Claws (2 page)

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Authors: Kassanna

BOOK: Claws
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“Yeah, I confirmed with Garmin. He’ll be leading them down by the weekend.”

Loubel revved his truck. “Are we going to find the trespassers or not?”

“You’re not concerned about Sasha?” Etienne asked curiously.

“Naw, she was protecting a child. Those men don’t have a chance.” Percel studied the horizon. “If anything, get out of there and find those hunters first. I have feeling that girl will make them pay for any perceived wrongs.” A ghost of a smile lifted his lips. “Kinda reminds me of my Sint.” He returned his focus to Etienne. “You’re the one should be concerned. I see the way you’ve been watching her.”

“Glad I’m not the only one who noticed,” Loubel muttered.

“I’m a little worried that she doesn’t know the land. Those guys, though, we may as well leave their bodies at my honey hole for the gators to drag to the bottom of the bayou.” He lifted his lips in a slow smile and pushed past Percel to jump into the cab. “Come to think of it, perhaps I better get to tracking her before she does more damage than we can cover up.” He slammed the door and poked his head out the window. “Maybe I should show that gal a thing or two about Cajun men.

Loubel dropped his head on the steering wheel, mumbling. “Don’t sugarcoat it. You plan to run her down and claim her.”

Etienne leaned back in his seat and dropped his head back against the cracked leather. “I plan to do much more than that, old son.”

Percel’s boisterous laughter filled the air. He slapped the door. “I’ll send a search party out in a few days and if she shows up witout you—well—it was good knowing you, gator.”

“Can’t be that hard to tame a kitty. Bet I’m not the only one that likes to bite.” Etienne snapped his jaws.

Chapter Two


The moon had risen and hung low above the trees. Sasha had one of the huntsmen in her sights. Dumb ass’s cigarette gave his position away. Some people really shouldn’t consider themselves predators. She crouched low and stretched her forelegs, pushing her nails out from pads in her paws. Razor-sharp stiletto claws were stark white in the moonlight. With a yawn she rose and trailed him. He’d separated from his partner and when she saw they’d split up she decided to track the easier prey. His smoking habit would be the death of him.

Soft moss underfoot made her steps soundless. She jumped up onto a fallen cypress tree and prowled along the trunk hanging over the shallow water. A bullfrog jumped out of her path, creating a soft splash as she stepped off the wood. The acrid scent of smoke drifted through the air and she hesitated. There were too many bodies in that truck bed for this guy to be so careless. Rethinking her plan, she stepped to the side just as she felt the whiz of a bullet pass her ear. She cursed herself for being reckless. Instead of running away, she decided to face the hunter head-on and sprinted in the direction the shot had come from. Dashing through thick ferns and low weeds she felt a projectile graze her flank and she snapped her head up. The bastard was in a tree. Sasha chuffed. Like that would stop her. She leaped, digging her claws deep into the bark, and started climbing.

A brief bright flash of orange and she knew looking down the barrel of the rifle there was no way she could dodge it. She could hear her partner, Eivan’s voice in her head, reprimanding her for being too cocky. His voice morphed into that of Etienne’s and that damn Cajun was critiquing her form on how she chased her prey. The bullet tore through her shoulder, and she pushed through the pain, hustling up to the tree limb the ass of the man who shot her rested on. If she counted right, he needed to reload. Face to gun muzzle, she watched him pull the trigger and didn’t flinch when it clicked. She opened her mouth to bare her incisors and growled.

The branch wobbled as the man scrambled back, the soles of his boots scraping the rough wood. He tugged at his vest pocket and the tinkle of metal bumping together chimed through the air. In his haste he yanked his hand free and shiny bits of silver fell from his clothing, bouncing off his leg and disappearing into the darkness below. He still managed to hold onto one piece of ammunition. She watched as he tried to insert the bullet with shaking hands and pounced. He swung the gun around and held the weapon in both hands as her jaws clamped down on wood and metal. The sour taste of gun oil burst over her taste buds. Her teeth jarred on the steel barrel and she released the weapon to pull back. She attacked again, dipping her head to slip in between the width of his arms and snapped her jaws inches from his throat. His eyes widened and he threw his body back against the wood. He twisted to the side, clipping her as he spun his legs around.

