C.L. Scholey - Zuri's Zargonnii Warrior (Unearthly World # 2) (14 page)

BOOK: C.L. Scholey - Zuri's Zargonnii Warrior (Unearthly World # 2)
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Right now Kobe was feeling full of himself. He was keeping his female safe, warm, and now fed. Feeling pleased, Kobe turned his concentration to the pods. An unworldly snort caught Kobe’s attention. He spun fast, barely missing the claws of the cyron beast. For just a second, he was frozen where he stood. This was the females’ place; this creature should never be here.

But it is.

All the memories of his mother’s encounter with the beast surfaced—all the fears of being killed. For a second there was panic in his strong warrior heart, the feeling sickened him. This time his mother wasn’t here to protect him. The beast stood four times his size and more than quadrupled his weight. Long, shaggy black hair partially covered its beady black eyes and the three sharp horns on its long snout. This was an older beast and too formidable, Kobe hadn’t a hope of beating it in battle.

The snarling creature towered over him, it was menacing—hungry. There was no way Kobe would be able to stop it let alone kill it. For a second indecisiveness struck. The pod was so close. He would be safe there; he could make it without injury.
He had to lead the beast away from the pod. He was responsible for a life not his own. Zuri, her vulnerability flashed before his eyes. With any hope, the cyron was passing through and had no idea of Zuri’s existence.

No, not my Zuri.

Cyron were massive bulky beasts, they moved slowly, and angered fast. It had been years since Kobe had come across one during his first Holiday. The female battling it killed it then noticed Kobe. They had battled and Holidayed near the dead beast. Normally, the Zargonnii females kept the beasts from the males’ area, to protect their young. Kobe was in the females’ area. The pods should have been deserted; the beast would know this. A lone male Zargonnii in the female area was too hard to resist. The cyron must have caught Kobe’s scent and come looking for an easy meal. Kobe’s heart sank; it must have been hunting him. If he tried to make it to the pod, the creature would be waiting in the morning. He and Zuri would have to come out sooner or later.

Kobe could move fast, faster still when being hunted. There was no need to fight the beast, just to get the hell out of its way as well as getting it away from Zuri. Kobe thundered through the foliage with the sound of the beast crashing its way toward him steadily. The area wasn’t known to Kobe and he was soon lost, terror gripped his heart hoping Zuri would stay put. Running from the cyron wasn’t getting him anywhere; he needed to stop the beast somehow. Kobe had enough to deal with in getting Zuri to safety; he needed to outsmart the beast. The large pond he almost stumbled onto was frozen over, but Kobe knew it was deceptive, the ice would be thin. Under the water were live algae, so alive it could rip the flesh from its prey’s bones.

Taking a chance, and hearing the cyron crash through the underbrush, Kobe shook off his battle mode. He walked across the frozen pond, hearing the decisive cracks under his feet. Even with his smaller size, Kobe could feel the tremble under him. Beneath, he could see the movement following his tracks. The live algae scratched at the ice under his feet. Ice was the only thing on the planet able to contain the live algae. It couldn’t break through the slick surface; it merely skidded across the underside. The ice was slippery; it took everything Kobe had to remain upright.

Behind him, he heard the cyron roar. Kobe had to make it to the other side fast. The cyron tossed its shaggy head, its three horns snorted smoke; it hesitated only slightly before giving chase. The beast was too cocky. Its massive clawed paws gripped the ice, pulling it faster toward Kobe. The shaggy body of the beast rubbed against the slick surface. Kobe was almost at the shore with the beast reaching the mid-way point. Most of the algae had abandoned Kobe for a juicer meal. The ice cracked again under Kobe’s feet. He heard it cracking from under the cyron.

Kobe held his breath and for a split second his steps faltered. A massive crack in the ice passed between his feet to the other side of the pond. The algae were escaping, oozing up the sides of the cracks, a small amount creeping its way toward him. Kobe made a run for it. He heard a furious howl from behind him as the cyron fell through the ice. Last second, Kobe flung himself belly-down onto the ice, skidding to the shore, smashing into an ice covered bank and watched as the algae washed over the cyron’s head. The beast screamed in agony. Paws and limbs flailing, the beast resurfaced only to have another wave of scum crash over its head, battering the beast down under the filthy water. Kobe had no idea if the cyron would live, but as he watched, hunks of fur and flesh were stripped from the creature until the whites of its bones showed in areas. The smell was nauseating.

