Cleats in Clay (30 page)

Read Cleats in Clay Online

Authors: Jackson Cordd

Tags: #Fiction, #Gay, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Erotica

BOOK: Cleats in Clay
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“Fuck,” Tuck muttered before he caught himself. He pulled his cop face back on. “What did the investigators come up with?”
“Never came right out and said. Report did mention he never braked before he hit the bridge. Minimal alcohol, no drugs. I think it must have been a suicide.”
“Why?” Odis asked.
“He’d flunked out that semester, the papers later reported. Maybe he couldn’t face the humiliation of it.”
Tuck shook his head but didn’t say anything. His cop instincts told him that, more likely, poor school performance was just a symptom of a nastier underlying cause, the
fuel for the suicide. He looked over at Bobby. “Can you recall anything more specific Ricky said when he was babbling?”
“Does it fucking matter?” Bobby asked as he shook his drooping head.
“Guess not,” Tuck said, letting the subject drop.
Odis shrugged at Tuck almost apologetically. He hadn’t expected Bobby’s past to bring the evening to a screeching halt and leave the atmosphere burdened with such a heavy dankness.
Tuck frowned back. He waffled between weeping or punching somebody. He gave Bobby a squeeze around the shoulder, then stood up and went into the bathroom.
Odis tried to ignore the clattering noises that sounded like plastic bits bouncing around on tile. A minute later, the guys couldn’t ignore the shattering noise of something like heavy glass breaking. Odis just smiled weakly at Bobby when he looked up.
Bobby held up his empty mug. “I think I want another one of those Black Jacks.”
“Hot Jack,” Odis corrected. “I’ll get ya one.” He claimed the empty mug and went to the kitchen.
Bobby turned to look over the couch at him. “Isn’t Jack Daniel’s from, like, Kentucky or Tennessee? Don’t Texas have its own whiskey?”
“Not really. Distilling laws were pretty restrictive after prohibition. Things have only loosened up recently. So Jack is an honorary Lone-Star whiskey.” Odis brought back the full mugs as Tuck left the bathroom.
“What’s that about whiskey?” Tuck asked as he stepped into the living room.
Odis glanced over, noticing Tuck didn’t have his mug anymore. “He just asked why Texas doesn’t have its own whiskey.”
Tuck went into the kitchen and started another pot of coffee. “I could give ya a lecture of the history of Texas liquor laws,” he yelled over his shoulder. “But I doubt ya really wanna hear all of it.”
Bobby shook his head. “Prob’ly not.”
Odis chuckled. Tuck stepped to the back of the couch and looked quizzically at Odis. “He said ‘prob’ly’,” Odis explained. “Our evil plan to turn him into a Texan is working.”
Tuck chuckled along.
Bobby smiled weakly. “Guess bein’ a Texan is a good as any other.”
Tuck bristled in mock surprise. “Ya hear this bullshit, Odie? We’re just as good as everybody else?”
“Almost sacrilegious,” Odis agreed as he punched Bobby in the arm. “Texas is the only state that was ever its own country first. We’re
than everybody else.”
Bobby chuckled back. “Oh? But ya don’t even have yer own whiskey,” he teased.
Tuck smiled. “Workin’ on it. Got some good contenders, just a matter of who rises up to top dog.”
Odis nodded. “That Balcones might.”
Tuck scowled as the coffee pot beeped. “Not that blue corn shit. My money’s on Garrison Brothers,” he said as he went back into the kitchen area.

corn?” Bobby asked.
Odis nodded. “Made with blue corn and cocoa in the mash. Ya didn’t even mention Rebecca Creek,” Odis yelled at the kitchen.
“That’s fer highbrows,” Tuck said, shaking his head as he came back to the couch. “Not quite the same thing, so it don’t count.”
Bobby looked over at Odis and smiled. “Now you’ve got me curious. What does
corn taste like?”
Odis and Tuck shared a quick gaze. Then they burst into grins. “Taste test!” they yelled out at the same time. Noting Tuck was still dressed in his sweats, Odis stood up. “I’ll run to Pearl’s and we can settle this.”
“Don’t get lost,” Tuck teased as Odis left the apartment.
“Who’s Pearl?” Bobby asked.
“Owner of the liquor store. It’s just across the street,” Tuck explained before he got up and dug around the kitchenette for his short bourbon glasses.

