Choosing Happiness (9 page)

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Authors: Melissa Stevens

Tags: #Romance, #Arizona, #suspense, #ex-military

BOOK: Choosing Happiness
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"That's convenient."

"I didn't choose the place because of the location, but it's a nice coincidence." She grinned at him before pulling into a small parking lot.

"Wait a minute, I've been here."


"Yeah, this is where Ben and I had that drink when he tried to scare me into leaving you alone."

"I'm not really surprised, we both like this place." She got out and headed for the back of the vehicle.

"What's up?" He met her at the back of the car.

"Nothing, just getting something." She pulled a long slender case out of the back, slipped her driver’s license, some cash and her keys into her jeans pockets and set her purse on the floor under the privacy shield, then closed the back gate. "You coming?" She headed inside.

Intrigued, Jake followed her inside, past the bar to the pair of pool tables tucked on one side of the room. He'd noticed them when he was here before but hadn't paid them much attention. Andrea walked past the first table where a pair of guys were playing and stopped beside the second.

"Good." She laid the case across one corner and opened the latches. "I prefer this table anyway." Flipping the case open, she revealed a pool cue. She pulled the two pieces from the case and deftly twisted them together.

"Am I about to be sharked?" Jake watched her with narrowed eyes.

"Nah." She laughed. "I'm merely average. Ben got me the stick for my birthday a couple years ago." She leaned the assembled stick against the table and closed the case. "Why don't you choose a stick?" She nodded at the rack hanging on the wall. "While I rack 'em." She dug some quarters out of her pocket and paid for the game, tucking a couple more under the bumper so no one would take the table. After lifting the balls onto the table, she arranged them the way she wanted in the triangle and lifted the plastic, careful not to bump them loose. "You break this time. I'll go get us drinks. What kind of beer you want?"

"Kilt Lifter, please." Jake was still weighing the different sticks off the wall, trying to decide which one he wanted. When he’d chosen one he moved to the end of the table. He glanced around, spotted Andrea at the bar, she was going to be a minute. As she headed back he positioned the cue ball, lined up his shot and took it.

"Nice break." Andrea walked up beside the table, a bottle of Kilt Lifter in each hand. "Too bad you didn't sink one." She handed off one bottle and picked up her cue, still leaning against the far end of the table. She took a sip from the bottle still in her hand and looked over the table. "And you left me a nice shot, to boot. Thanks.”

She set her bottle on the rim of the pool table then moved a few feet away to where she wanted to shoot from and bent over the table. "Three ball, corner pocket," she called, before carefully hitting the cue ball, sending it spinning into the three and angling away. The three ball rolled slowly toward the pocket she’d chosen and fell over the edge. Standing up, she took another look at the table. Picking up her beer, she took another sip while she tried to find her next shot.


ake won the first game but Andrea won the second.

“Looks like we’re an even match.” Jake said.

“Looks like. Want to play another?”

“Sure, why not?”

Andrea racked the balls once more, deciding while she was at it that she would have some fun with him this time.

Since she’d won the last game, she let him break this time. It was the way they’d been playing all evening. He bent over the table, getting ready to take his shot when Andrea walked past him, brushing her hip against his butt.

“Whoops, sorry.” She said, fighting to keep her face blank. “I thought I had more room.”

Jake looked at her a moment as if trying to decide if she was telling the truth, then bent again to take his shot. He knocked the balls apart sinking one of the stripped balls in a corner pocket.

When it was her turn, Andrea circled the table, trying to decide what shot she wanted to take. While it wasn’t the best opening, she chose to bend over the table right in front of where Jake stood, knowing her jeans would stretch over her butt, giving him a good view. She missed but the look in his face when she stood and looked at him told her he hadn’t been watching the table.

“You’re turn.” She smiled, pleased that her ploy was working.

He shook his head, as if trying to clear it then went to the table. While he lined up to take a shot, stood in his line of sight and ran her tongue slowly over her lips. Jake missed his shot and leaned against the wall on the other side of the table. Andrea looked over the table and bent to take a shot. She glanced up at Jake and quickly looked back down at the table to keep him from seeing how funny she thought this was. He had definitely noticed what she’d been doing. She finished her shot then moved toward him, putting a little extra sway in her hips as she moved around the table looking for her next shot.

