Coerced (Billionaire romance): Blackmailed by the Billionaire (Buchanan Romance Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Coerced (Billionaire romance): Blackmailed by the Billionaire (Buchanan Romance Book 1)
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Sutton entered the apartment around six that evening. He found Elizabeth in the living room, reading a book she must’ve found in one of the bookshelves.

He’d rented the apartment fully furnished, so he had no idea what kind of books were available but he found the sight of Elizabeth engrossed, particularly alluring.

Her feet, tucked up beneath her, finger idly playing with bottom lip as she turned the page with the other hand.

The white, cotton slip of a dress that was a tad small for her ample chest, was enough to send his engine roaring into overdrive.

Everything about her was soft and lush, even her mouth — those pouty lips had felt like heaven wrapped around his cock — and he couldn’t wait to know her fully. 

Calm down, be in control

He took a heartbeat to cool his jets, then strode into the room with a pleased expression.

“Don’t you look the picture of purity,” he said, surprising her.

Elizabeth jumped with a tiny gasp and closed the book.

Her nervousness obvious in the way her gaze darted and her hands remained clenched at her side, as if she were unsure of the right move.


“How does this work?” she asked, swallowing as she met his gaze. “I mean, what happens now?”

He chuckled as he began to unbutton his suit jacket. “So eager. But don’t worry, there’s plenty of time for the main event. Would you like a glass of wine?”

She hesitated but agreed, perhaps realizing the wine would soothe her nerves. “One glass won’t hurt, I suppose.”

“That’s the spirit,” he said, approving.

He procured wine glasses and a chilled bottle of white from the wine cooler and poured two glasses.

She accepted the glass and raised her gaze to his. He lifted his glass.

“I propose a’s to an equitable business relationship with deliciously decadent strings attached.”

“That’s an odd toast but I guess it’s appropriate given the circumstances,” she commented but nevertheless drank and then offered up a compliment. “You have excellent taste in art. I like the Monet.”

He shrugged. “I can’t take the credit. The apartment came fully furnished. My one concern was the bedroom. I particularly enjoy a four-poster bed — makes for excellent posts from which to secure your lover.”

She paled and gulped. “What do you mean?”

Sutton enjoyed the way her gaze widened with fear at the unknown but he had no wish to frighten the girl silly.

He wasn’t that much of a monster.

“Fear not, Elizabeth. I don’t plan to maim you or anything so barbaric. But restraining a lover...adds to the experience for both involved.”

“I can’t imagine how,” she disagreed with obvious distaste. “I don’t wish to be tied up.”

“Too bad.”

The quick snap of her gaze to his told a story she didn’t even realize she was authoring.

The buxom beauty had deeply hidden desires and he couldn’t wait to pluck them from her subconscious.

Sutton leaned in, invading her personal space. “Tell me, sweetness...did you enjoy sucking my cock? The taste of me as I filled your mouth?”

A blush stained her cheeks and her breath caught. “I...”

“Don’t lie.”

She bit her lip as if, indeed, a lie had been prepared to fly from her sweet mouth.

Finally, she jerked an ashamed nod.

Inordinately pleased, Sutton rewarded her with a warm smile and stepped away, finishing his wine with an order.

“Come Elizabeth. Time to discover what secrets you have between your thighs and more importantly...between your ears.”


wanted to drag her feet, feign sickness, outright refuse — anything to keep from following him into the bedroom.

“I’m afraid,” she blurted out, stopping him as he crossed the threshold. He turned. “I’m afraid it’s going to hurt.”

“Which part?” he asked, nonplussed, as if she needed to be more specific.

Elizabeth frowned. “Don’t play dumb. I’ve never had sex before and you’re...well, as they say, well-endowed so that, logically, leads me to believe that when you try to do your’s going to hurt. And I’m not a big fan of pain so...I’m afraid.”

She glared at him for making her spell it out when he knew full well what she’d been talking about. 

Sutton Buchanan was such a prick and worse, he didn’t seem to care.

“Do you mean to flatter me into being a gentle lover for your first time?”

“Flatter you? How did I flatter you?” Elizabeth stared, trying not to notice the peek of smooth, muscular chest beneath the crisp white of his open dress shirt. He was a prick and a handsome devil, too.

Wasn’t the devil the prettiest of God’s angels? Not that she was particularly religious or anything.

She refocused on Sutton with a firm press of her lips. “You don’t make a bunch of sense when you talk.”

“When a woman tells a man he’s well-endowed...that’s a pretty nice compliment.” He grinned with pride. “Not that I haven’t heard it before but I like hearing it from you.”

“Well, to be fair, I’ve only
yours but it seemed pretty big,” she said with a sniff, disliking the idea of complimenting him on anything much less something that filled him with such manly pride. “For all I know, you could be hung like a...spider monkey. I have no real point of reference.”

