Choosing Happiness (23 page)

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Authors: Melissa Stevens

Tags: #Romance, #Arizona, #suspense, #ex-military

BOOK: Choosing Happiness
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"Me too."

"Are we going to stop by your place on the way home and pick up some more of your things?"

"I don't know."

"Is there some reason you don’t want to?"

"I just thought we'd wait and see how you feel. See if we want to make the stop when we’re through here. It's cold out there and you don't have a proper coat. You might want to get home and warm up..."

"All right."

"I can't think of anything in that apartment that I can't live without for a few more days anyway."

"If you say so. I just thought you might like more of your own things."

"I already have the most important thing in my life. It's right here with me now."

Andrea gave him a confused look, not sure what he was talking about.

"You, Dee. You're what's most important to me."

"Jake, that's sweet." Tears prickled the backs of her eyes.

The waitress appeared with their food. As they ate they discussed what furniture in the apartment was his, he’d rented the place partially furnished, and where to put it in the house. The waitress came and took their plates, leaving the check as she walked away. Jake slid out of his seat.

"Ready to go?" Andrea asked.

“Just a minute, I need to use the restroom first. I’ll be right back.”

She took one last drink from her soda and scooted to the edge of the booth so she would be ready when he came back. When he returned he helped her to her feet and they walked out together, paying at the register near the door.

Back in his pickup, she sat next to him leaving the passenger’s seat empty as he drove through town.

“How you feeling?” He slid one hand down her leg.

“Great. I’m good if you want to swing by your apartment and grab a few things.”

“Okay.”’ He fell silent and kept his eyes on the road.

Andrea took a deep breath and wiggled closer until her arm brushed against Jake’s. Warmth emanated from him and she needed all she could get.

“Babe.” He reached past her to the console on the dash. “Just turn up the heater.”

“We won’t be in the truck that long, it won’t be warm in here before we get there.”

“Turn it on anyway. There’s no reason not to.” He cranked the heat up to its highest setting and leaned back. “Might as well get as much warmth out of it as we can.”

She tipped her head back to rest against the back of the seat and watched the lights go by. It seemed like they’d been driving an awfully long time when she looked up. They were nowhere near her house or his apartment.

“Where are we? I thought we were going to your place?” She blinked and looked around.

“It’s a surprise. Just hold on, we’ll be there soon.”

“I’m warm now, so I’m good with wherever you want to go.”

He glanced at her before looking back at the road, a half formed smile on his lips. He continued to drive knowing exactly where he was going. Soon the lights of town faded and they drove a while longer along a dark highway.

Andrea didn’t know how much longer they drove but it didn’t seem to be long before Jake pulled off the road and put the truck in park.

“What’s up?” Andrea pushed herself upright. “Why are we here?”

“I wanted to show you something.” He turned off the headlights and twisted in the seat so he could pull her close.

“What?” She looked at him, trying to figure out what he was up to.

“Out there.” He motioned to the windshield and the lights of town beyond.

She looked. “It’s pretty.” She leaned back against him, enjoying the view.

Jake kissed the back of her neck, sending a shiver of desire though her.

“I brought you out here to see this.” He paused. “And to ask you something.”

Andrea tilted her head to let him have better access to her neck. “Ask me what?”

He was quiet a moment. Long enough that Andrea started to wonder what was wrong. He shifted, pulling one arm away for a moment then wrapping it back around her. “I’ve been thinking about doing this for a while but I wasn’t sure until this afternoon.”

Andrea frowned and tried to twist around to look at him. “What are you talking about?”

“Just give me a moment.”

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Patience wasn’t really her strong point, but for him, she’d try.

“I’ve had more bad in my life than good.” His voice was low, rough. “I didn’t think I’d ever find someone who makes me as happy as I am just being with you. I don’t want to give that up, ever.”

“I don’t want to give you up either.” She tried to twist around to look at him but his arms around her stopped her.

He took her hand in his, the uninjured one. His breath feathered against the back of her neck. “Then marry me? Please?”

He slipped a ring into the palm of her hand.

