Churchill's Secret War (55 page)

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Authors: Madhusree Mukerjee

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Cornwallis’s reforms (1793)
Cripps, Sir Stafford
Cromwell, Oliver
Crout, John
Cunningham, George
Curzon, Viceroy
Cyclone (1942)
British and
Daily Mail
Daily Telegraph
Dakua, Khudiram
Dakua, Kumudini
Dhara and
Darwin, Charles
Malthus and
social Darwinism
Das, Bhim
Das, Hori
Das, Pawnchanon/family
Das, Srihorichandro
Das, Sudam Chandra
Dasi, Sabitri
De Valera, Eamon
Defence of India Act
Denial Policy
boat denial
rice denial
Devi, Mahasweta
Devi, Saroda
Dhara, Sushil Kumar
arrest/escape (1943)
arrest/sentence (1944)
assassinations by
Axis powers and
cyclone and
death rumors
Gandhian values and
Gandhi’s surrender instructions and
hopes of
life after independence
Tamluk National Government
Dhillon, Gurbux Singh
Digby, William
Direct Action Day
Dominion status description
India and
Durga (madam)
Dutt, Romesh Chunder
Dyson, Tim
Einstein, Albert
Elizabeth, Queen
Extraction rate (flour)
Famine commission
aid offers
cover-up by
death estimates
explanations to
lack of food riots
ship use
wheat use
British colonies outside India (1943)
democracies and
war crimes and
See also
Famines in India
importing cereals (1930s)
nineteenth-century deaths
Victorian era vs. Mughal period
Famines in India (1940s)
1944 wheat crop problems
aid denial
aid denial “defense,”
aid offers
animals preying on people/bodies
army needs and
Balkans priority and
blaming India
Britain’s exaggerations on needs
clothing and
cyclone/floods (1942)
death estimates
death estimating
denial of problem by Britain
description/people starving
exporting grain and
food for Britain
food-for-work program
food riots and
Geneva Convention/war crimes and
governor’s residence and
grain statistics
history and
hoarding/suspected hoarding
importing grain and
Italian civilians priority
Japanese Southeast Asia occupation
mercy killings/child abandonment
Middle East/Ceylon priorities
as military problem
price controls and
prostitution and
punishing India and
rice denial policy
scorched earth policy
shipping glut of Britain and
soldiers feeding civilians
sterling debt/resources and
stories from villages
survivors weakness
War Cabinet meeting (Nov., 1943)
wartime shipping and
wheat policies and
See also
Bengal famine (1940s)
Fay, Peter Ward
Fischer, Louis
G Sahib
Gandhi, Abha
Gandhi, Indira
Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand
British strategy on
Churchill on
Do or Die instructions
economics and
education and
Hindu-Muslim killings and
Hitler on
Indian National Army and
Jinnah and
killing of
nonviolence movement and
partitioning and
prison release/health problems
surrender instructions
Tamluk National Government violence and
wife’s death
World War II and
See also
Indian National Congress; Quit India movement
Gang rapes, Midnapore
political outcomes
recanting nonviolence and
Geneva Convention (1949)
John Amery and
offer on Jews
Poland and
See also
Hitler, Adolf
Ghora, Basudeb
Gowing, M. M.
Great Depression
Balkans priority (World War II)
World War II and
Greenough, Paul
Gregory, Theodore/Committee report
Grigg, Sir Percy James
aid denial/“defense,”
Churchill and
on Hindus
Viceroy’s Council/Simla talks
Gross, Charles
“Grow More Food” program, Britain
Gupta, Ashoka
Halifax, viscount of (Lord Irwin)
Hammond, R. J.
Hancock, W. K.
Harper, Tim
Harriman, Averell
Harrod, Roy
Hauner, Milan
Hazra, Matongini
Herbert, Sir John
Bengal and
famine and
famine warnings
rice denial policy
Hindu-Muslim disunity
British prejudices and
Churchill and
Indian Army and
Jinnah and
police encouraging
Viceroy’s Council/Simla talks
See also
Partitioning India
Hindu-Muslim killings
British views on
Churchill and
criminals and
Direct Action Day
Europeans and
fears of
Gandhi and
Muslim League and
See also
Partitioning India
British prejudices on
See also specific individuals
Hindustan Standard
Hinge of Fate, The
Hitler, Adolf
