Coerced (Billionaire romance): Blackmailed by the Billionaire (Buchanan Romance Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Coerced (Billionaire romance): Blackmailed by the Billionaire (Buchanan Romance Book 1)
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Not possible. Don’t dabble in fairytales. You’ll only get hurt.

She squeezed her eyes shut and lost herself to the pleasure because that was better than allowing the doubt and insecurity ruin the moment.

But it wouldn’t have mattered.

All rational thought fled when Sutton rose up on his knees and roughly pulled her legs up over his shoulders, positioning her right where he needed to shove that hard length deep inside her.

He didn’t give her a chance to think and simply pushed his cock inside, taking great pleasure in slowly, but assuredly sinking balls deep inside her wet sheath.

There was no pain, not even the slightest.

No, not pain...just pleasure.

A separate kind from the violent sparks that’d ignited her clitoris...this pleasure was deep, abiding and radiated through her entire body in wells of shuddering wonderful and she couldn’t breathe from the scope of it.

Her walls stretched with delicious efficiency as her pussy swallowed Sutton’s cock, taking it without issue, no matter his girth or size and Sutton’s guttural moan was like gasoline on fire. 

Desire slammed her like a mack track barreling down the freeway without brakes. 

Oh God...this was why people went to war...this was sublime.

To be completely filled with cock, was a pleasure she couldn’t possibly have known but one that made her slaver for more.

Was she a slut at heart? Was she destined to hunger for that which would destroy her dignity and integrity?

Sutton gripped her legs, leaning into her for better leverage. His face, damp with sweat, hard and determined, but glazed with hunger, was a beautiful thing.

Why did he have to be so damn hot?

He rammed his cock into her, hitting a spot deep inside her that reverberated with pleasure with each hit and she thought she might lose her mind from the wonder of it.

But before she nearly lost herself, he stopped and pulled out to quickly roll her over and put her on her hands and knees. She was too aroused to be mortified, not that it would’ve mattered. 

Sutton was already plunging deep inside her again before she could blink and this time he squeezed her ass hard as he pounded her and she moaned like a beast, loving this position even more. 

The deeper penetration was mind-blowing. Sutton reached around and sought out her clitoris as he fucked her.

Oh God!


“Come for me, Elizabeth,” he ground out, his voice a sexy rasp as he neared his own release. “I want to feel you coming all around me!”

And if it’d been in her, she would’ve refused but she was already so close that she couldn’t stop.

Everything clenched hard, including her internal muscles, which seemed to send Sutton into orbit.

!” he cried out, his thrusts becoming erratic as he flooded her channel with his cream. “
God, yes!

Elizabeth was too far gone to stop and simply clutched the bedsheets in sweaty palms as she rode the wave of pleasure as desperately as Sutton.

Moments later Sutton collapsed to the bed and Elizabeth followed, both breathing heavy as the world spun out of control.

Was it always like this?

Something told

And that filled her with dread.

Bookmark: 7



Sutton didn’t want to think. He didn’t want to acknowledge that he’d just had the best sex of his life because then he’d have to examine why.

He rolled to his side, regarding the sexy beauty still trying to catch her breath.

Her milky skin was damp and the smell of sex filled the room — a musky aroma that turned him on all over again — but it was the hazy look in her eyes of total satisfaction that he found the most alluring.

“Is it always like this?” she dared to ask, seeming afraid of the answer.

“With me? Yes,” he lied.

The truth was, sometimes sex was just
and no matter how dirty or rough or kinky or fantastical, it remained borderline unsatisfying, at least as of late.

But he wasn’t about to admit that to Elizabeth.

The last thing he needed was for his plaything to grow feelings based on their epic sexual attraction.

Ugh, the messiness that would ensue.

He smiled with smug charm. “Darling, if there’s one thing I know how to do, it’s fuck.”

“Practice makes perfect, I guess.”

“Precisely. And I’ve had lots of practice.”

Elizabeth held his gaze for a moment then ducked away. “I wondered if maybe...”

He shut her down quickly. “The human body is hard-wired for pleasure. Pluck the right buttons and it’ll produce a tune. It’s that simple. Don’t overthink it.”

She nodded and there might’ve been a tiny bit of relief in her expression but she shuttered it quickly enough.

It was that brief glimpse of a private thought that made him want to demand to know what had flitted through her mind.

But a woman’s mind was a maze, he knew that well enough, and pushed the irrational need aside for more pressing matters.

He rose and pulled her with him.

“Women should always piss after sex,” he instructed her, enjoying how her cheeks pinked so prettily when she was embarrassed.

“Now you’re a doctor in your spare time?” she quipped and he allowed her that.

