Clean: The Revolutionary Program to Restore the Body's Natural Ability to Heal Itself (34 page)

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Authors: Alejandro Junger

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #General, #Detoxification (Health), #Healing, #Naturopathy, #Healthy Living

BOOK: Clean: The Revolutionary Program to Restore the Body's Natural Ability to Heal Itself
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cashews, 151

castor oil, 36, 172, 188

cayenne pepper, 130

celery: Green Juice, 243

celiac disease, 222

cell phones, 44, 89, 146

chelation, 65, 222

chia: Kale, Pineapple and, Smoothie, 237

chicken, 150, 151, 154

Grilled, Breast with Grilled

Vegetables, 256

Quinoa Salad with, and Mixed

Greens, 254

Roast, with Balsamic Vinegar, Garlic,

and Rosemary Wild Rice Pilaf, 252

Stir-Fried Vegetables and, with

Buckwheat Noodles, 253

chickpeas: Tri-Salad Platter of Hummus,

Tabbouleh, and Marinated Kale, 260–61

Chinese medicine, 104, 209–10

chlorine, 39, 43, 49, 146

chocolate, 152, 205, 238

cholesterol, 57

Clean Program and lowering, 6, 11

inflammation and, 227

LDL and heart disease, 220, 226, 227

chromium, 44

cinnamon: Berry Smoothie with Coconut

Milk and, 239

Clean Audit, 13–14, 159

cleaning products, 41, 42–43, 146, 147

reducing your toxin exposure and, 216

Clean Kit, 166, 167, 169–70

Clean Log, 158–59, 189, 204–7

Clean Maintenance Plan, 210

blood tests, 219–22

eating clean, 211–14

Eat Clean Maintenance Checklist, 213

finding a health care practitioner, 217–19

periodic periodically, 214–15

personalized supplement regime, 222

reducing toxin exposure, 216–17

Clean Program, 6, 9, 26. See also break

fast; dinner; lunch

accelerated, 196

advantages of, 133

anti-inflammatory nutrients and, 86

antimicrobials and, 168

antioxidants and, 84

at-a-glance, 188–89

benefits, 6, 7, 10–11

Clean meal rules, 160–70

colonic hydrotherapy, 172–73, 188

Day 1-Day 4 meal plans, 165

detox nutrients, 166–69

Elimination Diet and, 146–56, 188, 202

elimination of toxic exposure, 72

enhancing elimination, 134, 170–77

essentials, 188

exercise and, 169, 176, 188

expression of artistic side, 189

FAQs, 169–70

fiber, dietary, 166–68

five functions of detoxification, 133–34

fluids and, 164–66

garlic clove, 168, 189

as great awakening, 233–34

hot-cold plunge or shower, 175–76, 188

hunger, dealing with, 162, 186–87, 190

instructions, 160–69

intestinal restoration and, 99, 134

laughing, 189

liquid consistency and, 164

liquid meals, 125, 127, 144, 146, 148, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 169, 186, 187, 188, 194, 196, 202

liver support, 134, 169

massage, 177, 189

meal strategy, 160–63

medications and, 12, 149

meditation and, 91, 181–84, 188

menus, typical, 165

as a nutritional cleanse, 132

olive oil for, 168, 189

optional activities, 188–89

photographs, before and after,159, 189

post-Clean Program, 199–223

probiotics and, 168

reading informative books, 189

rest and sleep, 177

restoration of nutrients and, 72

safety, 9

saunas, 41, 175, 188

scheduling, 143–44

self-awareness and, 11

setting up your kitchen, 144–46

setting your intentions, 157–59, 218

skin brushing, 175, 189

sleep and rest, 177, 188

smoking and, 148–49

snacks, 162

solid meals, 160, 161–62, 186, 202, 204, 215

“Spent” syndrome and, 136–38

step 1: preparing mind, 134, 138–42

step 2: preparing life, 134, 143–46

step 3: preparing body, 134, 146–49

suggestions for best results, 163–64

supplements, 84, 166

supporting body’s detoxification, 170

tailoring for your lifestyle, 163–64

three concepts of, 9

three steps of Clean, 10–11 (see also

One-Week Cleanse; Three-Week

Cleanse; Two-Week Cleanse)

