Read Christmas with Nicholas: - an Untwisted seasonal story (Untwisted series) Online
Authors: Alice Raine
After an amazing few hours watching the wispy traces of the Aurora Borealis illuminate the sky we dragged our cold bodies back towards out beautiful hotel suite intent on a shower to bring some life back into our chilled limbs. What a way to spend Christmas Eve night! I’d loved every second of watching the Northern Lights, but as I slid the key into the door lock I was so cold I hardly had the patience to wait for the green light to grant me access.
Stumbling in I had discarded my boots and was already unpeeling my scarf when my eyes fell upon the hot tub in our room. Gasping in delight I spun to Nicholas who was smiling shyly, and then looked back to the tub; it had been filled by someone, presumably the hotel staff, and was gently churning its alluringly hot, bubbly water for us.
‘Did you do this?’ I asked, turning to him again and peeling off my jacket which Nicholas immediately took from me and hung up.
‘While we were outside I asked Mr Siggi to arrange it. I thought we might need warming up after our unplanned outdoor excursion.’
Flinging my arms around his shoulders I pressed my chilled lips to his. ‘It’s the perfect end to a perfect day,’ I murmured happily. ‘I love you, Nicholas.’
‘I love you too, Becky.’ Indulging in a kiss for a second or two Nicholas then gently pushed me back and began taking off his own jacket. ‘I think I can think of an even more perfect ending to this day though … get naked, Rebecca, and get in that tub.’
Biting my lip at his seductive but authoritative tone I pushed my hair behind my ears and set about hastily following his instructions. With my cold limbs today wasn’t a day for a slow, teasing striptease, so I merely peeled off all my thermal layers until I was naked and expectant.
As I looked up from hanging my damp clothes over a chair I found Nicholas advancing on me bare-chested, his glorious skin lightly tanned and tempting me to lean in and touch him. As always the covering of hair over his torso caught my eye, drawing my gaze south to the teasing trail as it disappeared into the waistband of his snow trousers and I involuntarily licked my lips. Catching my chin he tilted my face back up to his and I blushed as I saw the smirk on his face at catching my wandering eyes.
His blue gaze swept over me as I stood captured by his sheer magnetism, unable to pull myself away from him. ‘So beautiful … and all mine,’ he murmured in that soft, thoughtful way of his that sounded like he meant to say it in his head, but accidentally spoken out loud. He did this quite often, and every time I refrained from passing comment and just enjoyed it for what it was.
Removing his hand from my chin I watched in greedy anticipation as Nicholas peeled his snow trousers, thermal liners, and boxer shorts off until he too was stood naked. I couldn’t hold back my giggle at just how obviously aroused he was either, his cock pointing at me expectantly. Quite clearly the cold weather outside hadn’t resulted in any shrinkage issues for Nicholas, because if possible he looked even bigger and more excited than usual.
Despite our obvious arousal Nicholas smiled down at me sweetly before placing a chaste kiss on my temple, ‘Let’s get you warmed up, Becky.’ He really was so sweet sometimes – we were clearly both gagging for it, but he was still intent on looking after me first. Taking my hand he led me to the tub and helped me in, and I took a seat on the higher platform. The water around my calves and knees was blissful, but after being so chilled I needed to acclimatise before completely immersing myself. After diming the lights Nicholas popped the cork from a bottle of champagne that had been chilling in an ice bucket to the side of the tub, handed me a glass, and then followed my lead by joining me on the step.
Now the lights were dimmed we had a perfect view over the beautiful Icelandic valley outside and I gasped as my eyes settled on the sky again. ‘Look, you can still see some of the lights,’ I said excitedly as I saw a swirl of pale green twisting in the sky. This discovery soon had me sliding my entire body into the hot tub and moving to the far side where I leaned my elbows on the edge so I was looking out over the view. Taking a sip of the delicious champagne I placed the glass on the ledge and continued to gaze at the stunning view as Nicholas joined me in the deeper water.
Eventually the illumination faded, and as tempted as I was to stare at the sky just in case they returned, I decided to turn around and lay more comfortably against the side. Nicholas however had other ideas, and took hold of my hips to shift me so I was sat between his legs and resting back on his chest. Grinning, I turned my face to nuzzle his chest and sighed contentedly. What an utterly amazing day this had been.
