Christmas with Nicholas: - an Untwisted seasonal story (Untwisted series) (7 page)

BOOK: Christmas with Nicholas: - an Untwisted seasonal story (Untwisted series)
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‘I do. Lie down on your front now, please.’

Rolling over to follow my instruction he flashed me a rueful glance as he adjusted his cock which was already semi-hard again. I couldn’t help but giggle at him, he was so insatiable he was like the frigging Duracell bunny! Or perhaps that should be Rampant Rabbit …

Once he had his tackle tucked up beneath him in a comfortable position Nicholas stretched his gorgeous long legs out and moved his arms so they were bent up on either side of his head. His face was turned sideways with his eyes locked on mine and he smiled slowly at the appraising look I was giving his beautiful arse.

‘I’m intrigued by this new position, Becky … now that you have me here, what do you have planned for me?’

Laughing softly I wiggled my eyebrows and then moved out of his line of sight so that I was kneeling, straddling his firm arse. ‘You’ll find out soon enough,’ I mumbled as I adjusted my position lower so that I was sat on his thighs staring straight at his arse cheeks. Drawing in a breath I let it out so slowly that it puffed my cheeks out as I looked at the utter perfection of his body. God, I
Nicholas’ bum, it was so firm and full that I just wanted to squeeze it every time I saw it, which, given how often he chose to tempt me by walking around in all his naked glory, was quite often. Ignoring my immediate urge I knew I would get the pleasure of his backside under my fingertips soon enough, so diverted my hand under the pillow to find the little bottle I had grabbed from the bathroom earlier.

I suspected the basil massage oil that the hotel provided was intended for use on sore muscles after a long day in the snow, but what I had in mind should hopefully be far more sensuous and relaxing for the man currently laid between my legs.

Pouring a small amount of the oil into my palm I rubbed it between my hands. As it warmed my nostrils were filled with the aroma of basil, which was almost sweet and spicy at the time, with orange and minty notes that were just as relaxing for me as I hoped they would be for Nicholas.

Placing my hands on his shoulders I allowed the warm slippery oil to guide my first gentle movements as I ran my hands in a reflected pattern across his shoulders and down the centre of his back.

‘A massage, huh?’ he mumbled below me, his voice half-hidden by the duvet but sounding rather pleased.

‘Yep.’ I leant up to apply a little more pressure to a slightly tight spot above his pelvis and he groaned his appreciation. ‘I wanted to shower you with attention like you always do to me, Nicholas.’ My hands made the return journey up his back, running across every single delightful muscle alternating between firm and soft motions depending on how tight his body felt. ‘I hope it’s OK? Perhaps not quite as sexual as you were expecting?’ I asked, suddenly a little worried that he might be disappointed that he was getting a massage and not more sex, although to be fair, over the last few days we had indulged in more than enough sex to keep even Nicholas satisfied.

‘It’s perfect. Amazing. Don’t stop,’ he reassured me in a groggy, relaxed tone.

‘OK.’ As I continued my massage, leaving no part of his back untouched, I briefly leant forwards and placed a quick kiss on the back of his head, ‘I love you, Nicholas,’ I whispered into his hair. The response I got from Nicholas was close to a growl as it radiated through his ribcage into my fingertips. ‘Not as much as I love you, Rebecca.’

Laughing lightly at his response – it was his stock reply whenever I told him I loved him – I moved my hands lower and finally indulged myself in some fondling of his gorgeous arse. ‘We’ll have to agree to disagree on that,’ I murmured, the reply I always gave him back.

Kneading more firmly at the globes of his bum I made sure every inch of his skin had had the same amount of attention before I once again set about skimming my hands over the entirety of his back. This time I used a lighter pass aimed at really relaxing him, which it seemed to do because gradually his whole body began to soften and unwind under my hands.

As I leant myself forwards to slide my hands around the sides of his ribcage I realised my massage had possibly been a bit too good because I heard a soft snore escape from Nicholas lips. Stretching up I saw his eyes were shut, his lashes fluttering gently on his cheeks with a look of complete contentment on his face. I hadn’t actually intended to send him to sleep, but seeing as it was so late – or should that be early? – I decided it was probably the perfect outcome for him. He’d put so much effort into this trip and been completely attentive to every single one of my needs over the past few days that this was the least I could for him.

