Chosen: Book 1 in the Ancients of Light series (28 page)

Read Chosen: Book 1 in the Ancients of Light series Online

Authors: Heather Fleener

Tags: #romance, #vampires, #vampire, #love, #drama, #paranormal romance, #paranormal, #magic, #ancient, #historical, #supernatural, #witches, #prophecy, #witch, #fire, #conflict, #series, #immortal, #realm, #vampire romance, #spells, #medieval, #chosen, #sorcerer, #lights, #witch romance, #ancients of light, #darks, #warrior of light, #sorcerer of light, #myrrdyn, #kaitriana, #lorcan

BOOK: Chosen: Book 1 in the Ancients of Light series
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Lorcan’s face was stormy as he spun on his
heel and returned to Colm, “Shadowmere will not fall easily no
matter how well prepared the Witch believe they are, even with the
element of surprise as their aid.” Colm was already nodding his
agreement. The strength of the fortress was well known and must too
be known to the Witch. They glanced simultaneously over to the
gathering. The leaders of the Castes had circled Kaitriana and were
in deep conversation. No doubt they were questioning the arrival of
the vampires and reviewing the battle plans a final time before

Shaking his head with disgust, Lorcan could
not quite believe the night had taken this turn. He was still
seething over all that had transpired to this point and now
Kaitriana was defying him again in planning this foolhardy venture
with her little witch friends. Her stubbornness forced his hand. No
matter how angry, he was resolved that the lass would have his
protection. Inclining his head, he instructed Colm quietly, “Gather
the men. You will rendezvous with us at Shadowmere.”

Colm issued a curt order to the group that
had come with them to Laverock. He and the vampire warriors
immediately shadowed away to assemble the full force of Lorcan’s
men for the engagement. Lorcan and the four Elite that remained
made way across the hall to join the Witch leaders. They were
intercepted midway by Kendrick, who had broken from the group to
seek them.

Foolhardy to assume they were aligned in
purpose, Kendrick rambled in his excitement, “I am pleased that you
lend your support to us, Lorcan. I have come to realize, as have
all the Castes, that the girl is better as she is and she should
remain so. The blend of your kind and ours - the Chosen should
represent both Factions equally if she is to unite us. She need not
be solely ours to assume rule of the Realm and lead us to triumph
over the Dark.” Kendrick offered his hand with his gracious

Rather than accept either and the offer of
alliance implicit therein, Lorcan shot him a disdainful look and
sidestepped. His response was scathing, “I do not believe that your
purpose in encouraging Kat to enter into this fray is anything more
than a manipulation to bring her back into the folds of the Warrior
Caste, Kendrick. If she suffers injury in this venture, I will have
your throat.” Lorcan’s eyes glittered with an unholy blackness when
he snarled his warning, “You would be wise to stay away from that
which is mine, including the girl and this place. Tread carefully,

The Warrior Caste leader was dismissed as the
vampires continued past. Lorcan took position at Kat’s back. His
expression was still harsh and the positioning of his four Elite
behind him caused the witches within the circle to eyeball Lorcan
warily. Kat did not interrupt the flow of their discussion despite
being acutely aware of his proximity. The full attention of the
group gradually returned to her and she finished reviewing the
outline of their attack.

Lorcan had to admit, as he watched and
listened, that she was a study in confidence, assured in both her
plan and their chances for success. Kaitriana was patient as she
took questions and considered challenges and then responded
thoughtfully. She was the embodiment of a Queen from Ancient times
and he acknowledged to himself that he was impressed with her poise
and her strategy. Still, regardless of any plans developed by the
Witch, Lorcan and his men had only one mission tonight- protect his
defiant little female.

With the discussion and their final
preparations concluded, the leaders went back to their respective
Castes. They then waited, watching her expectantly. Kaitriana
turned to Lorcan, having been achingly conscious of the press of
him near her back. She leaned into his chest and rubbed her hand
over the armor there. His eyes widened at the unexpected intimacy
of her touch, but he remained immobile, watching her only. She
continued until her hand wound up his neck and then higher to cup
his cheek in her palm. Up on tiptoes, her lips brushed his.

