Chosen: Book 1 in the Ancients of Light series (32 page)

Read Chosen: Book 1 in the Ancients of Light series Online

Authors: Heather Fleener

Tags: #romance, #vampires, #vampire, #love, #drama, #paranormal romance, #paranormal, #magic, #ancient, #historical, #supernatural, #witches, #prophecy, #witch, #fire, #conflict, #series, #immortal, #realm, #vampire romance, #spells, #medieval, #chosen, #sorcerer, #lights, #witch romance, #ancients of light, #darks, #warrior of light, #sorcerer of light, #myrrdyn, #kaitriana, #lorcan

BOOK: Chosen: Book 1 in the Ancients of Light series
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Kneeling down, she bowed her head. She
managed to keep all hint of emotion absent from her voice as it
rang strong and clear, “Warrior of Light, I represent the Ancient
Light Witch. I bring you our vow of allegiance along with our
pledge of fealty; we offer our submission to you as ruler of the
Realm.” Her arms extended with the swords symbolizing the entire
leadership of the Witch.

Unmoving, Lorcan merely frowned down at her
with hands on hips for the space of moments. The little witch was
always surprising him…and frustrating him. She would not lift her
head and he needed to see her face to judge her sincerity. His
female’s inability to hide her feelings was an asset to him most
times. Finally, he reached down with a single hand and removed the
heavy burden from her arms, wondering all the while how the dainty
witch at his feet had managed to convince the entirety of her
faction to yield to a vampire’s reign.

If he accepted, the Light would seemingly be
a unified front once more. If he declined, she would be humiliated
and the rift in the Light could potentially grow to an
insurmountable degree. He had never desired to rule the Light
faction, only to pursue its purpose. He would have preferred time
to consider the ramifications, but she had put him in a spot…yet
again. He gazed solemnly at her. She needed this, as much as the
cause of the Light did. Decision made, he answered gruffly, “I
accept your pledge on behalf of the Witch.”

He studied her kneeling form, preoccupied by
the obvious lack of Witch Caste symbols on her. His distraction
afforded her the opportunity to rise and make a hasty retreat down
the steps. He was still puzzling over her attire so he nearly did
not hear when she called back over her shoulder, “Then we shall
withdrawal and await your bidding, Lorcan. Good eve.”

The reason finally registered. The absence of
the Witch markings was due to the placement of his own symbol
within the swirling blue designs over the black satin. His smile of
pleasure was unseen by her. The little witch had been coming to him
not only as leader of the Witch, but as
. She had intended to return to him. Lorcan now
realized the reasons for her obvious discomfort. Even so, he was
shamelessly taking a bit of satisfaction in it. His female deserved
a bit of a lesson. His tone was purposely authoritative when he
coolly called out, “Chosen, I bid

Kaitriana halted, motionless for long minutes
with her back to him. He could see the internal struggle played out
in the rigidity of her stance. Finally, she turned with all the
regality of a queen and took the steps gracefully. She dropped to
her knees before him once again. Not daring to look up, she did not
want him to see the wetness in her eyes. She also feared his wrath
had been roused at her abrupt dismissal of him after the pledge,
“Yes, Milord?”

Though there was enjoyment in seeing her so
submissively postured, Lorcan had never wanted her to cower before
him or any other. Her youthfulness caused her to be impetuous, but
her spirit was magnificent and he did not want it damaged. He would
relent in his high-handedness…soon. Lorcan lowered the bundled
weapons to the stone next to her. Squatting down, he cupped her
chin and drew it up until she had no choice but to gaze into his
eyes. Upon viewing the sheen of moisture in hers, he relaxed his
hold somewhat. His expression remained unreadable as he questioned,
“And you, Chosen one, do you pledge your fealty and

His hand on her chin prevented her nod, so
she was forced to reply. Her tone wavered but had a slight edge of
vexation in it, “Of course, Milord. I am part of the Witch
leadership, my pledge comes to you along with theirs.”

She witnessed his eyes crinkle with a hint of
amusement when he heard her answer. Lorcan whispered gravely, “You
will not circumvent me in this, lass.” Raising his voice to a level
that could be heard by those surrounding them, he questioned again,
“Kaitriana, do you offer me your allegiance…your loyalty…your

Shifting uncomfortably on her knees, she
clasped her hands around his wrist where he held her. With pleading
eyes she whispered, “Please do not make this more difficult. Accept
this, accept them. I had a difficult time bringing them to a
consensus; do not jeopardize everything because you wish to
humiliate me. I swear to you that I will not countermand anything
you do within the Realm; we give ourselves over to your rule.

