Coercion (The Cassano Series Book 3) (14 page)

BOOK: Coercion (The Cassano Series Book 3)
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I feel like I need to clear the air with Blanca yet again. This new found kindness I’ve uncovered is ill-fitting on me, but I can’t seem to stop it now that Tara steamrolled into my life.

I stroll to Blanca’s office, but she’s not there. Peeling a sticky note from her desk, I write “I’m sorry about dinner” on it and draw a goofy happy face. I’m hoping that will ease the tension between us. I don’t have romantic feelings for her, but I do care about her as a friend.

Since I’m close to his office, I decide to check on Adrian. It’s the first night Victoria is playing poker in the lounge. She should be arriving any time now, and I imagine my brother is on edge. I also want to chew his ass for dumping me with the job of telling Victoria about Sonny’s involvement with our business.

Maybe it can serve as a distraction. I need one myself since I have a date with Tara in only an hour. It’s horrible timing to be leaving the hotel, but Shannon said she’ll call me or Kruse if there’s a problem. I wasn’t missing out on seeing Tara during her night off.

My goal is to end up back at her place with my cock deep inside her. I can’t resist her any longer. She’s the closest I’ve come to the ideal female.

She’s smart, funny, sweet and infectiously happy. She’s also honest and real. And there’s no way I could forget her knock-out looks and killer body. I’m not boyfriend material, but I’m keeping her around for a bit. I guarantee one night with her won’t be enough.

I tap on Adrian’s door.

“Come in!” he shouts. Shit, I know that tone. Maybe I won’t bring up Sonny.


“What do you need, Xavier?”

“I thought I’d check on you.”

“Why, because my girlfriend is risking her life and career to keep us out of prison?” My oldest brother is in his office chair with his tie loosened. He’s staring at his laptop with an angry expression, and I don’t need proof of what he’s looking at.

“OK, yeah, that’s the reason, and bro, you know you can’t stare at her every minute of every night she’s in there.”

Adrian finally pulls his eyes free to take a glimpse at me. He blows out an extended breath and rubs his hands down his face. “The men are checking her out already. Every head turned her way the second she walked through the door.”

“She’s new; that’s to be expected.”

“Her face isn’t the only thing they’re eyeing.”

“Bro, she’s safe in there. Nothing is going to happen to her. She’s going to simply play cards and strike up conversations with Noah. Now is not the time to worry.”

“No, but you know the day will get here.”

“Maybe not. I’m going to try to make some sort of peace with Noah, and maybe Victoria won’t have to keep this up.” I look away from my brother. “It’s the least I can do for Sonny. I miss the old man.”

“Please, Zev. I know I said before to set boundaries with Sanders, but I’m telling you now to give him whatever he wants to make that deal go down.”

. Sanders wants Tara, but she’s the one thing I’m not handing over. He can forget it. My brother truly loves Victoria. It’s written all over his face and in his voice. His eyes are plagued with panic and desperation.

“Ace, you have to calm down. Why don’t you go to the penthouse, and stay away from the cameras? She’ll be fine tonight.”

“You’re right. She’s only going to be playing cards this evening.” He blows out a lengthy breath and shuts his laptop. “OK, I’ll leave it alone.”

“Good, and you call me if you need me.” I leave Adrian’s office, and while I’m in the elevator, I remember I left my keys on my desk in Caged, so I head there to retrieve them.

Excited for my date with Tara, I swipe them and spin around to leave. That’s when I hear the familiar sound of heels clicking against the floor in the hallway. The next thing I know, Blanca is smiling at me from the doorway.

“Hi, what do you need?” I ask.

“I got your note. It was sweet, so I thought I’d pay you a visit.”

“That’s cool, but I was just leaving.”

She takes a few steps until she’s in front of me.

“I’m sorry I made a big deal over that server. I know she doesn’t mean anything to you. I’m likely the closest woman who would. Am I right?”

Shit. This is bad. “What’s going on with you, Blanca?”

“What do you mean?” Her eyebrows cinch and smile dissipates.

“I mean, you’re behaving differently since we stopped having sex.”

“I told you it made me realize I have feelings for you.” She slides her hand down the left side of my collar until she’s gripping my black dress shirt.

“I told you then I’m not interested.”

Her head pulls back. “No, you did not use those words. You only made it sound like you’re not capable of a relationship, but I don’t believe that’s true.”

