Claiming Emma [Novikov Clan 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (4 page)

BOOK: Claiming Emma [Novikov Clan 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Pulling his cell phone out of his pocket, he checked his voicemails and text messages. He had quite a few from Mahkah, Takoda, and his parents. He still wasn’t sure what to do about the whole situation yet. He only knew he didn’t have much time. His brothers were amazing trackers. They would eventually start looking for him and their mate. He couldn’t keep Emma to himself forever.

With his mind made up, Chayton decided that he’d better get a few things done while Emma was at work. He had the day to figure out a way to convince her to let him stay with her. Grabbing his truck keys, he headed out the front door, closing it behind him. He didn’t have a key to lock up. He hoped that her place would be safe until he returned.

Pulling away from her apartment complex on a mission, he headed down the street. After a few minutes, he located a super store that carried everything he would need. So many different thoughts were running through his mind as he walked from his truck to the store. Emma was his main concern, and he needed to find out more about her before making a decision on if she was ready to meet his family. They were a wonderful group of people. He loved them, and his clan, but was she ready for a ménage? Doubtful.

How was he supposed to even begin the conversation? It wasn’t like there was a class for the youngest brothers to attend on how to approach their mates. Shaking his head, he grabbed a cart and walked up and down each aisle, grabbing food, toiletries, a few pairs of clothes, and a small bouquet of flowers. His plan was to cook her a nice dinner, but not before looking in the local paper for a job. He needed money and time. His only hope was that his brothers would understand.

At the checkout, Chayton paid for the items he purchased and grabbed the plastic bags before walking briskly to his truck. It was cold out, and even though the streets had been plowed, fresh flurries descended, littering the ground once more. It really was a beautiful sight. He loved living in Alaska, always had. He actually wasn’t looking forward to leaving to find his mate, and he was glad that he wouldn’t have to now.

Chayton maneuvered his truck easily through the light traffic and back to Emma’s apartment. He let himself in and put the groceries away before moving into the bathroom to take a shower. When the hot water hit him, his muscles relaxed. Picking up Emma’s soap, he opened the cap and inhaled deeply. The amazing scents filled his head, and he identified each one. There was brown sugar, honey, apple, and vanilla.
Delicious, just like her.

He covered himself in thick-smelling bubbles and closed his eyes, pretending that she was with him in the shower. His cock sprang to life, and Chayton gripped his shaft, using the soap as lube. He pumped his cock, thinking about her soft skin, heart-shaped face, and plump lips. He wondered what her mouth would feel like, her pussy, and her ass. What would she look like being filled with all three of them?

Leaning his head against the cool tile, Chayton pumped his cock slowly, pretending his hand was Emma’s sweet little soft one. Gritting his teeth, he teased himself, holding back all the while, thinking of her. It didn’t take long before the tingling started at the base of his spine and moved to his balls. After a few more pumps of his hips, Chayton’s cum sprayed out of his cock in a thick stream on the wall.

Chayton rinsed off and got out of the shower. He dried off and quickly got dressed in a simple long-sleeve T-shirt and blue jeans before heading to the kitchen table. Taking a seat, he opened the paper and started looking for a job. He’d been a sentry most of his adult life, so he wasn’t really sure what he was qualified to do.

Finding a few positions, he circled them. He could probably get a job doing construction or some other physical labor without having to show a résumé of any kind. He really didn’t care what kind of work he did, just as long as he could make some money and be with Emma. If she didn’t want him to stay with her in Anchorage, then he would have to think of another plan.

Looking over at the clock, he decided to start dinner, unsure of when Emma would be home.


* * * *


Emma pulled up to her apartment building. She hated walking in the door and feeling the chill from her dark apartment while microwaving a frozen meal. She hated feeling alone. Parking her car, she went to her apartment and pulled out her key to unlock the door. The door opened, and she jumped back, shrieking loudly.

“Hey, I’m sorry, Emma. I didn’t mean to frighten you.” Chayton stood just inside her door, looking a little worried, and she immediately felt her heart lighten in her chest.

“Hi. I didn’t expect you. I–I mean I didn’t think you would still be here.”

“Come inside. I made you dinner.” The lights were on, and as she walked inside, a wonderful aroma wrapped around her, making her mouth water. She took off her jacket and boots once the door was closed behind her.

“Wow…You did this for me? It smells amazing.” His whole face lit up from the compliment, and she threw herself in his arms, hugging him tight.

He wrapped his arms around her and held her close, rubbing her back. Emma couldn’t remember the last time she felt safe and relaxed in someone’s arms, other than the night before. The timer went off, and he put his hand on the small of her back, guiding her to the small kitchen table. Pulling out her chair, Emma sat down and waited for Chayton to tell her what was happening.

After he served them both a steak, baked potato, and salad, he sat down. Emma picked up her fork and started eating, inhaling the potato covered in cheese, butter, sour cream, and chives. The different flavors exploded in her mouth, and she moaned. She hadn’t had a home-cooked meal in ages, not since she was home in Seattle. Being in Anchorage for the last year, she either had something frozen, ordered out, or went and got fast food. When she finally looked up from her plate, she realized that Chayton was staring at her.

“What? Do I have something on my face?” Picking up her napkin, she wiped her mouth.

“Oh, no. I’m sorry. You make the most amazing noises when you eat.” He smiled, picking up his fork and eating a bite.

“Oh. Well, it’s been a long time since I’ve had a nice meal like this. It tastes amazing.”

“Thank you. I’m glad you like it. I’m a good cook. My mom, she taught us.” Emma felt a pang of jealousy, wishing that she would’ve been that close with her own mother.

“I–I’m glad that you’re here. I hate coming home to a cold, empty apartment.”

