Claimed: The Warriors of Nur (15 page)

BOOK: Claimed: The Warriors of Nur
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In the dream, this is where she usually woke, frustrated and tight, needing an orgasm that never came.  Now she added a second finger, sinking both inside to press and stroke the swollen flesh within.  Using her other hand, she circled her clit, the bundled nerves now being stimulated from inside and out simultaneously.  She strained, her guttural moans swallowed by the pillows she pressed down into, her tempo increasing the closer to the edge she got.  She imagined her female’s tongue stroking up her back, gently biting at her shoulder, her teeth sinking only deep enough to pin, not punish.  It was all she needed.  De’Lhila shook.  Her body frozen in place by muscle spasms.  Nothing but blackness flashed behind her closed lids, her senses too overwhelmed to do anything but float along the waves.  As the tide receded, she slid to the floor, her body relaxing into slumber.


Aramis stared at the prone figure on the screen.  He hadn’t meant to watch.  Not really.  When he’d flipped the security camera to the feed on the crew deck, the last thing he’d expected to see was his fantasy come alive.  He’d been ordered to monitor the security camera while the three others had their ‘secret squirrel’ meeting.  Of course
wasn’t included.  He was treated more as a nuisance than as a real member of the crew, with the captain giving him menial tasks such as watching the security feed while everyone else met. 

Every room on board was equipped with video monitoring, even the crew deck.  Usually the halls were the only areas of that deck that were monitored, with the individual quarters only being recorded for review in the event that it was ever needed.  He’d flipped on the feed to D Lhila’s room after watching her leave quarantine, expecting to maybe see her undress, flash some panties, but nothing like the uncensored peep show he had just watched. 

Shifting, he stroked his erection, the idea of kneeling behind her causing him to throb painfully.  Why did she have to be so fuckin’ hot!  He was so tired of the uppity ass females on this ship.  The captain was obviously gay, and if she wasn’t who wanted to screw a chick who probably had a bigger dick than you did anyway?  It wasn’t that she was unattractive; in fact she would be more than passible if she let her hair grow out; it was just that she was so damned mean.  He hadn’t seen her smile once during the whole mission.  He was surprised that the bitch had teeth.  For her, he could excuse the attitude.  After all, she was Avi’Nyla Zesiro.  Most of his graduating class feared her. Why should he be any different?  No, it was the uppity attitudes of the other two, De’Lhila and Asa, that got under his skin.  One ignored him, and the other watched him like a bug.  What made the two of them think they were too good for him?  Especially that bitch doctor.  De’Lhila was well beyond his reach, he knew that, but that didn’t make her obvious disinterest sit any better.  Maybe she was doin’ the guy, TK.  They had a close relationship, and she spent enough time in his rooms.  Yeah, they were probably fuckin’.  He could forgive her then.  Maybe she was so wrapped up there that she didn’t notice that Aramis was interested.  Yeah, that had to be it.  But Dr. Asa Von, now her, she was a different story completely.  She wasn’t too good, not by a long shot.  She needed to be put in her place, and he had just what he needed to make sure she went quietly.

Flipping the monitor back to its normal viewing, he whistled softly to himself.  Maybe this mission wouldn’t be as boring as he thought.



Erol stood beneath the heavy spray of the naturally heated waterfall.  Their clan dwelling, deep within the mountainside, lay close to a hot springs that heated all of the water they used.  Unlike many others, his clan didn’t need to heat their water before use, which allowed them the luxury of a natural shower.  The hot water was like a balm to his over-tensed muscles.  He’d been in a constant state of arousal since his last encounter with Leo’Nya, and the tossing and turning of a restless night had only added to his physical torture.  He let himself relax, his head falling forward to rest against the cool stone.  His hands, resting on the wall above, supported his weight while the pounding massage loosened the muscles in his back. 

He could still remember the way it’d felt to have her wrapped around him, her body begging for release.  Her taste and scent had lingered, even after she beat a hasty retreat after the brief farewell to his brother.  He groaned softly at the remembered pleasure of her tight little nipples as they brushed at him through her clothing; he’d been moments away from stripping her to taste them.

