Christmas Delights 3 (14 page)

Read Christmas Delights 3 Online

Authors: Valynda King, Kay Berrisford RJ Scott

BOOK: Christmas Delights 3
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coffee in the kitchen,” Josh said. “It’s still snowing.”

see. Is there any indication of it letting up?”

radio said it should clear this afternoon,” Josh answered.

walked into the kitchen and poured himself a cup. “What do you normally eat for
breakfast?” he asked.

looked over at him. “I don’t cook. So breakfast is usually coffee and cereal or
a roll. Lily brought up a bunch of groceries before the storm started. I’m not
sure why. She knows my cooking abilities. Help yourself.”

looked in the refrigerator. He found eggs, bacon, fresh vegetables and a couple
of pork chops. Each item had instructions for preparation taped to it. In the
freezer were several other packages with labels and instructions. Soon the
smell of bacon and baking biscuits filled the cabin. About fifteen minutes
later, he said, “Breakfast’s ready if you want it.”

stood and walked toward the kitchen. A dish with butter and jar full of
strawberry jam sat on the bar between two plates with a golden cheese omelet,
bacon and biscuit on each of them. Glasses of orange juice sat beside the
plates. “Wow! Maybe I should keep you around.”

assume Dan did the cooking?”

He was the domesticated type. Did all of the housekeeping and cooking.” Josh
sat on a stool on the living room side of the bar.

sat opposite him. “I hope you don’t mind if I say ‘grace’,” he said.

at all. I’d expect a preacher to do so.”

they ate, Scott asked, “How long were you and Dan together?”

met in college about twenty years ago, but didn’t move in together until about
ten years later. Dan had some alcohol problems. I was attracted to him, but
didn’t want to get into a relationship with a drunk. After he cleaned up, we
started dating and ended up together. All in all, we lived together about ten

he stayed sober?”

the last year. I don’t know if it was because I was so involved in getting
ready for my show or something else that drove him back to the bottle. Whatever
it was, he went off the wagon. He moved out for a couple of months, but came
back.” Josh ran his fingers through his hair. “He tried to get back off the
booze, but wasn’t able. It only lasted about a month before he killed himself.
The autopsy showed his blood alcohol was 0.15.”

got up and walked over to the destroyed paintings. “Are these the last ones you
did of him?”

I did them after he came back home. Why?”

eyes look troubled. Were they really that way?”

walked over to his easel and picked up a photograph. “Here. I usually paint
from photos.”

looked into Dan’s blank eyes. “I can see he was troubled. Did he seek any

tried to get him to. But he refused. Can we please drop Dan?”

Scott went into the kitchen and started clearing the dishes. When he was
finished, he said, “I see the wood pile is getting low. What do we do when it
runs out? Burn the furniture?”

laughed. “There’s wood right outside the back door. I’ll get some soon.”

just keep painting. I’ll get it.” Scott put on his parka and went out the door.

picked up the brush.

the wood pile replenished, Scott made another pot of coffee and took a cup to
Josh. “Can I see what you’re working on?”

rather not. I don’t like people seeing things until they’re finished.”

Fair enough.” Scott then wandered over to a bookshelf under the stairs. “Are
these your books?”

looked up from his painting. “No. They belong to the owner of the cabin. Help

be an Agatha Christie fan,” Scott said. He pulled a book from the shelf, walked
to the couch and started reading.

put down his brush, picked up a sketch pad and started drawing.

times during the day, Scott replenished the coffee and the fire. The snow
continued to fall. About mid-afternoon, he took the pork chops out of the
fridge. He found a box of stuffing in the cupboard, mixed it, put the chops on
top and put them in the oven.

finished working on the painting on the easel, placed it with its face to the
wall and put another of the unfinished paintings on the easel.

* * *

evening, Scott said, “I wish I could contact my mother. I’m sure she’s worried.
She’s probably tried to send the Highway Patrol out looking for me.”

wouldn’t have much luck in this storm. I’ve never seen so much snow except on a
ski slope. Maybe it’ll be better tomorrow.”

went upstairs to bed. Again they lay with their backs to each other.



Chapter 3


woke to the sound of the phone and hurried down the stairs. “Hello.”

are you okay?”

fine Lily,” he said as he looked out the window. “Looks like the snow finally
stopped.” He saw Scott come down the stairs. “What’s the news? The phone and TV
have been out for the last two days.”

know. I’ve been trying to call you. The phone just rings and rings. I was
worried. They sent out a search party this morning for a man who went missing
night before last. He was last seen a few miles from your place.”

his name Scott Davis?”

you know?”

here. His car broke down at the end of the drive and he saw my light. I’ll have
him call and tell people he’s okay. How much did it snow anyway?”

TV said over three feet as of last night in some places. If you’re okay, I’ll
hang up and let Scott call his family. The snow plows probably won’t get to you
until at least tomorrow.”

for worrying about me. I’ll see you in a week or two.”

hung up and handed the phone to Scott. “You’d better call your mom. They have a
search party out looking for you.” He went into the kitchen and started a pot
of coffee.

dialed the phone. “Mom.”

where are you? Are you okay?”

fine, Mom. I’m at a cabin about halfway down the mountain from Dad’s. My car
broke down within sight of this cabin. The man here let me stay.”

hope so. I don’t know anyone would throw someone out in the storm we just had.”

not sure when we’ll be able to get out of here. But, we have plenty of food and
firewood. We’ll be fine. Call the search party off.”

will. They’ll all be glad to know you’re safe."

hung up. “Well, at least the snow’s stopped.” He started upstairs. “I think I’m
going to take a shower if you don’t mind. I only wish I had clean clothes to
put on.”

use all the hot water,” Josh joked. He then added, “We’re about the same size.
There’s clean underwear and t-shirts in the drawers. Help yourself. There’s a
washer and dryer off the bathroom. We can wash out a load of clothes.”

