Cleats in Clay (7 page)

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Authors: Jackson Cordd

Tags: #Fiction, #Gay, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Erotica

BOOK: Cleats in Clay
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“And you’re just gonna trust me? Not even ask?”
“I know you were committed.”
“How do you know I haven’t since then?”
“Aside from the fact you couldn’t even kiss me yesterday without looking guilty?” He pointed to the circumferential dimple around Bobby’s naked ring finger. The slight shrinkage revealed continuous years of wearing a ring. “That fades in just a few days. So when did you take the wedding ring off? Yesterday? Day before?”
“Yesterday, before leaving for the airport.” Bobby sighed. “I guess you artists notice things.”
“As bad as detectives. Also, when you were drinking your coffee, you kept reaching your thumb over to that finger, like you expected to find the ring there.” Odis looked Bobby in the eye. “I do have some condoms. If it will make you feel better.”
“This isn’t about me. I can agree, though, in this circumstance. But this is an exception. Please, if you ever get with another man in the future, you have a full FBI background check and five years’ worth of negative tests before you consider not using a condom.”
Odis looked hurt.
“We haven’t even screwed yet, and you’re already dumping me.” Odis suddenly seemed aware of his nakedness. He gathered the loose bedsheets around him and pulled a handful up over his lap.
“I’m not—” Bobby tensed up. “What exactly are you expecting here? I do have to get back on a plane and go home at some point.”
“I thought… never mind. You should just go get on that plane now, if that’s what you’re going to do.”
Bobby stiffened. “You’re kicking me out again?”
“At least you got off this time, first.”
“Not really. I was too worried about the situation to enjoy that. And that’s beside the point. You still haven’t answered my question.”
“What question?”
“What are you expecting? What do you want, Odis?”
“I don’t know. I hadn’t thought up any great plans for the future. But I hate how this is starting to feel like a one-night stand.” Odis scrutinized Bobby. “I… do you really just wanna get back on a plane and leave?”
Bobby shifted on the bed, turning slightly away from Odis. “That’s not—” He couldn’t look at Odis. “That’s what I have to do.”
“Is that just an excuse? ’Cause you don’t
do anything.”
Bobby shifted again.
“Seriously.” Odis turned and scooted over to get in front of Bobby. “When was the last time you did anything just for you? Something that wasn’t motivated by what others needed or what would look best for the team’s PR?”
Bobby turned his gaze to the bathroom door, unable to answer.
Odis got up from the bed. He went to his laundry basket and yanked out a pair of baggy blue boxers and slipped them on. Then he went into the kitchen.
Bobby turned around to watch him.
Odis returned a minute later with the corncob pipe and lighter.
“I don’t want that.”
“Didn’t ask you.” Odis sat on the edge of the bed. “But I think maybe you need some. You need something, anyway.” Odis took a big hit from the pipe.
Bobby shifted on the bed, turning around to watch Odis. He nonchalantly glanced around the floor for his gym shorts but didn’t see them.
Odis exhaled. “I’m sorry I said that, about kickin’ you out. I just get defensive sometimes.” He held the pipe and lighter tightly by his lap, as if he had no intention of sharing.
“All right.”
Staring down at his hands, Odis rubbed his fingers on the roughened corncob, making a faint scratching noise. “If I asked you something, could you truly think about it and answer honestly?”
Bobby started to say something flippant, but he glanced over at Odis and saw the serious look on his face. “Well, I guess it depends on the question.”
“Oh.” Odis sighed in disappointment.
“Not that I don’t want to be honest, but it may be something I don’t have an answer for.”
Odis looked up at Bobby.
Bobby glanced down to the pipe in Odis’s hands. Nathan had always accused him of being a control freak. Maybe Nate and Odis were right. Maybe he did need something. He reached out for Odis’s hands.
Odis relinquished the pipe and lighter.
Bobby put the stem in his mouth and took what he thought would be about a medium-sized hit. That warm, spicy flavor danced in his mouth and nose. He handed the pipe back to Odis.
Odis watched Bobby’s face. “You don’t do this very often,” he commented, holding up the pipe in gesture.
“No, don’t really do much of anything. Am I that obvious of a lightweight?”
“Damn. I thought I had that party-boy image nailed,” he teased.
Odis chuckled and waited. He wanted Bobby to hit that mellow glow.
Bobby looked at the pipe again. “John said something about you grow your own?”
“Yeah.” Bobby reached out for the pipe again, but Odis clutched it close. “No, I don’t want you getting silly on me again.”
“Silly?” Bobby sat back. “Not me.”
“Like a teenage girl, you were,” Odis said, sounding strangely like Yoda.
Bobby lay back on the bed. His mind… it was hard to define. It was like it was getting warmer somehow.
Odis smiled. “Now, back to that question.”
“There’s been lots of questions.” Bobby rubbed his face with his hand. “Which one?”
“What’s waiting for you back home?”
“Oh. There’s the house… then there’s lots of legal details, and….”
“That’s it? Just a house and a bunch of lawyers?”
“Oh! Sharon’s there too.”
“Who’s Sharon?”
“She’s a friend. Well, more Nate’s friend. She’s my friend too, though, I guess.”
Odis pulled his knee onto the bed and turned to face Bobby. “Anything else? Anyone else?”
Bobby shook his head in a vaguely negative way.
“What about your family?”
“Family sucks,” Bobby declared. “And they’re in Ohio anyway.”
Odis paused. He was definitely curious about those family details, but he’d save that for a later conversation. “Okay, let me lay this out and make sure I got it all.”
Bobby nodded as he stroked his hand across his face. “Okay.”
“So what you have waitin’ for you is a friend of Nathan’s that’s your friend by proxy, a big and empty house full of Nathan’s memories, and legal proceedings having to do with Nathan’s illness and death.”
Bobby scowled under his hand. “Bastard.”
“Did I leave anything out?”
“No, that’s just a nasty way to put it.”
“Is it not the truth?” Odis studied Bobby, waiting for an argument. “That’s the bottom line, though, right? There’s nothin’ there that isn’t tied to Nathan somehow.”
Bobby sighed.
“Then why are you in such an all-fired hurry to get back there?” Odis asked bluntly.
“Because….” Bobby shook his head. “I don’t know. ’Cause it’s home?”
“Maybe it
to be home.”
Bobby sat up and looked at Odis. “It
still home.”
Odis just met his glance without saying anything.
,” Bobby defended. “What’s your point in bringin’ all this up, anyway?”
“No point, exactly. I just wanted ya to think it through instead of falling back on instinct.”
Bobby could feel his buzz fading. He looked over at the pipe in Odis’s hands. “Okay, I thought about it.”
Odis offered the pipe again. “Just don’t get carried away.”
Bobby took another medium-sized hit. As he held the breath, he noticed a familiar lime zest flavor among the spiciness. It was a faint taste he remembered from Odis’s precome. He handed the pipe back to Odis and lay back on the bed again.
Odis took another hit, then put the pipe on the nightstand.
Bobby felt that warmth in his mind again, encouraging him to relax.
Odis stretched out on the bed beside him.
They looked up at the ceiling in blissed-out silence.

