Clean: The Revolutionary Program to Restore the Body's Natural Ability to Heal Itself (33 page)

Read Clean: The Revolutionary Program to Restore the Body's Natural Ability to Heal Itself Online

Authors: Alejandro Junger

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #General, #Detoxification (Health), #Healing, #Naturopathy, #Healthy Living

BOOK: Clean: The Revolutionary Program to Restore the Body's Natural Ability to Heal Itself
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Roll the nori up tightly, using a sushi mat if you have one.

Cut the roll into about six pieces, using a sharp knife.

Repeat for three more nori sheets.

Serve rolls on a platter with marinated ginger, wasabi, and wheat-free tamari


Unexpected Common Sources of Heavy-Metal Exposure

Prescription Drugs and Nutritional Depletion

Prescription Drugs and Nutritional Depletion (cont.)

Detoxification Nutrients


Taking Clean Further

Personal Consultations

To consult with Dr. Junger in New York, please contact the Eleven Eleven Wellness Center. If you suspect you are a candidate for the Spent program, arrange to meet with my colleague Dr. Frank Lipman. For consultations in California, please contact the Akasha Wellness Center in Los Angeles. The Akasha team and I work together bicoastally.


If Clean has inspired you to visit a retreat center for a more totalimmersion detoxification program, there are several places in the United States that are great for a first or repeat experience. We Care spa in California is world-famous, and deservedly so. Susana Belen, its founder and owner and one of my teachers, has designed a very safe and effective program. Dr. Gabriel Cousens has a center, the Tree of Life, in Arizona, where fasting detox programs are conducted under his supervision. Optimum Health Institute in San Diego, Hippocrates in Florida, and Sanoviv in Mexico all have different angles on the subject but are all very good.

Web Sites

For further information, the following Web sites are excellent resources: The Clean program online. This Web site will help you navigate your cleanse day by day by providing tips, articles, and links, and you can also order the Clean Kit here. It will also let you document your progress and join a large community of other people doing Clean. There is power in numbers; when you can share your experience and hear what others are doing, the whole process of change can be made even more meaningful. The best resource I have found for those outside the medical profession are the Moss Reports, exhaustively compiled reports on the latest treatments for and research on every kind of cancer, from the latest in Western medicine to experimental therapies and Eastern modalities. They can be ordered from this site. There are many sources of information out there about detoxing your home. This is an excellent place to start; you will find many links to other sites and information on research.


Thank you …

Tierney, for Grace, for your love, and for being a living example of forgiveness and generosity.

My meditation teacher, for resetting my compass and protecting me on my journey.

Muki and Alberto, my parents, for giving me life and an amazing family.

Anabella, my sister, a force without limits, always there for me, even when she was the one in desperate need herself.

Albert Bitton and Hugo Cory, for being my anchors to the present.

Richard Baskin, for his mentoring friendship.

Dr. Frank Lipman, for opening a world of possibilities and the doors to his home and practice. Janice, for her amazing home-cooked soup delivery, thank you.

Fernando Sulichin, my teacher of reinvention.

Amely Greeven, for helping me put my ideas into English.

Claudia Riemer Boutote and Gideon Weil, for your belief, support, and expert guidance.

James Mathers, my esoteric brother and muse.

Dr. Rony Shimony, for proving that even hard-core Western medicine can have magical, way-above-statistical results, when prescribed with a fully open and giving heart.