“Spider monkey? I wouldn’t even know what that looks like.”

Unfortunately, Elizabeth did. “I watch a lot of the nature channel,” she said in her own defense, lest she come off as a weirdo with a thing for monkey penises.

Good going, let’s try to steer the conversation from less obviously strange territory.

“Fascinating.” Sutton removed his shirt and kicked off his shoes.

She made a small, involuntary gasp when he went for his belt buckle.

He stopped. “The pants have to come off eventually.”

“I know that.”

“Good.” He unbuckled his belt and stripped his pants, tossing them to the fancy ottoman at the foot of the bed.

She’d almost sighed with relief when it seemed he was content to leave his underwear in place but her hope was misplaced as he shucked those, too.

His cock sprang free, jutting out, pointing, stabbing and she wanted to run.

“Does memory serve?” he asked, a slight grin curving his lips.

Yes. It was as big as she remembered. And her mouth watered as inexplicably as her downstairs warmed at the sight.


How was she possibly aroused by him? Was she a deviant?

Did she crave this degradation?

This need to be dominated by a demon of a man who’d in one fell swoop answered her prayers and secured her ruination?

“Elizabeth.” His voice, stern...commanding. “Come. I want you at my feet. Kneeling before me.”

There was no sense in refusing. He had her by the short hairs and he knew it.

And there was something oddly arresting about kneeling at this powerful man’s feet, staring up at him, knowing that she was in his complete control.

In order to win the prize, she had to play the game, right?

Elizabeth walked soundlessly across the plush carpet, kneeling as instructed.

“Did you wax?”



She burned with mortification. She’d never been bikini waxed, much less waxed in her nether regions, front and back.

Her vocal chords were pulled tight, making words impossible. Instead, she jerked a short nod.

“Good girl,” he praised, running his fingers lightly through her hair, soothing and petting with a gentle touch. “Take my cock in your mouth. I wish to see my beautiful pet with my cock in her throat.”


The word scratched against raw nerves. Beautiful had never been a word used to describe her.

Sometimes, on her best days, cute was applied but always with a modifier of ‘for a chubby girl,’ which as any plus-sized girl knew, completely destroyed the intent behind the supposed compliment.

But somehow, she sensed that Sutton meant it.

He was a cruel bastard but thus far, he’d only ever been honest with her.

He gave no false promises and neither offered pretty platitudes.

Sutton was blunt but seemed to have no need for lies.

She closed her eyes and allowed the fleshy head to pass past her lips, beyond her teeth. Her tongue danced along the shaft, tasting and exploring.

There was something so powerful about giving pleasure in this way. She wished she’d discovered this passionate act way before Sutton.

She hated that he’d been the one to introduce her to it but she supposed the reality was Sutton would be the one to introduce her to everything carnal.

Sutton grunted her name, the sound sending shockwaves of pleasure skittering down her spine and seconds later, hot cream filled her mouth and after a split second of hesitation, sucked it down.

A sigh rattled out of Sutton as he sat heavily on the bed, breathing hard, high points of color dotting his chiseled cheeks. “That mouth...fuck. Talent, Elizabeth...fuck, yes.”

Elizabeth warmed under his praise and started to rise until she remembered his stern edict and remained on her knees.

She didn’t want to be punished — though she could only imagine what that might entail. Wetness slicked her insides and she squirmed a little, discomfited by the realization that she liked sucking Sutton off.

The power gave her a thrill that seemed out of character but she liked it.

Liked it a lot.

Made her wonder what else she might like.

Bookmark: 6



What the fuck was wrong with him? Sutton felt ready to pass out.

His heart was banging like a frantic drummer pounding the kicker pedals on a meth-fueled set.

He could barely catch his breath. 

God, she was hot.

Elizabeth remained on her knees, like a good girl, just as he’d instructed her earlier.

“You may stand,” he allowed, feeling generous. When she rose, her knees reddened from the pressure, he said with barely concealed desire, “Take off your dress.”

Her eyes widened with distress, darting to the light. “Can we—“


He rose to stand beside her, pulling her close. Her soft body felt maddeningly luscious against his and he fought to keep his voice from betraying his need.

“I like your curves,” he said, going straight to the point. “Everything about you is soft and lush, womanly in every way.” To illustrate, he reached up to fill his hand with her tit, squeezing gently, rubbing his thumb over the suddenly tightened nipple. “I want to see all of that beautiful body, do you understand? You will never hide in the dark with me. So, when I tell you to get naked for me, you’ll do so without hesitation. Do you understand, Elizabeth?”

Tears sparkled in her eyes but she nodded. He slowly brushed his lips across her mouth. “You taste like honey.”