Chapter 27


Bobby and Odis downed several sample shots, they failed to reach a consensus. Bobby quickly grew fond of the unusual touches of flavor in the Balcones, but Tuck smirked when he sampled a tiny sip and claimed the mocha hint was just “too damn weird” as he continued to defend the Garrison Brothers. Odis couldn’t decide either way. He thought they tasted pretty much the same. Bobby and Tuck both teased him, saying straight boys must not have delicate enough palates to tell the difference.

In a much lighter and tipsier mood, Bobby returned from the bathroom and dropped to the couch between Odis and Tuck. “No more,” he said. “Or I’ll end up shit-faced.”

Tuck reached out and stroked Bobby’s jaw. “Yer face never looks like shit.”
“Yer right ’bout that,” Odis agreed as he gazed over.

“You two,” Bobby said with a grin as he patted each guy on the nearest leg.
Odis grinned back. “Us two, what?”
“A couple of horndogs, I think,” Bobby said.
“Well,” Tuck drawled, “it
been two days. And we missed our big date.”
“Real big,” Odis agreed. “Two whole days ago too.”
“Well then,” Bobby said and let out a fake sigh. “Somebody better hurry and kiss me.” He leaned back into the couch and closed his eyes. He felt the warm and fuzzy kiss on his mouth and sparklers on his cheek. Keeping his eyes closed, Bobby opened his mouth for Odis, who lightly explored with his tongue as the sparklers moved over to his ear.
Odis pulled back and chuckled. Bobby opened his eyes to see him grinning. “Ya taste like whiskey, stud.”
“Really?” Tuck asked as he leaned over. He gently planted his lips on Bobby’s mouth. His larger tongue probed at Bobby’s as he breathed him in through his mouth. The air sent sparkly shivers down Bobby’s neck before Tuck pulled away. “Sure do,” Tuck agreed with a silly grin.
“Whatever,” Bobby said with a smile as he closed his eyes again. He felt someone shift; then a warm presence squatted between his legs, pushing on his knees to widen the gap. He felt the cold smooth plastic of the cast against his neck as Tuck readjusted and rotated Bobby’s head toward him slightly.
When he felt hands fumbling with the waistband of his jeans, Bobby reached down and gently took hold of the hands and pulled Odis toward him. “It shouldn’t be like this,” Bobby said as he opened his eyes and motioned Odis back to the couch between him and Tuck. “We should take care of Odis, since he’s not going with us,” he said to Tuck.

Tuck nodded. “That’s right, he’ll be
alone. He’ll need somethin’ to keep him warm ’til we get back.”
“Geez.” Odis chuckled. “Exaggerate much?” He sat on the couch between them and thumped at Tuck’s ear. “It’s not like ya guys are abandonin’ me in the desert or somethin’.”

“Quit complainin’,” Tuck said as he leaned in and touched his sparking lips to Odis’s. As Odis opened, Tuck stood and scooted around to Odis’s left side so he could rest his casted right hand on the back of the couch. Tuck leaned closer into the kiss while Bobby unsnapped Odis’s jeans.

Odis pulled back. “I wasn’t complainin’,” he said as he gazed at Tuck. While reaching out to stroke Tuck’s smartly trimmed graying eyebrows, he lifted his butt and Bobby slid the jeans from his hips.