It was late, well past 1 a.m., and we must have been lying there for quite a while, having finished our first glass of champagne and now getting fairly low on the second. Even though we were obviously both tired from the long day I could still feel the hot length of Nicholas’ arousal pressing into my lower back and couldn’t deny the answering throb between my own legs. Reaching for my champagne I finished the last mouthful and then smiled wickedly as a cunning plan formed in my mind.
Sitting up I turned to face him, careful not to slosh the water onto the floor and then smiled my sweetest, most adorable smile – the one that usually helped me get my own way with Nicholas if I was losing an argument. Yeah, I was well aware that I was his weakness and I wasn’t against using this knowledge to my advantage occasionally.
‘What is it?’ he asked knowingly, barely suppressing a smile as he reached up and tucked a damp tendril of hair from my face.
‘I have one more thing I’d like for Christmas.’
Cocking his head I saw a frown flicker on his eyebrows as his lips pursed. Panicking that he might think I didn’t appreciate the amazing gifts he’d already given me I hurried to clarify my point. ‘It’s not a gift as such … just something I want to do.’ Leaning in I took his hands in mine and kissed the knuckles one by one, reflecting a gesture he often did to my hands. ‘This holiday has already been the most amazing present you could ever have gotten me, Nicholas. I have absolutely loved every single second of it. To spend the time with you, seeing the things we’ve seen, nothing could ever top that.’ I smiled at him, hoping that my small words went some way to expressing my immense gratitude. ‘So, will you let me have my last gift?’
I could see Nicholas was tempted to say something along the lines of ‘It depends what it is,’ but instead he briefly assessed me with several slow blinks and then nodded silently.
Celebrating my victory internally I didn’t leave him a second to change his mind so I jumped up, stepped from the tub and grabbed two towels so we could start drying ourselves. As usual Nicholas wanted to take charge and so after a brief wrestle for my towel I gave in and let him dry me off. As over the top as these silly gestures were, I had now accepted it as one of the ways Nicholas used to express his feelings for me; he wasn’t the most emotionally open of men when it came to vocal expressions, but he just seemed to love taking care of me in any way he could, so I merely indulged him and let him do his thing.
Looking down at the top of his head as he thoroughly dried my leg and intermittently dropped small kisses up my thigh I smiled as I realised that considering what I had in mind next for my last ‘gift,’ his timing of this little controlling gesture really couldn’t have been better.
Once we were both dry I took his hand and led him towards the gigantic bed before pausing by the side to turn and face him. His face was flushed, probably from the warmth of the hot tub, but seeing as he was still fully and unashamedly erect, I hoped a part of his flush might also have been from arousal.
‘For my final Christmas gift …’ I paused and bit my lower lip, glancing mischievously at the bed and then back at Nicholas’ expectant face. ‘I want to be in charge in bed for the rest of the night.’ Nicholas didn’t officially ‘dominate’ me in the bedroom as such; there were no safe words or rules in our relationship, but his intense manner and need for control did usually mean that he took the lead role; not that I minded, he was so thoughtful and focused on my pleasure that I had no complaints whatsoever, but tonight I just felt the urge to give a little bit of it back.
At my words I initially I saw shock on his face, but as I trailed one hand teasingly across the flat expanse of his stomach I watched with glee as he shivered under my touch and then grinned. ‘That sounds more like a Christmas gift for me, Becky, not you,’ he murmured as his erection bobbed upwards desperately seeking my hand.
Finally giving him what he wanted I gently circled my fingers around the base of his cock, barely touching his flesh but no doubt teasing him, because he immediately cursed and thrust his hips jerkily into my hand.
‘Perhaps. But I would enjoy it just as much as you, Nicholas, so maybe we could call it a joint gift. What do you say? Can I have this last present?’ With just the lightest of touches I began a slow, teasing exploration with my fingertips; tracing the veins on the underside of his throbbing shaft and wiping the moisture from the tip around the swollen head with my thumb.
‘Christ … you can have whatever you like, just don’t stop doing that …’ His voice was cracking and as I glanced back at his face I saw Nicholas had his head tipped back, eyes closed, and shoulders held tense from my teasing.
