Circe's Recruits 4: Hale (21 page)

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Authors: Marie Harte

Tags: #Multiple Partners

BOOK: Circe's Recruits 4: Hale
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“Would you sit down?” Roane asked, exasperated.

Roane had pulled guard duty while the rest of the group put their efforts into a general clean up. Hawkins, Tersch, and Fallon labored alongside the squad to clear the dead bodies from the house while the women took charge of sanitizing the place.

Everyone remained in shifted form, on edge and needing to feel empowered, Robbie guessed. He always felt like that, so what the hell did he know?

Hale remained unconscious down in the lab in one of Doc's sickrooms with Paige.

She worried over him, constantly touching him, talking to him. Robbie had tried to sit with his mates, but after an hour of constant nothingness, he'd lost it. Paige had yelled at him to go work off his rage before coming back.

No one else wanted him in the house because apparently, his attitude aggravated them too. Hawkins had the nerve to threaten him with bodily harm if he didn't leave the rest of them alone. And who the hell put
in charge?

That’s it

He glanced up at Roane in surprise, only to feel the Circ's mighty fist slam into his face. The asshole hit him right in the nose, and he was forced to take a moment to clear his watering eyes.

Roane had no qualms about taking advantage. He managed another punch to Robbie's kidney and a kick to his stomach before Robbie got his feet back under him.

“That's for threatening my men and dicking with Sabrina.” A small threat that kept her from Pearson Labs. Jesus. “I saved her life. Hell, I saved all of their lives.” Robbie grunted and ducked the next punch Roane threw, countering with one of his own. He socked Roane hard in the arm, then kicked his leg out from under him.

Roane rolled back onto his feet, as if he'd meant to hit the ground ass-first.

“Not bad. At least my sister found a mate who can fall with grace.” Robbie sneered and moved so fast, Roane couldn't follow. He beat the man again and again, until Roane lay panting on his hands and knees before him. Refraining from kicking the man when he was finally down, Robbie forced himself to calm down. His anger abated, his beast pleased with the skirmish. He reached out a hand.

Only to have Roane grab it, lever his weight, and use Robbie's size against him.

The damned Circ pushed upward and threw him into the trunk of a very thick tree. The wind knocked out of him, Robbie took a deep breath and found purchase on the ground, his knees surprisingly wobbly.

“Better, Weston. Good to know you're not as big a pussy as you look,” he rasped.

Roane started laughing. The bruises and cuts staining his face faded, and he gave Robbie a sincere grin. “You are such a pain in the ass. It's so fitting you're here for Hale.” He snickered. “I told him he'd find his mate when he least expected it. After all the shit he gave me about Caitlyn. Well, now he knows where she gets that mean streak.” His laughter infected Robbie.

Chuckling and feeling the tension ease, Robbie leaned back against the tree. “My sister loves you.”

“And I love her.” Roane paused. “You're mated to Paige and Hale. Hale's place is here, and with Doc her uncle, I'd say Paige's place is here too.”


“So, if you're planning on staying here as well, we need to set some rules.” Roane stood, his power clear to see.

Robbie understood why Hale followed this man, why the rest of them followed him too. Roane commanded by simply breathing. He had an innate ability to instill trust and loyalty in his men. He'd won Caitlyn's heart, which was no mean feat.

“Go ahead,” Robbie sighed, needling the man. “Gimme this list of rules I'm not allowed to break, ever, upon pain of death.”

“It's almost uncanny how alike you and your sister are. That same sarcasm, that same need to poke fun, when you know you're going to give in at the end.” Robbie wanted to wipe the smug look off his face. “Do you ever shut up?”

“First, I'm leader here.” Roane ignored him. “I make the calls. It's not a dictatorship, it's a command structure. You want to stay, you fall in.”

“Aye, aye, sir.” He flipped Roane a one-finger salute.

“Dick,” Roane muttered. “Second, Caitlyn may be your sister, but she's

Soon to be my wife, as soon as I ask her. And you're going to be an uncle. You and I need to make peace. Because if we don't, she'll be unhappy. As will Hale, my best friend.”

They were in deep. Robbie hadn't realized how tight Hale and Roane were. “Best friend, hmm?” Speaking of which… “So I read a few of Pearl's files. Whatever went on between you and Hale before, it's done.”

Roane flushed. “Look, we're Circ. There was a reason for—”

“And so help me, though it makes me ill to think about it, if Caitlyn was ever involved with my mate, it stops there too. There's such a thing as too much sibling love.

