Choosing Happiness (8 page)

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Authors: Melissa Stevens

Tags: #Romance, #Arizona, #suspense, #ex-military

BOOK: Choosing Happiness
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The room seemed to shrink when Ben came through the door, his bulk made everything feel smaller. Jake raised his bottle to catch his friend's attention. Ben waved when he'd spotted him then stopped at the bar to get a drink of his own. Bottle in hand, he made his way to the table and sat down on the other side, shifting his chair so his back was to the wall as well. The music in the bar was low, making normal conversation easy.

"So how was the honeymoon?" Jake nudged his friend with one foot.

"Good, Jeanie loved Hawaii. I had a good time too, though, man, it rains like every day there. I'm not sure I could handle it long term."

"I've heard that. I'm glad you had a good time. You look good. Nice and tanned." He lifted one brow as he looked the other man up and down.

"Yeah, all that time with nothing to do. I admit, I enjoyed the pool on the ship. It was nice."

"I didn't know they make speedos in your size." Jake dug again.

Ben shuddered. "Speedos, don't remind me. There were an abnormally high percentage of those things. It was a little creepy." Jake laughed and Ben continued. "How are you settling in? How's the job?"

"So far so good, on both accounts. I like the town and the department and your family has been great to me."

"Speaking of my family." Ben's voice lost its light, teasing tone and he straightened in his seat as he turned his full attention to Jake. "I hear you've been seeing Andrea."

"Yeah, she and I have hit it off."

"Do you really think that an ex-Army cop is really what she needs?" Ben stayed seated but leaned toward Jake, looming until he seemed even larger than normal.

"I think what she needs is someone who loves her and is man enough not to be run off by her meddling brother." Jake lifted one brow but remained calm in the face of Ben's aggression.

Ben leaned back in his seat, grinning. "You're right, but you know what? You're the first guy she's brought around that I haven't been able to intimidate just that easily. And I know she's warned them I’d try."

"She mentioned that you've run off past boyfriends. Had it occurred to you that some of them she might have brought home for just that reason?"

Ben looked at Jake a moment, then shook his head. "You know, I wouldn't put it past her. She's a shrewd little thing."

"I'm sure she's had you figured out since she was a teenager. You probably ran off a few guys she wished would have stuck around, but I have no doubt that there were at least a few she counted on running after an encounter with you. I, for one, am glad they didn't have the balls to stay. Their loss is my gain."

"Just so long as you're aware that if you hurt her, I'll break you in half." Ben scowled.

Jake laughed. "If I hurt her, I'll let you break me." He took a long pull from the bottle in his hand. "Who's been running the shop while you were out of town?"

"One of the guys I've had working for me for a few years. He's taken over for a few days here and there before and always done a decent job."

"It's good to have someone around you can trust like that."

"It is, but if I didn't Dad would step in. I think he misses it sometimes, but at the same time he's also glad he doesn't have to do it every day, if you know what I mean."

"I do." Jake assured him.

They caught up with each other and chatted a bit more, then Jake glanced at his watch.


“What?” Ben frowned.

“Time got away from me and I’m late. I’ve got to get out of here.”

“All right, I’ll catch you later then.”

Jake stood, slapping Ben on the back. “It’s good to see you. I’m sure I’ll see you again soon.”

Ben pushed his way to his feet. “I better get going too, Jeanie will wonder what happened to me.”

Together they walked out to the parking lot then went their separate ways.


couple days later, Jake pulled his truck up outside Ben's shop. He'd asked if he could borrow some tools so he could change his oil. Ben had told him to just bring the truck into the shop and do it there, so here he was. He went inside looking for Ben.

"Hey, man." He spotted Ben in the office.

"Hey, what do you need?"

"Where do you want me to work?"

"Just pull it into the bay. I don't have anything there right now. We'll lift it up so we can work a little easier."

"All right." Jake pulled the truck into the bay, watching Ben for directions and when to stop, then killed the engine. He popped the hood so he wouldn't have to do it later and climbed out.