Sutton grinned because he actually liked the show of spirit. “All sass and vinegar beneath that shy girl act, huh? Well, smartass, a bladder infection is nasty business. Urine flushes out the urethra.”

He patted her generous behind and gestured to the adjoining bathroom.

“Go do your business and then come back to me.”

“Don’t treat me like a baby,” she said with a scowl but she scooted into the bathroom and shut the door.

Sutton suppressed a laugh at her spurts of independence and spirit.

He suspected buried beneath those good-girl layers was a woman worth knowing.

She returned to the bed, climbing cautiously to sit at the edge, putting some distance between them.

He frowned and patted the spot beside him. Elizabeth offered up a tiny sigh of distress but did as she was told.

Once she was close enough, he tucked her into the cove of his side, enjoying immensely the feel of her soft body pressed against his.

“Tell me about your sister.”

Immediately, she stiffened. “Why?”

“Because I desire to know more.”

“We should establish some boundaries,” she started but he cut her off, incensed that she continued to believe that she had the right to make demands.

“Need I remind you of the terms of our agreement? You belong to me until such time that I tire of you. If it pleases me to know about the insignificant details of your
life, you will share without hesitation because you wish to please me. Do you understand?”

“And if I don’t give a crap about pleasing you?” she said, drawing away. “I’m a human being, not a robot. And my personal,
life, is off-limits!”

She shocked him by scrambling off the bed and leaving the room in a huff, scooping up her dress from the floor as she went.

Fury rippled through him at her audacity. The girl had balls but she needed to learn manners.

Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, he stalked after Elizabeth.

Time for a little lesson in obedience.


barely had time to reach the kitchen when Sutton jerked her into his arms, his grip punishing but his eyes hungry as a wolf.

“You have a lot to learn, my pet,” he warned, though he seemed to take pleasure in the idea of doling out the lesson. “You’ve broken the rules with impunity and it’s my job as your master to teach you the error of your ways.”

“You’re not my master,” she spat, eyes burning at the pain of his grip. She knew finger bruises were going to pop along her arm where his fingertips dug. “I’m a human being! You can’t own me and you never will.”

“You signed a contract. No matter that you chafe at the conditions after the fact — you will adhere to the letter of my law or face the consequences.”

“I don’t want to be your slave and you don’t have the right to demand access to my private thoughts and feelings,” she said, choking on her tears. “Why are you doing this to me? I’m nobody! I’ve never done anything to deserve this crap that’s happening to me.”

“Life isn’t fair,” he returned coldly. “You’re not a child; it’s time to stop acting like one. Life is what you make it. You took the opportunity presented to you and now you have to see it through. End of story.”

He spun her around and pushed her to the living room. Elizabeth stumbled and caught herself, embarrassment squeezing her dignity with an iron grip.

“I didn’t expect this,” she revealed, wiping at her eyes. “I didn’t know you would were into…weird sex stuff.”

He barked a laugh.

“Darling, you have no idea. We’ve only begun to scratch the surface of what I’m into. I’d thought to ease you into your role but I see that you need more than a gentle touch. You’re the kind of woman who needs a firm hand and I’m happy to oblige.”

“What are you going to do?”

His thin smile promised all manner of decadent and deviant things — and she was both frightened and aroused…dangerous combination and one she didn’t trust one bit.

“You shall see. Prepare to leave.”

Leave the apartment? She glanced down at her body with trepidation. “But…I’m dirty…” she could still smell Sutton on her…hell, his seed still dribbled down her thigh. “I need to shower.”

“I like the idea of my come on your body. Knowing you are covered in my seed pleases me.”

“That’s gross.”

“You — my sweet, plump plum — are a goddamn prude. I will root that pervasively dull quality out before our time is through.”

She stiffened. “I am not a prude.”

He laughed. “You are. And by the end of the evening, you will wonder how you ever thought you were anything but.”

“Well, if that means I’m nothing like you, I’ll take it as a compliment.”

Sutton chuckled, her insult bouncing ineffectually like a cotton ball against steel. “Your spirit amuses me. I will endeavor to keep from crushing it. I’ll get dressed and then we’ll go.”

True to his word, Sutton returned a few moments later fully dressed.

Elizabeth had no choice but to follow though she was mortified to leave dressed as she was.

The white dress wasn’t something she wouldn’t normally wear out. She liked to wear it at home because it was light, airy and — practically see-through — and it was far too revealing for her tastes.

She cringed, imagining the stares that would come her way.

Fat girls wearing revealing clothing always garnered criticism. Body shaming was at its height these days it seemed.

