Classified as Murder (10 page)

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Authors: Miranda James

BOOK: Classified as Murder
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“You look upset,” I said.
He shrugged. “Stupid phone call from someone I used to work with.” He sat down. “Dante, stop hopping around. Sit.”
The dog sat, chastened by the rough tone. Beside me, Diesel chirped a couple of times, and I scratched his head.
I figured any questions about Sean’s former coworker would not be welcome, and I decided not to risk the rebuff.
Sean regarded his food with what looked like distaste, as if he had suddenly lost his appetite. He stood, picked up his plate, and took it to the garbage can under the sink. He scraped the food off and stuck the plate in the sink.
“I’ll clean up later,” he said. He strode around the table and snapped his fingers. “Come on, Dante, want to go outside?”
The dog stood and wagged his tail. Diesel perked up too—he knew what outside meant.
“Diesel wants to come, if that’s okay with you,” I said.
“Sure,” Sean said. “Think I’ll relax on the back porch a while, have a cigar, let the boys play in the yard.”
“Fine.” I watched as he left the room, the “boys” right on his heels.
The rest of the day was quiet. I caught up on my e-mail and finished the book I’d been reading. Diesel wandered into my bedroom mid-afternoon and leapt on the bed, where he remained until dinnertime, having a good old snooze. I joined him for a while.
Downstairs again early that evening I found another note on the fridge. Sean had gone out, taking Dante with him. He would see to his own dinner later.
That disappointed me, but I had to recognize the fact that Sean needed time on his own to work through his problems. He had sought refuge with me, and I had to remember that. Surely at some point—before too long, I hoped—he’d be ready to confide in me.
Diesel and I had a quiet evening, spent mostly in my bedroom. Diesel napped some more, and I read. I heard Sean come in around eight. My door was open, but he didn’t stop by as I’d hoped he might.
The next morning, by the time Diesel and I made it downstairs around seven, Azalea Berry, my housekeeper, was already in the kitchen and busy at the stove. In her late fifties, Azalea worked for my aunt Dottie for twenty years. When Aunt Dottie left me her house, she also in a sense bequeathed me Azalea. The day I moved in, Azalea was here to greet me. She informed me that Aunt Dottie wanted her to keep house for me, and as far as Azalea was concerned, that was that. I really had no say in the matter, and, truth be told, I found having a housekeeper much more congenial than I would have predicted.
Particularly on Monday mornings, when a stack of three pancakes and several pieces of bacon waited at my place at the table, along with a steaming cup of coffee. The newspaper lay beside my plate.
“Good morning, Azalea. How are you?” While I sat down to start my breakfast, Diesel disappeared in the direction of the utility room.
Azalea spoke without turning her attention away from the stove. “Tolerable, Mr. Charlie, tolerable. And yourself?”
“I’m doing fine,” I said. “With food like this, the day has to be good.” I sipped at my coffee.
“A man should have a solid breakfast to start off his day.” Azalea piled three pancakes on a plate, added some bacon, and set the plate on the table across from me. “That son of yours better get down here before this food gets cold.”
“How did you know . . .” My voice trailed off as I realized the answer. “His car, of course.”
Azalea didn’t bother to reply as she turned back to the stove.
“He might not be down for breakfast. He’s been sleeping a lot. I think he was working way too much, and he’s come to visit for a rest. Oh, and he’s brought a little dog with him, a poodle named Dante.” I was rambling a bit, but Azalea tended to have that effect on me.
“Still don’t mean he shouldn’t eat regular,” she said. “And that dog better not be making no messes on my clean floors. Else he be learning to live outside.”
I suppressed a smile, even though Azalea still had her back to me. I was convinced she had eyes in the back of her head, like my fifth-grade teacher, Mrs. Tenney, who never missed a thing going on in her classroom.
“Dante seems to be house-trained,” I said. “Sean is good about letting him out in the backyard to do his business.”