Chapter 6


closed his eyes as he lay next to Odis on the bed. Like he had some new superpower, he could sense the warmth of Odis’s body lying so close.

Strange echoes from their conversation kept popping into Bobby’s head. Odis was right. Nothing but Nathan’s memories waited for him back there. Bobby had no pressing reason to hop back on a plane, if any reason at all, really. Well, except the legal shit. But probably most of that stuff could be done with fax and computer video and e-mail. Unless he had some kind of court date.

Bobby reached up his left hand and absently scratched on one of his right ribs. He felt the jersey material of the shirt under his fingers. Keeping his eyes closed, he turned his head toward that warm spot of Odis. “Why did you make me leave the T-shirt on? You have an athletic fetish or something?”

“Not really, although you do look pretty fuckin’ hot in those tight jogging shorts.”
“They were out of large and extra large. Had to get a medium size.”
“Maybe you should always get mediums. They make your ass look so—”

Bobby resisted the topic change again. “You didn’t answer my question, though.”
“Do you want me to?”
“Of course. You sure get evasive sometimes.”

“I wanted you to keep the shirt on so I wouldn’t have to look at the tattoo.”
“I thought you liked my tattoo?” Bobby asked.
“I do, but I didn’t want the reminder of why it’s there.” “Oh?” Bobby asked.