He lightly cupped his sac, measuring its weight; he needed release in the worst way.  He stroked his cock lightly, the engorged head throbbing in fullness.  He closed his eyes, imagining how it would feel to have her soft hands stroke him.  The water no longer punished but now pleasured him, its warm caress an echo of the warm softness of her hands.  He stepped back, letting the water run down his chest and belly, to the thick erection he fisted.  Starting from the base, he stroked, slightly twisting his hand when he reached the mushroomed head.  Erol pressed his forehead to his arm, as he bent to rest it on the wall.  What he wouldn’t give to have her here before him, the heated water running between them while he pumped into her needy body.  She was small, so small, and he knew she’d be tight.  She’d wrap him like a second skin, milking him while she took her own pleasure.  His tempo increased as he pictured her on her knees before him, her hair plastered to her, the water rushing over her while she took him into her mouth, swallowing him deep into her throat…

He came with a shaking intensity, his fist pumping until he was completely empty.  He released his cock, his hand sliding to again cup his sac, the weight there now substantially diminished.  Muscles relaxed, he let the water rinse the seed from him. 


Leo backed out of the room.  The last thing she wanted was to bring attention to her presence.  Oh God, she ached

All she’d been able to think about last night was how close she’d come to, well…coming.  She’d awakened from erotic, unfulfilled dreams tense and throbbing.  She’d come to have a good soak, hoping the heat would leech some of the tense from her, and now she found herself to be strung twice as high as before.  The last thing she’d expected to walk into was Erol showering, much less him pleasuring himself.  His back to her, she’d at first been unaware of just what he was doing.  Watching the water run rivulets down the deep muscular trenches of his back, she’d wanted to touch him.  Her palm had itched to stroke him from calf to nape and everywhere in between.  Then he’d groaned: the most erotic sexually charged sound she’d ever heard.  It was then that she’d become aware of exactly where his hands were.  She’d been transfixed, unable to breathe let alone move as she watched him.  His body, a true work of masculine ruggedness, had tensed and shifted with each stroke as he pumped into his tightly fisted hand.  He was larger than any male she’d ever seen, seen naked anyway.  Her sister’s Second was roughly the same size and build, but she’d never had any interest at all in seeing him in the buff.  Erol, she saw, was well proportioned, his sex as thick and commanding as the rest of him.  It wasn’t until she’d watched his body relax into the wall that she was able to finally draw her gaze away.

Her mouth dry, she backed into the dark hall behind her, the change of clothes she’d brought clutched to her chest.  Her breasts felt swollen and heavy, the nipples brushing lightly against her clothing.  She needed an orgasm in the worst way!  Oh GOD!  Watching him manipulate his own body only brought home how expertly he’d strummed her the night before.  Her sex throbbed with each step, as if trying to punish her for every inch of distance she put between it and the man it wanted.  Male…not man, she mentally corrected.  He wasn’t human, and this wasn’t Earth.  She needed to remember that.  Getting preggo was such a no-no, and since she wasn’t on BC and pretty sure that it was frowned upon here, what with the already limited fertility of their limited female population, sex with her oh-so-hot and oh-so-fuckable captor was out.  But good gosh, if it wasn’t, the things she’d like to let that body do to her, and something told her that Erol was anything but a selfish lover.

“What’s wrong?”

Leo jumped at the unexpected words.  Damn these people and their quiet-ass stealth!  If nothing else, she’d die of a heart attack dealing with them.  It was like being a dog in a house full of cats; they always knew she was coming, regardless of how little noise she tried to make, but moved
in silence without the slightest effort.  She knew it was unintentional, but she couldn’t completely erase her startled frown before turning to the young female.

“Sorry, I know …I
‘need to hum’
.”  Uriel wasn’t the least bite contrite.  While she didn’t intentionally sneak up on Leo, she found her constantly surprised reactions to be hilariously funny.  “What’s wrong?”

Please don’t ask what I’ve been doing. 
“Why do you think something’s wrong?”

“You were backing…”  Her gaze shifted.  “Cahil is looking for you.”

“For?”  Erol questioned on a long inhale.  He glanced curiously at the back of Leo’s head; was it his imagination, or was her light citrusy scent stronger than usual.

“He wants to talk to you about the

Sighing, Erol rolled his shoulders.  He could already feel the tension returning.  The
was a family gathering—a reunion of sorts that was held by their elders.  It was a time when all of their
gathered to renew old acquaintances, introduce new members of their clan and mourn fresh losses.  It was also a time of increased tension for unmated males, and a time of immense vulnerability for unmated females.  He could tell by the strained look on his sister’s face that this was not going to be an easy conversation.  It was his right as
to decide if they would attend, and he was more than aware of the split opinions of his younger siblings.

“Where is he?”

“Eating.  AGAIN.” This last with exasperation.

