Chronicles of Eden - Act IV (46 page)

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Authors: Alexander Gordon

BOOK: Chronicles of Eden - Act IV
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“Why, we are here to help you, of course,” she implored gently.

“Help?” Corza laughed. “How you help us? Two gurls here in
home, how you help?”

She then yanked her swords out of the ground and aimed it at the girl with a cold grin.

“I know! You help by being meat! You be meat!” she yelled before she rushed forward and struck her swords through Jovian’s chest, the crowd of goblins laughing and yelling as the blades pierced out of the girl’s back. Jacqueline chuckled while Jovian coughed out blood and keeled over with the blades going through her body, with Corza laughing and shaking her head wildly.

“Stupid gurl! Stupid gurl! Now you feed us with your meat!”

“Fresh meat! Fresh meat! Fresh meat!” the goblins around the area taunted loudly, with Jacqueline glancing around to seeing the monsters pointing and laughing at her with cruel smiles.

“They no die! They no
!” a goblin screamed out from the crowd. Everyone slowly quieted down while Corza looked over to seeing two of her subjects pointing to Jovian with fright.

“She no die! We try, she no die!”

Corza blinked then looked to seeing Jovian slowly standing upright again, with all the goblins then gasping in surprise as the girl laughed at the leader with a cold smile on her face.

“Is that how you greet your better in this world?” Jovian mocked.

“You… no die?” Corza whimpered with fright.

Jovian grabbed the blades and yanked them out of her body, with the stunned goblin holding onto them while watching as Jovian’s wounds healed right before her eyes.

“No, I no die,” Jovian sneered before grabbing Corza and throwing her to the ground, the two swords bouncing away as the crowd of goblins stared with shock at seeing Jovian still standing. Corza cowered before the girl before she scrambled away and grabbed a sword, the monster then trying frantically to cut the girl down, swinging the bloodied blade around wildly before Jovian caught the monster’s hand and crushed it. Corza screamed as she dropped the blade and fell to one knee before the gemini, her broken hand being held tightly in the monster’s grip.

“What are you? What are
?” Corza wailed frightfully.

Jovian glared at the monster with her multicolored eyes then gazed around at the crowd of goblins that were staring at her with fright.

“Listen up!” she shouted out, with the crowd trembling nervously as Corza yelled out in pain.

“On your knees, now!” Jacqueline yelled out with discontent.

All the goblins dropped to their hands and knees before the gemini, seeming to become absolutely helpless at witnessing their leader being beaten before them. Jovian smirked and looked around at the monsters as they all watched her in silence.

“Do you like being the lowest of the low in our world?” she called out. “Do you enjoy this miserable excuse you have at living? Look around you, look at what you are, is this all that awaits you in your pathetic lives?” The goblins all looked to each other with quiet whimpers then to Jovian as the girl pointed around at them accusingly.

“Goblins are the laughingstock of the monster world, and worse yet, of the
!” she called out, with the goblins watching her with wonder as they slowly nodded to that.

“They say you’re stupid,” Jacqueline called out. “That you smell, that you’re ugly! They don’t think you’re a threat, they don’t think you can do anything!”

The goblins began talking in hushed murmurs of discontent and anger before Jovian threw Corza down onto the ground and held the monster down with one foot, with Corza holding onto her broken hand as she whimpered in pain.

“Do you want to spend the rest of your lives in this hole in the ground?” Jovian loudly asked. “Do you want the world to mock you? Do you want the
to laugh at you?”

“No!” a few goblins yelled out.

“We not weak, we strong!” another shouted out.

“I kill human that laughs at me, I rape and kill him good!” another called out with energy.

Jovian chuckled and nodded as she looked around at seeing the goblins getting riled up.

“Humans think you’re nothing but insects, that you’re no threat even to a mere child! I ask you, why are you cowering in fear here, why are you hiding in this godforsaken hole when they mock you so? I’ll tell you why, it’s because you follow the guidance of cowards like this one here!” she yelled out before she lifted Corza onto her feet, turning her to face the crowd of monsters while pulling back on her hair. Corza let out a hoarse whine as all the other goblins hissed and growled at her.