“Henry, over at the Sharpened Shears,” Tuck replied in answer to

Odis’s unspoken question. “He’s been doin’ me fer over ten years now.” “Humph,” Odis replied with a smirk. “And what exactly has this guy
been doing?”
As Bobby knelt between Odis’s legs, Tuck swatted Odis on the arm
and said, “Nothin’ like that. Henry’s like, a hundred years old, and the
nelliest queen ya’ve ever met.”
“Nelly?” Odis asked.
Tuck shook his head with a smirk. “Clueless straight guy,” he said
while glancing down to Bobby squatted in front of Odis. He looked back
at Odis. “Over-the-top effeminate. Like the worst of the stereotype.” “Oh,” Odis said while nodding with understanding. “Haven’t met
him. I didn’t think we had any ‘nelliest queens’ around here.” “Not,” Tuck replied. “He’s in Jenkins. I’ve been goin’ there ever
since I met him. He was at his sister’s house when some shit went down
years ago.”
Bobby reached out and playfully slapped Tuck’s knee. “Are we just
gonna gossip over hairstylists? Or…?”
Tuck grinned down at Bobby. “Impatient, are we?”
Odis chuckled. “Who’s the horndog now?” he teased.
Tuck adjusted his hips, trying to take the pressure off the bruise near
his ankle. Moving didn’t help much. With a pat on Odis’s chest, he asked,
“Can we move this to the bed?”
“Sure,” Bobby agreed, standing. He reached out and took Odis’s
hand and pulled the little man to his feet as Tuck also rose.
Trailing behind Tuck, Bobby said, “I don’t have my duffel. You got
Tuck motioned to the nightstand. “Second drawer,” he told Bobby
with a grin as he and Odis sat on the edge of the bed.
Bobby opened the drawer and nearly laughed when he saw the array
of lubricants, dildos, and other products neatly arranged in intricate
columns inside. “Geez, Tuck, ya should go into retail. You’d have the
neatest store shelves.”
“Shut up,” Tuck muttered with a chuckle. “You’ve been snoopin’
my drawers?”
Odis laughed. “We had ta find ya some socks and undies the other
day. Bobby said it was like going shopping.”
Bobby looked over the items in the drawer. “What’s on the menu
tonight?” he asked as he retrieved a larger bottle of lube.
Tuck gazed at Odis. “What would ya like, midget?”
Odis scowled. “Don’t fuckin’ call me that.”
Tuck looked wounded. “I’m sorry, Odie, I didn’t mean—” “I know,” Odis cut him off. “Just don’t like that word. I hate it when
yer brother calls ya that too.”
“Well,” Tuck said with a sigh, “he means it affectionately, even
though it started as payback.”
“Payback?” Bobby asked.
“Growing up, bein’ older, I was bigger and used to tease him with it.
When Hawk hit puberty and outgrew me, he started teasing me back with
it. Now it’s just kinda a thing.”
Odis shook his head. “Still don’t like it.”
“Okay.” Tuck leaned down and kissed his forehead. “I won’t ever
use it again.”
With the drawer still open, Bobby glanced over at Odis and went
back to the question. “What do you want, Odie?”
“I still haven’t—ya know,” Odis said with a shrug.
Tuck looked over at Bobby, sharing a worried glance. He knew
neither he nor Bobby would be considered “starter” material. Bobby gave a weak smile, silently saying,
If it’s what the man wants
and turned back to the contents of the drawer.
Tuck looked back at Odis. “Ya sure?”
Odis gave a stiff nod in reply. “Yeah.” He sat up straighter. “Ya
wanna leave me with something to remember, right?”
Bobby reached into the drawer and got the blue silicone stick
arranged with smaller Ben Wa beads. The first bead was smaller than a
pea, but each of the ten beads graduated larger in size along the stick to a
final bead, about the diameter of a hefty English walnut. Bobby wrapped
his hand around the large end and used his arm to shield the rest of the
rubbery silicone stick before closing the drawer and going to the bed.
“Okay,” Bobby said with a warm smile. “Then get the rest of those clothes
Tuck reached out and lifted Odis’s T-shirt off.
While Odis’s head was covered, Bobby quickly removed his own Tshirt and hid the beads inside the wad of jersey cloth before dropping it on
the bed next to the bottle of lube. Bobby watched Tuck move Odis farther
up the bed as Bobby slipped off his shoes and socks. Bobby slithered out
of his jeans as Tuck pulled the boxers down Odis’s legs, revealing a halfmast erection that continued to grow.
After directing Odis to turn on his side facing away, Tuck tried to
quickly yank off his sweatshirt, but the material grabbed and caught on an
exposed part of the Velcro strip on the cast. Bobby leaned forward to help him untangle, then grasped Tuck by the shoulders and pulled him toward the edge of the bed. As Tuck dropped the sweatshirt on the floor, Bobby
leaned in next to his ear and whispered, “You ever been with a virgin?” Tuck shook his head. “At least not that they said,” he whispered