twelve-hour window and, 134, 188

warnings, 135–38, 228–30

Web site, 166

weekly planning/preparation

chart, 192

weight loss and, 6, 58, 76, 169, 196

what it is, 8–10

Clean Program Planner, 190–99, 218

weekly chart, 192–93

clothing, 41–42

coconut, 173

coconut milk

Basic, 235

Berry Smoothie with, and Cinnamon, 239

Mango and, Smoothie, 238

coconut oil, 176

coenzyme Q10, 40

coffee. See caffeine

colds and flu, 3, 13, 101

colonics, 24, 25, 36, 172–73, 188

condiments, 151

Conscious Eating (Cousens), 57, 212


castor oil, 172, 188

colonic hydrotherapy for, 172–73

during detox, 171

fiber supplements and, 171

herbal laxatives, 171

irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and, 79

puffiness and, 67

remedies, 72–73

stool consistency and, 172

toxicity and, 70–73, 80, 119

water intake and, 171

coptis root, 168

corn, 151, 153, 154, 205

high-fructose corn syrup, 151

cortisol, 82

Cory, Hugo, 184–85

cosmetics and toiletries, 38, 39, 41–42, 146, 216

Coumadin, 135

couscous, 151

Cousens, Gabriel, 57, 212

C-reactive protein (CRP), 103, 220

cucumbers, 150, 164, 173

Cabbage, and Parsley Juice, 244

Chilled, Soup with Mint, 240

Green Juice, 243

curcumin, 86


dairy products, 73, 74, 151

as acidifying, 58, 82, 88, 154

allergies and, 73

digestion and, 72

eliminating, 151, 213

hormones and antibiotics in, 153

intestinal problems and, 142

as mucusforming, 72, 152, 213

substitutes, 151

as toxic trigger, 204, 205

dandelion root, 169

dentistry/silver amalgam fillings, 39, 64

deodorants, 38

depression, 1, 5, 19–20, 25, 32, 75–78

alcohol and, 153

antidepressants and, 77

high protein diet and, 212

increasing incidence of, 28

intestinal health and, 76, 93–94, 104

iodine deficiency and, 84

magnesium deficiency and, 83

oral contraceptives and, 40

serotonin and, 20, 76, 77, 104

“Spent” syndrome and, 137

spirit and, 77

toxicity and, 8

vitamin D deficiency and, 221

detoxification systems, 2, 3–4, 33–34.

See also Clean Program

Ayurvedic programs, 132

“baseline,” 3, 4

basic mechanics, 125–27

blended fasting, 131

body’s natural, 119–20

choosing, three factors, 118

detox equalization, 124–25

Elimination Diet and, 35, 126–27, 132

five essential functions of, 133–34

juice fasting, 130–31, 214–15

Master Cleanse, 130

nutrients for (see Appendixes)