She climbed into Sutton’s sleek Jaguar and took perverse pleasure in the hope that she was leaving a mess on his fine leather.

That would serve him right.

Although, chances were she wasn’t the first woman he’d squired around after sex.

“Where are we going?”

“And spoil the surprise? I wouldn’t think of it.”

That made her intensely nervous. “Are you going to humiliate me?”

“Why would I do that?”

“Because you seem to delight in making me uncomfortable.”

“Ahh, well, pushing someone outside their comfort zone and humiliating them are two different things. I absolutely promise to push your limits but I will never humiliate you.”

She sensed truth in that statement even though he wasn’t exactly endeavoring to reassure her. “I guess that’s all I can ask for given the circumstances.”


She sighed and watched the city lights zoom by. They entered a dark alleyway and a spark of apprehension returned. “You’re not going to murder me are you?”

“You have a grisly imagination,” he said wryly. “Of course not. This is just the private entrance to where we are going. Come.”

He exited the vehicle and she followed. She heard the faint sounds of music throbbing a sensual beat and she realized with a start they were going to a club, potentially one of those exclusive places that only certain people gained access — such as a Buchanan with pockets lined with gold.

“I’m not exactly dressed for this sort of thing,” she hissed, huddling close to him, her gaze darting down the alley.

He flicked his gaze at her briefly. “Are you ever?”

“No,” she answered, hating the tremble in her belly. “It’s not exactly my kind of scene unless behind that door is an artist community, all quietly painting and minding their own business.”

“There are private rooms,” he said with a devilish grin that was as scary as it was alluring. “And we might even enjoy one. We’ll see how things go.”

That didn’t make her feel better. He slipped his hand through hers and entered through the back door, nodding to a big, burly man guarding the entrance.

“Don’t speak to anyone and stay with me,” he murmured in warning, as if she would stray very far in this strange place!

Sutton wound his way through the crowd and claimed a table, possibly held in reserve at all times for him and she sat in the brocade chair, gulping with anxiety as her gaze took in the surroundings.

Pure hedonism. That was the only way to describe what she was seeing.

Everywhere she looked, there was something sexual going on. The dance floor writhed with bodies, some nearly naked, and in darkened alcoves and hallways, actual sexual acts were happening.

She gasped and her hand flew to her mouth in shock.

“Where are we?”

Sutton grinned. “Welcome to Malvagio, my sweet pet.”

She swung her startled gaze back to Sutton. “Malvagio? What is that?”

“It’s Italian for
. It’s a place owned by my cousins and currently for sale, though I heard they might have an eager buyer.” He shrugged. “Personally, I feel they should hold onto it. Business-wise, it’s a solid investment.”

She swallowed, stammering, “B-business?”

“Yes. It’s a membership-only club and the invitations are highly exclusive. It costs a small fortune to gain a membership, too but as you can see, everyone is having a good time, which makes procuring an invitation, a highly sought-after opportunity.”

“Why would anyone want to come here?” she asked, her cheeks burning with heat but she couldn’t possibly admit that being surrounded by sex of all sorts was doing strange things to her insides.

She squirmed covertly but damn Sutton for having the eyes of a hawk.

He leaned forward. “Do you like to watch?”

She shook her head but her wandering gaze betrayed her when she settled with fascination on a couple actively engaged.

Try as she might, she couldn’t drag her gaze away. Sutton leaned forward to whisper in her ear. “Look how well she takes his cock in her mouth. He’s about to come. Do you think she’ll swallow?” Her breath hitched in her chest painfully. He chuckled. “I enjoy watching you swallow my load. Very sexy. And you’re a natural.”

Elizabeth ducked her head, immensely out of sorts. Normal people didn’t talk like this, did they?

She couldn’t imagine her parents ever talking like this.


The very idea was like ice-water on her arousal.

“What are we doing here?” she asked, strangled. “I want to leave.”

“Nonsense. We’ve only just arrived. Let’s have a drink to loosen things up.”

“I don’t drink.”

Sutton sighed with annoyance. “Well, you’re going to start. You could use a little grease on the wheels.”

“If you aren’t willing to do something sober, you shouldn’t be willing to do it drunk.”

He laughed at her prim statement and she actually felt stupid for saying it.

She did sound like a prude. One drink wouldn’t hurt and maybe he was right, a drink might help relax her.

A barely dressed cocktail waitress with pert breasts and a cute ass — basically the exact opposite of everything Elizabeth thought of herself — slinked up to the table and laid a deep kiss on Sutton right in front of her!

BOOK: Coerced (Billionaire romance): Blackmailed by the Billionaire (Buchanan Romance Book 1)
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