“You don’t have to say things like that.”

“I know.” He released her and nodded. “Take off your dress.”

This time she didn’t hesitate, though her hands were trembling.

She inched the dress up over her head and he could’ve sworn he’d caught the tiniest catch in her breath as she tossed the dress to the floor.

She was a goddess, a vision that sparked a hunger so deep, so visceral, that he could only stare as if he’d been struck by lightening and he were quickly burning to a crisp.

Her tits, so round and tasty with tightly budded pink nipples begged — no, demanded, his kiss — and her hips, rounded and flared like that of Alexandre Cabanel’s Aphrodite, made his hands twitch with the desire to touch but he held himself back, needing to be in control.

How was it possible that no one had plucked this tasty cherry? What was it about her that made him crazy with lust like no other?

His reaction both unsettled and invigorated.

He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been shaking with need for one particular woman.

He walked a slow circle around his prize.

Shoulders squared, chin lifted, Elizabeth stared straight ahead as if she were determined to cling to her dignity no matter what he had in store.

Sutton chuckled, the sound tight and forced even to his own ears.

“You have a fine ass,” he observed. Rubbing her ass cheek briefly, he shocked her with a light slap across the soft flesh.

“Why did you do that?” she asked, meeting his amused stare with reproach.

“Because it pleased me to do so.”

“Are you always going to do that? Slap me out of the blue?”


“I don’t like it.”

He narrowed his gaze. “What you like is immaterial to me.”

But even as he said it, the words rang false. For some reason he did care. And that wouldn’t do.

If she were his plaything — bought and paid for — what did he care for her likes and dislikes?

“Go to the bed, lie down on your belly. Put your arms above your head and clasp your hands together. Do not move.”

Elizabeth sent him a dark look but did as she was told.
Smart girl

He had planned to wait to break in that pristine flesh until after he’d broken in her pussy but she needed discipline.

She was willful and prone to questioning his every action and she had to learn that her master was not to be disobeyed.

Sutton went to the closet and found his treasure trove.

He’d had it delivered, along with his personal effects before Elizabeth arrived.

Opening the trunk, he withdrew his favorite paddle, a hand-crafted wicked beast with a wide end and a comfortable grip for a respectable swing.

He approached the bed, his cock hard as granite at the sight of her beautiful, fat ass awaiting the kiss of his paddle.

He almost preferred to use his hand against her virgin flesh but he needed to make a point.

Maybe to himself as well as to Elizabeth.

“From this moment forward, you exist to please me. And when you question your master, it displeases me. For that, I will punish you.”

Without hesitation, he brought the paddle down on her behind, the impact sending a shockwave through her skin, causing instant redness as she shrieked in pain.

She started to cover her behind with her hands until he growled a warning and she clasped her hands together with a sob.

He punished the other buttock with equal force and she yelped again, her thighs shaking as she tried to hold back her tears.

“Will you question me again?”

Her silence was answer enough. He brought the paddle down again and she jerked, crying out loud.

“I hate you,” she said, her voice slightly muffled by the blanket but he heard it clear as day. “You’re an evil bastard, deviant son-of-a-bitch!”


“Please stop!”

He smiled. “Please what?”


“Very good, Elizabeth.” She learned fast. That quality would serve her well.

He tossed the paddle to the chair and went to her prone, shaking body.

Tears wet her cheeks and her eyes were squeezed shut.

He dragged a fingernail lightly across her reddened and angry flesh, bright red, tiny pinprick-sized blood spots emerged in certain spots.

Perhaps he’d been a little too exuberant for her first punishment.

He never lost himself during a session.

Hell, he hadn’t even planned to play this night. She pushed him like no one else had.

Years of practiced experience went down the drain. He was like a fucking kid, anxious to play with his new toy.

Get it together, Sutton.

But she was so achingly beautiful, so vulnerable to his every touch and desire.

He shocked her by kissing her tenderly on the abused skin of her ass.

Running his tongue over the angry redness while he ran his finger down the cleft of her behind.

“Your made for this. Your a man’s wet dream.”

“Do you have to beat me to get off?” she asked, her voice watery, scared.

“I’m not a sadist if that’s what you’re asking,” he answered. “But the giving and receiving of pain can heighten one’s pleasure exponentially.”


He smiled indulgently as he ran his palm over her ass cheek. “Do you feel the heat in your skin? Do you feel how sensitive it is?” At her shy nod, he said, “You’re never more alive than when you’re in the throes of pleasure or pain. To marry the two is sublime.”

“I think it’s messed up. Maybe I should be the one with the paddle and we’ll see how well you like being spanked.”

Sutton laughed, enjoying her spirit. “I’m not the submissive sort.”