Tears prickled the backs of her eyes and she knew she couldn’t keep them from falling. She took several breaths, finding that she couldn’t seem to get enough air. “Yes, yes I’ll marry you.” She tried to turn again but he tightened the arm around her good side and kissed her neck again. “From the way you’ve been acting, I was afraid I’d scared you off when I asked you to move in.”

He pressed his face against her hair inhaling her clean, sweet scent. “You didn’t scare me off, but I don’t want to just move in. I want more.”

“I can do more.”


he whole family was gathered at Charles and Sophia's house a few days later for Thanksgiving dinner. Andrea and Jeanie had come early to help cook, though Andrea hadn't been able to help much. She’d worked on getting the table set and ready while the other two did the last minute prep on the meal. She’d also carried what food she could to the table before they called the men in.

Everyone settled around the table. Charles and Sophia sat together at one end, Ben next to their mother with Jeanie on his other side. Andrea sat between her father and Jake, who had Jeanie on his other side. It was nice to have a family to celebrate with. Looking out over the table at his new family, Jake wondered how long until it started to grow.

Everyone bowed their head as Charles blessed the food and gave the thanks the day was set aside for. Once everyone had said Amen, the volume rose as people talked and passed around dishes. Jake stood. He waited until he had everyone's attention before speaking.

"I just wanted to say something quickly, if you all don't mind." He looked around at the faces at the table. "You all have been so good to me, accepting me into your family. I'm happy to be able to say that soon we'll be making that relationship official. I've asked Andrea to marry me, and she's accepted." He sat down and looked at Ben, hoping he wouldn’t say anything to upset Andrea.

Ben looked him in the eye for a moment before nodding once. “Congratulations. Have you decided when the wedding will be?”

“Not yet.” Andrea looked at her brother. “I don’t want anything big or to wait very long but I would like to lose my unwanted accessory first.” She motioned toward the sling where her left arm rested.

“Have you already moved in, or are you waiting until after you’re married?” Jeanie asked.

“Well...” Jake hesitated.

“I asked him to move in, before he proposed,” Andrea spoke up. “Unfortunately, I can’t help him move for a while yet, and he’s tied into his lease for a few more months.”

“Getting him moved will be no problem.” Charles said. “I’d be willing to bet if you brought someone in to sign a new lease on your place, they’d let you out of what’s left of yours.”

“Maybe, but I don’t know of anyone looking for a place.”

“I might,” Ben said. “Let me ask around, we’ll see what we can come up with, for both someone to take over your lease and getting you moved.”

“Thanks, bro.” Jake looked at Ben.

“So, do you have a ring?” Sophia asked.

Andrea started to pull it off her finger to pass down to her mom.

“No, don’t take it off. Just move the sling so I can see it.”

Andrea did as her mother asked, holding the edge of the sling back, exposing the simple marquise cut diamond set in a gold band.

“That’s very pretty, but is the band pink?”

Andrea smiled. “Yes, it’s Black Hills gold. The only pink I really care for.” She shot an affectionate look at Jake.

He wanted to pull her close and kiss her till the look went from affection to passion, instead he leaned over and kissed the top of her head. “What do you want to eat?” He tried to change the subject.

“A little bit of everything except the dressing.”

“Do you know what you want in the way of a gown?” Sophia asked.

“I’m not sure I want to bother with a gown. I’ve never seen the point in spending that kind of money for a dress I’ll wear once.” She watched as Jake filled her plate, thankful she didn’t have to try to manage passing and serving with one hand.

“Are you sure, baby?” Sophia had a crease between her eyes, but she didn’t look angry. “We can make sure you have a wedding day you’ll never forget.”

Andrea met her mother’s gaze. “I hope I’ll never forget my wedding day even without an expensive dress or huge party. It’s not about that to me.” She laid her hand on top of Jake’s where it lay between them on the table and squeezed it. “It’s about promising to love and take care of one person for as long as you can.”

Jake squeezed her hand back and she turned to look at him, leaning over to kiss his cheek when he met her eyes.

