Chronicle of Ages (20 page)

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Authors: Traci Harding

BOOK: Chronicle of Ages
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The idea of one day being joined with Tory for all time was a very comforting notion. Maelgwn felt quite sure he would never see Taliesin in quite the same light again and was so completely enchanted by Dylan's words, he just wanted him to keep talking. ‘Does this union happen to all twin souls?'

‘It will happen to you, Dragon,' Dylan smiled. ‘But there is much work in earning such spiritual advancement.'

‘Yes, of course.' Maelgwn stepped onto the transporter plate beside his guide, unable to keep the smile from his face.

As Candace joined them, Maelgwn noticed two people manifesting on the plate alongside theirs. The being closest to Maelgwn was a middle-aged Delphinus male. As the pair walked towards a large space-going vessel, he discovered the other person was a slender, fit, female Delphinus in her prime. The transporter plate beneath Maelgwn's feet lit up and the woman glanced back towards him. In the split second Maelgwn was granted to focus on her face, he could have sworn he saw Tory.

‘No wait!' He was not fast enough to jump clear of the transporter, and found himself jumping off at his destination. He halted from his sprint when he realised that he was standing in a huge room filled with stars.

The floor and walls of the huge round chamber were made from polished charichalum and thus reflected the stars that shone through the massive, transparent domed ceiling. This design gave the illusion of walking in space, which was a very cosmic experience indeed. In the centre of the star chamber, atop a circular, staired platform, a large throne of quartz crystal rotated one hundred and eighty degrees so that his host might look down upon him.

Where are you off to in such a hurry

In the sombre light of the room, this being gave off his own illumination. One good look told Maelgwn that this was the Lord Marduk, but he also had some deeper recognition of the Nefilim God that must have been
implanted upon his arrival. Not that Marduk could be identified by facial features, for an ornate falcon mask encompassed his entire head. A three-tiered neck band of gold hung around his neck and shoulders, its central feature akin to the symbol on the shoulder of Maelgwn's uniform.

The quiet type, hey?
commented Marduk, upon Maelgwn's failure to respond.

‘Sorry, my Lord,' Maelgwn bowed. ‘I am overawed by your presence … but honoured to make your acquaintance, I assure you.'

The God stood up to descend the stairs, and it became apparent that Marduk stood a good foot taller than Maelgwn; his warrior form made Maelgwn look like a lightweight.
I am sorry to drag you away from your squadron so soon, Dragon, but I have a special assignment for you.

‘I am at your service,' Maelgwn granted, ‘but wouldn't you prefer someone more experienced? I —'

This mission is nothing that a diplomatic, open-minded and forthright warrior like yourself can't handle
, he explained.
I feel confident sending you.

‘Sending me where?' Maelgwn wondered out loud, whereby Marduk looked to Candace and Dylan.

Thank you both for delivering the Dragon. You may leave us now
, he instructed, whereupon both parties bowed and returned to the transporter plate.

Once they were alone Marduk looked to Maelgwn, and the warrior knew the God was assessing him.
You're really not too sure about any of this, are you, Dragon? And fair enough, too. What man in his right mind would sign up for service with an outlaw?

Maelgwn nodded, although it was not to agree with Marduk. ‘Unless of course, you were part of the reason he was outlawed in the first place and were, therefore, in his debt.'

Marduk raised a finger to indicate he considered this a fair point.
Creating a race of immortal humans was something I did as a result of my banishment, although if the Pantheon of Twelve ever find out about the Chosen, I dare say they will hunt me down, have me dismembered and sent to the four corners of the known universe.

‘Then why were you banished?' Maelgwn probed, hoping the God didn't mind. It was difficult to judge his mood without facial expression as an indication.

I was convicted of a murder I did not commit. My youngest brother, Dumuzi, vanished on Gaia under mysterious circumstances. His wife, Inanna, and her long-time lover-brother, Shamash, framed me for their crime.

‘Can you prove it?'

Maelgwn made the God laugh with the question, for it was so direct.
Not yet. But with your aid, Dragon, it has been foreseen that I shall.
Marduk motioned Maelgwn to take a seat where a moment ago there had been none.

‘So why did you create the Chosen Ones?' Maelgwn complied with the Lord's wish and sat down. ‘Aren't you afraid that we may one day threaten the Nefilim's interstellar rule?'