Kobe raced away. After a few miles he stopped to catch his breath. He laughed when he noted the crispy body of the faya still in his fist. With his nose to the air Kobe scented the smell of his mother and followed the scent track back to her pod. It amazed him his mother had made a pod on this side of the continent. More astounding was the fact he had a brother. Something strange must have happened to his mother; brothers were normally kept together, it was only fair. Sisters were kept together. For some reason, his brother and he didn’t share the same sire, or even the same continent.

Zuri was anxiously awaiting his return. Kobe never mentioned the cyron; there was no need to frighten her. Kobe looked at Zuri, the female he was responsible for. She could never kill a cyron to protect her children. Male warriors were strong, but they didn’t have maternal killer instinct. He wondered what the other Zargonnii male felt about mating a human female and siring a female child. It was a great deal of responsibility, two females to care for.

Zuri was quiet as Kobe fed her tiny pieces of meat he bit off the faya. Finding decent eating vegetation was going to be hard in the cold season. It wasn’t impossible; he needed to get to a wamaya tree during the middle of the day. The problem was all creatures big, small and downright dangerous knew the wamaya tree was the only source of vegetable plant life during the cold season. The wamaya would open its massive bark and allow the bright afternoon rays to warm its vegetables for a short time then close shut to protect the fare.

“You look lost in thought.”

Kobe almost dropped the hand-sized piece of meat he was gnawing on when Zuri spoke. Her small teeth were working the last tidbit he had given her. She didn’t really need to chew; it was small enough to swallow whole.

“Just thinking about the safest route to travel tomorrow.”

“You look a little tired.”

If she only knew.

“I’m fine.”

“This is really very cozy.”

Zuri glanced around. Kobe nodded. The pod was warm, storm proof. The entire rounded pod was soft anywhere you touched. During the day, the color absorbed the heat and light. Zargonnii could see in the dark, but there was a hint of light so Kobe knew Zuri could see him; he would have to keep tighter rein on his facial expressions. Human females were perceptive creatures.

“Are you still worried about the females?” Zuri asked. “Should we Holiday again?”

Kobe almost choked on his food.
A female just asked me if we should Holiday
. The question sounded as innocent as: should we eat more meat? It was uncanny. Kobe’s cock was erect before he even answered. He almost pounced on her before gaining control.

“The females will be wondering where we are. Nothing can detect us inside this pod unless related to the occupants. It’s designed that way; even Zargonnii females are vulnerable while giving birth. There are many pods as you saw, not all of them are filled when the birthing time comes. A mother may change pods on a whim if she feels she has been discovered. But by the time the babe is born, a female is no longer vulnerable—she is at her deadliest. When her milk comes in, her adrenaline pumps twice as fast; she gains in height and strength each time she gives birth.”


Did Kobe detect disappointment?

“When do you and a human male Holiday?”

“We have sex, or make love, when the mood strikes.”

“Has anything struck you?” Kobe couldn’t keep the hope from his tone.

Zuri laughed. “Kobe, if your cock sticks out much farther it may end up in my mouth.”

Kobe was shocked. “Are you still hungry?”

“No, silly. Don’t your kind pleasure each other?”

“A female’s teeth are bigger and sharper than mine. If you had a cock would you let a female Zargonnii mouth near it?”

“All right, point taken, never mind.”

“Well, hang on. I said a female Zargonnii, not a human female.” Kobe leaned closer to her. “Do human females really take a cock in their mouths?”

“Some do.”

“What do they do with it?” he whispered.

“We first get comfortable, and remove our clothes.”

Zuri squealed when Kobe stripped her and him in less than a second. “I’m comfortable.”

Chuckling, Zuri first fondled his balls. No female had ever done that. He couldn’t help but squirm. Her fingers were slim; her nails were miniscule, flimsy. Round and round she touched him. Kobe almost jumped when she centered her attention onto his thick erection. Those same fingers slid up and down his length. Perhaps she was having second thoughts. He wasn’t complaining; the sensation was wonderful.

