Christian (The Beck Brothers Series) (19 page)

BOOK: Christian (The Beck Brothers Series)
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Christian fought back the
tears that threatened to fall. Damn his dad! Why did he have to go and say shit
like that right now?

“Even if she doesn’t have a
mother?” Christian rasped.

“Children don’t need a mother
and father.
As long as they have
someone who loves them with their whole heart, than that’s enough. Whether it
be two men, two women, a man and woman, or one man or one woman, it doesn’t
matter. Love and stability are what make children happy and grow into good
have to teach her how to
be a good person, the difference between right and wrong. That is what defines
a parent, not what gender you are.”

Christian nodded, unable to
stop the tears from streaming down his face. “Thank you, dad.”

“I love you, son. You know
that right?” his father murmured.

Christian smiled. “Yes, I do
know. I love you, too.”

“Good. Now, I think you are
about to change your first poopy diaper cause this kid is farting away over
here,” Henry Sr. chuckled.

Christian laughed and brushed
the tears off his face. His father handed over Skylar and kissed Christian’s
forehead. Christian gave him a grateful smile before getting up to grab a
diaper. Christian just finished changing the baby when Shea and his mother
walked into the living room. Shea looked a bit more pulled together even though
his eyes were red and puffy from crying. Who knows what Anne said to him.
Christian would try to find out later when they were alone.

“Can I…can I hold her?” Shea

“Absolutely, why don’t you
sit on the couch?” Christian instructed.

Shea nodded and moved over to
the couch. He sat down and rubbed his hands on his thighs. Christian finished
buttoning up Skylar’s pajamas then scooped her up off the other end of the
couch where he changed her diaper. He then brought her over to Shea and placed
her in his arms. Christian adjusted his hold a little bit before sitting down
next to him.

“Breathe, Shea.” Christian

Shea let out the breath he
had been holding. “I didn’t even realize I was doing that,” he murmured with a
small smile.

“I know.”

Christian put his arm on the
back of the couch behind Shea.

“She’s so light,” Shea

“Yeah, right now. Wait until
you see how fast she grows,” Anne chuckled.

“Mmm, she’ll be eighteen
before you know it,” Henry Sr. said.

“Oh god, don’t say that.”
Shea groaned.

They all laughed.

Christian’s parents stayed
for a little while longer before heading home. After giving Skylar another
bottle, Christian swaddled her and put her up in the bassinette, which was set
up in their room. He set up the video monitor that Henry and Claire provided
then went downstairs to find Shea.

Shea was in the kitchen
standing in front of the sink, his hands planted on the counter on either side
of it, his head hanging down. Christian sidled up behind him and wrapped his
arms around him as he kissed the back of his neck. Shea tilted his head to the
side, giving Christian better access to his neck. Christian hummed his approval
and slipped his hands up under Shea’s T-shirt to run his hands over his tight
stomach. Christian pressed his growing erection against Shea’s ass.

“How can you possibly think
about sex right now?” Shea grunted.

“Because I always think about
sex when you’re in the room,” Christian growled, sliding one hand down the
front of Shea’s jeans to cup him through his boxers.

“Mmm, I can’t blame you, I am
extremely sexy,” Shea murmured.

Christian smiled against his
neck. “I’m glad you’re getting your sense of humor back.”

“It’s never too far away,”
Shea replied, gasping when Christian found his way inside his boxers.

“You were making me nervous
earlier with how upset you were,” Christian murmured as he wrapped his hand
around Shea’s hardening cock.

“You can’t talk about
something serious while you’re jerking me off. My brain shuts down when you
touch me, you know that.” Shea breathed, pressing his ass more firmly against
Christian’s groin.

Christian nipped at Shea’s
neck. “We’ll talk later then.”

Shea just hummed in agreement
and dropped his head back onto Christian shoulder. He brought his hand around
to grab Christian’s hip, tugging him even closer if that was possible, as they
were already pressed against each other.