That is my greatest wish
, Marduk announced as he seated himself also.
Or at least that the Chosen will have a profound effect on the way the Pantheon rule. Of all the human races, Homo sapiens spiritually, mentally and emotionally developed the fastest. At such an amazing rate, in
fact, that you were abandoned in infancy by my kin to be wiped out by the great deluge. The Nefilim feared your ability to comprehend, procreate and love. Love most of all, because we Nefilim don't understand or feel emotion as deeply as is humanly possible. I only came to realise this when I fell in love with a mortal woman of your breed. The ultimate crime
, Marduk emphasised with grim humour.
And thanks to my telepathic skills, via her experience of loving me, I learned to love her in return.
The God's mood became more sombre now, as he continued to reminisce.
After the Pantheon disposed of her and our unborn child, the seed of the Chosen Ones was planted. My father, Enki, was as spiritually evolved then as Taliesin is now. He'd discovered how to access history via the timeless fourth dimension and after the Dumuzi affair and my banishment, I became his willing means to ensure the survival of his most precious creation.

‘Did you go back and save your lover?' Maelgwn asked, as this was the first thing he would have seen to.

In our grand scheme of things, I arranged for her escape
, Marduk advised.
Taliesin smuggled her out of Atlantis into the Dark Ages, with a bit of help from your wife, Dragon.

‘Tory?' Maelgwn's heart started racing upon the mention of her.

, Marduk laughed,
highly emotional creatures.

‘What in the name of the Goddess was Tory doing in Atlantis?' Maelgwn sat forward in his seat, intrigued.

Do a little bit of past-life regression around your lifetime there, Dragon, and all shall be made clear
, Marduk advised.
Ah! That reminds me, I have a gift for you.
He passed Maelgwn a sleek, metallic headband.
Just place it on your temples and it operates automatically.

Maelgwn recognised the object as a thought recorder. ‘What data is on this?'

It's a copy of all the telepathic communications we've had from Taliesin that you might be interested in. Your son's wedding, the birth of your daughter, the birth of your grandson … I think you'll enjoy it.

From holding the item at bay, Maelgwn suddenly clutched the band like the great treasure it was. ‘Thank you very much.' He was touched by the sentiment; it seemed that at least this Nefilim ruler knew what it was to love and it made Maelgwn wonder. ‘Why did you separate each of the Chosen from their other?' Marduk cocked his head at the question and Maelgwn guessed that if he could have seen the Lord's expression, it would have been much the same as Candace's when he'd put the same question to her earlier.

Answer me this. Before you met Tory Alexander, would you ever have considered taking your lover with you on a crusade?

Maelgwn knew where the Lord was heading with this line of questioning, and gave him a look that implied as much.

And why not?
The Lord drew his conclusion all the same.
Because a lover at the front line is a distraction. This way, your distraction becomes your motivation, and if it makes you feel any better, the Chosen incarnation of the woman I love is still back on earth along with yours.

Maelgwn was surprised to learn this — as the instigator of this project, Marduk could have easily arranged to have her close.

I wouldn't ask you or any of the Chosen to suffer
anything I am not prepared to endure myself
, Marduk stated honestly.
Besides, I feel safer keeping her hidden; even she is not entirely aware of her true destiny.

‘She is the mother of all the Chosen Ones?' Maelgwn gathered from the way Marduk spoke of her that he would settle for no other mate.

From one end of Homo sapiens history to the other, I sought her. I very much enjoyed that part of my father's scheme, jumping from one love affair with her to another. Our time together was always magical, but the consequences of being the mother of the Chosen made for one tough life after another for Bau.

‘Was that her name?'

In the first instance.
Marduk's focus now seemed miles away.
Bau means ‘she who brings the dead to life' and that's exactly what she did, much to her own detriment.

‘So Bau was aware of what she was doing in bearing you children?'

Marduk nodded.
In those incarnations where she was to conceive of the first of a line of Chosen children, it was imperative that she was aware.

‘But I was advised, only this morning, that the Nefilim evolution and human evolution are entirely separate.' Maelgwn hoped his curiosity would not offend. ‘So how then can you and Bau ever hope to be joined as one?'

My particular soul-mind is only on loan to the Nefilim's evolutionary chain, so that I could father the Chosen. Once my role in this affair is over, I shall ascend back to a celestial form, and my soul-mind will be reborn into the evolution of the Chosen.

