Christian (The Beck Brothers Series)

BOOK: Christian (The Beck Brothers Series)
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By Andria Large

This is a work of
fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the
author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and are not to be construed as
real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, businesses, or
persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Copyright © 2013 by
Andria Large. All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be
reproduced, scanned, distributed, or used in any manner whatsoever without the
express written permission of the author, except for the use of brief
quotations in a book review.

Printed in the United States of America
First Printing, 2013


Kindle Direct Publishing


First, I want to say
thank you to my husband and my girls, who have been nothing but supportive of
me. Second, I want to give a shout out to my friend, Jessica Carroll, who
started me on this crazy journey; without her and her blog, no one would have
ever heard about the Beck Brothers. And last but not least, to my editor, Megan
Hershenson, who worked tirelessly to make my work sound better and more
professional. And of course, thanks to all of my fans, I love you all!!!


Christian was hammered. He had a great time dancing and
laughing with his family, but he hadn’t seen Shea in about an hour, so he went
looking for him. Christian found him at the bar, talking to Jared Walsh,
Sebastian’s new brother-in-law. He went over and slung his arm around Shea’s

“Hey, guys.” Christian greeted them.

“Hey, Chris,” Jared smiled.

“Hey, buddy,” Shea said, turning his glazed brown eyes toward

“Listen, I gotta piss. I’ll see you guys later,” Jared said
and left them to find the bathroom.

Christian took a deep breath, he had something he wanted to
tell Shea, and it was now or never. “Shea, can we go somewhere quiet to talk?”

“Yeah, sure, man.”

Shea pushed away from the bar and Christian dropped his arm.
They headed out into the lobby and out the front doors. Christian led them over
to the little grassy area where the gazebo was. It was dark and quiet in the
gazebo; no one else was outside - perfect for what he needed to tell Shea. He
stepped into the gazebo then turned and waited for Shea, who ended up tripping
as he stepped into the gazebo. Christian caught him, but since they were both
drunk, they stumbled until his back bumped against one of the poles, and Shea
was pressed against his front. Christian’s eyes slid closed. Jesus, he couldn’t
remember what they even came out here for. He has been dreaming about Shea
being in his arms like this for too long.

“You know, I have always wondered what it would be like to
kiss you,” Shea murmured huskily into the dark, his mouth mere inches from

Christian’s eyes flew open. He was about to ask Shea what
the hell he was talking about, but instead Shea kissed him. Christian sucked in
a sharp breath through his nose, his eyes fluttering shut.
Holy shitballs!
Shea was kissing him! Christian fisted his hands in
the back of Shea’s shirt and kissed him back, all of his pent up desires
bursting forth. Their tongues met and Christian thought he was going to come in
his pants. He moaned into Shea’s mouth, and he responded with his own moan, as
he pressed Christian more firmly against the pole.

The kiss was urgent and messy. Shea’s goatee scraped
Christian’s skin and he loved every minute of it, never wanting it to end; but
of course, it had to. Shea pulled back only enough to press their foreheads
together as they both sucked in much needed air. Christian could feel Shea
trembling against him. Yeah, he was just as affected as Christian was.

“Damn.” Shea breathed.

“What was that about?” Christian asked quietly.

“I don’t know,” he said, swallowing hard.

“Was it just the alcohol?” Christian asked.

“I...I don’t know,” Shea murmured.

Christian sighed heavily, his heart shattering into pieces.
He gently pushed Shea back. “Well, when you figure it out, I’ll be here,” he
said and started to leave the gazebo.

Shea grabbed his arm. “Hold up! What did you want to talk

Christian hung his head for a moment before he glanced back
at Shea. “I was going to tell you that I’m in love with you.”

Shea flinched as if Christian just slapped him across the
face. “But...but...”