“I want you inside of me,”
Shea moaned.

“God, yes.” Christian
breathed and tore at Shea’s jeans.


“I really don’t feel right
doing this again,” Quinn muttered as he plopped down onto Henry’s couch.

“Baby.” Sebastian snorted
from the recliner.

“Listen, I just want to know
what you two think, and I can’t talk to you about Christian in front of him.”
Henry sighed.

“Why do we have to talk about
him at all?” Quinn replied.

“Because we’re a bunch of
women who need to gossip.” Sebastian chuckled.

Quinn rolled his eyes. Henry
understood why Quinn didn’t want to talk about Christian behind his back; it
would be like him talking about Sebastian behind his back.

“First off, Quinn, I gotta
know, did you know about Christian being gay before he came out to us? Because
you and Margot didn’t react at all,” Henry said with a pointed look.

Quinn nodded. “I did know,
Christian told me at the kids’ birthday party when he had that huge panic
attack and I took him into the bathroom. He made me promise not to say anything
because he wanted to be the one to tell everyone.”

“But you told Margot,”
Sebastian said with a frown.

Quinn smiled fondly at the
mention of his wife. Henry was so freaking happy that Quinn was so in love and had
married such a wonderful woman, even if he didn’t have a huge wedding like
Sebastian’s. Their little courthouse ceremony had been very personal and intimate;
Margot looked beautiful in a tea length wedding dress. With the way she did her
hair that day, plus the dress, she looked like she came straight out of the
fifties. She looked absolutely beautiful and Henry had never seen Quinn smile
the way he did that day. It had warmed his heart.

“Margot had found out way
before I did and had even kept it a secret from me, and believe me, I tried
multiple times to get it out of her,” Quinn said suggestively.

Henry smiled and shook his
head. Sebastian barked out a laugh.

“What did you do, Quinn?
Because it obviously didn’t work,” Sebastian said with a mischievous smile.

“I swear, man, I did
everything I could think of and she still would not tell me. I tied her to the
bed and made her come about five times in a row and she
would not tell me,” Quinn said, shaking his head in wonder as
if he still couldn’t believe that she hadn’t caved.

Henry and Sebastian laughed.

“Damn dude, I never expected
you to be into that kind of stuff.” Sebastian chuckled.

Quinn’s smiled turned rakish
and Henry had to do a double take. Who was this person? He was still having a
hard time getting used to this new, open, smiling and teasing Quinn.

“I’m usually not, but Margot
got herself in trouble because she said, “Even if you tie me down, I will not
tell you,” Quinn said, mimicking Margot’s accent and raising his voice to a
female falsetto.

Both Sebastian and Henry
started cracking up. Oh man, Margot was one tough cookie. She had to have known
that Quinn would do exactly what she said…maybe that was what she intended all
along, sneaky little minx.

“Alright, that answers my
first question. But what do you guys think about this whole baby situation?”
Henry asked after their laughter died down.

“What about it?” Quinn asked
with a shrug.

“Well, Shea finds out
tomorrow if he’s really the father or not. What if he’s not? Christian will be
devastated if they have to give that baby up,” Henry said grimly.

When Henry had gone over to
meet the little baby, he had seen the way Christian looked at her. Henry knew
that look; he looked at his own kids like that. And Shea, he was still hesitant,
but he had fallen in love with her, too. They would both be shattered if it
turned out that the baby wasn’t Shea’s.

“There’s nothing we can do if
she’s not Shea’s,” Sebastian murmured sadly.

“In order for them to keep her,
she would have to be Shea’s. Otherwise, they would have to give her back, then
apply to be foster parents, and hope to get her back that way,” Quinn said.

Sebastian groaned and rubbed
his face. “It’s gonna be bad if Skylar’s not his.”

“She’s too young to really
say whether or not she looks like him, ya know? We can’t go by that either,”
Quinn supplied.

Henry shook his head. “Let’s
hope that the news tomorrow is good news.”