His better judgment was telling Maelgwn that he'd fallen into good hands. He obviously owed this being much for his pains and was eager to start repaying that debt. ‘Well, my Lord, you have certainly succeeded in setting my mind at ease about a great many things, but we have yet to discuss my mission?'

That requires a little more privacy.
Marduk stood and Maelgwn stood along with him, whereby their seats vanished.

Mission Control

he whooshing sound associated with a mobile vehicle here on the
was heard in the distance and from out of the deep, dark recesses of the huge star chamber a sleek, black two-man racer zoomed to a stop beside them.

Step into my office,
Marduk invited as the doors disappeared.
I'll take you for a spin.

As he'd already left his stomach in the pod on the way here, Maelgwn figured he had nothing to lose. ‘If we must.' He lowered himself into the passenger seat, whereupon his seatbelt startled him as it fastened itself.

Relax, Dragon
. Marduk placed his hand on the metal control plate. The doors rematerialised and the racer moved off to run a circuit around the inside boundaries
of the circular Star Chamber.
I am a very cautious fellow, which is why I am yet to be found out by my peers.

Although it felt like they were moving at a snail's pace, they were in fact zooming around the chamber at incredible speed. Maelgwn found that focusing on the interior of the racer was very beneficial.

Although I am outlawed,
Marduk began,
I am still in contact with one of my brothers, Gibal … which is highly illegal you understand.
Maelgwn nodded to confirm that he did.
He is the only other Nefilim who knows about the Chosen. He is a technologist you see, and he has been developing a couple of devices for my cause.

‘Such as?' Maelgwn invited some more information.

As the creator of the Chosen, I must be prepared to take responsibility for them, and although I like to think that the Chosen are perfect in every way, I must allow for the possibility that some may fall from grace.

‘Are you talking about a form of punishment?' Maelgwn was very glad when Marduk shook his head.

A means by which to rehabilitate,
he clarified.
Gibal is designing a device that will pierce through a being's electromagnetic field and temporarily drain them of all PSI ability.

‘What?' Maelgwn freaked. ‘And you would decide when such rehabilitation was necessary?'

I plan to form a court of justice which would pass judgment on my recommendation. The NERGUZ module can only be removed by the one person who attached it. They will be mentally linked with the offender until all undesirable thought patterns are reversed.

Maelgwn understood NERGUZ to mean ‘reversing weapon'. ‘It's a wonderful idea in the hands of a just
person, but if it were to fall into the wrong hands, no one would be safe, your kind included!'

That's why I'm sending you,
Marduk nudged Maelgwn's shoulder,
to ensure that doesn't happen.

‘Has there been some threat to the project?'

Let's just say that Inanna and Shamash have taken a personal interest in Gibal's work of late.
My brother has been so consumed with my projects that he has failed to invent any new toys for the members of the Pantheon to play with, so they're starting to get suspicious. Gibal refuses to leave his laboratory on Lura, but has agreed to have one of the Chosen on hand to protect his research should trouble erupt. Lura is an ocean planet in the Deneb system.

It was on Lura that the dolphin breed had originally been created to help explore and develop it. Knowing it to be one hundred and fifty light-years from Gaia's system, Maelgwn wondered how he was to get there.

There is a vessel in my docking bay waiting to take you to the next system.

Sirius. Maelgwn made a mental note.

There is a wormhole through to the Deneb system there. Talynn will make sure you are properly equipped for the mission whenever you are ready to leave

Maelgwn was more than ready to get out of Marduk's mobile office, that much was for sure. ‘Then there is no need for any further delay,' Maelgwn confirmed, and was gratified when Marduk brought the racer to a stop.

But before the doors dispersed, Marduk added,
Your immortality must remain hidden at all costs. There are Homo sapiens out here in space, but they are few and far
between … which is why you'll be less conspicuous on your own. Those of your breed that
here are abduction cases mainly, so, if anybody asks, take that angle.

‘Would I be lying?' Maelgwn posed, amused.

Gibal knows your situation and will ensure none of his staff give you any trouble.

‘Ah … correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Gibal surrounded by the Delphinus, who are all telepathic?'