Diesel reappeared under the table, near my feet. He stayed out of Azalea’s way. He was also hoping for a bite of pancake or bacon, but Azalea wouldn’t be too happy if she caught me slipping her food to the cat.
“Good morning, everyone. I knew you were here, Miss Azalea, because something sure smells good, and I’m starving.” Sean walked into the kitchen while Dante scampered about until he spotted Diesel under the table. The dog barked joyfully and advanced to greet his playmate. Diesel regarded the poodle for a moment before placing a paw on Dante’s head. The dog laid down, and Diesel licked one of his ears.
Sean pulled out a chair and sat. Though he hadn’t shaved this morning, he looked neat enough in jeans and last night’s button-down shirt, the sleeves rolled up below the elbows.
Azalea watched the animals for a moment. She shook her head. “Don’t look like much of a dog to me.”
Sean laughed. “He’s not so bad. I promise he won’t make any messes.”
“He better not,” Azalea said. “You best be eating that breakfast before it gets any colder.” She frowned at Sean as she examined his face. “You be looking like you need a good breakfast. Your face is too thin, but I can take care of that.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Sean smiled at Azalea, and I could see her expression soften. “I love pancakes for breakfast better than anything. Three will be plenty, though.” He attacked his plate, cutting up the pancakes and drowning them in syrup. Azalea watched him for a moment and then, apparently satisfied, headed in the direction of the laundry room.
Sean forked pancake into his mouth, and he chewed with evident satisfaction. He swallowed. “These are the best pancakes I’ve ever had. At least since the time I had them at Christmas.” He ate more.
I’d have to be careful. If Azalea was determined to fatten Sean up, I might find myself adding a few pounds as well. I already had to battle the bulge, because there was nothing low calorie about Azalea’s food. Not that I was complaining, mind you, but I did exercise more now than I did before I moved back to Athena.
Sean glanced down at the floor beside him. “No, Dante, you can’t have any of this. Azalea would wring both our necks.” The dog sat, the epitome of patience and optimism, while Sean resumed eating.
I checked, and Diesel lay stretched out near my feet. As long as both pets stayed out of Azalea’s way, everyone would be happy.
“Are you going to ask Azalea about the Delacortes?” Sean asked. “Your friend said she used to work for them. Maybe you can find out how nutty they really are.”
“How nutty who be?” Azalea came back into the kitchen to hear the last of Sean’s remark.
“The Delacortes,” Sean said before I could respond. “Somebody told us you used to work for them.”
Azalea nodded. “About twenty-five years ago. Didn’t stay there long, though. Old Miz Delacorte, Mister James’s and Miss Daphne’s mama, she was pretty near impossible to work for. Always sore about something. She didn’t care who she lit into when she was mad, and that was most of the time.”
“No wonder you didn’t work there long,” Sean said.
“How come you want to know about them?” Azalea asked.
“James Delacorte has asked for my help doing an inventory of his book collection. I went there for tea yesterday afternoon and met his family.” I paused as I tried to think of a diplomatic way to express my feelings. “They behaved pretty oddly.”
Azalea shook her head. “You best be watching your back while you over there, Mr. Charlie. They is some kind of strange folks. Ain’t none of ’em worth the time of day, except maybe that butler fellow of Mr. Delacorte’s. He sure do work hard, and if you need something, you talk to him.”
“Yes, I met him yesterday,” I said. “He seems like a very competent man. But not from around here, of course.”
“He be some kind of Englishman Mr. Delacorte brought home with him years ago, once he decided to stop running around them foreign countries and come back to Athena where he was raised. I heard he used to be an actor over in England. He could sure be fancy when he wanted to.” Azalea picked up the coffeepot and brought it over to the table to refill our cups.
“Since I’m going to be working in the library with Mr. Delacorte, I hope I won’t see much of the family while I’m there.”
“That’ll be good,” Azalea said as she returned the coffeepot to its berth. “But I ’spect you gone be hearing from’em anyway. They gone be nosing around what you doing; you better count on that. Anything to do with money, they be real interested in, and I hear tell them books of Mr. Delacorte’s be worth a lot of money.”