“OK, well, I should have told you I’m not interested. I don’t understand your sudden fascination with me. It’s as if now that I’ve cut you off, you’re diverting all of your energy to giving me attention instead of Adrian.”

“Zev, that’s not true. Your brother is not the one I’ve been having sex with for months. I realized it’s you I care about more.”

This situation is jacked up, and I’m starting to think Blanca needs professional help. She has a lot to offer a man, but her insecurities and desperation is what kills her chances. I was hoping to have a friendship with her, but I’m beginning to doubt that.

Chapter Sixteen



There is more like a swarm of bees in my stomach than butterflies. It’s so jittery it’s almost painful. I’ve never been this nervous for a date. I’m already developing feelings for Zev, and I can only hope I’m going to be that one percent of the female population he’s not going to dick over.

When I spoke to him on the phone today, to give him my address, he wasn’t sure he would be able to leave the hotel tonight. He texted me only moments later saying he was definitely picking me up, but he has a business to run, and it’s one he operates at night.

To ease his stress, I thought it would be best to have our date at Submission. We can eat in one of the restaurants there, and maybe I will receive a real goodnight kiss.

Ed, the bouncer at Caged, lets me in since he knows I’m now working there. I amble down the hallway and hear voices coming from Zev’s office. What I notice most of all is a woman’s voice. His door is open, so I bite my lip, contemplating how to proceed. I guess I’ll tap on the doorframe and interrupt.

Stepping in front of his door, my stomach sinks, along with my smile. Zev is facing me, and his hands are on a woman’s waist.

Her face is at his neck, and it appears she might be kissing him. His eyes widen, and he looks like he’s going to speak, but I don’t give him a chance.

I take off running as fast as I can in my heels. I believe I hear him cursing, but I don’t wait to find out. Once I reach the parking garage, I stop to get my breath. Tears flood my eyes, and it pisses me off. He doesn’t deserve my tears.

Is this what he does? He seduces women in his office. He probably feeds them a load of shit, making them believe he can’t stay away from them, and I fell for it like a naïve, young girl. I’m an idiot.

Finding my car, I get out of there as speedily as I can. I’m not sure where to go, but sitting in my home crying is the last thing I want to do.

I begin to phone Victoria but remember that she’s playing in the lounge tonight, so I hit the grocery store instead.

With tears streaking my cheeks, I go inside and march to the paper good’s aisle. I look along the shelves until I find a box of plastic spoons. Next, I hit the freezer section.

Even for Vegas, I stand out in the grocery store. My periwinkle dress is short and snug and looks great with my blonde hair. It has a plunging, navy bodice that is beautifully beaded. Hell, I’m probably overdressed, but I was excited about this date.

This thought makes me cry as I scan the different varieties of ice cream. Hmm … mint chocolate chip or cookie dough. I’ll purchase both.

Leaning into the freezer, I hear a whistle.
Oh, please
. I spin around, and a male I would normally consider attractive is grinning at me as he holds a case of beer.

“Need some company tonight?” he asks arrogantly.

“I’m on the rag. You want to deal with that?” I ask snippily. OK, I’m not on my period, but I’ve determined men are assholes.

“Sick,” he replies, while making a disgusted face. He’s soon out of my sight, and I go back to gathering my pints of ice cream.

I don’t even bother leaving the parking lot. I sit in my car and dig into my mint chocolate chip. I’m eating it along with tears as they drip onto my spoon.

I realize at this moment that I don’t like Xavier Cassano a little. I like him a whole hell of a lot, and it’s his damn fault I’ll need to sweat an extra hour tomorrow on the elliptical.



Wow, Adrian wasn’t kidding when he said the men in the Royal lounge would be looking my way. They’re boring a hole through me.

I thought it wouldn’t faze me since I paraded around almost naked in the Elite lounge, but they’re looking at me differently in here.

They’re looking at
of me, not only my body. They stare into my eyes as if they want to know who I am, where I came from, and what I do to afford this membership. I’m the only female here tonight, and if I ever wanted to be one of the guys, now’s my chance.

I discover that poker in Royal works like it does at other places; you keep winning, you keep playing. Due to player elimination, I’ve been moving up in tables.

There are only four tonight, nine people to a table. I’ve worked my way up to the final one, which is perfect since Noah is now at this table, too.