That problem we have already solved. Talynn will fix you up,
the God informed, as Maelgwn stepped out of the racer and into the transporter beam.
Goddess speed, Commander. If you can talk Gibal into moving his lab to the
, all the better.

‘I understand.' Maelgwn bowed as the transporter claimed him and sped him to his next destination.


Talynn was awaiting Maelgwn when he arrived in the docking bay. ‘Munitions detail reporting for duty, Commander.' She smiled, holding out a new suit jacket and wiggling it about in a fashion that implied he should put it on.

As he replaced the jacket he wore, Maelgwn noted his new attire lacked the symbol of Marduk and thus was completely black. He was a bit disconcerted when Talynn started fiddling with his upper leg, and he looked down to find her strapping a weapon holster to it.

As Talynn stood she pulled the handgun from its holder. ‘This is a PKA sonic pulse blaster … psychokinetically activated,' she explained. ‘It will do pretty much whatever you tell it to: stun, destroy, paralyse, burn.' Talynn turned to give him a quick
demonstration, taking aim at a dock worker of the Leonine breed. ‘Stun,' she instructed, whereupon a laser pulse bullet shot forth into the subject and he froze. ‘In accordance with Pantheon regulations, it won't do anything too terrible to living matter.' Talynn stepped back and turned her aim on Maelgwn.

‘Hey!' he appealed, stepping away, which only served to give her a better line of fire.

‘Paralyse right leg.'

The bullet hit Maelgwn's upper body yet it was only his right leg that went dead. ‘Thanks, Talynn, I get the picture.' He hobbled on his one good leg, trying to keep his balance.

But Talynn maintained her aim. ‘Destroy,' she instructed. Maelgwn nearly had heart failure. ‘See,' she said when nothing happened. ‘The blaster's more powerful functions are reserved for non-living matter only. Sorry about the leg — the effect will wear off in a second. These weapons don't really have any long-lasting effects on our kind.' She placed the gun back in his holster, and pulled a metallic band from one of the two belts slung around her waist, both of them loaded with the tools of her profession. ‘Thought wave neutraliser.' She clamped the band around his right wrist and locked it on. ‘As long as you are wearing this, your thoughts are your own. It allows for telepathic communication, but prevents your mind from being probed. Unfortunately, it also hinders you from delving into the minds of those around you.'

‘You really enjoy your work, don't you?' Maelgwn commented as Talynn clamped an entirely different device onto his left wrist.

‘Hey, every man likes a woman who's well equipped,' she joked with a wink. ‘This is your voice-activated fighter module, and you can call up a craft of a particular form, depending upon the conditions you will be dealing with. Just advise the destination, mode of transport desired, and then initiate. Like this.' She aimed the band clamped to her right wrist out before her. ‘AM-ME-KI-DU'.

The voice command was in the Nefilim's tongue, and Maelgwn understood the instruction to mean: heavens — flying ship — initiate.

A blue beam shot forth from the module and coalesced into a bright ball of light several feet away. The ball of light expanded and began to assume the physical form of a large disk-shaped vehicle made of charichalum. The two opposing sides of the craft curved down and under and it hovered about two feet off the ground.

‘Simple particle manipulation,' she explained. ‘GUR-DU.' Upon her second instruction the vehicle decomposed into light matter once more and retracted back into her control module. ‘You handled the simulator well enough, so you shouldn't have any problems with the operation.'

‘Let's hope not.' As the feeling was coming back into Maelgwn's leg, he stomped his foot a few times to help the circulation along.

Finally Talynn removed one of the belts from around her waist and strapped it around Maelgwn's. She noted Gibal's Delphinus representative pacing around by the craft that was to take Maelgwn to Lura. ‘We haven't got
time for a demonstration of this lot, but you do have knowledge of every device in our arsenal. You'll just have to familiarise yourself with their different functions on the way. Your mission directives and parameters are in force now. Good luck, Commander.'

Maelgwn dipped his head to her, much obliged for her briefing. ‘Thank you, Talynn, I feel more than adequately equipped.'

Talynn gave a firm nod to confirm that he was, and then led off to introduce him to his escort. ‘Dragon, this is Cornelin, chief advisor to the Lord Gibal.'

This was the middle-aged Delphinus male that he'd seen accompanying Tory earlier today. Maelgwn curbed his excitement to bow his head and make his escort's acquaintance. ‘Greetings, Cornelin.'