Removing myself from the bed as carefully as I could, I did my best at washing the greasy oil from my fingers and then took some of the soft paper hand towels and gently cleaned the excess oil from Nicholas’ body. Once the towels were disposed of, I covered him with the blankets, switched off the lights, and climbed into bed to snuggle up to my amazing man.

Chapter Eight

My eyelids were so blissfully heavy I could barely manage to open them to see if it was daylight or not. I couldn’t remember the last time I had felt so well rested; my body was loose and sated and best of all I was curled around the sleeping warmth of Rebecca. Suddenly remembering the reason
I felt so relaxed I stilled and ran my mind back over the events of the previous evening before wincing. Fuck! I couldn’t believe I’d fallen asleep! After all the effort Rebecca had gone to giving me an amazing blowjob and then fantastic massage and how had I repaid her? I had bloody well fallen asleep! What an idiot. Cursing myself I chewed on my lower lip whilst I tried to plan how I could make it up to her.

As I lay there listening to soft breathing of the only woman I had and would ever love, I suddenly had an idea. It was quite a kinky idea, not something we’d done for a while, but Rebecca always seemed pretty keen on my kinkster side when I rolled it out, so I was fairly sure she’d enjoy it.

Slipping from the bed with a sly smile on my face I padded across the room to my suitcase, glad that I’d had the foresight to pack some extra little goodies for our trip.


My brain was still foggy with sleep, but I grinned lazily as I felt Nicholas’ face, complete with morning stubble, rubbing across my chest as he kissed and nibbled at my breasts, awakening not only my mind, but my nipples and my sex drive too. Suddenly I was very,
awake, as I felt the unmistakable pinch of a nipple clamp being applied to my left breast. On the rare occasions that Nicholas and I now used toys together they were always one of his favoured picks, but we were in Iceland, where the heck had he got them from?

Suddenly my right nipple lit up with a similar burning sensation and I snapped my eyes wide open. ‘Ouch!’ I yelped, trying to sit up, but only managing to raise myself a few inches before I came into contact with the hot, hard heat of Nicholas’ body as he caged me in on the mattress. ‘Happy Christmas, Rebecca,’ he murmured against my ear. I couldn’t see his face, but the tone of his voice made it very obvious that Nicholas was grinning and feeling remarkably pleased with himself.

‘Hmmmm,’ I muttered in reply, deliberately not returning his Christmas Day greeting as I tried to suss out what was going on. Truth be told I wasn’t particularly annoyed by the nipple clamps, they always led to something intense and fun, and the ones Nicholas used were relatively mild apparently, giving more of a pleasant buzz than an actual bite, but still, what a way to be woken up!

‘Come on, up you get, we slept in and we need to catch breakfast before it finishes. It might be Christmas Day, but I have a couple of things in store for you.’ I was still a bit groggy from my deep sleep and slow to react so I suddenly found Nicholas hauling me upright before I’d even had chance to process his words.

Once I was sat on the bed I blinked several times and then glanced down at my body. As I suspected I was completely naked except for the nipple clamps. They were Nicholas’ favourite pair, a small set decorated with just one tiny diamond on each clamp and connected with a thin silver chain.

Finally my brain caught up with my body and I blinked up at Nicholas’ smiling face in confusion. ‘This is a gift for me, Rebecca, I’ll love knowing that you’re wearing them whilst we are at breakfast together. You might be wearing them a little longer than you have before, so I’ve put them on a light setting, but let me know if they get too uncomfortable.’ He was right, they were on a very gentle setting, feeling more like an erotic tweak than anything else, but with his mention of ‘wearing them for longer’, I began to get quite curious about his plans for the morning and my cheeks flushed in anticipation.

Seeing me nod in acquiescence Nicholas smirked as his expression got even naughtier than before. ‘I have one last gift to give you, I’d really like you to wear it on the flight home on Saturday, but seeing as you’re already decked out in one piece of kit why don’t you try it on this morning when you get dressed?’ he said casually as he handed me a small box. Now I was really confused, he said he wanted me to ‘wear’ it on the flight home, but the box he’d handed me was tiny – there was no way there could be any clothing in there.

Flicking open the lid I saw some skimpy black lace and immediately assumed he’d bought me yet another set of underwear as a Christmas present, but as I pulled the lace knickers out of the box a small thin, elongated piece of plastic fell out into my palm and it immediately became obvious that they were no ordinary panties.