This game took the longest of all that they played but Andrea had fun doing it. She would let him take a shot without doing anything, then she’d find a way to brush up against him again.

Just before the last shot, his, she made her way over and stretched up against him, reaching for his mouth. He kissed her hard.

“I know what you’re up to,” he said, breaking away from the kiss.

“What?” she tried to play innocent.

“Don’t give me that. I can see the mischief dancing in your eyes.”

She smiled and kissed him again then moved away so he could take his turn. He sank the last striped ball, then the eight, ending the game.


fter their third game and second beers, Jake looked at his watch and realized they’d been there for nearly four hours. Deciding to call it a night, Jake put his cue stick away while Andrea took hers apart. Coming up behind her, he stood close enough she could feel the lump in his jeans as she placed the pieces back into their slots in the case.

"Here, let me carry that for you," he said against her ear, taking the case from her hands. "I can't wait to get you into bed." He curled one arm around her shoulders and steered her out the door and to the car. She dug the keys from her pocket, letting him put the case with her cue stick in the rear while she climbed in and started the engine.

The drive to his apartment was short, but they didn't immediately get out of the car. After she pulled into the lot and shut off the engine Jake leaned close. "This has been fun. Thanks for sharing your favorite diner with me and taking me to have a little fun."

Andrea turned to look at him and found herself face to face with him. "I enjoyed it. I wanted you to know them, too." Without another word he closed the distance and captured her lips with his. They sat for a few minutes, lost in each other. After a while, Andrea pulled away.

"Mmm. As much as I'm enjoying this, we should go inside."

"Yeah," Jake agreed, lowering his mouth to hers again.

She let him kiss her for a minute before pulling away again. "No, I'm serious. We need to go inside. I can't touch you like I want to while stuck in this seat."

"All right." Jake chuckled, opening his door.

Together, they hurried up the stairs and managed to make it inside before Jake kissed her again. He slid his hands inside her coat, feeling the warmth of her skin as he held her gently.

Andrea leaned into him, stretching up to meet his lips. She lifted her arms around his neck before growling in frustration,

"What?" he whispered against her lips.

"My jacket. It's in the way." She pulled away from him long enough to strip off the offending garment and toss it over the back of a chair. When she turned back she found he'd shed his jacket, too. Going back to him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and she tilted her head back to look up at him. "Much better." She leaned forward and kissed him again, her arms around his neck pulling him down to meet her.

Jake eagerly met her kiss. His hands rested on her hips, his fingers hooked through the loops on her jeans. He pulled her closer, so she could feel what she was doing to him. She curled her fingers into his shoulders, kissing him harder. Jake shifted, moving his hands down her body until he was cupping her ass. He lifted her against him until she could wrap her legs around his waist. He put his hands under her ass, and still kissing, he carried her into the bedroom.

Still holding Andrea, he knelt on the bed. Leaning down he laid her on her back on the bed as he covered her with his body, never breaking their kiss. Andrea let her head fall back against the bed, grinning up at Jake as she gasped for breath.

"I love what you do to me," she said as soon as she had enough air.

"I have to admit, I enjoy doing it to you." He hovered above her, hands braced against the bed on each side of her head. He raised one eyebrow at her. "Do you plan on unwrapping these legs any time soon?"

"I don't know." She pretended to look thoughtful. "I wouldn't want you slipping away from me, would I?"

"I have no intention of going anywhere, but I'd like to get these jeans off you.” He tugged at one of her belt loops. “That might be a little difficult to manage without destroying them, unless you let go."

"Looks like I don’t have much of a choice." She stuck out her lower lip as she drew one finger along the skin at the neckline of his t-shirt. Sighing, she unlocked her ankles and let her legs slide off his hips. They landed bent, with her feet off the edge of the bed to either side of him.

He sat up and pulled the shirt off over his head, revealing his taught abs and nearly hairless chest. Andrea's hands itched to touch him, revel in the feel of his skin. Jake unbuttoned his jeans and slid them down his hips. He left only his briefs on as he backed off the bed and kicked the denim off his legs. He moved back to the bed and leaned over Andrea, unbuttoning her shirt as she reached up to run her hands along his skin. Pushing her shirt off her shoulders, he let his eyes roam over her, then moved to the waistband of her jeans. He unbuttoned them before pulling her to her feet.