Sebastian and Quinn agreed.

~Chapter 10~

Shea groaned when he heard
Skylar start to fuss. He glanced over at the clock on the nightstand, it was 4:15
am; she was right on time. The kid ate exactly every three hours. They took
turns getting up with her and it was his turn. He didn’t want to get up,
though, he was too fucking tired. They’ve been only doing this for a week and
Shea swore that he was going to die from sleep deprivation.

“The baby goat is crying,”
Christian mumbled from under his pillow.

Shea smiled. He couldn’t help
it. Christian had nicknamed her the baby goat because that’s what she sounded
like when she cried.

“I’m trying to get up, I
swear,” Shea grumbled and rubbed his eyes.

Shea rolled out of bed and
shuffled over to the dresser where they had a canister of formula and bottles
with water set up. Shea made a bottle then made his way over to Skylar while he
shook it up. He set the bottle on the floor next to the glider they bought then
gathered up the squirming baby in his arms and sat down in the glider. Skylar
immediately latched onto the bottle as soon as it touched her lips. Shea closed
his eyes and rested his head back as he listened to her suck away.

Shea couldn’t get over how
quickly this little baby came to mean everything to him. Tomorrow…well, today
really…was the day he would find out if Skylar were actually his. He couldn’t
even think about her not being his, it was too painful. He would be absolutely
crushed if he was not her father, and he knew Christian would be, too. The
first few days, Shea tried to keep his heart locked up tight, not wanting to
care for her just in case she turned out not to be his, but it was impossible
not to fall in love with her. She was just so damn cute and helpless and Shea
found that he wanted to love her and give her everything she needed.

Skylar barely finished her
bottle before she fell back to sleep on him. Shea sat her up to burp her but he
didn’t even have to pat her back, it came right out, making him chuckle. Baby
burps were too stinkin’ cute. Shea lifted Skylar up higher so that he could
kiss her soft little cheeks before changing her diaper, swaddling her back up,
and putting her back in her bassinette. Shea crawled back into bed with a tired
groan. He snuggled up next to Christian and almost immediately fell back to

He was awoken again what
seemed like only ten minutes later by the baby goat. Shea peeled open an eye
with his fingers to check the time, 7:30 am, Jesus Christ! He swore he had just
fallen asleep; at least that’s how he felt. Thank god he had taken this past
week off of work. He probably would have cut his arm off with a saw or nailed
his hand to a stud with how exhausted he was. Christian had also closed his
studio for the week, which was good because he didn’t think Christian could
sleep and paint at the same time. He then heard Christian suck in a sharp
breath as he sat straight up and looked around frantically.

“Hey, you alright?” Shea
asked, reached over to touch Christian’s thigh.

Christian blinked rapidly
before scrubbing his hands roughly over his face and through his hair.
“Yeah…shit,” he rasped.

“Bad dream?” Shea asked.

“Yeah, just some crazy ass
dream,” Christian murmured.

Christian swung his feet over
the edge of the bed, sat there for a moment before standing up and going over
to the dresser to make a bottle. Shea raked an appraising gaze over his
gorgeous boyfriend in his sexy gray briefs.

“I feel like I didn’t sleep
at all last night,” Christian muttered.

“I feel like I haven’t slept
all week,” Shea replied.

Christian grunted in
agreement as he shook up the bottle. He went over to the bassinette and scooped
Skylar up under her arms. “Aw, my little munchkin, are you hungry again?” he
cooed, kissing her cheek before settling down into the glider with her.

Shea smiled and tucked his
hands behind his head as he watched Christian feed their daughter. His smiled
slowly faded. Did he really just think of Skylar as their daughter? Aw shit, he
was so screwed. Please God, let him be her biological father! He just couldn’t
bear to give her up. Not now, not after having her for this week and loving her
like he did.

“I’m gonna get in the
shower,” Shea said, getting out of bed.