“I can’t help thinking, sometimes, it’s really Nathan’s tattoo.” “Oh.” Bobby sighed. “I know what you mean. Sometimes when I see it in the mirror, I wish it could be like the wedding ring, and I could just take it off.” Bobby felt the warm patch next to him moving.
Odis kissed his forehead. “It’s too much a part of you, though. You’d hate yourself later if you had it removed.”
Bobby sighed in agreement.
“I met him,” Odis confessed suddenly. “Nathan, I mean. I remember from his picture.”
Bobby sat up. “When?”
“About ten years ago, I think. At my art show in Key West.”
Bobby reclined again. “Oh yeah, that must have been the year he and Sharon came down to Florida with me when I started spring training. They had kinda a mini-vacay before they went back.” Bobby rubbed his hand along his chest, unconsciously massaging the hummingbird tattoo. “And you remember him?”
“Yeah. Like you said, too hunkalicious not to notice him. And he spent almost an hour chatting me up about the different works. He seemed honestly interested too, not like one of the snobby farts just tryin’ to score art points.”
Bobby made a strange sigh, trying not to remember Nathan.
Odis leaned over and kissed his forehead again.
Bobby scratched absently at his nose. “Why do you want to keep me here?”

? It’s not like you’re a prisoner or anything.”
“You got awfully upset about me leaving earlier.”
“I suppose I did. I don’t know.”
“Being evasive again,” Bobby warned.
Odis took a deep breath. “I’m—” He took another breath. “Well, I don’t know how to articulate it, and even if I did….” Odis hesitated. “I’d just sound like a silly old fool.”
“Articulate what?”
“Don’t you
Bobby opened his eyes. “You mean besides horny?”
“So this is just you being horny?”
“Honestly, I don’t know.” Bobby rolled on his side to face Odis. “With Mitch, it was the newness of it all. Nate and I had basically dated over a month before anything… and I already had some serious feelings by then.”
“You were already in love with him?”
“Yeah, I guess I was.”
“And now?”
Bobby looked into Odis’s face. “Dammit, I—” Bobby sighed. “I wish I had more experience. Some kind of comparison, you know. Maybe if I’d played around a little, I’d know.”
Odis just nodded.
“And you?”
“Well, I’m kinda struggling for a frame of reference myself. I
tell you I haven’t felt anything quite like…. But is it just the novelty of being with a man? I can’t say,” Odis admitted.
“So, we both need to go out and find some other guy to fuck, just to see?”
“Is that what you want?” Bobby asked.
“Is it what
Bobby brought his hands up and rubbed on his face. “Dammit… not really.”
“Then let’s not do that.”
“All right.” Bobby noticed his butt was starting to feel cold. “Do you know where my shorts went?”
Odis sat up and rooted around in the sheets at the foot of the bed until he found them. “I’m kinda glad you don’t want to find another guy. I don’t know if I could.” He handed the gym shorts to Bobby.
Bobby pulled them on. “Why not?” He lay back on the bed, closer to Odis.
“In my whole life, you’re only the fourth guy I’ve even had any kind of attraction for. I don’t think I could just find some random guy in a bar or anything.”
“I prob’ly could. I went to bars when the team was on the road. Definitely saw a few hotties along the way.”
“If you were faithful, why go?”
Bobby laughed. “Believe me, after about a week of nonstop macho bullshit, I needed the gayest place I could find for some cultural detox.”
“I never thought about that. I didn’t realize you’d be on the road that much.”
“Kinda made me wish I was better at football. Those guys only have one game a week, usually. Depending on the schedule, we’d have at least five games in a week, plus travel time. In the old days, we could be on the road three weeks at a stretch. But with more plane usage and computer scheduling, it’s been a lot better the last few years.” Bobby frowned. “It
. I keep forgetting it’s over.”
Odis reached out and rubbed his finger along the furrows in Bobby’s forehead. “I’m sorry.”
“What are you apologizing for?”
“I keep bringing up all these bad topics.”
“It’s not your fault they’re… I don’t know.” He looked into Odis’s face. “I don’t really mind talking about it.” He reached out and took hold of Odis’s other hand. “I don’t mind at all.”
“I just feel like I’m pouring salt in the wounds, sometimes.”
“You’re not.” Bobby gently squeezed Odis’s hand.
Odis noticed Bobby’s face still looked tense and decided to try distracting him. “I just don’t know what you’re doing to me. You’re kind of a problem.” He pulled Bobby’s hand down to his boxers.
Bobby looked down and saw the tenting of the fabric. “So this is just a lust thing,” he teased. “I guess one of us will have to go find that Walmart.”