He tilted her chin up a notch to study her
face and then whispered back, “I have no doubt that the pledge you
offered on behalf of the Witch is solid, Kaitriana.” He growled a
bit, his eyes probing hers, “I want yours personally, little

Swallowing hard, she kept her eyes locked on
his and raised her voice once more, “As the Chosen of the Witch, I
give you my personal pledge to all of this as well, Milord.”

Lorcan only shook his head, released her, and
then rose.

Kaitriana rose as well. She could see there
was disappointment lingering in his expression but she did not
understand the reason. Turning again to make her way back down, her
legs were shaking and her heart was pounding. She needed to escape
and vent her grief over his easy dismissal of her from his

Lorcan waited until she reached the ground.
He caught Cade’s smile and gave one in return before he called out
once more, “Kaitriana, come.”

Exasperated now, she grit her teeth. Lorcan
was pushing her to the edge of her control. She was certain he was
intentionally mocking her, making a spectacle of her shame. All
present must know he had cast her aside. This would not endear him
to the Witch but she held her tongue and pivoted sharply. Reaching
the top of the steps once again, she intended to kneel but his hand
on her arm stopped her.

The flare of her eyes answered the laughter
lurking in his. He was quite serious however when he gazed down at
her and proclaimed, “I will have your vows now, Witch.”

Kaitriana clenched her jaw and hissed
quietly, “Are you daft or deaf Lorcan? Quit mocking me! I have
given you the pledge three times already this eve.”

He caught her chin once more and held her
still while he waved a hand towards someone in the crowd. Leaning
down, he rubbed his lips hard over hers then praised, “There is my
little spitfire.” His satisfied smile followed that statement, “I
knew you were hiding in there somewhere.”

She only looked up at him with eyes mired in
confusion. Lorcan leaned in once more until his lips nearly brushed
hers when he spoke, “
vows, Kaitriana.
If you believe I am letting you leave this Coven, you are mistaken.
You will be joined to me before the sun rises or I will have you
trussed up and locked in my dungeon. Your choice, but you will not
be leaving these grounds again without my permission. You need not
think either that you are dumping the responsibility for all these
blasted Witch at my feet and then dancing merrily away.”

Understanding came slowly, but rather than
smile when she realized the line of his demand, she gave him a
petulant stare, “What of your little vampire girlfriend?”

A bark of laughter escaped and he tapped her
on the nose, “Jealous little minx. I was too troubled to pay her
notice. Even if I had, that female would not have warmed my bed
because you still bear my mark, Witch. But if you prefer I take her

He trailed off when she pinched his arm.
Brushing his lips over hers, he warned, “Do not think all is
settled with us, Kaitriana. You have much to answer for and I will
decide what to do about that later.” At her repentant look, he
almost smiled, “Myrrdyn is here, as are your Caste leaders and my
Coven. Are you giving me your vows or do I need to have Cade
conjure me some enchanted ropes?”

Kaitriana was suddenly nervous. Her emotions
had touched each end of the spectrum and every stop in between
during the course of this night. She needed to find her
equilibrium. The abrupt turn of events had left her with no time to
think through the ramifications of giving her vows, particularly
with how stormy their relationship had been the past week.
Shuffling her feet and biting at her lips, she gave him a worried
look and attempted to evade, “I really am not dressed as I should
be for the ceremony.”

Raking her eyes over his dark pants and his
casual black tunic, her eyes lit up when she caught sight of the
medallion around his neck. It sparked her memory. She could not
help herself but to lean up and stroke at the circular metal piece
as she murmured, “Nor are you…and there should be time to celebrate
our union after. With the sun preparing to rise, we have not the

Lorcan caught her stroking hand and gazed
down at her with plain understanding in his eyes, “You are nervous.
You need not be…you have known me your entire life.”

Her gaze was transfixed on the symbols etched
in the disk at his throat and she nodded absently. A smile pulled
at her lips when she repeated a long forgotten exchange,
“Vamp…ire…you chomp chomp chomp witches.”