Her claws dug into the bark but she lost footing for her back legs. She heard the
. Suddenly, the wood cracked and the limb shifted. The hunter tumbled forward and bracing herself, she rose up on her hind legs and swiped her front paws as he fell into her. Her nails sliced into flesh and muscle as the bough gave away. Sasha flipped in midair to jackknife off his body and land on her paws. Pain ripped through her side and she resisted the urge to check her wound. Her prey landed on his back with a heavy
a few feet away.

He groaned and pushed up on his elbows to rise before dropping onto his back again. Sasha rose and limped over to him, the side of her coat slick with blood. She stood over his motionless form. At least if she went out she was taking one asshole with her. Foliage fluttered down on them as she opened her mouth wide to rip out his throat. The muffled click made her glance over her shoulder and she saw the second man, weapon aimed in her direction. He fired.

She forced her muscles to work and jumped as the bullet whistled through the air. Sasha took a running jump and leaped over the log she walked on earlier. Using it as a shield she jogged along the length of it and moved into the shrubbery beyond its half-exposed roots. She stopped long enough to peer through the leaves. One guy was helping the other up. She hadn’t killed the SOB, but she didn’t think he would be coming back to this area of the swamp anytime soon either. All she had to do now was get to a safe place and check her wound. She’d started toward the old tree where she’d left Darcel and hoped he’d made it to safety. The sharp ache had turned into a dull throb and she every breath she took was harder than the last.

The gnarled roots of the giant tree loomed ahead and she crawled between them, settling into a deep indentation facing the inlet. Her energy expended, she lay on her side and placed her head on the twisted wood rising out of the ground. A few moments of rest and she shifted. She fingered the perfectly round hole just beneath her collarbone and bit the inside of her cheek when streams of pain pierced her side. Her eyelids were getting heavy and she knew sleep would claim her. She’d lost too much blood. Grabbing a handful of moss, she stuffed it in the gash on her shoulder. Darkness encroached on her vision, tunneling her eyesight. Sasha gave up the fight and let it take her.



She turned her head to escape the brightness. Lifting an eyelid, she looked at the shimmering water in the bay. Small waves stroked the shore. Morning had come and she’d survived the night. She struggled to sit up and inhaled a breath, taking in the scene’s beauty while trying to buffet the ache in her side.

Sasha caught sight of something moving in the water and tilted her head, straining to get a better look. The large triangular head gave her an idea of what she would soon be dealing with. Rough bark bit into her palms and scratched her back as she struggled to rise. Blood soaked moss tumbled from her wound. She stared at the creature swimming her way. Her heartbeat sped up and she could feel adrenaline pumping through her system. One more shift, she’d climb the tree and get the hell out of the gator’s way.

The head of the beast rose out the water, followed by its massive body. She swallowed. Damn thing was moving faster than she could summon the energy to call on her animal. From one step to the next, the gator shifted and Etienne continued walking to the shoreline. He shook his head and liquid sprayed from his hair. Rivulets of water rolled down his sculpted chest as he stomped toward her. She pushed off the tree and lifted her chin. Why was he always the one coming to the rescue?

He stopped a few feet in front of her and met her stare. “
, I’ve been searching everywhere for you. Why do you have such a hard time staying out of trouble?”

Sasha exhaled. Her voice held a raspy edge even she could hear. “Why is it
that always comes looking for me?”

Etienne cocked his head. Beads of water fell from face. “If you don’t know by now, then you’re not as smart as I thought you were.”

She narrowed her eyes and slumped against the old oak’s trunk. “Are you insinuating that I’m stupid?”

“You’re hurt and as fun as fighting with you might be, I refuse to do it right now.” He stepped in close, blocking her view of the inlet. “I tell you what—let me get you to a nice warm place where I can inspect that wound and we can exchange insults to your heart’s content.”

“You egotistical asshole. I can take care of myself. Just point me in the direction of Betaille.” She took a step to push past him and her knees gave way.