Blinking in disbelief at the bizarre start to my morning I finally found my voice, ‘OK … two things …’ I said, unnecessarily holding up two fingers to clarify my statement. ‘Firstly, how the hell did you get these things through customs, and secondly, if we are going to breakfast why do you want me to wear the clamps and …
…’ I said, holding up the lace with what I was fast concluding was its own tiny matching vibrator.

Looking up I found Nicholas grinning at me broadly, and rather distractingly he was also fully aroused and happily bobbing around in the morning air. ‘To answer your first question, it was easy, both objects are very small, they’d barely draw any attention going through a scanner in my suitcase.

‘Secondly, as I just said, I only want you to wear the clamps today, and my reason?’ He cocked an eyebrow and assumed a smug pose. ‘It’s simple. I want you to wear them because I intend to give you the best orgasm of your life later on to make up for falling asleep last night. If you have these on this morning not only will it heighten your pleasure later, but it will build the anticipation for both of us.’

Well, well, my kinky man was well and truly back today and it seemed I would be getting some naughty Nicholas Christmas action!

‘Do you know how this works?’ he said, sitting down next to me and indicating to the box with the lace knickers and the small plastic ‘
for my flight time fun later in the week. Shaking my head I pulled it out of the box again and examined it curiously. They looked innocent enough, they weren’t crotch-less or anything, but judging by Nicholas’ gleeful expression whatever he had planned for me would be far from innocent.

‘It’s pretty simple really, they’re normal knickers but they have a small pocket for this,’ he said picking up the plastic piece. ‘It’s a clitoral stimulator. Think of it as similar in purpose to a vibrator, except obviously its external.’ So I had been right about the vibrating part then. Laying the knickers on his bare leg Nicholas carefully slid the small vibrator inside a virtually invisible pocket at the front of the crotch and then held them out to me. ‘It’s small, light, and discreet, no-one will know about it … except me,’ he added, his gaze darkening and his groin jerking its approval in his lap.

‘You want me to wear these on the plane? Isn’t that dangerous?’ Licking my dry lips I took the knickers from Nicholas’ outstretched hand and tried to draw my attention away from his impressive hard-on. ‘Not at all, it’s just like having a phone on the plane, we won’t use it during take-off or landing. You can activate it with this remote. It’s the only one, you can keep it.’ He said generously, handing me a tiny remote control. ‘Actually I bought them because they reminded me of the fun we had that night at my concert with the love egg and the remote control, do you remember, Rebecca?’ From his almost silky smooth tone it was clear that Nicholas knew damn well that I remembered that night in all its vivid details; it had been months ago now, but I’d attended a concert Nicholas had been playing and on his request I’d had a vibrator inside of me – or love egg as I preferred to call it. Nicholas had had the remote control that night though, and he’d used it rather effectively to tease me mercilessly until finally choosing to bring me to climax in the middle of a packed dining hall. Yes, it wasn’t really a night I would forget quickly.

A shudder of pleasure swept through my body as I replayed images from that encounter in my brain and I was only broken from the delicious replay by the sound of Nicholas’ barked laugh from next to me. ‘Why, Rebecca, I do believe you’re blushing. I wonder why …’ He left the sentence hanging as he grinned at me wickedly. ‘As much as I’d love to replay some of that love egg action with you right now, we need to hurry up if we want to catch breakfast.’ Nicholas gave me a long look and then dropped his gaze to my breasts and the clamps which were squeezing my nipples to reddened points. At first his gaze heated, but then he blinked and shook his head as if trying to mentally calm his raging hard on, ‘We skipped half of our dinner last night because we were watching the Northern Lights, besides, after all the fresh air and exercise yesterday you need breakfast … get dressed before I lose my control and ravage you.’ He sounded regretful as he waved me in the direction of the bathroom, and so with a giggle I did as I was told for once.


The slightly awkward look on Rebecca’s face when she remerged from the bathroom was so amusing I very nearly laughed out loud – from her shocked expression you’d think I’d asked her to shove something up her arse, not just wear some simple nipple clamps and new underwear. Seeing how nervous she already looked thankfully I managed to suppress my grin by rolling my lips tightly together until they started to sting. ‘Everything OK?’ I asked, keeping my tone casual.

Glancing up at me I saw that Becky’s cheeks were flushed and her pupils a little dilated. If I weren’t mistaken she was already aroused, so obviously even if she was feeling surprised by my requests this morning the nipple clamps were still doing their job rather nicely.