His laughter followed immediately before he
caught her chin and gave her a hard kiss. When he finally released
her, he teased, “You are the same brat you were back then

Circling his arm around her waist, he pulled
her to face Myrrdyn; her grandpapa had climbed the steps
unbeknownst to her. The Ancient proceeded to counsel Lorcan
sternly, “She is
Vampire. You really do not deserve her. None could truly be worthy
of the superior beings that are in my lineage.”

Lorcan shot him a disgusted look, “None are
really so insufferable as you either, Sorcerer of Light. Her
arrogance comes honest, does it not?” When Myrrdyn looked as though
he might object to the characterization, Lorcan interrupted with a
laugh, “She is a trial, day and night. You are fortunate I am
willing to take her off of your hands.”

Kaitriana was rather proud of her restraint
in not delivering her elbow to the vampire’s abdomen. Instead she
pressed her case with her grandfather, “Grandpapa, I was attempting
to persuade Lorcan that vows should be exchanged later…when I am
appropriately attired for such a ceremony and when we have time to
properly celebrate the union.” She caught his eye with a meaningful
look and nodded dramatically.

Myrrdyn gave her a careful study up and down
while stroking his beard. At length he announced, “Granddaughter, I
think you look glorious. Giving your vows to your mate in the haze
of the breaking dawn will be splendid.” Obviously her grandfather
was unwilling to risk allowing her any additional time to create
more turmoil in the Realm.

Lorcan guffawed at her thwarted attempt to
gain her grandfather’s cooperation. Kat gave a grumpy snort, “I
would rather give him the sharp point of my slipper in his...” Her
words were cut by Lorcan’s hand settling over her mouth while
Myrrdyn stepped forward and grasped her wrist. She was resisting as
the elder witch insistently pulled it forward to place her hand in
the outstretched palm of Lorcan’s other.

Once her vampire had her hand firmly captured
in his own, he released his hold over her mouth and pointed out,
still in good humor, “You are not
any slippers, Dirty Toes.” Before she could think of a suitable
retort, Lorcan leaned down to brush his lips over her hair,
offering, “We can hold your vows until tomorrow, little one.”

Her relieved and thankful glance upwards let
Lorcan gauge her reaction when he outlined his terms with a wicked
grin, “But I will be taking you to my chambers tonight and claiming
you as my Mate the way that we do in the Vampire culture. You may
ask your grandfather if he is agreeable to these conditions.”
Lorcan was vastly amused by the level of her discomfort when he

A brilliant red claimed her cheeks; she knew
full well her grandfather had heard the proposal. She also knew he
understood what Lorcan was insinuating with his ‘claiming’ remark.
Kaitriana could not form a response other than to stare at Lorcan,
horror-struck that he would mention
in the presence of Myrrdyn.

The Ancient looked as though he might choke
on his tongue before he rejoined tersely, “That is
acceptable Kaitriana.” He meaningfully set his
hand atop their joined ones. Wasting no more time, Myrrdyn began
droning on in a ceremonious tone with the words to begin the
formalized ceremony of the Witch joining.

Kaitriana’s blood was pounding in her ears,
drowning out the bulk of it. She was further troubled now, she had
not thought of what would occur after the vows until Lorcan had
raised the subject. Now her worry was twofold; the paleness of her
face along with the deathgrip her teeth held on her lip told as

Wanting to alleviate her anxiety before she
turned full panic and balked, Lorcan soothingly rubbed his thumb
over her palm. Myrrdyn eased into his role of officiant with an
incredibly long speech regarding the sacred union and the beginning
of the prophetic joining of two. Lorcan leaned down and gained her
attention with hushed words, “Look at me, Kaitriana.” When she
leveled her gaze on his, she could see a heated longing in his eyes
that matched his words, “You were made to be mine, lass. You must
know I treasure you most among all things in the Realm.”

She gave him a hesitant smile and he
witnessed the panic beginning to lessen in her as she nodded to
him. Squeezing her hand, he smiled in return, “You like my kisses?”
Another nod. “My touch?” Another. “My bites?” An emphatic nod
accompanied the bit of sparkle that entered her gaze with the last
question. Tender amusement was on his face and he gave her a cocky
grin, “Then, sweet little witch, you will like tonight so much
more. You do trust me, do you not?”

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