I’ll do it after breakfast.”

sounds good.”

* * *

rest of the day passed pretty much the same as the day before. That night, Josh
again woke with his arms around Scott.

turned to face him.

sorry again, Scott.”

reached and stroked Josh’s cheek. “Don’t be.”

drew him close and kissed him.

the kiss, Scott pulled back. “I don’t think we should be doing this.”

you ever do things you aren’t supposed to?” Josh asked. He dropped his face to
Scott’s neck and kissed and nuzzled him.


do I. But it feels right somehow. Besides, it’s been a while for me. How about

I said the other night, Dave is the only man I’ve ever been with. That ended
about two years ago.”

pulled back startled. “You’ve been celibate since?”

Just me and my hand.” Scott leaned into Josh’s nuzzling. “That does feel good.”

ran his hand up under Scott’s shirt and they kissed again. Josh rolled until
Scott was under him. He moved his hand from Scott’s back to the front of his
sweat pants and fondled his cock through the fabric. “Feels to me like you want
the same thing I want.”

moaned and ran his hands up under Josh’s shirt. “I shouldn’t, but I do.”

rose up and removed his shirt. He then pulled Scott’s shirt up and lowered his
mouth to Scott’s nipples where he spent several minutes sucking and licking.

squirmed under him. His hard dick pushed upward against Josh’s body.

pulled Scott’s pants down and moved his mouth downward until he reached Scott’s
hard cock, its tip moist with pre-cum. He licked the drops from the end and
then took it deep into his throat. He worked his hand between Scott’s legs and
rubbed a finger against the puckered hole of his ass.

are you doing? I told you I’ve never done penetration.” Scott tried to sit up,
but Josh’s body held him down.

relax. You’ll like this. I’m just rubbing you.”

few minutes later, Josh rose up from his enjoyment of Scott’s shaft and
rummaged in the drawer of the nightstand for a bottle of lube. He squirted some
on his hand and resumed his former position. This time, his finger barely
slipped into Scott’s asshole.

That hurts. That’s not rubbing.”

you trust me not to do anything to hurt you?” Josh asked. “You’ll want to try
it some day. It might as well be sooner than later. The longer you wait, the
more you’ll dread the day it happens. At least I’ll be gentle.”

it won’t hurt?”

feel a little burn. Just relax and let your hole stretch. It’ll feel better in
a minute. I told you, it isn’t bad once you get used to it.” Josh said as his
finger came in contact with Scott’s prostate.

Scott moaned and his cock jerked.

took the twitching rod back into his mouth and stroked Scott’s prostate with
his finger and rubbed his hand against Scott’s balls.

tensed and trembled as his cum shot down Josh’s throat.

sucked until Scott’s sac was empty. He then started back up Scott’s stomach
with his lips and tongue until he reached his mouth and claimed it in a tongue
probing kiss. He ground his cock against Scott’s leg until he erupted in a
spurt inside his sweat pants. When Josh was drained of his juice, he rolled
over off Scott and lay still. His breaths came in heavy pants.

rose up on an elbow. “That was amazing. If I’d known how it felt, I’d have
tried it sooner.”

chuckled. “That was nothing. Wait until some guy sticks a big, hard cock in

don’t know if I could take more than a finger.”

be surprised how much that hole will stretch.” Josh pulled Scott’s head down
for another kiss. “I think I need to change my pants. Be right back.”

got a clean pair of sweat pants out of the drawer, went downstairs, cleaned
himself up, and changed clothes. When he returned, Scott sat on the side of the
bed fully clothed with his head in his hands.

looked up at Josh. “Now what? I’ve never done anything like this. The only men
I’ve had sex with are men I’ve known for months or years.”

preacher man, I know you’re young and inexperienced. Get used to it. You’re a
gay man. Things like this happen. It’s the nature of the beast. Men get horny
and take care of each other. That’s all it was. When the snow clears, you’ll
leave and we’ll probably never see each other again.”

easy for you to accept. Not so easy for me.” Scott lay back down in the bed
with his back to Josh.
“Lord, why did I let this happen? It meant nothing to
him. I’m just a trick he had sex with.”

heard his sniffles as he wept.

* * *

next morning, Scott came down stairs and again found Josh at the easel. He made
breakfast, went into the laundry room, got his clean clothes, went upstairs and
changed. Neither man spoke.

the sound of a snow mobile split the silence inside the cabin. Both men rushed
to the window. A heavily bundled figure dismounted, removed his helmet and
walked to the door.

threw open the door and enveloped the man in a huge hug. “Jack! What are you
doing here?”

sent me to pick you up so you won’t miss Christmas Eve at home.”

forgotten it’s Christmas Eve.” He turned to Josh. “This is my brother, Jack.
Jack, this is Josh Jericho. He’s staying in this cabin for the winter. I was
lucky he was here the other night when my car broke down.”

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