back. “You?” he asked as he slipped off his sweatpants.
Shaking his head, Bobby whispered, “Guess we’ll just hafta go real
slow and wing it.”
As Tuck nodded, Odis called out, “What’s all that whisperin’ for?” Tuck crawled back onto the bed. “Just comin’ up with a game plan,”
he said as he sat above Odis’s head.
“Now’s not the time for any fuckin’ surprises,” Odis scolded as he
propped himself up on his elbow.
Bobby scooted up behind Odis’s butt. “Just relax and trust us. You
do trust us, right?”
Odis smirked. “I’m beginnin’ to wonder, when ya ask questions like
Bobby picked up the T-shirt, adjusting it so that only the first two
small beads of the Ben Wa stick were visible. He held it over for Odis to
see. “We’re gonna start out real small.”
Odis eyed the iridescent robin’s-egg blue of the beaded stick. “And
it won’t hurt?” he asked. Now that he had time to think about it and
recalled the size of the men beside him, maybe this wasn’t such a good
Tuck leaned down but had to readjust when the pressure on his side
bruise complained. He kissed Odis with brief sparks. “It didn’t hurt when I
used the vibrator, did it?”
“No, that was just—weird.”
“I promise,” Bobby said, “as long as you relax and follow directions,
this won’t hurt. It might feel kind of awkward and strange sometimes, but
it’ll be pleasure too.”
“Okay,” Odis agreed with a nod and lay back down. “I trust you.” While Tuck positioned Odis’s knees up toward his stomach, Bobby
dropped the T-shirt and applied some lubricant to the end of the stick,
keeping it behind Odis’s back. He slowly teased Odis’s anus with the
small end. “Now just relax. Your first instinct will probably be to clamp
down and fight it, so just resist that urge. Try to open up to it.” “Okay,” Odis said. “Let’s do it, then.”
Tuck leaned closer and rubbed Odis’s neck. “Close your eyes. Just
feel it.”
Closing his eyes, Odis tried to concentrate on the rubbing sensations
near his opening. It did feel nice, much more pleasant than he had
expected. When he felt more pressure, Odis relaxed and allowed the bead
to penetrate. The tiny bit of sensation as the bead slipped in didn’t hurt at
all. He tried to appreciate the strangeness.
Tuck moved his hand up to Odis’s cheek. “Yer smiling.” “I am?” Odis asked as he looked up.
“Close your eyes,” Tuck urged as he rubbed at Odis’s forehead. He felt Bobby move the stick around a little. “Number two,” Bobby
said as he slid in the second bead. While Odis felt a tiny stretch, he
thought he must be more sensitive to the sensation now—he could actually
feel every bit of movement as the bead popped onto the other side of the
muscular ring. It felt nice.
Bobby moved the stick around inside him a little. “How is it so far?” “Nice. Weird. Feels like I hafta pass gas.”
Tuck chuckled.
Odis was slightly surprised when Bobby reversed direction and
slowly pulled the bead out. He felt the stretch of the firm bead. Now that
he knew what to expect, he relaxed further, and it seemed to heighten the
pleasure even more.
Bobby squirted more lube onto the second and third bead. “Okay,
going back in.”
Odis kept his eyes closed and concentrated on the feelings of stretch
and movement. “It’s good, by the way, since ya didn’t ask.”
Tuck chuckled again. “With that grin on yer face, didn’t think I had
to ask.”
“Oh. Oooh,” Odis replied, his tone changing as the third bead
entered. This one felt
much bigger as his sphincter stretched wider to
accommodate it. He opened his eyes in surprise.
“Eyes closed,” Tuck said as he rubbed Odis’s shoulders again. The muscle closed, trapping the bead in as Odis took a deep breath.
This definitely led to a strange, more “full” sensation. When Bobby
wriggled the stick inside, Odis thought he felt the tiniest something as the end of it brushed the interior wall of the colon. The awkwardness of the sensation must have shown on his face, because Bobby asked, “Keep
“Yes,” Odis said with a nod. “It’s just weird and different.” Reversing direction again, Bobby slowly pulled out the third bead.
Odis let out a tiny moan as it stretched his hole and slid out. Odis clamped
his jaw closed. He wasn’t gonna let himself get carried away like some
silly girl. No need to get all vocal over having a piece of rubber stuck up
his butt.
Bobby lubed the third and fourth beads, then inserted the stick again. Odis concentrated on relaxing as the third bead penetrated and
stretched again. Another moan slipped out. Bobby wriggled the stick a
little. “Four,” he announced as he advanced the stick farther in. This time, Odis felt the stretch again, and it kept stretching to the
point that he felt a little tingle in the muscle as the new larger bead moved