Ben lifted the hood and did something, then checked that Jake was clear and started the lift. As the truck slowly rose into the air, Jake gathered tools. When the truck came to a stop above their heads Ben wheeled over a large drum with a drip pan mounted on top. They worked together to change the oil and do a little more routine maintenance on the older truck, chatting and catching up as they worked.

"What do I owe you?" Jake asked when they'd finished.

"Nothing." Ben lowered the pickup.

"Come on. I could see nothing if I'd just used your tools but you supplied the filter and oil too. Let me at least pay for those."

"Nope." Ben wouldn’t back down. "You're not paying. I get it wholesale and I do all the minor stuff for the family for free. Bigger things I let them pay cost, but no, you're not paying for it."

"I insist.”

"If you keep this up, you're gonna piss me off. This is something I can do for my family that costs me next to nothing, so I do. You're family."

"All right, all right" Jake put his wallet back in his pocket. "I don't want to have to deal with you angry."

Ben chuckled. "What are you doing tonight?"

"Going out with your sister." Jake grinned, enjoying the low growl Ben let roll from his throat.

"Why don't you two come by our place? Jeanie said to invite you over, she wants to spend some time with both of you."

"Can't tonight. Andrea said something about big plans. Last week I told her where I was taking her was a surprise, wouldn't tell her where we were going all day, or even after I picked her up. It drove her crazy."

"She's like that. All you have to do is whisper the word secret in her presence and she's on you like a Chihuahua, nipping, bouncing and hounding to find out what it is."

"You got that right, it was hilarious. Anyway, she's making a big deal out of it being her turn to take me out."

"Another night then?"

"Sure. I'll talk to her and see when we both have the time off."

"Sounds good. Figure it out and give me or Jeanie a call."

"Will do. Thanks for the oil change."

"No problem, man.” Ben watched Jake climb into the truck and pull out of the garage.


o where we headed?" Jake looked at her.

"Not telling." Andrea grinned. "You wouldn't tell me, so I'm not telling you." She drove through the quiet streets of town with a destination in mind.

"Fair, I guess, but I'm not going to try to pry it out of you. Nor will I bounce with excitement like you did."

Andrea laughed, a full happy laugh. "I don't expect you to." She turned onto an almost empty street and drove a few hundred yards before parking beside an old, run down building.

"Here?" He looked around, apprehensive.

"Yep." She got out of the car. "Trust me, I know what I'm doing." She waited for him to join her, hooked one arm into his and walked him inside.

Inside, Jake saw it was a small diner, old and worn, but clean. She led him to a table and sat down across from him. He looked at her, wary, but she just smiled.

An older woman, probably mid-60's came up beside them and set two small glasses of water on the table followed by a pair of menus.

"Hey, how you doing, Andy? It's been a while since we've seen you." She gave Andrea a genuine smile.

"Good. I've been busy, Peg, with Ben's wedding, work and everything else. But I missed you, if that helps."

"Of course it does, dear. Now you're bringing us someone new." She looked at Jake with a warm, welcoming smile.

"Yep. As much as I hate to give away my best kept secrets, there are some people you just have to share these things with." She looked at Jake and smiled. "Peg, this is Jake. He's new in town but a good friend of Ben's,” she leaned close and whispered conspiratorially, “mine too.” Sitting back upright, she continued. “He's also Hastings newest police officer. Jake, this is Peg, she and her husband own and run this place."

"Nice to meet you, ma'am." Jake nodded to Peg.

"Oh, isn't he a polite one." Peg looked at Andrea before turning to Jake. "Nice to meet you, too. We always welcome Hastings Finest in here. You're welcome anytime, even just for a cup of coffee or a thermos refill."

"I'll keep that in mind. I appreciate it, ma'am."

"What can I get you to drink?" Peg turned her attention back to why she was there.

"I'll have iced tea," Andrea said.

"Do you have Pepsi?" Jake asked.

"Of course, I'll bring those right out." She patted the edge of table before walking away.

Jake picked up the menu and looked it over. They offered pretty standard diner fare. Andrea didn't even bother to pick hers up. She just watched Jake as he looked at his, trying decide on what he wanted to eat.

"What's good?"