“They certainly are,” I said. I hesitated for a moment, but curiosity won out over discretion. “Tell me, is Eloise Morris really crazy? Or is it some kind of act she puts on?”
Azalea folded her arms across her chest and regarded me for a moment. “She was a little bitty thing back then, always looked like you could knock her down by just waving at her. She married that no-account Hubert when she was seventeen, a couple of years before I worked for ol’ Miz Delacorte.” Her expression softened. “She was real sweet to me, and I never could figure out why she married into that family.”
“But was she eccentric back then?” On occasion Azalea meandered around the point, and I figured a little prodding wouldn’t hurt.
Azalea grimaced. “I heard tell her mama had to be locked in her room for years because she’d strip off all her clothes and go walking around the plantation as naked as the day the Good Lord brought her into the world. And I reckon poor Miss Eloise done took after her poor mama.”
“That would explain it, then,” I said, feeling sorry for Eloise Morris.
“My friend Lorraine be the cook there now,” Azalea said. “She tells me things sometimes. Mr. Delacorte pays her real good; otherwise, she wouldn’t still be working there.”
“Mr. Delacorte seems like a very nice man,” I said. “It’s a pity his family is so strange.”
“He be one acorn that didn’t fall too far from the tree, Mr. Charlie,” Azalea said, her expression enigmatic. “Don’t you go trusting him too much.”
“Why not?” I asked, surprised. “I don’t know much about him, I’ll admit. I have to say, though, he’s treated me with respect and courtesy.”
“He got good manners.” Azalea nodded. “I’ll give him that. But you don’t reckon a man makes that much money being nice to people, do you? They say he was mean as ole Satan himself when it come to business. Don’t nobody get in his way.”
I hadn’t really thought about Mr. Delacorte as a businessman since I knew him only through our interactions at the public library. Though he was always pleasant, I had sensed a core of steel beneath the politeness.
“He’s not still in business, is he?” Sean put his fork down on his empty plate.
“No, he retired about ten years ago,” Azalea said. “When he turned seventy-five, I think it was.”
“How does he treat his family? Like he did his business rivals?” Sean surprised me by taking such an interest in this gossip. Maybe he was coming out of his funk.
Azalea’s response was tart. “He give ’em all a home, didn’t he? Miss Daphne, Mister Hubert, and Miss Eloise be done living in the poorhouse, Mr. James ain’t take ’em in.” She snorted. “Miss Daphne’s husband was some sorry excuse for a man. Couldn’t keep a job and took to drinking real bad. Drowned hisself in a swimming pool. And Mister Hubert ain’t much better than his daddy, ’cepting he ain’t bad to drink.”
Sean regarded me quizzically. “Sounds like really nice folks you’re going to be associating with, Dad.”
“You better heed my words, Mr. Charlie. Whatever time you spend in that house, you don’t turn your back on them people.”
I tried to make light of the situation, though Azalea’s pronouncements about the family made me increasingly uneasy. “Diesel will be with me, and he’s as good as a watchdog.”
Hearing his name, Diesel sat up and meowed.
Azalea eyed my cat askance, clearly unimpressed by my claim. “He’s big, the good Lord knows.” She glanced at the clock. “I can’t be standing around here talking no more. I got to get the washing going. You mind what I told you now.” She headed for the laundry room.
“Seriously, Dad,” Sean said the moment Azalea was out of earshot. “Are you really sure you want to get mixed up with this bunch? The more I hear about them, the more I think you were right in the first place. Why don’t you call Mr. Delacorte and tell him you’ve changed your mind?”
“I’ll admit I’ve had some qualms.” I folded my linen napkin and laid it beside my plate. “But I decided that, as long as I can keep away from the rest of the family, I’ll make it through fine.”
“What happens if Mr. Delacorte wants you to take tea with him and his family again? I know you, Dad. You’re too polite for your own good. You won’t be able to say no.”

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