Odis gazed into Bobby’s eyes. “Guess so.”
Bobby grinned devilishly. “Of course, there are other ways to deal with these kinds of problems.”
“Oh?” Odis tried to look innocent. “What are these other ways?”
“I can do what I wanted to do a while ago….”
“Well, then, you can just talk me through, whatever.”
Bobby scooted down and freed Odis’s cock through the large fly of his boxers. “Who says I’ll be able to talk?” he asked before licking along the foreskin fold.
“Oh,” Odis moaned. “In that case—oh… I’ll just shut up—oh damn.”
Bobby reached his hand into the fly opening and massaged Odis’s slightly fuzzy balls as he continued to work on Odis’s swelling cockhead with his tongue.
“Oh shit,” Odis moaned louder.
Bobby chuckled and pulled back. “I thought you said you were going to shut up?” he teased as he gently rubbed Odis’s balls.
“I meant I would stop trying for coherent conversation.”
Bobby put his other hand around Odis’s cock and pulled back a little, sliding the skin and exposing more of Odis’s cockhead before placing it in his mouth.
“Oh holy shit,” Odis moaned as his eyes rolled back into his head. He panted heavier as Bobby worked with his tongue and sucked Odis’s cock deeper into his mouth. “Oh holy. What the fuck are you….” Odis had trouble calming his breathing as he looked down and saw Bobby’s grin. “…doin’ down there?”
Bobby pulled back, showing that playful grin as Odis breathed heavily. “I guess I’m doing it right? I never played with an uncut cock before.”
“You’re definitely on the fast train to a protein snack.”
Bobby lightly squeezed his cock.
“About a three-minute arrival time, if you keep that up.”
“Huh, and I thought old men were supposed to take a long time.” Bobby slid back more of Odis’s foreskin and inhaled his cock into his mouth again.
“Who you callin’—oh holy fuckin’ shit….”
Bobby had planned to stretch out the oral play a bit more but got carried away by the wonderful taste and feel of Odis in his mouth. He pulled back the rest of the foreskin and worked his tongue at the base of Odis’s cockhead.
“Oh, fuckin’ fuck, fuck,” Odis yelled as he went into orgasm.
Bobby pulled his mouth back a little as Odis gushered semen onto his tongue. He applied more suction and swallowed, loving that unique flavor of Odis.
“Oh fu—stop, stop, stop,” Odis hissed.
Bobby removed his mouth and scooted up to kiss Odis. He had to back off, though—Odis was panting hard and couldn’t seem to catch his breath. Bobby chuckled. “I thought you said it would take three minutes.”
“Shut up” was all Odis could seem to mutter.
Bobby hugged him and stroked his hair as Odis recovered.
“That….” Odis looked into Bobby’s eyes.
“That was good?”
Odis smirked. “More like, over the moon.”
“You never had a girl give you head?”
“Not like that.” Odis smiled. “They always went about it like they were doing the laundry or something. I guess that was part of what made it so hot, seeing how much you enjoyed doing it.”
“I guess I like making you squirm and get all incoherent.”
Odis kissed him deeply, rubbing his fingernails up Bobby’s sides and feeling him shiver. The passion of the kiss was like a warm, fuzzy blanket that surrounded them with comforting bliss.
Odis pulled back. “So I’m your first with a foreskin?”
“Well, it’s not like I’ve never seen one, and I’ve seen some in porn.”
“You watch porn?” Odis smacked himself in the head. “Oh duh, on the road….”
“Yeah, spent a lot of nights in hotel rooms with porn for company.”
“That…,” Odis said as he shook his head. “It must have been lonely.”
“Part of the job, I guess.”
Odis nestled in against Bobby’s chest. “So what kind of work are you going to do now?”
“I don’t know. I could take over the landscaping business, but that was always more Nate’s shtick. He left it to me, but….” Bobby shrugged. “I’m not sure how his mom would feel about me taking over.”
“His mom? Why would she care if it was Nate’s business?”
“Well, it was the family business. Nate took it over after his dad died.”
Odis looked confused.
“Oh, I didn’t mention? I found out when I went to Nate’s for the family Labor Day barbecue that his dad was my boss.”
“You were with Nate all summer and he didn’t bother to tell you it was his dad’s landscaping company?”
“Well, I’m sure at first, he was worried about me taking advantage. Then we got… distracted and just never got around to talking about it.”
“Humph. And you want to give it back to his mom?”
“I don’t know, maybe? I’ll have to figure something out this month, though. It’s about time to start gearing up since winter’s over.”
“That’s part of the legal stuff you were talking about?”
“Yeah, and some lawyers are pressuring me to file suit.”
“You don’t want to?”
“It’ll just start up the circus again.”