“I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to be ridiculed, that you can be feared!” Jovian called out with energy. “I’m telling you that you don’t have to hide, that you can take what you want! I’m telling you not to be afraid of humans; it is they that should cower before

The crowd cheered out in agreement while Jacqueline clapped and gave a formal bow to her sister with a laugh. Jovian nodded slowly as she saw the crowd applauding her then struck her knee into Corza’s back, a loud crack echoing out as the goblin dropped to her knees with a painful gasp.

“It is time for the humans to recognize who you goblins are,” Jovian announced. “That
are the superior race! It is time for their men to serve as your cattle for breeding, for their women and children to feed you with their meat, for their land to belong to you! I ask you, are you ready to march towards glory? Are you ready to show the world what kind of monsters you really are?”

The crowd cheered and howled in agreement, their voices echoing throughout the grotto. Jovian chuckled then lifted Corza up by the arms, holding her higher as the crowd hissed and booed at her.

“I will lead you to a better future,” she boldly promised. “I will give you all that you so desire, I will help you achieve total dominance over those foolish humans! Then the monster world will respect you! Then the world will respect you! No more hiding in the ass end of Eden, it is time for you to stand and be heard!”

She then threw Corza over towards the crowd, the goblins jumping back as the wounded monster collapsed on the ground before them. Jovian looked around at the monsters then pointed to Corza with a cold glare at her.

“If you wish for me to lead you, if you wish to become more than just filthy bugs in this world, then slaughter that worthless abomination that kept you trapped here, make her scream in agony for me!”

The goblins roared before swarming Corza as the wounded leader screamed in terror. Jacqueline watched with a cold smile while the screams of Corza were heard as the goblins ripped off her armor and started hacking apart the monster with their weapons, with knives and spears piercing into her body while clubs were used to break her bones with loud crunches. Corza let out a painful shriek as the goblins around the area laughed and cheered on her execution, with Jovian watching the slaughter with a cold smile on her face as blood sprayed out from the dying goblin’s throat and heart being ripped open. Jacqueline then walked over next to her sister as the two watched the goblins with amused smiles as they butchered their old leader.

“You always were good with that tongue of yours, sister,” Jacqueline purred. “Both with speaking to others and making me scream in pleasure.”

Jovian shrugged with a modest smile before the goblins turned to face them with blood dripping from their weapons.

“Lead us! Lead us! Lead us!” they started chanting, with Jovian chuckling before holding her hands up, the monsters then quieting down as blood began to form in a pool around Corza’s remains.

“Listen to me!” Jovian announced. “It is time to leave this godforsaken hole in the world and take what belongs to you! Gather your sisters, send word to all tribes in this region; all goblins are to march with us towards victory!” Jacqueline whispered into her ear, with Jovian glancing to her for a moment before smiling amusedly then looking to the goblins again.

“But first, your new leaders are in need of some new clothes,” she called out. “Bring us the finest garments you have. Tonight, we party! Tomorrow, we gather all the tribes of goblins, all your sisters will stand with you or be cast into hell for betraying you like your departed Corza there! My new subjects, this is the beginning of the end for the humans, and the beginning of the end of the era where goblins are considered a joke! The time of reckoning for them is at hand!”

The goblins cheered out in agreement and started hopping around anxiously before Jovian chuckled and glanced to her sister with a shrug.

“Well then, looks like we made some new friends,” she mused before the sisters waved around at the crowd of goblins before them, all the monsters cheering and shouting out in anticipation for following their new leaders. Jacqueline smirked and nodded slowly in agreement.

“I can’t wait for us to show Daniel all of our new friends. It’s going to be such a grand reunion.”


“Enough stalling, proceed at once!” Apoch and Astreal demanded sternly, with Charlotte’s cat hissing as its eyes glowed red briefly for a moment.

Inside the bedroom Daniel glanced over to the witch sisters then to the four naked girls that stood before him, with Triska, Alyssa, Specca, and Squeak watching him with longing eyes in anticipation for what was coming. After a moment’s hesitation Daniel showed a weak smile and rubbed the back of his neck.

“Um, so… what should I do first?” he asked unsurely.