“Yeah, I know, you’re straight. You don’t have to remind
me,” Christian muttered and pulled his arm out of Shea’s grasp. “I’m going back

Christian left Shea standing stunned in the gazebo. He
didn’t know what he expected when he first went out there, but that was not it.
He now had a taste of Shea, and nothing was ever going to be the same between
them. He didn’t think he could go on just being friends with him anymore, it
was too painful. Christian’s stomach protested and he ran for the bathroom. He
locked himself in a stall and puked his ever-loving guts up. Thank god, no one
else was around.

Christian pretty much avoided Shea for the remainder of the
night. However, when the limo stopped to drop Christian off at home, Shea got
out, too. Shea followed him into his house before shutting the door and locking
it behind him.

“Chris, we have to talk about this,” Shea murmured as he
followed Christian up the stairs.

“Talk about what? I’m gay, you’re not. I’m in love with you,
but the feelings aren’t mutual. There is really nothing else to talk about,”
Christian muttered, dragging a hand through his hair as he walked into his

“What about our friendship?” Shea demanded.

Christian sighed and dropped down to sit on the end of his
bed. “I don’t know what to do about that, Shea. All I know is that I can’t go
on like this anymore, it hurts too much.”

Christian glanced up at Shea where he was standing just
inside the door, the look of pure agony on his face. “You...I...we can’t just
throw away decades of friendship over a kiss,” he whispered.

“Shea, this isn’t about the kiss. This is about me looking
at you every day, knowing that we will never be anything more than
I don’t know how I fell in
love with you, but I did, and it hurts so fucking badly to look at you and know
that you will never feel the same way about me,” Christian said hoarsely. He
was practically sober again, throwing up definitely had a part in that.

“So you’re saying that the only way to keep you in my life
is to be in a relationship with you?” Shea asked, taking a step forward.

Christian frowned as he thought about it. “I guess, I don’t
see any other way,” he answered, shaking his head.

Shea got scary quiet, deep in thought.
He took a deep breath and said the one
thing that Christian NEVER expected to hear. “Then let’s do it. If that is the
only way that you want me in your life, then I’m going to take it. You are the
only family I have, and I can’t lose you, Christian. So, if you want me to be
your boyfriend, then that’s what I’m going to be,” he said firmly.

Christian sputtered and blinked rapidly.
What the fuck was going on here?

“I’m game, Chris. If it’s a relationship that you want, then
it’s a relationship you’re gonna get,” Shea said seriously.

Christian eyed him warily. “Sex?”

“Sex included,” Shea agreed.

“But...I don’t understand.
Why would you do this? You’re not
attracted to me like that.” Christian scoffed.
“You can’t just wake up one day and
decide to be gay.”

“Did I not tell you once that you were the only guy I have
ever found attractive?” Shea reminded him.

“I thought you were fucking with me!”

“Well, I wasn’t.” Shea shrugged.

“Listen, Shea, if you are serious about this, there will be
no more women for you. I don’t share,” Christian said.

“I don’t want any women if it means not having you. I do
love you, you know.”

“But you’re not
love with me,” Christian said with a pointed look.

“I don’t think it would be hard to fall in love with you,
Christian,” Shea murmured softly, taking another step forward, which put him
right in front of him.

Christian looked up at the man he was so in love with,
offering him everything he has always wanted. Did he take the chance and agree
to this? It could end horribly with not just Christian’s heart broken, but
Shea’s, too. Could Shea actually be in a sexual relationship with another guy?
Christian didn’t know, and he wouldn’t unless he put himself out there and gave
this thing a try. The first real burst of excitement hit him square in the gut;
this might be his one and only chance to be with Shea, so he was going to take

“Are you sure? You’re not just doin’ this out of guilt or
pity? Or because you are afraid of losing our friendship?” Christian asked.

“More like terrified,” Shea murmured softly. “But I am
absolutely positive that this is what I want.” Shea finished firmly and nodded.

Christian eyed him warily but nodded in return. “Okay, but
I’m warning you, there is no going back after this.”

“I know.”

Christian held out his hand, and Shea instantly threaded
their fingers together. Christian’s heart fluttered. “God, Shea, are you really
sure? You have to be...”

“Chris, just stop! If I wasn’t sure I never would have
offered, so stop doubting me,” Shea said, squeezing Christian’s fingers.