Christian nodded, not even
bothering to take his eyes off Skylar. Shea went over to him and kissed the top
of his head. “Love you,” Shea whispered.

“I love you, too.” Christian

Shea just finished his shower
when Christian walked into the bathroom with Shea’s cell phone in his hand, a
grim look on his face. Shea’s heart lodged in his throat.
Holy shit!
This was it,
the call they had been waiting for. Christian held up the phone without a word.
Shea could see the pulse on his neck fluttering frantically.
Christian was very anxious at the moment
and Shea couldn’t blame him, he was, too. He quickly wrapped the towel around
his waist and took the phone.


“Shea, its Jackie, how are
you?” Jackie said pleasantly.

“Right now, I’m nervous as
hell. Did you get the results?” Shea asked.

“I did,” Jackie replied.

Shea waited for a moment and
when Jackie didn’t say, he spoke up, “Well? Don’t pause dramatically like we’re
on the
Maury show
or something, Jackie! Am I her father?”

“Yes, Shea, you are her
father.” Jackie chuckled.

Shea’s knees almost gave out
from the relief.
He grabbed the
edge of the sink to catch himself. “Oh, thank you, sweet baby Jesus,.” Shea
breathed, closing his eyes since they started to burn.

“Congratulations, Shea. I’m
sure Skylar is in the best care with you and Christian. I wish you the best of
luck,” Jackie said.

“Thank you, Jackie. Thank you
so much,” Shea said sincerely.

Shea hung up after saying
goodbye and lifted his gaze to Christian, who was smiling from ear to ear with
tears running down his cheeks. Christian stepped into him, grabbing his face
and kissing him soundly. Shea’s breath caught from the intensity of the
emotions that enveloped him, both his own and Christian’s. He wrapped his arms
around Christian, holding him tight. Their kiss turned passionate and needy.
Christian was still in his underwear, so Shea slipped his hands down the back
of them to grab his boyfriend’s firm ass. Christian moaned and nipped at Shea’s
bottom lip.

Shea shoved Christian’s
underwear down his thighs; Christian kicked them away when they fell to the
floor. Shea captured Christian’s lips again as he wrapped his arms around his
waist and lifted him onto the sink’s counter. Christian pulled to loosen the
knot of Shea’s towel so that it fell away. Shea tore his mouth away from
Christian’s and grabbed the back of his knees so that he could pull him to the
edge of the counter. Christian leaned back on his hands, his eyes no longer teary
but heavy lidded with desire.

Shea pulled open the drawer
to the right and pulled out a small bottle of lube. They had stashed small
bottles all over the house since they had a hard time keeping their hands off
each other. Shea poured some in his hand and smoothed it over himself, stroking
a couple of times just because it felt good. He then rubbed his dick over
Christian’s hole to get it lubed up before he pushed his way in. Christian
gasped, his eyes locked on Shea’s.

“Fuck,” Shea ground out as he
fully seated himself.

Christian let out a strangled
moan that had Shea’s balls pulling tight. Shea grabbed the backs of Christian’s
thighs and pushed them up higher as he started to thrust. Christian clawed at
his chest with one hand as he set a fast and hard-paced rhythm.

“Shea! Jesus…Oh my god,
Shea!” Christian panted.

“You gonna come for me,
baby?” Shea grunted.

“Fuck…yessss,” Christian
moaned, his eyes never leaving Shea’s.

Shea couldn’t remember them
ever keeping eye contact this long but it was sexy as hell. Christian cried
out, Shea saw his abs tighten in his peripheral. Then Christian was coming and
pulsing hard around Shea’s cock. Shea gritted his teeth and slammed into
Christian a couple more times before losing it himself. They both panted heavily,
still staring into each other eyes.

“Damn, I love you.” Shea
breathed, grabbing the back of Christian’s neck and pulling him into a sloppy

“I love you, too…so much,”
Christian whispered between kisses.