“I’m sure it will.” Odis kissed his forehead. “But won’t it help set a precedent for other gay players? And not just baseball….”
“I know.”
They cuddled on the bed together, enjoying the feel of each other.
Odis broke the silence after a few minutes. “Guess it’s time for that shower now.”
“All right,” Bobby agreed.
Odis stood up and stripped off his boxers and dropped them on the bed, then pulled Bobby to his feet. He slipped the gym shorts off Bobby before trying to lift off Bobby’s shirt. He wasn’t tall enough and had to step onto the bed to pull the shirt over Bobby’s head.
Bobby smirked. “This is kinda weird.”
Odis took his hand and led him to the bathroom. “How so?”
Bobby glanced down at his hand in Odis’s, remembering what John had said about Odis’s ex-wife. Odis certainly didn’t seem to have a problem holding
hand. “I’m usually the shortest guy in the room, seems like. You make me feel tall, though.”
“Shut up right there. Don’t even use the
-word or I’ll smack you.” Odis noticed Bobby still had his socks on. He guided Bobby to sit on the toilet and slid the tube socks from his feet.
“All right, but what’s the
word? Just so I won’t use it accidentally.”
Odis rolled his eyes as he pulled Bobby into the shower. “I’m talking about the ‘cute’ word.”
“Oh?” He watched Odis punch a few buttons on the space-stationlooking panel. Eight jets of water streamed out around them.
“I’m not a kitten or a puppy or a Valentine’s card. It’s kind of insulting to call a grown man ‘cute’.”
“Oh.” Bobby watched Odis push in on a rounded rock by the middle jet, and a thick stream of gooey soap squirted from the wall. “This has got to be the fanciest shower I have ever seen.”
Odis lathered up the soap in his hands and then started rubbing it all over Bobby’s back. “Thanks. Designed it myself. Had to fire three plumbers before I found one that could see my vision.”
Bobby couldn’t stifle himself, and a pleasured moan escaped as Odis worked his hands firmly along his back. He was already sprouting wood when Odis moved his hands to his ribs and chest.
Odis tried to ignore Bobby’s growing dick, without success. His own began growing in response. Or maybe it was the feel of Bobby’s chest muscles under his hands that got him excited again. He rubbed his soaped hand on top of the hummingbird tattoo and tried not to think about the ink too much.
After feeling along the wall, Bobby found the soap dispenser spot and lathered up his own hands. He started rubbing the soap onto Odis’s shoulders. He dug his fingers a little deeper to work the tight muscles along Odis’s neck and upper spine.
“Yeah.” Odis sighed. “That’s the spot. Always get kinked up there.”
Using a tight grasp, Bobby massaged up the base of Odis’s neck. “The word I thought of a while ago wasn’t the
word, but it might be just as insulting.”
“What word?” Odis asked with open curiosity.
Bobby leaned down to Odis’s ear. “You’re like a leprechaun,” Bobby whispered.
Odis laughed warmly as he got more soap. “Well, wrong culture, but hafta admit it is a bit original.”
“Wrong culture?”
“I’m not Irish, boy. But don’t really have anything similar in Nordic mythos, though.” Odis lifted his hands to Bobby’s neck and ran his thumbs along Bobby’s lower jaw. “Attitude-wise, Loki would kinda fit, but he wasn’t short.”
“Well.” Bobby grinned. “I’m half-Irish, so does that count?”
“In that case—” Odis pulled Bobby’s head down for a quick kiss. “—I could get used to it.”
Bobby wrapped his arms around Odis’s shoulders and raised him up for another kiss. “How about if you’re just
“I could definitely get used to that,” Odis said with a huge grin. He draped around Bobby, letting one hand drift down to Bobby’s ass. He grabbed at it with his slippery hand. Odis enjoyed the solid feel of the manly flesh in his grasp.
“You trying to get me all cranked up again?” Bobby asked, pulling Odis up against his hard cock.
“I just love your butt. I never thought a
butt could be so interesting.”
Bobby lowered his hands down Odis’s back. “I like yours too,” he admitted with a grin as he rubbed his wet hands over Odis’s tight little rear end.
Odis slid his hands up to Bobby’s back and yanked him into a tight hug, burying his face against Bobby’s chest.
Sensing a shift in mood, Bobby looked down at him. “What?”
“I know you hafta, but I don’t want ya to leave.” Odis felt the water getting colder but didn’t want to move to turn it off. “I want you to stay in my island.”
After rinsing off his hands, Bobby maneuvered them away from the cold jets. “I’m not leaving, not right away. Just don’t think about that ’til we have to.” Bobby looked over the control panel, failing to see how to turn off the chilling water. “Is there a manual for these shower controls?” he teased.

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