Kaitriana had intended to give him the
remainder of her pledge earlier but she had allowed her temper to
interfere. Centered once more, she wanted him to have the words
before they entered the risk the night presented to them both.
Brushing her lips to his lightly again, she whispered, “I love you
Lorcan. I will not be apart from you and I refuse to be at odds
with you.” She gave him a rueful smile. Afraid that she might not
see the same feelings now returned to her, she refused to meet his
eyes and instead rested her brow on his chest.

Her words were brimming with her fear,
anxiety and her love, “I had intended to tell you before I became
angry.” Kaitriana did look at him then, and he could see the utter
sincerity despite how the the next words pained her, “After this
night, my place will be at your side, as it always has been meant
to be. If there is no other way, I will abdicate my position within
the Castes following this battle.”

She dropped her hand and had turned from him
before he could shake off his surprise. Nodding to her group of
witches in signal, Kat shadowed. A ripple of magic invisibly swept
the room and in the next instant all Witch that had filled the
castle disappeared. Only silence remained.

Lorcan was reeling; he had not expected her
words of love nor her willingness to concede everything to him. It
shook him deeply that Kat would willingly give up all that was hers
by right and the grief he had witnessed in her when she made that
offer swamped him with guilt. He had to shove away the nagging
voice of his conscience telling him that requiring that level of
submission from his powerful mate made him an egotistical ass.

He did not have time at present to consider
the magnitude of the offer or what his response should be. Nodding
to his Elite, he gave the order, “The safety of Kaitriana is our
only mission.” Lorcan gave them a cocky grin as his hand fell to
the hilt of his sword. The prospect of a battle, even this one,
always moved him, “And if we happen to take the heads of a few
Darks while we are at it, all the better.”

Knowing their destination, they took to
Shadowmere as a unit.




The night was cooperating with them; whether
by magic or nature Lorcan was uncertain. Heavy clouds adequately
covered the full moon, casting the walls outside the massive
fortress of Shadowmere in darkness. The wind was still and the
place was immersed in an unnatural silence despite the hundreds of
Light surrounding the keep. Even with his acute sight Lorcan was
having difficulty discerning between the various Castes spread over
the grassy slopes. Scanning furiously, he was frustrated at his
inability to locate his witch. Just as he was losing patience a
bright flicker of blue captured his attention.

He and the group of Elite were joined at that
moment by many more. Colm appeared on the hillside with a legion of
Vampire warriors. Lorcan surmised then that the overcast skies were
indeed wrought by magic - hers. Across the distance he watched Kat
making headway towards the imposing walls and with each assured
stride the clouds parted to bathe the fields in the brightness of
the night’s moon.

The light from the heavens was becoming
unnecessary as the radiance within her palms was burgeoning and
overcoming the shadows. Kaitriana continued to advance, boldly
setting herself apart from her kin and rapidly gaining ground on
the walls that protected the structure. Lightning shredded the sky
just as a gust of air swept the area. Kat’s curls were dancing
wildly about her head with the whip of the wind. Lorcan admired the
figure she presented. There was no denying that she was in her
element, reminiscent of the Queens of the past, leading her Light
forces against the Dark.

Lorcan heard the shout from somewhere up on
the walls and prepared to shadow to Kat’s location. He was frozen
momentarily in awe when Kat raised her arms in the direction of the
heavy stone. The intensity of the light that spread forth from her
hands brought a supernatural haze of blue to the landscape. There
was an explosion when it collided with the Dark magic protecting
the wall and the force of it caused the ground to quake. That
easily the magic barrier was breached.

A battle cry went up from the Witch faction.
Kat increased her pace forward with her hands raised, the beams of
light never ceasing. As rocks of the wall began exploding away, the
troops surged forward to join their leader. Lorcan shook himself
free of the thrall and nodded the signal to his men. They shadowed
to her location. He took position directly at her back while his
Elite flanked her sides.

Kaitriana paused her magical onslaught upon
sensing his presence and gazed back to him, noting the force of his
men surrounding her. The communication of thanks was given from her
eyes to his, reinforced by the smile that touched her lips. Her
eyes were shimmering black, though the force of power that had
risen in her was causing the brilliant blue rings to encroach on
the darkness. Light danced in her palms once more as her focus
returned to the destruction of the walls and any lingering Dark
magic that might still protect the fortress.