“The transition is harder for males,

She smiled at the pet name.  “Say you.”  She remembered freshly her first breeding cycle.  It had been one of the most emotionally and physically confusing experiences of her young life.  She’d alternated between wanting to be near her brothers and needing their comforting hugs to wanting to bite whichever one happened to be there.  Her body had ached with pain and what she could only assume was a physical desire.  As the only female of her clan, there’d been no one she could talk to about it, and she was absolutely NOT talking to her brothers.  Not that they wouldn’t have listened, but there were some things that you just simply did not talk to your brothers about.  And her stint in the land of the extremely sexually aroused, was one of them.

“He eats like the food will run off if he doesn’t attack it.  It’s gross.”

“It’s not gross, Uriel.” It was, but he could understand his brother’s lack of restraint when it came to feeding.  During his own transition, he’d always felt like he was starving, his body requiring an overabundance of food to effect the physical changes.  At those times, he’d felt completely unable to control his needs, neither the emotional or the physical.

“Yeah, well, you watch him eat then.”  She turned, and bounced away in a huff.

“The two of them are going to drive each other crazy.”  He mumbled to himself.

“They’re siblings.  They’re supposed to.”

Erol glanced down.  He’d completely forgotten she was there.  How…with her scent heavy in the air … he didn’t know.  He smelled need on her, mixed in with her natural essence, to make her scent heavier, more intoxicating.    Maybe she was coming into her heat; it would explain the pheromones in the air.  He shuddered to think what it would do to him to be confined with her during that time.  Gwerriera Nies females, in heat, were magnets to the unmated males around them save those of their bloodline.  Any male would be helpless to their mating urges once exposed to an unmated female in her needing.  Leo’Nya was not Gwerriera Nies, but he could imagine that in this constant state of arousal, any pheromonal indication from her would be near impossible to ignore.  Atif and Cahil would have to leave for a while if this was her time.  He’d have a hard enough time keeping himself from breeding her without having to keep his brothers away as well.  Gwerriera Nies males were beyond possessive with their females, and Leo was his, whether she wanted to be or not, and he didn’t want to have to fight his brothers.

“They will only regret this later, if they don’t have patience with each other now.”  He sighed deeply.  “I’ll be back.  We need to talk.”  Stepping around her, he went in search of his sibling.

Leo released a breath she’d been unaware she was holding.  Alone again, she returned the clothes to her room before heading to her little oasis.  A bath was out now; she’d only picture Erol while she soaked, which would defeat the entire purpose. 

Lying down, she let her body settle into the grass, marveling again at its bright neon green color.  The warmth of the sun above soon soaked into her, leaving her feeling lethargic.  She’d always been a sun worshiper and enjoyed, in the extreme, the additional daylight hours here.  She let her mind drift and felt the physical tension melting away.


“Cataloging planetary series, 13579ZAP.  Referenced as inhabitable.  Planetary inhabitants referenced as undetermined variant. 
Twin Encounter
will continue to un-cataloged quadrant…ZAR with inten—” 

Leo paused.  The scraping sounded again.

  It was the sound of metal scraping metal. 

She stopped the recording, straining to identify where it was coming from.

There was no one else aboard ship.  All OD (Outer Drifter) pilots flew solo, which was why there was such a rigorous psych eval before admittance to the program.  The ship listed, and Leo grabbed the console to stop from hitting the wall. 

There it was again, Urrrrrrrrrr…  She identified the sound as tension hooks.  

Hitting the perimeter view, she watched as a picture of the tail end of the
Twin Encounter
appeared on the large screen above her. 
What the hell?

The attacking vessel was approximately half the size of her ship, which was relatively small since it was only designed to support a crew of only one.  Its exterior blended into the darkness of the space around it, the only indication of its presence, the two long tension hooks that now connected them. 

“Oxygen levels decreasing.” 
Reported the voice of the onboard automated life support system.

Leo turned to the systems panel, which revealed the automated life support monitor flashing a steadily decreasing gage. 

What the…

She pressed the manual over-ride.  The gage continued to decrease, a soft vacuum sound confirming the slow removal of the ship’s oxygen slowly being removed.

I need that to breathe…I need that to breathe…I need that to breathe…

The litany looped to repeat over and over in her head as she pressed  at the manual over-ride. 

Nothing happened.  In fact, none of the controls was working.  It was as if they were locked; the touch sensitive buttons did not even illuminate when she pressed them. 

Panic set in: her chest heavy, lungs straining.  Her heart pounded, the rapid pulsing an echoing drum in her ears... 


“LEO’NYA!”  Erol shook the gasping female in his arms.  One minute she’d been sleeping peacefully, the next struggling, hands clawing at her throat as if someone, or something, strangled her.  “Wake!” he commanded, gently brushing curling sweat-dampened strands of hair from her face.

BOOK: Claimed: The Warriors of Nur
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