He caught her in his arms and lifted her up to cradle her against his chest. “
you need a keeper and I am just the man to take up the challenge.”

His words were the last she heard before darkness reclaimed her.



Etienne brushed the tendrils of hair from Sasha’s face as he studied her features. Pallor made her skin look sallow. Slowly, he traced the shape of her lips with his index finger and felt his cock jerk. He’d meant what he said. Whether she was ready for him or not, he would tame her. Come hell or high water, she would be his. The red-tinged moss caught his attention and he narrowed his eyes. Judging by the plant material and her lack of color she’d lost more blood than he’d originally thought. He huffed. His fish camp was closer than Betaille. He’d take her there, then come back and clean up whatever mess she’d left behind.

He walked to the shore and marched into the water, the only way to his camp was to swim and with her unconscious, he couldn’t shift. Goddess, his Sha could complicate things. He dipped his head and whispered in her ear, “
Hang on
.” He watched her eyes flutter. In deeper water, her buoyancy would help her float. Carefully he swung her around while he kept a hold of her arms until her breasts bumped his back. He pushed off the rocky bottom and shifted. Her hair caught on the ridges in his back and her arms hung off his sides. Gently, he cut through the water, using his tail to propel him forward.

Etienne dipped with the current. She mumbled and must have inhaled water. He felt her tremble as she erupted into a hacking cough. Her palms brushed his side as she pulled them closer to her.

“What the hell, Etienne?”
. “Now you’re trying to drown me?” She sputtered.

Her breath flowed over his skin. He snapped his jaws.

“I can’t believe you have me in this nasty water. If I catch an infection and die, it will be on your head.”

He continued toward shore.

“I mean, seriously, the smell alone…”

Halfway across the bayou, he returned to his human form. She slid off his back. He swirled around and watched her sink. Etienne kicked his legs and dived to catch her. She was barely visible in the murky water. Decayed vegetation floated around them and clung to her as she worked one arm like a wounded duck. He angled his body and moved farther into the muddy depths. She stopped moving her limbs; her arms rose above her head.

He grabbed her hand and tugged her to his body. Her eyes were closed and tendrils of loose hair floated around her head in an ethereal halo. Panic welled through him. He placed his lips against hers and breathed into her mouth. The faint taste of honey flowed over his taste buds. Kicking, he moved them up to the surface. She coughed and he pulled away as she expelled the liquid she’d swallowed. Sasha pushed at his shoulder before wiping a hand across her face.

“Great Goddess, you are trying to kill me!” The hoarseness in her voice was worse.

Treading water, Etienne kept a hand on her elbow. “You can’t swim, can you? How the hell is that possible? You, a shifter, a damn cat at that.”

The water rippled where she exhaled against it. “Listen to me, Etienne. I will geld your ass if you don’t get me out of this muck.”

He shook his head. “I don’t get it. I asked around. You grew up in the Everglades and you’re a

“Just because I grew up in the swamp does not mean I took a damn swim in the water. And what the hell does being a cat have to do with swimming?”

“It should come naturally to you!”

“I guess I skipped the damned swimming lesson line when the Goddess was handing out natural ability. Now get me out of the fucking water, Etienne, before some unseen creature decides I’m what’s for dinner.”

He noticed with each word she inched closer. Slipping an arm around her, he yanked her up against his side. “It’s the animals that should be scared of me,

Etienne stared into her bloodshot amber eyes. Fat drops of water clung to her lashes. The pink tip of her tongue darted out and caressed the length of her bottom lip. Thick curls framed her face. He felt every curve of her lush form as he held her flush against him.

She pressed her lips to his cheek and slipped her uninjured arm between them. Leisurely she slid her hand down. His stomach spasmed as her palm slid across the tense muscles. He closed his eyes as she trailed her fingers lower, grazing the dense patch of hair at the base of his dick. His cock grew rigid under her touch. He felt the fist she curled around his member. Her mouth touched his earlobe.

“Etienne,” she purred in his ear.

“You’re killing me,
.” He stroked her back, skimming his knuckles down her spine.

“Get me the hell out of this or I will keep my promise and break this mofo off.” She bit down on his earlobe and squeezed his shaft.

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