“I’m just afraid you are going to change your mind
tomorrow.” Christian sighed.

Shea shook his head. “I will not change my mind, I swear.”

“But you’re not gay.”

“I will be for you.
I would do anything for you, you should know that by now, Chris,” Shea
said with a small smile. “I will not lose my best friend because I’m not gay,
fuck that, consider me gay from now on.”

Christian couldn’t help but chuckle. He hoped this wasn’t a
huge mistake. Can you really just decide to be gay? Just like that?

Shea sat down next to Christian and looked down at their
intertwined hands. “I’m not going to lie and say that being with a dude doesn’t
freak me out a little bit, but I liked our kiss earlier.
I think if we just take it a step at a
time, I’ll be fine. I have been curious about what you are like in bed.”

Christian took a deep breath and blew it out. “Okay,” he

“How’s your anxiety? Is your heart okay? Did it give out?
You gonna puke?”

Christian laughed and nudged Shea with his shoulder. “You’re
a dick.”

Shea suddenly yawned but nodded in agreement. “I
know...damn, I’m beat, are we done talking? Cause I’d really like to go to
sleep now.”

“Yeah, yeah, we can go to sleep.” Christian smirked.

Shea turned and crawled up the bed on his hands and knees.
Christian smacked his ass, causing him to yelp in surprise. Shea glared over
his shoulder at him before plopping down on his stomach and snuggling up with a

“Dude, you still have your shoes on.” Christian snickered.

“Don’t care, too tired,” Shea mumbled, his voice muffled by
the pillow.

Christian huffed as he grabbed Shea’s shoes and pulled them
off, taking off his socks, too, because he knew that Shea hated sleeping with
socks on. Christian then got himself undressed. In some ways, this relationship
with Shea was going to be a piece of cake because they already knew each other
inside out; however, in other ways, it was going to be a struggle.
But Christian knew that they could do
it, as long as they were both committed to making it work.

“So what should I call you now? Sweetie, pumpkin or kitten?
Oh, oh, I know! How about cocksucker?” Shea teased, lifting his head to grin
evilly over his shoulder at Christian.

“I might be gay, but I can totally kick your ass,” Christian

“I would say that you’re more likely to fuck my ass than
kick it.” Shea snorted, dropping his head back to his pillow.

Christian threw his head back and laughed. He finished
getting undressed, leaving only his black boxer/briefs on. He climbed onto the
bed next to Shea and collapsed; Christian rolled onto his side facing Shea and
stroked a hand over his short hair. Shea hummed softly and snuggled his face
closer to his.

“What are you going to tell that girl you’re seeing?”
Christian asked.

“The truth,” Shea muttered sleepily.

“You’re going to tell her that you’ve suddenly decided to
start a relationship with your gay best friend?”

Shea shrugged. “Sure, why not?”

Christian seriously doubted that Shea was going to tell the
girl the truth, but he wasn’t going to argue with him now. Christian put his
arm around his waist and pulled him closer. Shea shifted and rolled so that his
back pressed against Christian’s front. Christian hummed his approval and
wrapped his arm around Shea. Christian tucked his face into the back of his
neck and sighed heavily. This felt so right. God, he hoped this relationship


~Chapter 1~


groaned and rolled over.
Holy schnikes!
His head was absolutely pounding; he drank way too much last night at Sebastian

wedding, but hell, that was a must at all Beck parties. He stretched and looked
down at himself, and he was still fully clothed. Shea rolled his eyes at
himself before throwing his legs over the side of the bed as he sat up. He
scrubbed his face and the sleep from his eyes before looking around. He was in

s bedroom.
Last night came slamming back to the forefront of his mind, the kiss between
Christian and him, their conversation, everything

Holy Mother of God! Christian is his boyfriend!

whipped his throbbing head around to look at the other side of the bed where
Christian was sprawled out on his stomach with his head under a pillow, wearing
only his underwear. His heart fluttered. Christian, his best friend, was now
his boyfriend. Wow

just wow.

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