I make eye contact with him as he sits across from me. He leans back in his seat, studying me intently.

“You look familiar. I’m Noah, what’s your name?”

His grey eyes are chilly as they remain fixed on mine.

“I’m Vicky.”

“Hmm … what do you do, Vicky, when you’re not winning hands at poker?” He smirks, but with the coldness to his gaze, it’s more patronizing than friendly.

“I have some dealings in the works. I guess you could call me a venture capitalist. I invest in those who I believe can give me a good return.”

I give him a smile, but his stare is unmerciful. I can tell I’ve piqued his interest.



We’re an hour into the game, and low and behold, it’s down to three of us, Noah included. Brian Nash is the other guy left. He’s a professional player, so I feel honored to have made it this far.

We’re playing no limit Texas Hold’em, and I’m on fire, receiving awesome hands and playing aggressively. I figured they would expect me to slow play on my first night, so I changed it up.

Noah is short stacked, and when the fifth and last card, the river, is turned over by the dealer, he shoves all in, betting the last of his chips.

I contemplate what he might have and study his nervous habits I’m quickly trying to learn. So far, he has taken off a ring and spun it under his fingers when he hasn’t had the best cards. I don’t think he realizes he does it.

It’s my job to notice the little details about a person, and he’s spinning his ring now, so I’m guessing he has a decent hand but not the best.

Combined with the cards on the table, my hand is impressive, so I match his bet and shove in roughly six thousand in chips. Yes, along with the condo, car and clothing, Adrian is supplying the funds for these games, too.

Brian matches the bet, and it’s time to reveal the hole cards, the two we’re holding in our hand. The goal is to make the best five card hand out of the five on the table and the two we’re holding.

Noah throws down his cards and has a queen and ten. Combined with the queen and ten on the table, he hits two pair. Brian lays down bullets (a pair of aces).

I’m holding ladies (two queens), so with a queen on the board, I’ve hit trips. This beats their hands, pushing Noah out of the game. Yes! Brian and I are now left to battle it out.

Sanders lets out a grunt of some sort before he shoves away from the table. I feel his eyes on me as he stands. I know he’s going to have something to say when all of this is over.

The game continues, and I debate on what I should do. It’s possible I could beat Brian Nash, but I don’t want to. I need to show some weakness to ensure Noah believes he can beat me at some point.

During the next game, Brian flirts. I’ve got to be almost ten years older than he is, but he doesn’t seem to mind. Or, maybe this is his strategy. He’s definitely attractive, and this is probably something he often does with female players.

I’ve done my own share of distracting tonight with my low-cut blouse and push-up bra serving their purpose. I bet on a few hands I typically wouldn’t, allowing Brian to win them. I also fold on several good hands.

As competitive as I am, it about kills me, but I bring my focus back to the end goal. Brian beats me, and it’s truly disappointing. I would love to know if I could’ve outplayed him.

After congratulating Brian, I take a restroom break and hope that Noah is still around. It’s late, but I stroll to the bar and take a seat on a stool.

Since I’m driving, I order only a seltzer water and proceed to make small talk with the bartender. I’m in luck when Noah takes the stool next to me.

“You were pretty impressive back there. I can’t believe I haven’t seen you play anywhere before.”

“I typically play with friends. I guess I got lucky tonight.”

“I think I’ll call your bluff on that one.” He smirks, and it’s actually a friendlier one. His fingers tap the bar as he nods to the bartender. It’s obvious he’s here a lot when the bartender fixes him a glass of something amber and sets it in front of Noah.

“I guess you’re a regular here.”

“Yeah, you could say that.”

“Then, we’ll get to play against each other again.”

“I guess that depends if you were just
or not, now doesn’t it?” he asks.

“You got me there,” I say with a sly grin.

He winks and takes a sip of his drink.

“You’ve intrigued me tonight, Ms. …”

“It’s Ms. Stuart.”

Swallowing the last of his drink in one gulp, he slams it down on the bar. “I’m calling it a night. My crushed ego needs a rest.”

Slipping his hand across my back, he rises from the stool. “See you at the table, Ms. Stuart,” he whispers smoothly in my ear.

Turning my head up at him, I give him a more flirtatious grin. “Absolutely, Mr. …”

His smile fades. “Just call me Noah.”

“OK. Goodnight, Noah.”

BOOK: Coercion (The Cassano Series Book 3)
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