When Zuri dipped her head, she smiled at him for a second before closing that beautiful, perfect mouthy mouth of hers over him. Kobe thought for certain he was going to howl like a possessed beast. As her fingers massaged the base, she sucked hard; her blunt teeth razed across him. It was all Kobe could do not to grow into battle mode. He was battling; his need to flip her over and sink his cock into her had him grabbing handfuls of the pod’s fur lining.

“Do you like that?” Zuri asked when her mouth left him.

“Yes,” his word was no more than a pitiful squeak. Who the hell was dominating whom? Kobe had no clue. He was getting lost in her. A male and female fought, one dominated the other then it was over. The battle was thrilling, exciting and satisfying. What Zuri was doing was beyond satisfying, and they hadn’t even joined.

Kobe couldn’t take anymore. He grabbed Zuri under her arms and tossed her onto the fur beneath him. There was something Kobe wanted to see. When he had taken her last, he had seen her petals from their position, but he had been inside of her. Gripping her knees, he spread her for his view. With his heart near pounding from his chest, Kobe settled his eyes onto the one area always kept hidden from him.

The sight of her was perfect. His fingers gently felt each fold; a tiny bud peeked at him playfully. Kobe couldn’t resist. He lowered to taste that bud. Amidst Zuri’s warnings to be careful, she never moved. Awash with amazement, he realized this was trust, was it love too? Did he love her? He had jumped off a shuttle to save her. He had gotten rid of a cyron for her. If that wasn’t love, Kobe really had no understanding of her word.

The tip of his tongue flicked out; she was hot, sweet, vulnerable. Her fragrance was intoxicating—and he laughed, remembering her insistence to stop calling her smelly, she was simply fragrant. His massive cock was going to slip inside her welcoming opening. It was too much; his urge to take her was wilder than the storm raging outside.

Instead of lying across her, Kobe sat up and pulled her knees back until he pressed against her. Shaking with intense emotion, he watched her face when inch by inch he entered her. She moaned then gasped, her hands reached for him, but he knew he was too ready. He thrust hard and she gripped the fur beneath to steady herself. When his cock disappeared inside of her, his hips pulled back to roll against her, rocking her deeper into the soft fur bedding.

“What are you smiling at?” Zuri asked him.

Kobe hadn’t realized he was smiling. “The fur beneath you has covered parts of your body; you look like a tiny female Zargonnii.”

“Are you fantasizing you battled me with your great strength and dominated me?”

He might be, but for an answer he only grinned. Kobe could feel the gentle sway of the pod in the brutal wind. His motion was much faster. On his knees Kobe pulled on one of Zuri’s ankles, hiking it over his shoulder. She cried out when he pumped harder. Her back arched as she moaned. Kobe settled her other leg over his shoulder. His big body was over her, his hands resting on either side of her head.

“Close your eyes,” he demanded.

Zuri closed her eyes then groaned as Kobe slipped into battle mode. Keeping his weight on his hands and knees Kobe thundered between her thighs, her body thrust forward then back. Her hands released the fur beneath her to sink into his furry chest. His face was above her, his chest bending her legs down, pushing her ass deeper into the softness beneath.

Kobe heard his deep guttural growls; he heard Zuri’s whimpers. He knew he wasn’t hurting her; each time his thrust retreated, she gripped him hard to pull him back. Mating a Zargonnii female felt amazing, but this was so much more. He didn’t want to take what pleasure he could and be done with her, Kobe wanted to hear her scream his name with release. It was an odd thought coming from a warrior—wanting to pleasure his mate.

What? His mate?

For one frantic second Kobe was bombarded with thoughts. He couldn’t keep a female; males and females didn’t stay together. But he had stayed with Zuri, he was with Zuri, his body tasted hers. Kobe had never disobeyed an order from Citun, but in that second of indecisiveness, Kobe reminded himself he always knew what he wanted. He wanted Zuri. She would live with him; if he was lucky enough to have a child with her, he would kill anyone who attempted to take his mate and child away.

BOOK: C.L. Scholey - Zuri's Zargonnii Warrior (Unearthly World # 2)
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