“All right, I’ll let it go. For now.” Sophia said.

Jake suspected she would bring it up again soon and wondered what kind of wedding they’d end up having. He didn’t care as long as Andrea was happy, and his.


he first week of December was miserable for Andrea. Several days in a row she woke in the morning, and got Jake off to work, then a couple of hours later she became nauseated. It was all she could do to keep from losing her breakfast. The first day she thought she was coming down with a stomach bug. She laid on the bathroom floor and tried to get through it without losing control of her stomach. After a couple of hours, it faded, leaving her feeling fine for the rest of the day.

She dismissed it as something she'd eaten not sitting well, and went on with her day. When the same thing happened on the second day she thought it was weird but not much more as she struggled to keep from throwing up on her toes. By the time the nausea struck on the third day she suspected she knew what was going on. Her chest ached with dread. She lay on the bathroom floor waiting for the next wave of spasms. Knowing she had to know for sure, she picked up her cell phone and dialed a familiar number.

"Hello?" Jeanie's voice came over the line.

"Hey, Jeanie, are you busy?"

"Not unless you count thinking up new ways to torment your brother."

"It’s a worthy past time," Andrea admitted.

"What do you need, Andy?" She'd picked up Ben's nickname.

"I have a favor to ask. It's kind of a big one."

"If I can do it, you know I will."

"Well," Andrea hesitated. She knew if she went and bought what she needed it would be all over town by the time she got home, but maybe Jeanie had one. "Do you happen to have a pregnancy test on hand?"

"Oh!" Jeanie let out a surprised squeak. "Well, yeah, I have several. Ben and I decided a while back that we would start trying to get pregnant after the wedding."

"Could I possibly borrow one? I'd go buy my own but I'm afraid it would get back to Jake and the rest of the family before I was even home and able to take it."

"Of course. You're right, it would be all over town. Want me to bring it to you and hold your hand while you wait?"

"If you don't mind, that'd be great. Otherwise it'll be an hour or two until I can come pick it up."

"Give me about thirty minutes and I'll be there."

"Thanks. Just come on in, I'll likely still be laying on the bathroom floor battling for control of my breakfast when you get here."

Jeanie laughed. "All right, I'll find you when I get there."


Andrea disconnected, laid the phone on the floor nearby and closed her eyes while she waited for the nausea to pass and Jeanie to arrive.

Sometime later, she was startled awake by Jeanie's voice. "There you are. How you feeling?"

Realizing she must have fallen asleep, Andrea opened her eyes and looked up at her sister-in-law. "Better. It seems to have passed.” She sat up and leaned against the bathroom wall, waiting there to see if the nausea returned. After a moment or two she looked up at Jeanie.

"So, how do we do this?"

"It's not too complicated, you pee on the stick, put the cap on, lay it down and wait. Three minutes later you read it. If there's one line no, if there's two, yes."

"I think I can do that, but I need something to drink first." She pushed her way to her feet and went into the kitchen for a glass of water. A moment later she reappeared and held out her hand. "All right, let's get this over with." She closed the door and did what she had to do, then opened the door to let Jeanie back in while they waited.

"How do you feel about the possibility?" Jeanie asked.

Andrea took several seconds to answer, she had to figure out exactly how she felt. "Unsure, scared, excited, sick."

Jeanie glanced at her watch and back at Andrea, then they both looked at the unobtrusive piece of plastic sitting on the edge of the tub several feet away.

"Well, do you want to go look or should I?" Jeanie asked.

Without a word Andrea took the three steps to the tub and looked down.

"What does two lines mean again?"

"It means you're pregnant."

"You're sure?" Andrea asked, still looking down at the test.

Jeanie picked up the box and quickly reread how to read the results. "Yep, one line not pregnant, two lines pregnant."

"Well, shit." Andrea sat on the closed lid of the toilet and put her head in her hands.

"What now?" Jeanie asked.

"Normally, I'd suggest a strong drink, but under the circumstances that doesn't seem like a good idea."

"Not really. No."

Andrea sat there for several minutes, staring at the floor.

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