"Everything." She watched him a moment longer until he closed his menu and set it down on the table.

Peg appeared a moment later, carrying their drinks, she set them on the table and asked, "Are you ready to order?"

"I am." Andrea looked at Jake, she saw him nod and turned back to Peg. "I'll have the enchilada plate."

Peg nodded. "Extra cheese, no onions, right?"

"You got it." Andrea set her menu on the edge of the table.

Peg turned to Jake, pen held at the ready.

"I'll have the chicken fried steak." He laid his menu on top of hers.

"Baked, mashed or fries?"

"Baked, butter and sour cream please."

"No problem. I'll get it out for you as soon as we can." She headed back into the kitchen, taking the menus with her.

"How long have you been coming here?" Jake asked.

"All my life. This used to be one of only a couple restaurants in town, but with more chains coming in a lot of people are going there instead. I still come here as often as I can. Partly because I love Peg and her husband and I want to support them as much as possible, partly because it's tradition."

"That's nice." He looked around a faint smile on his lips. "We never had any place like this when I was growing up."

"I don't mind sharing mine.” She reached toward him, stopping halfway across the table as if unsure.

"Thanks." He reached across the table to cover her hand with his. They sat quietly for a moment before Jake spoke again. "I talked to Ben couple days ago, about us."

"Oh? What did he have to say?" She looked at him, brows high as she waited.

"He invited me out for a drink. We met at a little bar and talked a little about his honeymoon, then he tried to intimidate me into leaving you alone."

"I'm gonna kill him." Her eyes narrowed and fire flashed in her eyes.

"Don't bother. I laughed and told him where he could shove the attitude."

"Bet that didn't go over well,"

"Better than you'd think, actually. He accepted what I had to say, then threatened to break me in half if I hurt you." Jake shrugged.

Andrea laughed. "That sounds like Ben."

A few minutes later Peg brought their food, made sure they had everything they needed then left them alone. Andrea waited for Jake to take a bite, waiting for the reaction she knew was coming.

"Mmm..." He closed his eyes as he chewed and swallowed. "This is good."

"I told you to trust me. I don't just come here because we always have. They truly have the best food in town."

"This may qualify as the best food in the country." He took another bite. They ate quietly, enjoying their food and talking little until both plates were clean.

"Can I get you some dessert tonight?" Peg appeared next to their table.

"Thanks, but not tonight." Andrea handed the waitress her plate. When Peg was gone Andrea turned back to Jake. “I have somewhere else I want to take you."

"After this," Jake leaned back and rubbed his stomach. "I'll gladly go anywhere you want to take me, eat anything you want me to eat, see anything you want me to see."

Andrea laughed again. "Nothing too exotic, I just thought we could go have some fun."

"Whatever you want."

Peg came back for another load of dishes and left the ticket on the table as she left. Andrea snatched it out from under Jake’s hand as he reached for it.

"Hey," He scowled. "I was gonna get that."

"Nope, I asked you out. I pay the bill."


"No buts, it's a fair rule. I absolutely hate going Dutch, unless it's a bunch of girlfriends. On a date it's just tacky, but I don't think the guy should have to pay all the time, either. So if I ask someone out I pay the bill."

"All right." He held up both hands in surrender. "It’s fair, but I was still gonna get it."

"Too late now." Andrea stuck her tongue out at him, making him laugh.

"Why don't you give me the keys? I'll go start the car and get it warming up, then I won't have to watch you pay and be bothered by it."

Andrea laughed and handed him her keys. "I'll be right there." She stopped at the register and waited. Peg came right out and helped her.

"You don't bring men around here often." Peg rang up the meal.

"No, but this one's different. I want to show him all our town’s little secrets, share with him how special it is." Andrea looked toward the door Jake had just gone through, thinking of him.

"Then he must be pretty special himself." She winked at Andrea.

"He is." Andrea grinned and headed for the door. "He is."

Back behind the wheel, Andrea maneuvered the car though the darkening streets with the comfort of someone who knew the area well.

"This is my neighborhood." Jake looked around.

"Yep. Where we're headed isn’t far from your place."

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