I'm not sharing,” he rumbled.

“'Nuff said.” Roane held out a hand, and Robbie moved forward to take it. “This mean you're in?”

“If Doc and you guys are okay with it, I'd like to stay here with Paige and Hale.

But I work for General Shields, contractually speaking. I don't know what's next for me, jobwise. No offense, but if I had to take orders from you on missions, I'd probably kill you. My beast won't let me bow to anyone.”


He remembered the feeling of Hale inside him. “Okay. Just Hale. But that fucker's strong, and fast.”

“I know.” Roane grinned. “You should have seen the first time he pinned me. Not sexually,” Roane hurried to add when Robbie scowled. “When we were testing out our new Circ abilities. I was bigger, and so was Derrick. But Hale moves so fast. One minute you see him, the next you don't.”

Robbie's smile left him. “You think Doc can fix him?”

“If anyone can, it's Doc. Hayashi called Hawkins a half hour ago. Said they have another hour to go before they're here. Oh, and he's bringing that antivenom. That'll help.”

Relief filled him. “Right. And Diego's coming too, eh? Imagine that.” Apparently, Diego had nearly gotten himself killed trying to save Doc's ass. He had a bullet lodged in his leg and another hole in his shoulder. But he'd live. “I bet Mike skins him alive when he finds out Diego disobeyed orders.”

“How so?”

“You really think General Shields told
to butt out, but he let Diego inside that place, knowing how attached Diego is to Doc?”

“So it wasn't all lies?”

“Far as I know, it wasn't. Diego's been like a sick puppy since Shields ordered him to pull back. Looks like I might not be your only addition.” Roane rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, about that… What do you know about Hawkins and his guys? Fallon, Tersch, and Hayashi? All of them SEALs

“Afraid so. Don't tell Hawkins, but my beast likes them. Hawkins set me free when I needed help. He could have made life pretty tough, but he didn't. It's actually because of him and his team that we got Doc back. Hayashi had his eye on the whole kidnapping while Hawkins distracted Dunn, focusing his attention on the attack here with a fake blow by blow on his cell.”

“Simon fucking Dunn.” Roane shook his head. “Bad enough we can't help rip Pearson Labs apart. I'd counted on gutting Dunn myself.” Roane's sharp teeth glinted in the moonlight.

“I know what you mean.”

They sat together in the dark, in the silence.

“You hurt my sister, I'll hurt you.” Robbie thought he'd reiterate.

“Same goes about Hale.”

“Okay.” Robbie paused. He didn't want to see his mate lying so still, but he needed to remind himself his mate lived. That his wound was only temporary. “I should check on him.” Robbie slowly got to his feet, surprisingly loath to end his time with Roane, a man he could respect and perhaps grow to like.

“I'll check on Caitlyn. God knows, I don't want her pissing off the squids inside.

Grown men crying, not a pretty sight.” Roane grinned.

Robbie shook his head and followed Roane inside. Before they parted, Robbie grabbed his arm. “Roane? Thanks.”

Roane glanced at him over his shoulder and nodded, then yelled for his mate.

And Robbie went to find his.

Chapter Fifteen

“Ow, dammit. What the hell? I feel like I'm caught in some ugly déjà vu.” Hale grimaced as Doc prodded him with a needle.

“And once again, I have to listen to Hale whine.” Sabrina rolled her eyes.

This time, Paige stood with him, and Derrick was nowhere in sight. “Baby, tell the mean lady to go away.”

“Hale, honestly.” Paige grinned. “I'm just so glad you're okay. I can't believe the antivenom didn't work. Robbie saved you. I think you owe him a great big thank-you.” Hale scowled at Robbie, lying with his hands behind his head and his ankles crossed on the huge exam table next to his. Like sunning himself at the damned beach.

“Jerk. Thanks.”

“No problem, playboy.” Robbie tugged at the IV in his arm. “Hey, Doc, when are we done? Because Paige and I need some alone time together. It's been an exhausting evening, waiting for you guys to get back.”

“Robbie, for God's sake.” Paige flushed a bright pink, and Sabrina laughed at her.

“I think it's sweet. Beauty and the beast.”

“Don't start, Sabrina.” Paige seemed in such high spirits, and Hale couldn't blame her. He was on the mend, Doc had returned hearty and happy, with Diego practically crawling on all fours for forgiveness. And the way Robbie kept watching her and him, Hale figured they had a good time coming their way.