inside. He clamped his jaw and inhaled, forcing himself to be quiet. Bobby wriggled the stick a little. “You okay?”
Odis nodded, fighting another moan as the end of the stick brushed
the colon’s interior wall, and he felt a stronger sensation of something,
almost like he had to pee. “Enjoying,” he finally managed to say without
After slathering more lube onto the exposed stick, Bobby wiggled it
again and announced, “Five.”
Odis worked on relaxing as the bead pushed its way in. This one
much bigger, the widening leading to even more of that warm
tingle before the muscle closed around the other side of the globe shape.
He tried to fight the sound, but another moan escaped.
Tuck glanced over at Bobby. “Just rest a minute,” Tuck said as he
rubbed Odis’s forehead. “Breathe a little.”
“I’m okay,” Odis said.
Bobby wiggled the stick again. This time, when the tip brushed
against the colon wall, the sensation felt even stranger. Not in a bad way,
just very different from anything Odis had ever felt before. Bobby rotated
the stick more. The pressure of the foreign object on his interior wall was
kind of odd. Odis stayed silent. He couldn’t think of any words to describe
the sensation.
“Ready for another?” Bobby asked.
Odis nodded. “How big
this stick?” he asked.
Tuck rubbed his cheek. “A couple more beads, if ya want more.” “Yes. Want more.”
“Okay,” Bobby said as he slathered lube onto the next bead. “Six.” Odis felt the familiar stretch that continued. The warmth heightened
as the larger bead opened the muscle a little more, then the muscle slipped
over the end of the globe, and the bead nearly plunged inside. “Oh,” Odis
moaned unexpectedly at the feeling of having even more inside him. Bobby paused before wiggling the stick again, watching Odis’s face
as it squirreled up into a weird expression. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” Odis said with a nod. “This. It’s just—” Odis still couldn’t
think of any words to describe it. Bobby maneuvered the beads, and he felt
that intense pressure on the front side of his colon that made his dick jump
again. “It’s—” He felt Tuck lean down and kiss him, fireworks nearly
exploding in his gut as Bobby continued.
Odis opened his mouth to Tuck’s kiss and tasted the whiskey on his
gently probing tongue as he heard Bobby say, “Seven.”
As another moan escaped into Tuck’s mouth, Odis felt himself open
further, those sensations growing more enjoyable with the familiarity. This
bead felt even bigger, cranking up the signals from his nerve endings as
his hole spread wider to accommodate it. He reflectively pulled his knees
up, moving into more of a fetal position as he opened himself to accept it.
The bead seemed to slip inside with an audible sound as Odis moaned
again. Tuck’s kiss grew more fervent at the sounds of Odis’s pleasure. The stick wriggled again inside him, but the sensations inside
weren’t quite the same, not intense like before. Odis pulled away from
Tuck. “I think it’s too far in,” he said.
“Hurts?” Bobby asked.
“No, just not the same… oomph it had before,” Odis tried to explain. “Prob’ly past the G-spot.” Tuck replied. “Ya wanna stop?” Odis paused, not thinking of a reason to end this. “How many
more?” he asked as he turned and glanced over at Bobby.
“Three,” Bobby said. “But you’ve done great for your first time. We
can stop if you want.”
“No,” Odis said. “I wanna go for it all. It’s—almost addictive.” He
let out a strange chuckle.
Tuck grinned down and kissed Odis again as Bobby applied more
lube and announced, “Eight.”
Odis closed his eyes as the new bead pushed against his hole. This
one definitely felt larger, but he relaxed and accepted it, feeling those new
sensations as it slowly slid farther inside. With a moan, he pushed down,
enjoying the movement as he pulled the bead inside himself. “Fuck,” he
muttered with another moan. “That’s so—”
Bobby added more lube to the stick. “Nine,” he said with a grin as
pushed the Ben Wa stick forward. He watched Odis, seeing that same look
of lost bliss that had covered his face when Bobby gave him the blow job
days before.
Odis pushed down. Bobby was moving the stick so slowly, and he
wanted that sparkly feeling now. This wider bead brought out even more
intensity as it stretched open his hole. “Fuck,” he moaned again as the
bead, which felt like a golf ball, slipped inside. “Incredible,” he managed
to say as the residual warmth danced in his sphincter.
“Last one,” Bobby said as he started to push.
Odis couldn’t wait. He rose on his elbows and pushed down onto the
stick. “Fu—” he moaned as his opening stretched even wider, sparking
with wild intensity as what felt like a tennis ball opened him up and

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