Nodding, she licked her lips and shifted her legs again, drawing my gaze to the crotch of her jeans. God, why had I insisted on breakfast again? I’d much rather go hungry and have her still naked in bed with me, but no matter how little I cared about food this morning, there was no way I was starving Becky just so I could get my rocks off. Shaking my head I tried to clear my mind and instead focus on what she was saying. ‘The clips are fine, you put them on a very mild setting.’ she said, giving me a grateful smile as she lifted her hands and gently cupped both her breasts through the jumper she was wearing. The sight of her standing there holding herself like that made my semi-hard cock twitch and jerk and she added, ‘I couldn’t wear a bra through, does it show?’ Such simple words, but they were nearly enough to make me change my mind about breakfast regardless of our hunger.

Swallowing a huge lump that had suddenly formed in my throat I managed to shake my head as I openly stared at her breasts feeling ridiculously jealous of her hands as she touched at herself experimentally. ‘No … I can’t tell.’ My voice was stupidly hoarse with lust so I cleared my throat twice before continuing, ‘and I can’t see the clips either.’

Dropping her teasing hands to her sides Becky pointed at her groin with an embarrassed shrug, ‘and this
… I can’t feel it when it’s turned off, you were right, they just feel like normal underwear.’

 Smiling, I prepared to share my next surprise with her. ‘Did you try the remote?’ I enquired lightly, and seeing the blush increase on her cheeks I already had my answer, the cheeky little minx.

‘I did.’ Reaching up she began to fiddle with her hair, a trait that Becky did it a lot less frequently now, but none the less, I knew that playing with her hair was still her tell for when she was nervous or a little uncomfortable, ‘It felt … nice. Really nice.’

‘I’m glad. I’d ask you to wear them today, but they might not be that comfortable for what we are doing first thing.’ Then, right before my eyes I watched with pride as my momentarily shy Becky regained her usual confidence and walked over to grab her handbag where she made a show of stowing the remote control in the side pocket. ‘Actually, I’m surprised you gave me the remote this time.’ I grinned; yeah, I had been pretty mean with my usage of the remote when she’d worn the love egg for me. ‘Besides, they might actually make the journey home more enjoyable, plane rides can be so dull, can’t they?’ she said teasingly, giving me a wiggle of her eyebrows.

Just as she started to undo her jeans, presumably to change into normal underwear, I grabbed my jacket and phone. Then, not wanting her to think I’d gone too soft in the head by giving her the remote, I fiddled with my phone and popped it in my jacket pocket before watching Becky very carefully. The exact moment it happened I saw it; Rebecca went from tall and confident, to yelping and practically dancing on the spot as one hand shot to her groin and the other clutched the back of a chair for support.

‘You didn’t think I’d let you have all the fun, did you?’ I asked mildly and I shrugged my jacket on ready to head to the dining room.

‘You bastard!’ she panted, tugging at the crotch of her jeans, ‘There
another remote after all?’ she demanded, her cheeks reddening and her eyes wild by this point.

‘Actually no, when I said you had the only remote I wasn’t technically lying.’ Seeing her almost desperate expression I pulled out my phone, tapped the screen three times, and then watched as Rebecca’s shoulders slumped and relaxed as I lowered the vibration level. ‘Things have moved on a bit since your love egg, Becky. The toy in your knickers can be controlled by my phone using Bluetooth. Look, I have an app for it.’ Turning my phone I showed her the small heart-shaped logo and watched as her eyes widened in surprise.

‘Mobile Vibe?’ She repeated the name of the app in astonishment as I tapped the screen again and selected the off button to give her some relief.

‘Indeed. It’s pretty low level range-wise, but as long as I’m within about ten metres it should work, and the great news is, they work exactly the same way as Bluetooth headphones so it’s safe to use on the plane as long as it’s not during take-off or landing. ’ I said with a wink.

Gawking at me in complete shock Rebecca blinked several times and then finally, to my complete surprise, she burst out laughing and shook her head. ‘I’d almost forgotten what a kinky bugger you could be, Mr Jackson, but, luckily, I rather like it,’ she said as she quickly peeled off her jeans. Replacing the vibrating knickers with a simple black lace pair she yanked her jeans up, took my hand, and walked to the door of the apartment. ‘Come on, stud, I’m starving.’

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