Claws (6 page)

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Authors: Kassanna

BOOK: Claws
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He lifted the lid and exhaled. The Judge, a handgun capable of firing rounds of four/ten shot gun shells as well as forty-five long cartridges. Nestled in the tissue paper and wrapped in cotton cloth. He hadn’t realized he’d dropped the top as he rubbed his palms together. With shaking fingers, he eased the material away and stared at the gleaming steel of the weapon he’d vowed to himself to only use on a special occasion. Blasting that damn cat through several lives definitely called for the use of this pistol. It was a good thing the beast hadn’t broke the arm he used to shoot with. He trailed his fingertips over the smooth metal and sighed. Only a few thousand of this particular gun model had made it into the US before the ATF put a stop to any more imports. There were other weapons that shared the name but they came nowhere near the power of the gun gleaming in the box under the watery beams of his ceiling fan lamp.

It was pure luck that he’d even gotten the thing, trading his motorcycle for it. But it was worth it, just like cutting the hide away from that fucking cat would be after he got to use the pistol. Visualizing the way the mechanisms all worked together and seeing the bright spark of light as the bullet left the chamber. He could just imagine the recoil and hoped the Judge bucked like a bitch in heat. Court made a mental note to buy new bullets for his toy. The ones he already had weren’t good enough. His cock tightened the crotch of his jeans as he brushed the pebbled grip with his fingertips. He adjusted his dick and ran his tongue over his teeth. Slowly, he lifted his head and looked around the room.

Muted illumination bathed the room in a soft glow. He unbuttoned his pants and tugged the zipper down. His dick tented his boxers and he slipped a hand inside the opening of his underwear to caress his shaft. His eyes drifted shut as he stroked his palm along the length of his cock. Court dropped his head forward and stared at the weapon, imagining how multiple bullets would tear through flesh and shatter the bones of his prey. His sack tightened and he grunted, flicking his thumb over the mushroom head of his member.

A banging on the door made him jerk. “Yeah,” he answered the knock with a rusty timbre and cleared his throat. “What?”

“If you’re going to take your time, then I’m going to run a few more errands. Any idea how long we’ll be at the camp?” Tim’s voice was muffled through the door.

Courts dick softened in his hand and he tucked his appendage into his boxer shorts. “Depends on how long it takes to track the beast. Let’s make plans to be out there at least a week.” He fastened his pants and reached for the lid, dropping it on the box before marching across the room and snatching the door open.

Tim leaned on the doorjamb and curiously looked over Court’s shoulder. “Didn’t mean to interrupt you.”

“It’s fine. I was pulling stuff together so we can get out of here.”

“Then I’ll let you get to it. I’m gonna pick up a few more things for our extended stay out in the bayou. Do you need anything while I’m out?”

“Yeah get me a carton of cigs, then stop at the ammo store and pick me up some forty-five long cartridges.”

Tim whistled before he spoke. “Those will do some damage.”

“Buddy, you have to think large. Hunting big game requires big guns.” Court shut the door and turned around to stare at the box on the bed. He bumped his head on the back of the barrier and spoke out loud. “I’m coming for you, cat, and after I’m done, I’ll piss on your carcass for the disrespect of trying to take me down.”

Chapter Six


Etienne gestured with his index finger to direct one his men to move Sasha’s things into his home. Straightening from his perch, he grabbed the suitcase and toted it back to his bedroom. He dropped the bag at the foot of the bed and rolled his shoulder blades to ease the tension brought on by the knowledge of the fight he knew was coming. When they’d arrived back from Marree’s the night before, Sasha took to the swamps and disappeared. Honestly, he’d had half a mind to search the marshes until he found her and drag her ass back. Instead he’d handle things in a different way and leave her alone, let her have her tantrum. He left the bedroom and walked back into the living area.

Darcel struggled to pull a duffel through the doorway. Etienne lifted it from the little boy’s arms and listened to the tinkle of scraping metal. Curious, he set the bag on the table and unzipped it. Someone whistled from behind him. He glanced back and met Percel’s inquisitive gaze.

The old boar nodded toward the contents of the bag. “Etienne, I love you like a brother so let me ask you this—are you sure you’re doing the smart thing moving the cat’s stuff without her knowledge?”