Andrea slid the shirt off her shoulders and pushed her jeans off, leaving her wearing only the matching black lace bra and panty set she’d put on with the hope he'd see it. The dark color was dramatic against her ivory skin.

"Hmm..." Jake ran one finger along the edge of her bra. "Pretty."

Andrea's skin turned pink.

"But not as pretty as what it's hiding." He slipped one finger beneath the cup of her bra and found her nipple tight with excitement. Jake ran his finger back and forth over the hardened nub before lifting the mound free of the lacy prison and lowering his mouth to it. "Mmm," he groaned. "You taste so sweet." Jake slid his lips along her collar bone, sending shivers through her body.


ndrea pulled up in front of Ben and Jeanie’s house. She sat in the car a minute, wondering what her brother was up to. He’d called her at work earlier and invited her to dinner. He almost never called her at work. Since Jake was on duty tonight she’d planned on going home and to bed, but Ben had been insistent. She suspected Ben knew Jake was working and wanted to talk to her without him. Realizing that if she agreed, she wouldn’t have to cook, she’d finally relented.

Taking a deep breath, she let it out in a rush and braced for the cold. The wind was blowing like the dickens out there and it was several degrees below freezing. She pulled her scarf up over her mouth and nose and got out. After locking the car, she dashed toward the door, careful to avoid the visible spots of ice on the stepping stones. She knocked on the door, head tucked down and shoulders hunched in an attempt to preserve as much warmth as she could. It was only a moment or two but it seemed to take hours for Ben to open the door.

“Get in here.” Her brother grabbed the end of her scarf and tugged until she was inside so he could close the door. “Why aren’t you wearing a hat?”

“I misplaced it.” She unwound her scarf and pulled off her gloves, shoving them in the pockets of her coat.

“Then get another one. It’s too cold to be standing out there without one.” He scowled.

“I will, but nothing was open at three-thirty this morning and I came straight here from the hospital. The wind wasn’t as bad there.” She unzipped and peeled out of her jacket, hanging it and her scarf on the rack near the door. She shivered despite the warmth of the room and rubbed her hands up and down her arms.

“All right.” Ben sighed. “But get one soon. You need to get something warm inside you, coffee or cocoa?”

“Both?” she said hopefully.

“I can do that. Come on.” He led her into the kitchen where Jeanie was standing in front of the stove stirring something in a large deep skillet.

“Hey, Jeanie.” Andrea stopped to give her a hug. “How was your honeymoon?” Ben went to the cabinet over the coffee maker and pulled down a mug.

“Dark chocolate or milk?” Ben turned and looked at the girls.

“Dark, I’m surprised you didn’t know that.”

“I thought dark, but it’s been a while. I wanted to make sure you hadn’t changed your mind.” Andrea made a face at him and Jeanie giggled.

“You two never stop do you?” she said from where she watched them.

“It’s not my fault,” Ben grumped. “She was out in that wind without a hat on. She’s gonna get sick. I’m fixing something to warm her up.” Andrea rolled her eyes.

“He’s overreacting, as usual. I’m just a little chilled, give me a few minutes and I’ll be fine. But a mocha wouldn’t hurt either.” She winked at Jeanie. “What are you cooking anyway? It smells heavenly.”

“It’s a new dish, something asiago chicken, I don’t remember the exact name.”

“If it tastes as good as it smells, we’re in for a treat.” The clink, clink, clink of a spoon hitting the sides of a mug called Andrea’s attention back to Ben. She looked up in time to see him turn and offer her the mug. She took it and sipped at the dark liquid. Closing her eyes she let the warmth of the cup in her hands and the hot drink fill her.

“How long till dinner’s ready?” Ben asked Jeanie.

“According to the recipe, maybe five to ten minutes.”

“Great. We’ll sit at the table and talk a bit while we wait.” He led Andrea through the archway to the dining room where the small four-seat table was already set for three. “Have a seat.” Ben motioned across the table as he pulled out a chair and sat.

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