Triska smirked and walked up to him, slowly taking his outer shirt off while kissing him passionately, the boy closing his eyes as the other girls walked over and helped undress him as well.

“First thing’s first, these have to go,” Alyssa giggled as Specca and Squeak pulled Daniel’s other shirt up, breaking his kiss with Triska before they took the shirt off over his head. Specca then pulled Daniel into a kiss as the girls all took him down onto the bed with them, with Apoch and Astreal merely watching with raised eyebrows as they stood off to the side. Daniel felt Specca kissing him with her tongue as Squeak and Triska gently brushed his hair while watching the boy with loving smiles. Alyssa however was busy quickly pulling Daniel’s pants down before she hastily took off his boots, the witch then yanking off his pants before looking to his underwear with a hungry eye. Specca’s tail then slid across his belly before down into his underwear, with the boy jumping a bit as she leaned back from her kiss and smiled gently down at him.

“Sorry, Daniel. That thing has a mind of its own sometimes,” she said with a small shrug, with Daniel clearly feeling the girl’s tail sliding over his genitals. As Specca sat up along with Triska and Squeak, the three girls looking down at the boy with growing lust in their eyes, Alyssa grabbed his underwear and yanked it down off of his legs, the witch and all the girls then looking to seeing his erection with blushes on their faces. Apoch and Astreal leaned slightly closer to examine the human with a curious eye themselves while Daniel looked around at all the girls who were staring at him with obvious intentions.

“Daniel,” Triska purred.

“Wow,” Alyssa breathed out as she slowly rested a hand down on his member, with Triska and Specca then lying down next to him as they brought their faces closer to it as well. Squeak looked down to Daniel with a twitch of her eyebrow and a coy smile on her face, the boy glancing up to her before smiling nervously.


“Well, I see you’re not objecting to this in the least, are you, Daniel?” Specca giggled as Alyssa held the boy’s penis upright and gently caressed it. Daniel shuddered a bit before Squeak leaned down closer to him with a gentle smile on her face, the ant girl squeaking once before kissing him. As his world shifted to a hazy blur while a powerful euphoric sensation spread throughout his mouth Triska and Specca slowly reached out and touched his erection, seeming to be marveled by it as it stood tall and rigid. The girls all glanced to seeing Squeak kissing him then looked back to his penis while Specca’s tail slowly wrapped around one of Daniel’s arms, his other hand being held down gently by Squeak.

“It’s so warm, and stiff,” Specca said while she and Triska caressed what was in their hands. Alyssa licked her lips then quickly started licking the tip of his erection, with Daniel twitching slightly with a murmur into Squeak’s kiss as the witch lapped all around the head of his member. Triska and Specca then leaned closer and joined in, the three girls licking and kissing all around his erection while Squeak glanced to them with a blush on her face. Daniel felt pleasure washing all throughout his body, from both the ant girl’s saliva and the three girls servicing him at the same time.

“God, I waited so long for this,” Triska said before she started lightly sucking on one of his balls, with Specca licking all the way up to the tip before she then took it into her mouth with an eager moan.

“Ah, Specca, we need to share,” Alyssa whined as Specca began gently going up and down on Daniel, lapping her tongue all around the top as she got lost with the feeling of having him in her mouth like this. After a few more head bobs she leaned back and glanced to the witch with a timid smile.

“Sorry, I got a little carried away,” she softly admitted.

“My turn,” Triska said before she quickly took Daniel’s erection into her mouth, going up and down while sucking on it with a bit more force. Daniel’s hand managed to break free from Squeak’s grip and hold onto Triska’s back, the girl moaning eagerly as she felt him touching her now. Squeak leaned up and looked down to the girls with a loving eye as Daniel shakily took a breath while his world slowly stopped spinning from the powerful kiss he endured.

“That… feels… oh my…” Daniel managed to get out before he looked down to seeing Triska sucking him off and Specca licking and kissing around the base of his erection. The two girls then glanced to seeing him watching them and froze for a moment, with Triska then murmuring something with a twitch of her eyebrow before she quickly resumed again. Specca licked all around Daniel’s penis then sat up and moved closer towards his head, with Squeak then leaning down close to his erection and watching Triska with a curious eye.

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