My earth family, Emilee Barnouin, Michael Barnouin and Walker Blake, Gabriel Raij, Ari Dunski, Vicky and Steven Mendal, Stephanie Junger, Andrea Junger, Doron Junger, Janos Junger, Sybilla Sorondo, Dr. Itzhak and Ziva Kronzon, Dr. Roberto Canessa, Timothy Martin, Jose Luis Longinotti, Dr. Victor Atallah, Tania Landau, Cucu and Andres Levin, Tommie Wright, Myriam and Miguel Baikovicius and all their kids, Andrew Keegan, Jill Pettijohn, Ole, Spoon, Pablo Jourdan, Tenzin Bob Thurman and Nena, Dr. Omar and Reina Burschtin, Dr. Jeffrey James, Raven, Eric Cahan, Jaime Cuevas, Xavier Longueras, Joad Puttermilech, Lilakoi Moon, Andrew Calder, Dr. Steven Gundry, Dr. Voletti, Elena Brower, Skip and Edie Bronson, William Wendling, Gabrielle Roth, Annette Frehling, Donna Karan, Jacqueline and Ted Miller, Yvonne Lasher, Judi Werthein, Brad Listermann, Rachel Goldstein, Herbert Donner, Irene Valenti, Dra Maria Noel Tarabal, Michael Dahan, Gil Barretto, Dra Isabel Llovet, Jack Curley, Susana Belen, Susie Lombardi, Chabela Lobo, Steven Shailer, Gwyneth Paltrow, the Deambrossi family, Alejandro Curcio, Marcelo Angres, Chicho, Miguel Sirgado, Cindy Palusami, Catherine Parrish, Dr. Steve Sharon, Dr. William and Fran Cole, Jason Harler, Dr. Steven Levine, Dr. Phillip Frankel, Dr. Henry Bellaci, Rafael and Tatiana Bellavita, Martin Fontaina, Dalia Cohn, Lau Pielaat and his boys, Marco Perego, Dhrumil Purohit, Vicky, Anne, Vannessa, and Jessica (my bosses at Eleven Eleven Wellness Center), Prema Dubroff, Miguel Gil, Baretta, Daisy Duck McCrackin, Nicholas Wolfson, Scott Schwenk, Peter Evans, Dr. Edison DeMello, Dr. William So, Timothy Gold, Mary Jenkins, Pali, Natashakti, Chris, Jo, Malaya, Nurse D., Dr. Woodson Merrell, Eric Wilcox, Aryan Morgan, Jako Benmaor.

Last but not least, all my patients, for trusting me, and for providing me with an opportunity to fulfill my passion, to be of service in their journey of healing and transformation.


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acidity (of blood), 54–55, 57, 82–83, 154