Not that he hadn’t tried it out. God, that experience was burned into his brain like a hot coal.

Sutton was never one to shun a new sexual experience, no matter how outside his usual comfort zone.

But he quickly found that being dominated wasn’t his cup of tea.

Unfortunately, the dominatrix had been looking forward to taking things to the next level by strapping on and shoving a dildo up his ass.

Yeah, not his thing. But speaking of sticking things…

“Roll over and spread your legs.”

Elizabeth slowly complied, wincing as the bedding scraped her tender skin.

Her pussy was the sweetest he’d ever seen.

The pink, plump lips were dewed with her feminine juice and he could nearly taste her unique flavor already.

“Tell me of your deepest, darkest desires,” he instructed her as he sank to his knees, pulling her to him so that her pussy was right at his face.

“I don’t have any,” she protested, squirming a little when he dipped his finger between her seam, testing her wetness.

“Don’t lie. Everyone has desires. Secret lusts. Share yours with me.”

“I really don’t have any,” she said with a hint of desperation as if she were afraid of what might spill from her lips.

Sutton spread her lips to find the tiny, swollen nub at the core of her and applied a little pressure with his fingers. Her wild breath charged his blood.

“Do you fantasize about being fucked by two men? Two cocks at once? One in your mouth, one in your pussy? Or perhaps, one in your pussy and one in your ass? I could make that happen.”

She shook her head wildly, genuine distaste in her expression and he felt oddly relieved.

He’d never been one to be possessive about his playthings — the more the merrier was a good policy — but he did not want to share Elizabeth with anyone.

At least not yet. Perhaps after he’d had his fill…but not before.

He flicked her clitoris, eliciting a gasp from her parted lips. “Do you fantasize about dressing up in a maid’s costume, pleasuring your man on your knees?”

“No,” she said, her breath coming more quickly.

Sutton slipped his tongue between her cleft, seeking out that sweet button, teasing it until Elizabeth couldn’t keep her moans behind her teeth.

He wanted to know what spun her wheel but he also knew Elizabeth wasn’t going to share so easily.

She closely guarded her private self that much he could discern from the short time they’d known each other but he hungered for more.

He wanted to know her deepest, most shameful secrets, ardent desires.

Patience, Sutton.

Yeah, except he wasn’t a patient man by nature.

But for now, he was a
man and that would have to do.

And for now…all he wanted was Elizabeth.


was spiraling out of herself and into a place she’d never been.

Pleasure unlike anything she’d known, yet instantly craved like her body needed air, superseded her shame and horror at what was being done to her and by whom.

Oh, holy Jesus...that wicked!

His name bubbled on her lips. Through sheer force of will, Elizabeth refused to call out his name like a cheap slut getting banged in the storeroom after-hours.

But she wanted to die from the sweetness cascading down her limbs, ricocheting through her body, the epicenter of her bliss radiating from her core and sending shockwaves pulsing like an epic explosion of happiness.

Don’t give in! Don’t...ahhhh, too late...

She came hard.

There was no help for it.

Sutton, as in all things, was merciless.

Driving her endlessly toward that final moment, knowing that she was helpless to stop him.

Her thighs quivered and her belly trembled in the wake of her orgasm and for a long moment, she couldn’t do much more than gasp like a fish tossed out of the pond to land on the sand.

But soon enough Sutton was climbing her body, his cock bobbing as he reached her face, a satisfied grin on his handsome mug.

Don’t look in his eyes. Don’t give him the satisfaction of knowing that you were lost to his touch that you would sink to your knees and do whatever he asked, if only he would do it again and again.

But she was a novice at this game and Sutton, a master.

He didn’t wait for her approval or invitation and sealed his mouth to hers.

She tasted herself on his tongue and it thrilled her beyond anything she could imagine.

Was she secretly as deviant as Sutton?

The thought scared her but she didn’t have time to dwell. Sutton demanded her full attention.

His tongue danced with hers as he pulled her arms up over her head, capturing them firmly.

Her breasts were upturned, begging for attention, which he quickly obliged.

Sutton sucked the pink nipples in turn, making her feel as deliciously wanton as a Hollywood starlet with a reputation for getting around.

In that tiny moment, she was just a woman being consumed by a hot, virile man — she was no longer, the shy, fat, artist who hid behind her art and kept to herself for fear of rejection — and it was liberating.

“You’re unlike any woman I’ve ever known,” he said silkily against her lips, nibbling down her neck, nipping and sucking as he went. “You intrigue me.”

But the hungry jab of his cock against her belly told a different story. Perhaps one Sutton wasn’t eager to share.

Was it possible that Sutton Buchanan, a notorious bad boy and ruthless businessman, felt something for her, something more than simple lust?

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