I didn’t plan on doing anything particularly kinky; that was Nicholas’ area of speciality. What I really wanted to do was simply make Nicholas feel just as treasured and worshipped as he always made me feel. Releasing my grip on his cock Nicholas groaned and opened his eyes to reveal his lust-filled gaze and hugely dilated pupils. ‘Lie on the bed, face up.’ I whispered softly, flashing him my best attempt at a ‘come hither’ look.
Obliging me immediately he crawled up the bed and positioned himself as I had requested, staring at me with a heavy-lidded look that was so sexy that I shuddered with pleasure and felt moisture gather between my legs. After briefly making a trip to the bathroom to grab something I’d spotted in there earlier, I crawled up alongside him, stowed my surprise under one pillow, and then set about placing his hands above his head so the fingers were curled around the wooden head board. ‘Keep these here,’ I requested, I didn’t want to tie him, but hopefully just my request would be enough to keep his hands still.
Moving myself down again I placed a soft kiss on his smiling lips, which quickly deepened as Nicholas raised his head and captured my lips with such searing intensity that I almost lost my balance and tumbled down on top of him. It was amazing, even with me supposedly in charge he managed to take the lead! As his kiss worked its usual magic I very nearly capitulated and begged Nicholas to take me straight away, but shaking my head with a rueful grin I pulled back to clear my head, and instead set off dropping a teasing trail of kisses all over his exposed body. Even though I pretty much had his body committed to memory now I explored and worshipped every inch of his skin as if it were my first time, deliberately avoiding the one area of his anatomy that so clearly wanted my attention.
Once I was satisfied that I had Nicholas just about as wound up as he could get – he was writhing almost frantically below me – I finally moved my hand and gently traced a trail from his belly button down through the soft hair on his stomach and then ran my hand down and around his groin to his balls. Cupping them gently in my hand I rolled them in my palm and glanced up to see the heated look he was giving me with his lust-glazed eyes. ‘Keep still now, Nicholas, or I’ll have to stop,’ I warned him in a mock chiding voice. It was such fun to be in control and use the lines he’d used on me so many time in the past!
I don’t know if he took my warning at face value, or if Nicholas were secretly just loving me being in charge, but he stilled immediately and flashed me a wink which had me grinning up at him. Finally I lowered my head and put him out of his misery by running my tongue down the full length of his swollen cock, causing him to let out a noise similar to a bark as it jumped upwards and bobbed against my lips hopefully.
Circling my hand around the base I began a slow rhythm which I met with my mouth as I wrapped my lips more firmly around the heat of his solid arousal and began to move more purposefully. This time his response was more than just his arousal bobbing upwards, because Nicholas spontaneously thrust himself into my mouth and very nearly made me gag.
‘Christ … sorry, Rebecca … but that feels so bloody good,’ he muttered through gritted teeth as his knuckles noticeably tightened their grip on the headboard. Suitably pleased with his reaction I regained control and continued my movements, increasing the speed of both my hand and my mouth, sucking and licking him greedily whilst moving my hand up and down as smoothly as I could. I knew he was close when I felt his balls tighten in my hand and his belly tense below me, so I gave an extra push and put all my effort into hollowing out my cheeks as I sucked for all I was worth until Nicholas groaned, writhed below me, and then yelled as he found his release in my mouth in an explosive spurt of hot liquid. Working him down from his fiery climax I gentled my motions, licking him clean until I finally lifted my head and shyly looked up to meet his gaze.
‘That was … wow … incredible, Rebecca …’ He seemed almost lost for words, and then suddenly in one fluid motion Nicholas released the headboard and in lightning speed he had grabbed me, rolled us over, and was kissing the life out of me. Crikey, I’d hardly felt him move! Indulging him for several minutes as his hands roved over my body and his tongue ruthlessly plundered my mouth I enjoyed his skilful barrage until I came back to my senses and gently pushed him back. ‘As much as I’m enjoying that, Nicholas, I seem to remember you gave control over to me for the night,’ I panted.
‘You mean you have more in store for me, Rebecca?’ Leaning back he eyed me with a glitteringly seductive look so hot it almost stopped my breath, and then took me completely by surprise by actually obeying my order and removing himself from on top of me. Half of me was slightly disappointed by the sudden loss of contact, but after strictly reminding myself that I had the rare opportunity to worship this man the way he always did me, I pulled myself to a sitting position and tried to compose myself.