“I really didn’t want to leave.” He cleared his throat before continuing, “I was hoping that maybe I could get a job and stay here with you.”

“You want to live with me?” She arched a brow, not really understanding. Was he offering to live with her or was he just saying that he wanted to move to Anchorage?

“Yes. That’s what I’m saying. I looked through the paper today, and there are a few jobs that I qualify to do. I could help pay the bills.”

“You don’t want to go home?” He shook his head. “But your family, won’t they be upset if you don’t return?” He shrugged as if he didn’t care. “Your job?” Again he shrugged, and Emma found herself wondering why he wanted to stay.

“Chayton, why do you want to stay here with me?”

“The thought of leaving you makes it hurt.” He rubbed his chest above his heart.

She really did understand that. Her heart had hurt when she was leaving for work. She’d stared at her cell phone all day, wondering if he would call to say good-bye, or if he would call when he got home. After not hearing a word from him, she figured she would never see him again. That hurt more than she cared to admit. She had been distracted the entire day.

“Okay. Did you call your family and tell them?”


“They’re pissed, right?” He shrugged, not really confirming or denying her statement. “Shoot. They probably think I’m some crazy woman who’s convinced you to move here and abandon your life.”

“No. They know that I’ll go back home eventually when the time is right.”

“Okay.” She really didn’t know what to say to that.

“So it’s okay that I get a job and live here with you?” His eyes lit up, and she really didn’t want to deny him. She’d been alone for so long.

“Sure. I mean if you want to stay.” She was overjoyed. It felt good to have someone in her life, someone who wanted to be with her.

“After dinner, I thought that we could watch a movie. I bought a few while I was out shopping today.”

“Sounds good.”

They ate together, talking about his shopping experience and her day at work before they did the dishes and sat down on the love seat to watch a movie.

Chapter 4


Emma jumped on the couch and grabbed Chayton’s arm, holding him tight. They were watching
and although she liked the movie, a few parts were a little scary. Hiding her face behind his large arm, she looked over at him and saw a smile curve his lips. He seemed to be enjoying her reactions, even though he kept telling her that werewolves weren’t violent and vampires didn’t exist.

“Would you be a lycan or a vampire?” she asked him.


“You have to pick one.” She pouted, and Chayton pulled her onto his lap, holding her close.

“Can I pick something else?”

“Fine, you can pick something else. I would be a vampire.” He gave her an odd look, and she continued. “They have better clothes. I mean seriously, I would rather wear tight leathers than a burlap sack.”

“Damn,” he breathed out, “I would love to see you wearing tight leathers and high heels.”

Emma grinned and cupped his face. “I’ll try to find something just for you.” He growled deep in his throat, and she shifted on his lap. “Now, answer my question.”

“I would be a shifter, but not a wolf.” He winked.

“Let me guess. Hmm…” She checked him out, wondering what animal a sexy man like Chayton should shift into. He would need to be a predator, that was a definite, no fluffy bunny for this man. Maybe a lion or a tiger? “I know…a bear.”

A huge grin split his face, and he nodded. “Absolutely, a bear.”

“What kind of bear? Grizzly, black, polar, panda, koala…”

“Koalas are not bears.” He shook his head. “I would be a great brown bear, and you,
, would be my mate.”

” she asked, trying to ignore the fact that he would want her to be his mate. That one word growled from his throat made her whole body tingle. Everything about the man made her body shake with need and desire.

“It means ‘little one’ in my native tongue.”

“I like it.” Staring at him, she leaned forward and touched her mouth to his.

His lips touched hers, and she was surprised by how soft they were. He let her dominate the kiss, leading them where she wanted them to go. It was an odd sensation. She thought for sure that he would take control, but instead, he let her. She turned her body, moving so that she could straddle him. Emma gripped his shoulder tightly and leaned her chest against his. She slowly pushed her tongue into his mouth, wanting to taste him.

Pulling his lower lip into her mouth, she sucked on it until he groaned and grabbed her hips, holding her tight.

” He moaned, and Emma pulled back. “It’s okay. Let’s take things slow.” He winked before brushing his lips against hers once more. Part of her felt rejected, but he was right, they should take things slower.

Turning around, she remained on his lap and continued watching the movie. He seemed to know what she was thinking or feeling. It was nice to know that he wouldn’t push her, especially since they really didn’t know each other. She was drawn to him, no doubt about that, and yes, she wanted to see him naked. Eventually she would, just not yet.

Leaning her back against his chest, she curled up in his lap, and he held her.


* * * *


Chayton held Emma in his arms, a full-body hug. He loved the fact that she was petite, so he could hold all of her. He tried to focus on the movie, but it was impossible with the delicate bundle in his arms. She had the most expressive face, talked during the movie, and even reacted as if it was really happening in front of her. During a part she deemed scary, she would lift his arm and hide her eyes. When the music was too loud, she plugged her ears. A few times, she turned her eyes wide and asked him, “Did you see that?”

She was the most entertaining woman he had ever encountered. Then again, she was his mate, so he was biased. He’d been nervous about introducing her to his brothers, thinking they might be a little too rough around the edges. After spending more time with her, he knew his brothers would completely change and end up babying her. She was priceless to them.

Staring at her, he felt a bit guilty for keeping her all to himself. When the music changed and Emma shifted on his lap, he finally realized that the movie was over.

“Are you tired?” he whispered, kissing the top of her head, and Emma nodded.

He stood up and held her in his arms as he made his way into the bedroom. Setting her on her feet, he stared at her, wanting to kiss her once more. Instead, he watched her grab her pajamas and head into the bathroom. Now that he was going to be living in her home, he wanted to take things slowly and let her warm up to him. When the door clicked shut, he decided to quickly strip and put on some nightclothes. He refused to call them pajamas.

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