disease and, 55, 82, 87–88

foods contributing to, 55, 58, 82, 213

inflammation and, 55

lowering, 83, 134, 213

mucus and, 68

adrenal glands, 63–64, 136

adrenaline, 82, 104, 180

agave syrup, 151, 236

aging, 1, 3, 5, 11, 25

air filtration system, 216

alcohol, 154

dehydration and, 85

depression and, 153

destruction of intestinal flora, 99

dysbiosis and, 152

excluding from diet, 151, 213

intestinal problems and, 142

preservatives in, 153

reduction of serotonin and, 78

as toxic trigger, 205

alkaline foods, 82, 154, 213

allergies, 1, 3, 5, 18

cosmetics and toiletries, 38

food triggers, 48, 73–74, 126, 204–7

GALT and, 74, 100, 126

histamines, immunoglobulins

and, 126

leaky gut and, 73–74

testing for, 203

toxins and, 8, 13, 25, 73–75, 80

Two-Week Cleanse and, 11

almonds, 151, 162

Basic Nut Milk, 236

Blueberry, Carob, and, Milk

Smoothie, 238

Energy Smoothie with, Butter and

Cardamom, 238

soaking, 263

spouted, 154

Thai Vegetable Salad Wraps with,

Sauce, 264

aluminum, 38, 146

Alzheimer’s disease, 119, 221

amaranth, 151

amma, 67, 69, 77, 80, 152, 178

ammonia, 36

anemia, 40, 65

anesthesia, 14

anger, 14, 119, 178

antibiotics, 97. See also Appendixes

in food supply, 48, 153

intestinal flora and, 95, 97, 99

antidepressants, 28, 39

as bridge, 77–78

side effects, 78

SSRIs, 75–76, 79–80

in water supply, 49

antimicrobials, 167, 168, 169. See also


antioxidants, 84, 128. See also


anxiety, 5, 88

disease and, 119

magnesium deficiency and, 83, 227–28

“Spent” syndrome and, 137

apathy, 8, 14, 76, 80

apple(s), 150

and Butternut Squash Soup, 242

Fennel and, Juice, 244

Ginger, Lemon, and Spinach Juice, 244

Green Juice, 243

Kale, Sunflower Sprout, and Radish

Juice, 244

arsenic, 44, 63

arthritis, 80, 82


Roasted Lamb Chops with Rosemary

and Steamed, 255

Warm Salmon and, Salad with

Pesto, 249

aspartame, 78

asthma, 41

Atkins diet, 55

autoimmune disorders, 1

chronic inflammation and, 5

GALT and, 99–101

mercury exposure and, 65

rheumatic fever, 100

toxicity and, 80

ulcerative colitis, 138

autointoxification, 35

avocados: Easy Pineapple and,

Gazpacho, 241

Ayurvedic medicine, 22, 115–16, 152

amma (mucus), 67, 69, 77, 80, 152, 178

body types (kapha, vata, pitta), 91, 132

detoxification programs, 35, 132

diagnosis and, 35


bad breath, 13

bananas, 152, 154

barley, 151, 154

basil, 151

Warm Salmon and Asparagus Salad

with Pesto, 249

Zucchini and, Soup, 241

beans, 150, 154

Adzuki, and Brown Rice, 265

beef. See meat

beet(s): Carrot, Cabbage, and Watercress

Juice, 244

Belen, Susana, 26

benzene, 37

berberine, 168

berries, 152, 162

Blueberry, Carob, and Almond Milk

Smoothie, 238

Smoothie with Coconut Milk and

Cinnamon, 239

beta-carotene, 40

bile, 122, 126

bisphenol-A (BPA), 51

Bland, Jeffrey, 81

bloating, 13, 24, 29, 80, 142


acidity, 54–55, 57, 83, 88

alkalinity, 88

clotting, 40, 83, 220

elimination of toxins and, 170

exercise and circulation, 176

medications (Coumadin), 135

saunas and circulation, 175

tests, 219–22

blue zones (longevity zones), 61

body odor, 13

bone health

blood acidity and, 153–54

blood alkalinity and, 88

dairy products and, 88, 154

fluoride and problems, 49

statin drugs and depletion of

calcium, 40

vitamin D and, 83, 88, 154

bowel movements, 5, 11. See also

irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

colonics, 24, 25, 36, 172–73, 188

constipation, 11, 18, 70–73

diarrhea, 18, 75

enhancing elimination, 134, 166–67, 171–73

fiber supplements and, 167–68

frequency, 13, 72, 171–72, 188

stool color and consistency, 172

toxins and irregularity, 13

brain, 81, 121, 180, 187, 189

antidepressants and, 77–78

cancer, 44

serotonin levels and, 20, 27

as toxin target, 32, 44, 127, 132

Brazil nuts, 154, 162

Basic Nut Milk, 236

breakfast. See also recipes

Clean program, liquid meal, 160–61, 163, 165, 188, 202

Elimination Diet, 149

post-Clean Program, 202, 204, 205

toxicity and, 58, 155

breast cancer, 50

breathing exercises, 174

broccoli, 107

Green Juice, 243

broccoli rabe: Roast Salmon with, and

Quinoa, 247

buckwheat, 151, 154

Stir-Fried Vegetables and Chicken

with, Noodles, 253

Buddhism, 90–91

butternut squash

Apple and, Squash Soup, 242

Bisque, 242



Carrot, Beet, and Watercress Juice, 244

Cucumber, and Parsley Juice, 244

cacao, 238

cadmium, 44

caffeine, 11

as acidifying, 82

bowel irregularities and, 70–71

dehydration and, 85

effects on the adrenals, 63–64

energy swings and, 57, 58

excluding from diet, 150, 151, 164–65

intestinal flora and, 97, 99

intestinal problems and, 142

reduction of serotonin and, 78

as toxic trigger, 205

withdrawing from, 148, 194

calcium, 40, 88

cancer, 1, 28

annual cases, 231–32

blood acidity and, 55

brain cancer and EMFs, 44

chronic inflammation and, 5, 86

cleaning products and, 42, 43

factors contributing to, 155

fever and, 30

fluoride and problems, 49

high protein diet and, 212

hormonally linked, 50–51

iodine deficiency and, 84

mercury exposure and, 65

metastasis, 30

miraculous survivors, 155

plastics and, 49–50, 51

sulforaphane supplement for, 107

vitamin D deficiency and, 221

canola oil, 151


Snapper Cooked with, Lemon, and

fresh Thyme, Served with Swiss

Chard, 251

Steamed Bass with Fennel, Parsley,

and, 246


digestion and, 72

low-carb diets, 53–55

cardamom: Energy Smoothie with

Almond Butter and, 238

cardiovascular disease, 1, 28

blood acidity and, 55, 82

chronic inflammation and, 5, 86, 226

coenzyme Q10, 40

danger of low-fat diets, 52–53

exceptions to detoxification, 228–30

high protein diet and, 212

homocysteine and, 119, 221, 226, 227

iodine deficiency and, 84

magnesium deficiency and, 227

medications, prescription, 40

meditation and, 57

oral contraceptives and, 40

risk factors, 225–26

statin drugs and, 229

supermarket culture and, 48

testing for CRP, 220

toxicity and, 225–30

uric acid and, 119, 226, 227

vegetarianism and, 57

vehicle emissions and heart attacks, 44

vitamin D and, 83, 221

carob, 151

Blueberry, and Almond Milk

Smoothie, 238

carrot(s), 150

Beet, Cabbage, and Watercress

Juice, 244

and Ginger Soup, 243

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