nutritional cleanses, 131–32

raw-food diet, 131

regular detoxification, 214–15

stopping digestion and, 124

triggering detox mode, 123–24

water fasting, 129–30

web of waste, 119

what cleansing is, 115–17

diabetes, 1, 5, 29, 48, 54, 86, 135

diarrhea, 18, 79, 102

diet. See food

digestion, 98. See also intestinal health

allergies and, 126

American diet and problems, 57

amount of time needed for, 125

bloating after eating, 13, 18

chewing food, tip, 187

digestive rest one day a week, 215

energy needs of, 122–23

enzymes for, 125

heartburn, 13

leaky gut, 73–74

liquid meals, 125

raw vs. cooked food, 125

reducing workload, 133–34

toxins affecting, 39–40

twelve-hour detox window, 134, 188

dinner, 17, 24, 57, 58, 123

Clean program, 71, 144, 160–61, 163, 165, 188

Elimination Diet, 149, 150

disinfection by-product (DBP), 49

diuretics, natural, 173

Doctor’s Data, 222

Dr. Schulze’s Intestinal Formula #1, 171

Duchaine, Dan, 53–54

dulse: Spinach and, Soup, 240

dysbiosis, 71, 74, 95–96, 142, 152


eczema, 102

edema, 13, 14, 29, 83. See also puffiness

eggplant, 151, 152

eggs, 153, 154, 205, 206–7

Ehret, Arnold, 35

Eleven Eleven Wellness Center, 5, 136, 212


bowel movements, 70, 71–72, 120, 170, 171–72

circulatory system, 170

colonic hydrotherapy, 172–73

of damaging molecules, 73

enhancing, 170–77

exercise and, 176

foods that slow, 71

kidneys, 120, 128, 170, 173

liver and, 85, 120

lungs, 120, 170, 173–74

massage, 177

of mucus, 52, 69, 81

skin, 120, 170, 174–76

supporting organs of, 87

sweat rooms and saunas for, 41, 175

water intake and, 85

Elimination Diet, 35, 126–27, 132, 146–56, 163

acid-and alkali forming foods, 154

adhering to, post-Clean Program, 202

detox goals and, 150, 152–53

Yes and No foods, 151

EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies),44, 146

endocrine system, 38

endotoxin, 36–37

enemas, 173

energy, 3, 73

allergies and consumption of, 126

American diet and energy swings,51, 57

attention, the energy of life, 179–86

body’s, reallocating flow of, 120–22

coenzyme Q10 and, 40

digestion of food and, 122–23

metabolism and, 120

Three-Week Cleanse and, 11, 71

Week 2 on Clean Program and, 195

Energy Smoothie with Almond Butter

and Cardamom, 238

environmental toxins, 7, 14

airborne, 39

chemical fertilizers, 87

chlorinated water, 39

in cleaning products, 41–42

in clothing, 41

common sources of, 146–47

cosmetics and toiletries, 38

EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies), 44

fourth skin and, 43–44

global toxicity, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 46, 82, 232

heavy metals, 44

in living-space environment, 42–43

pesticides, 41, 50, 153

prescription drugs in water, 39, 49

reducing your exposure, 146–47

third skin and, 42–43

vehicle emissions, 43–44

enzymes, 122, 126

cytochrome P450 system, 127–28

equipment for Clean Program

blender, 145

filtration system, 145

juicer, 145

erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), 220

evolutionary paradox, 4, 34

exercise. See also yoga

anaerobic, 121

boosting and committing to, 216

detoxification and, 121

enhancing elimination and, 176

jumping (rebounding), 176

lack of, reduction of serotonin and, 78

lactic acid and, 121

exotoxin, 37, 122


dark circles under, 13, 67, 70

oral contraceptives and, 40

restoration of 20/20 vision, 199

statin drugs and, 40

whites, clarifying, 11, 24


fad diets, 52–59

fasting, 4, 9

blended, 131

juice, 130–31, 214–15

mucoid plaque and, 196–97

twelve-hour window and, 161

water, 129–30

fat, body. See also weight problems

Clean Program and lowering, 6

toxins as lipophillic, 127

fat, dietary

danger of low-fat diets, 52–53

intestinal problems and, 142

oils, 151

trans fats, 152

fatigue, 1, 5, 14, 29, 75, 80

“Spent” syndrome and, 136


and Apple Juice, 244

Steamed Bass with, Parsley, and

Capers, 246

Watercress and Shaved, Salad with

Seared Tuna, 245

fever, 30

fiber, dietary, 85, 213

for Clean Program, 166–67

detoxification systems and, 129–31

supplements, 167, 171

fibrinogen, 220

fibromyalgia, 14

fish, 154

Asian-Flavored Tuna with Stir-Fried

Vegetables, 250

in Elimination Diet, 151

excluding raw from diet, 151

farmed, lower fish oil in, 60–61

Halibut Baked in Parchment with

Olives and Thyme, 248

mercury contamination, 44

Roast Salmon with Broccoli Rabe and

Quinoa, 247

Snapper Cooked with Capers, Lemon,

and fresh Thyme, Served with Swiss

Chard, 251

Steamed Bass with Fennel, Parsley, and

Capers, 246

sushi and heavy metal content, 64

Warm Salmon and Asparagus Salad

with Pesto, 249

Watercress and Shaved Fennel Salad

with Seared Tuna, 245

wild over farmed, 150

fish oil, 213

flatulence, 13

flaxseed oil, 151, 213

fluoride, 49, 50, 146

food. See also specific foods

acid-forming, 82–83, 154, 213

alkali-forming, 82, 154, 213

allergies and, 73–75, 126, 152, 202–3

American diet, 51, 52–59, 100

animals in the wild, diet, 59

antibiotics in, 48, 153

blue zones (longevity zones) and, 61

canned, 164

chemical additives, 46

chemical fertilizers and, 46, 60, 227

as chemotherapy, 155

children and diet, 47

Clean diet, 71 (see also Clean Program)

Clean maintenance plan, 211–14

detoxification supports, 126 (see also

Elimination Diet)

dietary fat, 52–53

Eat Clean Maintenance Checklist, 213

energy cost of digesting, 122–23

“excess” as the new norm, 140

fad diets, 52–59

frozen, 164

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