Etienne reached in and pulled out the daggers strapped to the leather belt. He counted eight blades and couldn’t stop the slow smile he knew was spreading across his face. His woman not only came with goddess-given weaponry but she toted a small arsenal as well. Nestled in the depths of the small luggage piece he saw several guns.

He dropped the knives on the wooden surface of the end table. “Oh yeah. Imagine the fight we’re going to have when she finds out.”

“I don’t even want to think about it,” Percel commented drily.

“You don’t have to.” Etienne wiped a hand across his chin. “The sex will be phenomenal and I will complete the claiming.”

“Hate to bust your bubble, but very rarely do things ever go as planned,” Percel stated quietly, his voice fading as he left the room.

“Yeah, but improvisation is half the fun,” the gator mumbled.

Etienne rose, returned the weapons to the bag, and grabbed the leather handles. He’d put her small cache of armaments next to his in the closet safe. On his way down the hall, Sint called out from the kitchen. He stopped and backtracked.

Percel’s wife had started a pot of gumbo. The scent of herbs and spices drifted to him from the stove. Stalking to the appliance he picked up the spoon from the counter and dipped it into the pot. Steam rose from a plump pink shrimp surrounded by rice, okra and zesty gravy in the center of the utensil. He blew on it to cool the spoonful and stuffed the savory morsels into his mouth. Cajun spices and heat exploded across his taste buds and he chewed slowly.

Etienne ran his tongue along his teeth before speaking. “Sint, when it comes to cooking you are a true Goddess.”

Laughing, she popped him with the dish towel. “I thought I’d make the move a little easier on your kitty. She did save my Darcel.”

“Yes, Sasha did. I know she wounded one hunter. I have my men checking the hospitals and local healers. I swear we will find the men who threatened the little guy.”

Her smile lit up her eyes. Sint cupped his jaw and gently patted it. “I know you will.” She went up on her toes and kissed his cheek, settled on her feet, and continued. “But if you don’t, Etienne, don’t worry about it because when you can’t find them it means I got to the assholes first.”

He sighed. “I am well aware of your proclivity for violence. If I were a few years older ole Percel might have had a run for his money when he was chasing after you.”

“You say the sweetest things.” Sint stepped closer to the stove and picked up the ladle.

“He would be smart to say them when your mate wasn’t around.” Percel stomped past Etienne and wrapped an arm around Sint’s waist.

“No need to get territorial, boar. As fine a woman as you have, I have my hands full with my own.”

Percel nodded. “Yes, you do but I would still hate to have to gut you just for uttering them.” He kissed Sint’s temple.

Etienne opened his mouth to speak but an enraged growl rent the air cutting him off. He snapped his jaws shut and looked first at Percel, then at Sint. She pressed her lips together in a firm line and blinked several times. Her mate cleared his throat, the side of his mouth twitching.

Percel’s eyes watered and he wiped at them with the back of his hand. “I do believe your cat has come home and, uhh, she doesn’t sound happy.”

“Shut up, old man.” Etienne turned on his heel and left the room to go face his woman.

Sasha was marching up his stairs as he pushed the screen door open. Her nose flared and she turned her head and blinked slowly. She stopped on the landing. “Where the hell are my things, gator?”

“In my house where they belong.” He crossed his arms over his chest and rocked back on his heels.

Sasha narrowed her eyes and tilted her head to look past him. He knew they were drawing a crowd. Actually he was pretty sure bets were being placed by his fellow shifters. Etienne dropped his arms to his sides and walked up to his irate kitty. He’d never really dealt with cats and he’d come to learn they were solitary creatures, a lot like alligators actually. They should have a better understanding of each other. He and Sasha were mated and she would just have to get used to that fact since he didn’t plan on going anywhere anytime soon. He saw her forming fists. Goddess, but he loved a feisty woman.

Sasha relaxed her hands and a saccharine sweet smile blossomed on her face. “Etienne.” She sauntered up to him and trailed her fingers up his arm from elbow to shoulder. “Lover, it would have been nice if you’d asked me first before you moved my stuff.” She circled him, stopping at his side.

He looked down at her and did a double take. “Who are you and where the hell did you put my

“But it is me, baby.” She spoke in a sultry tone.