The damned mutant venom was no match for Robbie's “super” blood.

Unfortunately, the damned Circ and his ego made sure everyone knew how superior he was. God, Hale loved him. He couldn't wait to get his hands on Robbie and Paige again.

He needed to reconnect with the pair. Desperately.

“Okay, Doc. I feel fine. So fine, I need some time with my mates, right now, if you get my meaning.” He moved a hand toward the tape holding the bandage over his wound.

Sabrina slapped it away. “Leave it alone. You need time to heal. Paige,” she said, turning to her new best friend. Hell, anymore, the two were as thick as thieves. All the women were. It was a little frightening. “Go easy on him. But have at it with Robbie.” Once Roane called him that, everyone had taken to calling McKinley Robbie, a name incongruous with the beast who could crush them if he put his mind to it. Still, the gentler side of Robbie showed when he looked at Paige. Hale could see the love shining in that bright gold gaze. And then he turned it on Hale, and Hale felt like a goddamn girl, because he wanted to cry.
Has to be my injury, for sure.

“Oh, all right.” Doc sighed. He disconnected the IV from Robbie and collected his blood while Sabrina patched up Hale and moved out of his way. “You three take care.

Hale's healing remarkably fast, but he's been through some trauma.”

“We all have, Doc,” Robbie said in a gravelly voice. “Thanks for taking care of him.”

Doc smiled. “You're welcome. Now, I'm off as well. I have a date with a man in need of more groveling.”

Everyone laughed as he departed with a spring in his step. Hale had a feeling all would work out between Doc and his lover. They made a fine pair, and God willing, the meals at the compound would once again be edible.

“Just think,” he murmured to Sabrina, “no more cooking.”

“Don't jinx it.” She slapped him on the back, making him wince. “Now I have a date of my own. I'm taking Derrick ring shopping.” Hale blinked at her.

“Yes, ring shopping. He's going to marry me.” Her tone dared anyone to contradict her. “There's something in the wind,” she said with a wink at Paige. “Rumor has it, Roane's going to propose. And Kelly will soon be Mrs. Zackary and Ace English.”

“I thought Ace's last name was Two Bears,” Paige said.

“It is. Legally speaking, Kelly can only marry one man. But she's already mated to both of them. You ask me, she just wants to wear a bridal gown.”

“It better not be white. The woman's pregnant, not innocent,” Robbie muttered.

Paige punched him in the arm, and he frowned. “Watch it, mate. I'm not that innocent, either, and I definitely plan on a white gown.” Hale and Robbie exchanged a wary glance, concerned at the gleam in Paige's eye.

Sabrina chuckled. “Good point, and one we all feel, I'm sure. You might want to treat these two the way I'm handling Derrick. I'd rather him find a ring I like instead of one he
I'll like. Some men have no taste in jewelry.” She eyed Hale and Robbie as if they were lacking.
Such a pain in the ass
. God, she and Derrick had been made for one another. “Have fun, you three.” Sabrina said, leaving with a flourish.

Paige and Robbie helped Hale off the table. The three of them walked down the hall to their temporary bedroom in comfortable silence, until Paige blurted, “I can't wait until our house is built. I chose a plan like Kelly's. We'll need the space.”

“We will?” Hale asked, wide-eyed. A house? They needed space? Was she talking about being pregnant already?

Robbie looked just as ill. “Ah, honey?”

“You know. Because you're so big, and Hale and I aren't exactly small. Besides, I'm just not used to being around a lot of people. I need space.” Hale breathed a quiet sigh of relief.

“And then there's the baby.”

He tripped.


“The baby we're going to have, just as soon as Robbie stops being so damned gentle and
me.” In seconds, she
into her alter ego, a stronger, meaner Circ, and dragged both men into their room.

Paige glared at Robbie, letting Hale off the hook this once. “I'm tired of your
. I love you, both of you, dammit.” Hale's delighted and surprised grin had her pausing. Did the man not know how much she cared?
Dimwits, the both of them
. She ripped through Robbie's shirt before he could blink, deliberately drawing blood. “I want it rough. I want it hard. No more holding back.” Robbie didn't move.

Hale winked at her. “Oh, man. I can't wait. I'm going to sit right here and heal, fast. Take him, Paige. I know you can.”

“That's all you have to say to me?” she shrieked, on a roll. “You nearly died yesterday. I want the goddamn words. Three of them. Think hard. I'm sure it'll hit you.”

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