Chronicles of Gilderam: Book One: Sunset (45 page)

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Temple of Geithoron:
The largest church in Vuora, seat of the largest diocese in Gresadia, and the exclusive place of worship for the monarchy. Located in downtown New Gresad, its distinctive architecture sports enormous twin spires. Cardinal Ceras is its rector.

[tɛɾɛsiɑ] The fabled “land beyond the sea,” a second landmass rumored to exist southwest of the Vuoran continent across countless
of open ocean. See: “Exodus of the Fourth Tribe.”

Teric, Book of:
[tɛɾɪk] The religious text of the Terical Church, first compiled by Teric Ashabem in the 2
Century of the Fourth Age. Divided into three parts, “Sunset” accounts for the creation of Vuora, the pantheon of gods, and events before the Fourth Age. “Twilight” contains various gospels, prayers and hymns, as well as a list of saints and prophets. “Nightfall,” the final part, discusses the nature of life, death and the afterlife, and prophesizes the end of the world.

[tɛtsɑ] Derogatory Gresadian epithet describing an unsavory person.
, plural.

[ðɛjʒɑ] The emblem of the Te Vama dynasty of the Gresadian Empire – a purple or white flower. It blooms with two sets of near-horizontal petals at its base, and two sets of near-vertical petals within those, enshrouding a pistil marked with three ascending, globular stigmas.

Thos shenwemu
os ʃɛnwɛmu] Gresadian for “serve them well.”

Threithum corumuligo:
um koɾumuligo] Gresadian for “the gods above all else.”

ume] Gresadian for “by the Gods,” a powerful exclamation.

uluk] A lake in central Gresadia, fed by the Mothno river, that is the country’s largest contained body of water.
It forms the border between Cengan and Lorugan.

uldɑɾus] One of the twelve gods, brother of Geithoron, Lord of Underearth, and King of the Dead. He is the patron of pain, suffering, misfortune, hatred and death and his symbols are bones, particularly the skull, and blood.

[tiɾ] The pet rat of the goddess Dolus, her familiar, which is the bringer of sickness, disease and infirmity according to Terical myth.

Tricorns, the:
The world’s most powerful organized crime syndicate. Exploits include common theft and burglary to racketeering, counterfeiting, blackmail, extortion, kidnapping, and even political assassination. The gang began in Zarothus, but has grown to expand its operations outside the Empire, planting firm holds in Saria and Avladia. 

oɾ] Gresadian for “dreadnaught,” it is the name of the flagship of the Gresadian Imperial Navy. Far and away the largest airship ever built, it spans two-and-a-half
from bow to stern, and carries a crew compliment of over ten thousand men.

[vɑl], [væl] The tiny, often ignored desert nation poised between the mountains of Saria to the west, and the fields Gresadia to the east. Home to the smallest population of any nation on Vuora, Val usually keeps a low profile in the international community.

Vavishna, Hotel:
[vɑviʃnɑ] An upscale hotel in downtown Erand, Gresadia.

[Votok], [votɑk] One of the twelve gods, son of Geithoron, patron of wisdom, wonder and creativity. His symbols are the quill and scroll.

[voɾθ] A Gresadian colonial installation in Shinira.

] A Gresadian modal particle indicating urgency or impatience. It can sometimes imply a command.

Vulc Muri:
[vulk muɾi] The “Great River” of Gresadia, which flows northward out of Divar all the way through the country, emptying ultimately into the Baeno Leir in New Gresad.

[vuoɾɑ] 1) The nearer of two planets orbiting a star called Cor, and 2) more specifically, the name of that planet’s only continent. Every 22 years its orbit brings it very near the other planet, Aelmuligo.

[wɾɑlɑnd] A small, quiet kingdom along the eastern edge of Vuora, nestled beside Gresadia and between Shinira and Ceshgan. The stalwart people of Wralland have maintained a curiously independent culture, clinging unremittingly to their own language and traditions despite the fluxing trends of, and their economic ties to, the world abroad.

Wralland Castle:
The capital of Wralland.

: [wɾɑsɑdɑ] One of the twelve gods, daughter of Geithoron, patroness of fidelity, motherhood, compassion and love. Her symbol is a pair of hands holding a heart.

us] 1) One of the twelve gods, son of Geithoron, patron of the sky, art, beauty and independence. His symbols are a bird and brush. 2) The Gresadian city named after him in Pothogan, southeast Gresadia. Once the most powerful city-state of pre-united Dontia, it became the capital of the new empire, which would later become Gresadia.

Zatsa Plocanca:
[zɑtsɑ plocɑncɑ] A long fjord that cuts into the southwestern part of Vuora, separating Geldr’thal from Avladia.

[zɑtsve] Gresadian for “curses,” or “curse you.”
, “cursed.”

[zuniɾ] A highly insular Elvish nation in the far north of Vuora, situated on a long, sweeping archipelago. Among Elves they are known as “the Hidden.”

[zvɛk] Gresadian, denoting any non-human person. Sometimes it is used to refer to a human who is not a subject to the Gresadia Empire. Literally, it means someone who is “magical.”
, plural.

About the Author








Kevin Kelleher is an author, composer, and playwright living in New York City. Aside from the high-flying, fantasy/adventure series, 
Chronicles of Gilderam
, he likes to write plays and musicals.


More information and merchandise available at:


Follow Kevin on Twitter: @kevinfkelleher

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