A tight ball of unease took root between his shoulder blades. “Whatever you’re up to, it’s not going to work.”

She flicked her tongue over her bottom lip before speaking. “Whatever do you mean,

He swallowed, twisting his torso to get a good look at her.

“Isn’t this how you want me, baby? All docile and shit?” She partially shifted.

He caught the blurry image of her arm moving from the corner of his eye. Her claws extended. She swung at him fast, her intention to slit his side open. He caught her wrist just as she swiped at his waist. Yanking her over, he dipped to heave her up across his shoulder. He felt her nails score his back as she snarled to be released.

“Woman, I see your shoulder is better.” Etienne bellowed. “Do that again and I promise you a punishment you won’t soon forget.”

“You know shifters don’t take long to heal. Put me down and gimme a sec. I’ll show you just how well I am.”

Laughter erupted around him. He could hear the murmurs as he spun around and pushed past Percel and Sint to enter his home. He let the screen slam behind him and kicked the door shut. It was time to teach her a lesson and make a claim of his own.



Sasha narrowed her eyes and yanked at the knots at her wrists. Etienne wanted her bound and she’d made him work for it, pulling free every time he got one hand tied to the headboard. She’d finally conceded and let him bind her arms and legs. Honestly, she was curious to see exactly what he had planned. Once he satisfied himself she couldn’t get away, he rose up from the bed and disappeared into the next room. Allowing her claws to flick from the pads of her fingertips she started cutting through the nylon rope that shackled her to the headboard. The musical notes of her phone drew her attention away from her task.

She struggled to reach her phone, awkwardly slicing through the binding she could reach. Etienne stepped into the area, glanced around the room to locate the source of the music. He marched over to her and ran his hands over her torso slowly, moving them along her frame and over the swell of her hips. Patting her jeans pocket, he dug his fingers into her snug pocket and worked the phone free. He tapped the screen and tossed the phone on the dresser.

“We don’t need any distractions.” Etienne skimmed his palms up her thighs.

She flexed her legs and the cloth around her ankle tightened. “You do realize I allowed you to tie me up?”

“Then we are making progress,
. It’s natural to defer to your mate, to please him.” He leaned over her.

“You’re an ass.”

“So you keep telling me.”

“I won’t stay bound for long.”

“That’s what I’m hoping.” He nuzzled the spot below her ear. “Or else our lovemaking wouldn’t be any fun.”

“Did that nonsense really just come out your mouth?”

Etienne traced his lips along the tendon straining in her neck. He eased back to stare down into her eyes. “I would never bind you so tightly that you couldn’t break free. A claiming is about trust. We must learn to depend on each other. At this moment you hold my life, my love, and our future in your hands.”

She turned her head away and looked at the wall.

He slipped a few fingers beneath her chin and forced her to face him. “Talk to me, baby. Let me share your world.”

She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth and inhaled deeply through her nose. “I have seen some crazy shit. Actually, I probably started half of it.”

“And you think that surprises me?”

“I have issues.”

Etienne lay down beside Sasha and skimmed his hand along her belly. “What shifter doesn’t? We are animals actively participating in a world where humans out number us five to one. I believe we’re all entitled to be a little touched in the head.”

His breath flowed over the shell of her ear as he spoke and his scent of cypress trees and rain enveloped her. “Why can’t you act like a normal shifter?”

Etienne slid his hand down her side and rose up on his other arm, bracing his chin in his hand. “There’s a typical way for us to behave? Hmm—didn’t get that memo. Why won’t you accept that you

“I must have been delirious.”

He leaned in, stopping inches from her face. “I got you’re crazy.”

“What about the poachers?”

“Stop changing the subject. I’m on it.” He closed the space between them and pressed a kiss to the corner of her mouth.

Zesty spices and herbs burst through her mouth as he delved his tongue past her lips. She wanted to wrap her arms around Etienne’s neck but she was stopped short as the material wound around her wrists kept her from moving. She grunted and he laughed. Rising up, he opened his legs to settle them on either side of her legs. The bulge in his jean’s fit against the vee her splayed thighs created and she thrust her pelvis upward to rub her pussy against his cock. She was tired of questioning the whys and hows of their existence. Right then she simply wanted to feel. And Etienne made her experience emotions she’d thought had died when she’d escaped her family.

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