British/World War II and
Britons/British Empire views
Churchill on
on Gandhi/Indians
on Japan
racism of
Soviet Union/Russia and
World War II goals
Home Charge
Hopkins, Harry
Hull, Cordell
Hunger strikes
Hungry Bengal
Hunt, Colonel
Hunter, William
Huq, Abul Kasem Fazlul
Hutchings, Robert
Huxley, Aldous
1933 nutrition survey
1945 United Nations conference
birth-rate criticism
British capitalism and
during World War II
independence date
postwar importance to Britain
racism towards
scorched earth policy and
See also
Famines in India; Partitioning India;
specific individuals
specific organizations
India Committee
India League of America
India/World War II
Americans and
Axis powers and
explosion, Bombay dock
independence/division and
scorched earth policy
sterling debt of Britain
as unprotected
See also specific individuals
; United Kingdom/India; United Kingdom/World War II
Indian Army/World War II
fighting Japan
Indian National Army and
role questions
Indian Independence League
Indian independence movement
British retaliation (1940s)
British retaliation against women
independence date
pensions for freedom fighters
women joining
women’s conch shells and
See also
Indian National Army (INA);
Quit India movement;
specific individuals
specific organizations
; Tamluk
National Government/
Indian National Army (INA)
Bose and
Britain’s views of
British spy in
in Burma
Gandhi and
hopes for
Indian Army and
treason trial/effects
women’s regiment
Indian National Congress
1935 act/elections
1946 elections
Cripps offer
Johnson offer
See also
Quit India movement;
specific individuals
International Red Cross
Ireland famine
Irwin, Lord (viscount of Halifax)
Ispahani, Mirza Ahmad/company
Iwaichi, Fujiwara
Jana, Gokul
Jana, Kumar Chandra
Japan/World War II
British and
Burma and
China and
Hiroshima bombing/surrender
India and
Indian Army and
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
Singapore and
Jinnah, Mohammad Ali
Gandhi and
Muslim-Hindu killings
Muslims/Muslim League
National Congress and
partitioning India/Pakistan
Viceroy’s Council/Simla talks
Johnson, Louis
Kalikakundu village
Khan, Kalo
Khan, Khan Abdul Ghaffar
Khan, Niaz Mohammad
Khan, Shah Nawaz
Kiani, Inayat
King, Mackenzie
Kuila, Nirmala/family
Kumaruddin, Sheikh
Lawrence of Arabia
Leathers, Frederick
Churchill relationship
Indian famine/aid denial
Lend Lease program, U.S.
Life expectancy
Lindemann, Frederick Alexander (Prof/Lord Cherwell)
aid denial/“defense,”
blaming India
Churchill relationship
food reserves (Britain)
India/Bengal famine and
Indian freedom and
public opinion and
sterling debt
World War II
Linlithgow, Lady
Linlithgow, Lord
Amery and
Bengal grain exports/imports
Churchill and
dominion status and
famine warnings/aid requests
Gandhi and
Indian freedom and
leaving India
Rutherford’s reports to
sterling debt
Viceroy term end
Lives of a Bengal Lancer
Llewellin, John J.
Louis, William Roger
Macaulay, Thomas B.
MacDougall, Donald
Mahalanobis, Prasanta C.
Mahapatro, Krishna Chaitanya (Kanu)
Maharatna, Arup
Maity, Bholanath
Maity, Bonkim
Maity, Kanonbala
Maity, Saday/family
Maity, Sindhubala
Maity, Umesh
Majha, Gourhori
Malakar, Giribala/family
Malthus, Reverend Thomas Robert
Martin, Olaf M.
Bengal famine and
registration figures
Mein Kampf
District/Tamluk subdivision
gang rapes and
See also
Tamluk National Government/insurgencies
Mitra, Asok
Molotov, Vyacheslav
Mookerjee, Shyama Prasad
Moon, Penderel
Moore, Arthur
Moran, Lord
Churchill and
on Leathers
on Lindemann
Morton, Desmond
Mother India
Mountbatten, Lord Louis
Mudaliar, Sir Ramaswami
Mukhopadhyay, Ajoy Kumar
Mukhopadhyay, Gita/aunt
Mundt, Karl
Muslim League
1937 elections
1943 elections
1946 elections
Bengal ministry
famine and
Jinnah and
partitioning India/Pakistan
World War II and
See also specific individuals
British views on
Viceroy’s Council/Simla talks
See also
Hindu-Muslim disunity; Hindu-Muslim killings;
specific individuals

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