Churchill's Secret War (56 page)

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Authors: Madhusree Mukerjee

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My Early Life
Naoroji, Dadabhai
Nash, Vaughan
Nawaz, Shah
Nayar, Sushila
Nazimuddin, Sir Khwaja
specific individuals
Nehru, Jawaharlal
Chinese and
Churchill and
Gandhi and
National Congress
politics and
World War II/independence
Nichols, Beverley
Noon, Sir Firoz Khan
Odhikari, Pushpo
Odhikari, Tukibala Das/family
On the Origin of Species
Operation Anakim
Operation Overlord
Operation Torch
Orissa famine
Orwell, George
Partitioning India
Pandit, Vijaylakshmi
Partitioning India
Churchill and
date of
fears of killings
Gandhi and
Jinnah and
Muslim League and
World War II actions and
See also
Hindu-Muslim disunity; Hindu-Muslim killings
Patro, Anil Kumar
Patro, Monju
Peddie, James
Phillips, William
famine and
India and World War II
India’s independence
partitioning and
Pinnell, Leonard George
after leaving Bengal
Bengal Denial Policy
Bengal famine and
famine commission and
rice acquisition
Quebec Allies conferences
Quit India movement
police/government and
See also
Tamluk National Government/insurgencies
against Hindus
against India
of Churchill
of Hitler
imperialism and
of Lindemann
race-thinking and
Raha, Nolini
Rahman, Abdul
Raisman, Sir Jeremy
Rani of Jhansi regiment
Reynolds, David
Risley, Herbert
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Elliott
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Churchill/Indian independence and
currency value
famine in India and
Gandhi and
Quebec meetings
Stalin and
Yalta conference
See also
United States/World War II
Roskill, Stephen
Rothermund, Dietmar
Rubenstein, William D.
Rutherford, Thomas
Sahgal, Prem Kumar
Salt Rebellion/tax
Salter, Lord Arthur
Samanta, Satish Chandra
Gandhi and
Tamluk National Government
Samanta, Satyabala
Samanta, Subhas
Samonto, Bhawbanibala
Samonto, Bhuvan
Samonto, Chitto Ranjon
cyclone and
famine stories
fugitive nationalist list
life after independence
on wheat
Samonto, Gunodhar
Sawrkar, Nitai
Scorched earth policy
Sen, Amartya
Sen, Binay Ranjan
cyclone relief
rice acquisition
Sengupta, Sukharanjan
Sepoy Mutiny (1857)
Sherwood, Robert E.
Simla talks
Singh, Jagjit J.
Singh, Mohan
Singh, Sinhara
Slade, Mira
Slim, William
Smith, Kevin
Snow, C. P.
Sommervell, Brehon B.
South East Asia Command (SEAC)
Special Operations Executive (SOE), Britain
Srivastava, Sir J. P.
Stalin, Joseph
Balkans plan
Churchill and
Teheran conference
Yalta conference
cannibalism and
effects description
solid food and
studies on
See also
Statesman, The
newspaper, Calcutta
Stephens, Ian
Stone, I. F.
Story of the Malakand Field Force, The
Suez Canal
Suhrawardy, Huseyn Shaheed
famine and
Muslim-Hindu killings and
Muslim League and
Surabuddin, Sheikh
Swaminathan, Lakshmi
Symonds, Richard
Tamluk National Government/insurgencies
assassinations by women
food and
Gandhi on violence
Gandhi’s surrender instructions
Midnapore/Tamluk insurgencies (1942)
Midnapore/Tamluk insurgencies (1943)
police and
See also specific individuals
Tamluk subdivision/Midnapore District
distress gold
Great Depression and
Salt Rebellion
watchmen (police informers) and
Taylor, A.J.P.
Teheran conference
Tojo Hideki
United Kingdom/India
1935 act
birth-rate in India
criminals released/effects
sterling debt
textiles and
See also
Famines in India;
specific individuals
United Kingdom/World War II
Balkans plan
Balkans priority
declarations of war
Hitler/Germany and
Italian civilians priority
Middle East/Ceylon priorities
shipping glut and
shipping routes
sterling debt/India’s resources
Turkey and
U.S. aid and
See also
Famines in India (1940s); India/ World War II;
specific individuals
United Kingdom/World War II food supplies
beer/brewers and
contingency stocks
exaggerations on needs
nutrition for Britons
postwar concerns
price controls/rations
statistics on
working/distributional stocks
United Nations
1945 conference/India
Atlantic Charter
colonies postwar
postwar peace
Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA)
United States/World War II
British Empire and
British food/shipping requirements and
Lend Lease program
Pacific islands
Pearl Harbor bombing
shipping/ship production
See also specific individuals
UNRRA (United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration)
Venkataramani, M. S.
Verdict on India
Viceroy’s Council, Wavell
Wavell, Archibald
Amery and
becoming Viceroy
Churchill and
famine inquiry
famine relief
Gandhi and
Hindu-Muslim killings and
Hindus vs. Muslims views
Indian Army and
Indian independence and
Indian resources use
partitioning and
Simla talks
Viceroy’s Council
on World War II
Weizmann, Chaim
Wiesel, Elie
Willingdon, Lord
Willkie, Wendell
Wilson, Horace Hayman
Wilson, Thomas
defending aid denial
famine aid and
India’s resources and
petrol bill
sterling debt and
Wolf, Eric
Women’s issues
child marriages
prostitution during famine
rape/family rejection
venereal disease
See also
Gang rapes, Midnapore
Women’s regiment (INA)
Wood, E.
Wood, Sir Kingsley
Woolton, Lord
World War I
Muslims and
United Kingdom debt
United Kingdom food supplies
World War II
history of
See also specific countries
specific individuals
Yalta conference
Zamindars description
Zetland, marquess of
Copyright © 2010 by Madhusree Mukerjee
Published by Basic Books,
A Member of the Perseus Books Group
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information, address Basic Books, 387 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016-8810.
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Materials from the Cherwell Papers are used by permission of the English Speaking Union. Extracts from the O. M. Martin Papers, the L. G. Pinnell Papers, and the W. A. Barnes Papers are used with permission of the Centre of South Asian Studies Archive, University of Cambridge. Quotes from Churchill are reproduced with permission of Curtis Brown Ltd., London, on behalf of The Estate of Winston Churchill. Copyright © Winston Churchill Crown copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Controller of HMSO and the Queen’s Printer for Scotland.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Mukerjee, Madhusree.
Churchill’s secret war : the British empire and the ravaging
of India during World War II / by Madhusree Mukerjee.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
eISBN : 978-0-465-02260-1
1. India—History—20th century. 2. Great Britain—Foreign relations—India. 3. India—
Foreign relations—Great Britain. 4. Famines—India—Bengal. 5. Churchill, Winston,
1874–1965. 6. Great Britain—Colonies—History—20th century. 7. World War, 1939–
1945—Influence. I. Title.
DS480.45.M794 2010

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