Gibal's representative appeared rather stunned upon viewing his charge. ‘This is most unexpected.'

‘I'm sorry.' Maelgwn wondered at his escort's perplexed expression. ‘I was under the impression you were my guide to Gibal?'

‘Yes, I am,' Cornelin explained, snapping out of his curious mood. ‘Of course I am. Do come aboard, Dragon. We should get moving as quickly as possible.'

Cornelin nodded to Talynn to relieve her of her charge.

Maelgwn scaled the gangway of the vessel to discover he was in for a luxurious voyage. ‘You know how to travel in style, Cornelin.'

‘This is one of my Lord Gibal's private craft,' Cornelin explained, as he joined Maelgwn in the main body of the vessel.

The gangway rose to close behind him and vanish into the infrastructure.

‘Thankfully my Lord values my services enough to award me such comfort when I am about his errands. Please make yourself at home whilst I have a word with our pilot.'

‘I saw you in the dock earlier, on my way to Marduk,' Maelgwn stated as he took a seat, delaying his escort's departure. ‘There was a woman with you?'

‘A woman!' Cornelin echoed, sounding horrified by the notion. ‘No … you were mistaken,' he assured Maelgwn. ‘And you really must excuse me.' Cornelin backed up, bowing politely before scurrying off towards the rear of the ship where he disappeared into a cabin.

‘How curious?' Maelgwn considered in the wake of his guide's departure. Was he missing Tory so much that he had simply imagined her?


‘We've arrived, Dragon.' Cornelin advised, and Maelgwn awoke to find his escort staring down at him, smiling broadly.

‘What happened?' Maelgwn mumbled, as his mouth didn't seem to be connecting with his brain. He felt groggy and disorientated.

‘You'll probably feel a bit groggy and disorientated,' Cornelin advised. ‘That's perfectly normal.'

‘Perfectly normal for what, Cornelin?' Maelgwn attempted to raise himself from the lounge with little success. ‘What did you do to me?'

‘We put you into a state of stasis. Don't you remember?'

Maelgwn dwelt on the query a moment, becoming ever more irritated. ‘
… I don't!'

Cornelin rolled his eyes as if put out at having to refresh his memory. ‘When I came back from visiting the captain, I advised you that, as only the Nefilim could travel the wormhole out of stasis, we had to put you under and you agreed.'

‘Why only the Nefilim, because they are immortal?' Maelgwn queried.

‘That does seem to be their defining feature.' His escort raised both brows, appearing a little concerned. ‘I had wondered what effect stasis would have on a Homo sapiens,' Cornelin said with more interest. ‘Now I guess we know.' He attempted to lighten the heavy air of mistrust that had descended with a smile. ‘We don't get many like you, you see. Where could Marduk possibly have dug you up from?'

A curious question,
thought Maelgwn. ‘Unfortunately, my memory has been erased in my travels.' He pleaded dumb.

‘So you were abducted from your home planet then?' Cornelin supposed.

‘I don't know,' shrugged Maelgwn. ‘I can't remember.'

‘How awful,' Cornelin sympathised, and Maelgwn really couldn't tell if he was sincere or not.

‘Well, you should be feeling a bit more yourself now.' His guide slapped his hands together to get them mobile. ‘My Lord Gibal awaits thee.'

As Maelgwn moved to raise himself, his thought wave neutraliser fell open on his wrist, and that
disturbed him. He locked the wristband closed and looked to Cornelin, who stared at him blankly.

‘Is something amiss?' he queried.

If Cornelin had read his thoughts as he slept, then why was he asking so many curious questions? ‘Nothing amiss,' Maelgwn resolved. ‘Just getting my bearings.'

‘I am at your leisure, Dragon.' The dignitary looked about the cabin, seeming bored with hanging about.

‘Alright Cornelin.' Maelgwn stood up and motioned his guide to carry out his duty. ‘Lead away.'

Maelgwn exited the craft behind Cornelin to behold the most amazing thing he'd ever seen. The sky above was water. Beautiful aqua ripples lapped at an enormous dome that Maelgwn guessed encompassed an entire city. Large sea creatures and schools of fish swam overhead.

‘It's not much,' commented Cornelin when he noted Maelgwn's wonder, ‘but it's home.' He smiled with satisfaction. ‘The seaside here is a truly amazing place.'

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