After a lot of grunting and
groaning, they separated and got cleaned up. Christian then went to call his
family and give them the good news. Shea was fucking ecstatic. They had a daughter
and she was actually theirs, no need to go through all of the hassle of
adopting a baby. Maybe if they ever decided to have more kids, they could find
a surrogate and use Christian’s sperm, then they would have a kid from each of
them. Shea smiled, he liked that idea.


Christian couldn’t get the
smile off of his face. Ever since Shea and he got the news yesterday morning,
he could do nothing but smile. Skylar was officially theirs. There was nothing
left to worry about; she would never be taken away from them. They could live
their lives and love their baby and each other. Life was good. Christian never
thought he would ever be so happy.

“I have never seen you smile
so much, Chris.” Quinn smirked, wrapping his arm around Christian’s shoulders.

Christian’s whole family was
over their house to celebrate, because that’s what the Beck family did whenever
there was a cause to celebrate anything. Christian glanced over at his brother.

“I’ve never had a reason,”
Christian replied.

Quinn grunted in agreement
and gave him a squeeze before moving on to go sit with Margot, who was holding
Skylar and cooing to her in French. Shea was talking with Henry, Sebastian, and
Henry Sr. Claire and Raelynn were sitting with Anne in the kitchen. Ethan and
little Henry were running back and forth from the kitchen to the living room.
And both Adalyn and Michael were standing at the coffee table, ripping apart a
magazine that was in front of them. Christian has seriously never been so happy
in his entire life. Everything has just fallen into place for him.

A pair of arms slipped around
his waist as someone came up next to him. Christian lifted his arm and looked
over to find his mother smiling up at him. Christian smiled back and put his
arm around her shoulders. Anne laid her head on his chest and patted his

“My baby, I love seeing you
so happy,” Anne said quietly.

Christian hummed his
agreement as he leaned over and kissed the top of her head.

“I’m so proud of you,
Christian. You have really grown into a wonderful man,” Anne said. Christian
could actually hear the pride in her voice.

Christian’s heart swelled
close to bursting. “Thanks, mom.”

“Give me the little munchkin,
you baby hog,” Henry’s deep raspy voice said from across the room.

Christian looked up to see
him standing in front of Margot, holding out his hands. Margot was glaring up
at him. “Non! You have your own children to hold, I need the practice!” she
argued, apparently not wanting to give Skylar up.

“I want to hold Skylar. I’ve
held my kids a million times.”

“Non, I am not giving her
up,” Margot said, lifting her chin stubbornly.

“Quinn, help me out here.”
Henry grunted.

Quinn shook his head and
sighed. “Man, don’t drag me into the middle of this.”

“Pussy,” Henry sneered at

“Hey!” Quinn frowned,
pointing at him. “I like having sex with my wife, thank you very much.”

Anne groaned. “Not something
I want to know about. I’m going back into the kitchen,” she muttered as she
walked away.

Henry and Margot continued to
argue until Skylar started crying. Christian stepped in and took her from
Margot. It was time for her to eat now.

“Now look at what you did,”
Henry accused Margot.

Margot gasped in outrage and
shot to her feet. “Moi? Non! She was fine until you came over here!”

Christian could see the
sparkle of amusement in Henry’s green eyes and the subtle twitch of his lips;
he thought it was funny to get Margot all riled up. Quinn was pinching the
bridge of his nose as he shook his head.

“She got frustrated because
she couldn’t understand a damn word you were saying,” Henry retorted.

Sebastian barked out a laugh.
Quinn groaned loudly and dropped his head to the back of the couch. Shea and
Henry Sr. were trying to hide their smiles. Margot’s eyes flashed furiously as
she stomped over to Henry who was smiling smugly with his arms crossed over his
chest. This was not going to end well for Henry; Christian had no idea what he
was thinking, messing around with Margot.

Christian bounced Skylar,
trying to get her to quiet down a bit.
He wanted to see how this panned out
before leaving the room. Margot stopped in front of Henry, who towered over

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