I’ll hurry.” She picked up the sandwich and took a bite. The sweet tang of her mother’s homemade prickly pear jelly burst in her mouth. “Mmm.” Closing her eyes as she chewed, the door opened and closed again and when she opened her eyes, she was alone with her mother again.

Her mother looked away from the door, as if she’d watched Ben go. She looked surprised. “He took the time to make you something special, not just find something already made. I can’t wait to see how he spoils Jeanie once she’s expecting.” Andrea was glad when her mother busied herself moving around the room, straightening the dress hanging from a hook on the inside of the closet door. She wasn’t sure her face wouldn’t give away the secret she’d been entrusted with and she wondered if Ben was making Jeanie crazy yet. “I can’t believe how well this fit you and that we only had to make a few small alterations.”

Andrea had meant it when she said she didn’t want to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on a dress she would wear once, but when her mother had suggested that Andrea try on her wedding gown, Andrea had been touched. She had never imagined her mother might still have her dress. She’d been surprised when her mother went to the enormous cedar chest that had always sat at the foot of her parents’ bed and pulled out a gorgeous satin and lace bohemian gown. When she’d tried the dress on, they’d found that it was almost a perfect fit. The only alterations they’d made were to take a couple of small nips around the waist and readjust the existing darts to enlarge the bust slightly.

Finishing the last bite of her sandwich, she used the napkin to wipe her mouth and fingers, thankful she had put off applying her lipstick until after she was dressed.

“I’m glad he insisted. I was hungrier than I realized.” She dropped the wadded napkin on the plate to deal with later and stood. “All right. Let’s do this. Are we going over my head or do you want me to step into it?”

Sophia took the dress off the hanger and held it low. “Step into it. It’s easier than pulling it over your head and trying to keep from messing up your hair, trust me.”

After she put the dress on, her mother wouldn’t let her look in the mirror until she was ready. Jeanie came in and finished her hair, pulling back the front leaving only a couple of stray tendrils to frame her face while the rest of her long auburn hair hung in tumbled curls down her back. Andrea waited patiently while Jeanie did a few final touch-ups to her make-up then they helped her into her shoes, a pair of white strappy sandals with a low kitten heel then turned the mirror around so she could see herself.

She stared for several moments, seeing for the first time her resemblance to her mother. She’d always thought she took after her father, but now she remembered the photos from her parents wedding and knew she looked like her mother as well. She was glad the scalloped lace and three quarter length belled sleeves covered the scar on her shoulder, but she would have worn it even if it hadn’t.

A knock sounded on the door, drawing her from her thoughts. “You ready in there?” her dad’s voice was muffled slightly.

Jeanie let him in. He stood for a moment, staring. “You look so much like your mother.” His voice was hushed. He looked up at her face. “We’re all ready if you are.”

“Let’s do this.”

“I’ll go let them know.” Sophia went to the door, Jeanie right behind her. “We’ll start the music.”

Charles waited until the door was closed. “You happy, baby? You’re sure this is what you want?”

“I am, Dad. I have no doubts.” She looked up at him unable to keep the smile off her face.

“That’s all I needed to know.”

The first notes of a popular song could be heard through the closed door.

“That’s our cue.” She opened the bedroom door and waited for her father to step into the short hallway first then followed him. Taking his arm, she let him escort her down the makeshift aisle.

Stepping into the living room, all the furniture pushed back to make room on one side where the Justice of the Peace stood. A few chairs had been brought in from other rooms for the guests who wouldn’t fit on the existing furniture. Everyone was standing, watching them as they approached. Andrea glanced around, seeing the smiles and happy looks everyone wore. Then she saw Jake, her heart beat sped and everyone else seemed to fade away.

He wore a button down white shirt, jacket and tie. She didn’t care, he could have been in a t-shirt and shorts and her heart would have beat just as fast.

Slowly, Andrea and Charles closed the distance between them, until Charles put her hand in Jake’s. She handed her bouquet to Jeanie who stood beside her and turned to face Jake. He took both her hands in his, stopping the involuntary tremble that had begun a moment earlier. Looking up into his eyes, she knew she’d remember this always. Not what was said. Not who was there. The look in his eyes and the way her heart swelled with love. That was how she knew Jake was the one. He tilted his head forward until his forehead rested against hers, their eyes locked together.

“You are my everything,” he whispered.

That... That was what she would remember about today. His words and the look on his face as he said them. They meant everything to her because he said what was in her heart.

“And you’re mine.”


Chapter 1

t was early June, and I had big plans for the weekend. Today I was going hiking over a new trail with Brandon, my best friend. We'd been friends since kindergarten and I thought of him almost like one of my brothers, only he didn't torment me like they did.

It was Friday, and the day had dawned beautiful and clear. We planned on a full day trip, and had already let our families know where we were going to be. I’d even packed my lunch the night before so I had one less thing to do before we could leave that morning.

At just after six, the sun and I had both been up for almost an hour, and I was nearly ready. I ran the brush through my hair, smoothing it into the ponytail I was forming on the back of my head. Winding an elastic around the tail, I turned and looked out the window, and saw a familiar car pull into a parking space in the lot below me. I picked up the brush  again and finished brushing out my hair as I watched the tall athletic frame climb out of the car and head around the end of the building. I was adding the last of my things to my backpack when a knock sounded on my front door.

"It's open!" I yelled.

"You always just holler at anyone who knocks on your door at six in the morning that the door's open? And why exactly is the door open while we're at it?" Brandon demanded as he walked in.

"Just the ones I'm expecting," I said, zipping my bag before looking up. 

"So you were expecting me, so what? It still could have been anyone at the door." He said, still intent on the point he was trying to make.

"Could have, except that I saw you pull in as I finished my hair. And I unlocked the door a couple of minutes ago, just before grabbing my lunch. I knew it was you, Brand."

"Ok, fair enough. I'm just looking out for you, Chica," He said, his tone much calmer now, his hands up in front of himself as if in surrender.

"I know," I told him calmly, "and I know you only push the issue because you care. Otherwise you'd be choking on your balls right now."

"Jeez, Nickie, don't bottle up your emotions like that, you'll get hurt. You need to learn to express yourself or someday it'll all come exploding out. Then where will you be?" He said, deadpan.

I didn't bother responding other than to flip him off as I turned to go use the restroom one more time before we headed out. When I returned I asked him, "You got everything you need?"

"Everything but you and your pack."

"Then let's get a move on, we're burnin' daylight." I said flippantly as I picked up my bag and slung it over one shoulder. I led the way out and turned to wait for him to exit the apartment before activating the lock on the door behind us. He looked confused, as if he didn't quite understand but I didn't explain the film reference and let it drop.

The drive out to the parking area where we had planned to start our hike took us about forty-five minutes, by then it was almost seven and the day was starting to warm up. It was still relatively cool but it was already hinting at the heat that the sunshine and desert floor would bathe us in. We strapped our backpacks onto our backs and I tucked my Personal Communication Device, more commonly known as a PCD, into the pocket of my jeans where I could easily reach it, and we took off.

We started out headed west away from the cars, the the ground was rough and uneven but I was used it and I moved over the loose rubble and small rocks with ease. We followed what appeared to be a wildlife trail. A path made by frequent passage of animals like deer and javelina, it was narrow and winding but had very little overhanging brush, so it was a pretty easy walk. As we walked over the still flat ground I called out to Brandon.

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