She was stunning in her warrior’s paint and
Lorcan lightly dropped a hand on the top of her head in approval.
He was surprised by the strong need for her that was dragging at
him. Aroused by the sight of her engaging in battle, it came
through in his gritty tone, “Words cannot describe your
magnificence, Witch.”

A few more stones burst to pebbles creating a
large access point to the inner bailey of Shadowmere. Only then did
Kaitriana rein in the light force and shoot a wink at him over her
shoulder, “Nor yours, Vampire.”

It was true. His features half-lit by the
shadowy light of the moon and dressed for war, her male looked
ruggedly fierce. The determination in his eye also held an edge of
excitement and he looked the invincible warlord that legend painted
him to be. His appeal threatened to pull her attention from their
well laid plans and she was biting at her lip when she turned back
to the task before her.

Various Witch groups had gained the walls and
were engaging with the Dark warriors that spilled forth to meet the
assault. Lorcan’s attention also quickly returned to the ensuing
fight as the Darks shadowed towards their enemies en mass. Kat made
her way to one of the openings in the crumbled stone and leapt over
it to gain entry to the inner grounds. The Elite formed a
formidable defense at her back. Her gaze swept the scene - Witch
and Vampire, locked in a play of both sword and magic.

The clang of metal and shouts of pain and
triumph mingled with the growing scent of blood. The tangy essence
washed over her strongly and Kaitriana felt her fangs extending in
response. Ignoring the hunger, another quick survey of the fray
brought a satisfied smile to her face. Her Faction was fighting

The Fire, Light and Warrior Castes were at
the forefront of the assault. As always, the Warrior Caste witches
were swinging their swords with might and finding their targets
with ease. They were imbued with a strength that equaled the
Vampire and a speed that was nearly as swift. The Fire and Light
Castes worked in unison wreaking havoc on not only their enemy but
on the structure of Shadowmere. These two Castes were not as adept
with weaponry as their Warrior Caste kin, but they used their
searing powers to make their strikes lethal. When a blow was
landed, weapons suffused with light and fire scorched the enemy as
if their flesh had met the touch of the sun.

Kat heard Lorcan give the order to bring his
own warriors forward. The inner sanctuary of the structure was
overrun when his men shadowed within and took positions opposite
the Darks. Her short sword remained sheathed; instead she relied on
her hands to award death to any foe that ventured too close. Her
fiery balls of blue downed the Dark vampires easily.

The chaos of the skirmish did not deter her
from her mission. Kaitriana shadowed to situate herself at the top
of the massive steps leading to the iron doors of Shadowmere. The
looming stretch of black metal represented the last fortification
guarding the interior of the structure. If her allies were
successful against the Darks in the combat outside the fortress,
victory would be theirs once they took the interior of

The wall had been a solid obstacle. Though
she appeared to have downed it effortlessly, the level of magic
required had strained her. It was no wonder Shadowmere had been a
Dark stronghold for centuries, its defenses were formidable.
Kaitriana could feel sinister magic radiating from the metal,
hard-packed in the forged iron. Waves of it reached out, brushing
against her senses, challenging her with its power. Dropping her
head back to her shoulders, she inhaled deeply of the brisk air and
her eyes drifted close in concentration.

Her powers were surging so strongly in
reaction to the evil force that it was almost painful to
experience. A veil of luminous ice-blue color overtook her eyes
completely. This outward display was a sign of the level of magic
that now pulsed through her; a level of magic seen only hereto
before by the long dead Queens. The liquid sheen of blue rolling
over her eyes was incandescent when she lifted her head and looked
at the entry once again. Light was not only centered in her hands
but seemed to emanate from within; even the tips of her curls were
dancing with blue flames.

Lorcan did not see her shadow but had
immediately felt her absence. Before he or any of his men could
follow to protect her, his group was overrun by a host of Dark
warriors. If any shadowed to the girl at this moment, it would
leave the others to fall under the onslaught. Understanding this,
as a unit they cut through their opposition, vicious now in their
combat in order to reach Kaitriana with all haste.

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