Coercion (The Cassano Series Book 3) (12 page)

BOOK: Coercion (The Cassano Series Book 3)
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Chapter Fourteen



As if my life already wasn’t a fucked up mess, Simon left to go see our mother, Denise, so I have to watch over all his shit, too. Then, Adrian told me five minutes ago that he wants to meet with Noah tonight. I’ve been putting it off, worried that it will send us straight to prison.

I know Sanders is going to be pissed that he’s being called out on cheating. I can only hope he doesn’t want to give up the good thing he has going at our hotel.

I’m nervous, too, as I wait for Tara to show. Any moment, her tight body and irresistible smile are going to walk through that door and knock the wind out of me.

Speak of the devil, or more like angel. She’s stunning as she peeks around the corner to my office.

“Hi,” she says while flashing me a grin.

“Hi, come in.” I can’t help but smile back as I take in the sight of her. She’s in a pink, snug skirt that hits right above the knee. Her white blouse tucked into it is silky and thin, and I think I spot some lace beneath it. She’s dressed for the office, with her hair put up neatly.

She must notice I’m staring since she glances down at her attire. “I’m overdressed, aren’t I?”

“Yes, but you look great. Hardly anyone comes back here, so I don’t expect you to dress up.”

She grins again. “It gave me a reason to go shopping today. I like to shop.” Her hand comes out as she gets an animated look on her face. “Actually, it’s not so much the shopping. It’s about what I can do to make myself look nice. I’m happier when I take care of myself and look good.”

“You must be happy most of the time then.”

Her skin blotches red, but she doesn’t break our gaze.

“Thank you. I am a happy person for the most part. People tend to mistake it for dumb. Why is that?”

I exhale a breath a little too loudly.

“I’ve found that sometimes bubbly girls equal brain deficiency. They say really stupid shit.”

“Maybe they’re only nervous. I mean, being around a handsome guy like yourself makes me nervous, so no telling what could come out of my mouth.” She’s still smiling, and I know what I’d like to slide right into her mouth.

“Well, what do I know about women?” A memory from my past invades my mind. I was throwing a football with my dad the summer before he died. I was sixteen.


“Do you like any girls at school, Zev?”

I roll my eyes. “None I’d want to date.” He doesn’t know that I only like to bang them.

“You know, one day you’re going to meet a girl you won’t be able to forget about. She’ll likely consume all your thoughts.”

“Dad, do we really have to discuss this?”

“I think we should.” I throw the ball hard at him, and he catches it.

“Then I hope this girl you’re talking about is happy and normal, unlike Mom.”

My father tries to hide his disappointed look, and I try to hide how bad I feel for saying it.

“I hope you find a girl who is as brave as your mother.”

“How can you say she’s brave?”

“She has a major illness, Xavier, yet she wakes up every day and tries to live with it. She survives every moment with something terribly painful and debilitating.”

“I guess,” I mumble.


Tara breaks our gaze, and I worry about how much time has passed. She looks around my office.

“So, what do you need me to do?”

“Let me show you Lucille’s office. She’s going to be out sick for a while. Her room has its own exit, but you can also get to it through mine.” I lead Tara into it and switch on the light.

“If you could first file away the paperwork piled up on her desk that would be great. It’s mostly paid invoices she took care of before she left.

“Then there will be room for you to work. The file cabinets are labeled, but ask me if you don’t know where something goes.”

“OK. That should be easy enough.”

“I’m not trying to insult your capabilities. It’s simply what I need done. I will give you something more challenging soon. I’ve had a lot dumped on me lately, so I have to sort some things out first.”

“No problem. I hope your employee is going to be OK.”

“I probably shouldn’t say, but she has cancer.”

“Oh.” Tara no longer smiles, and in an instant I miss it. “My mother died of cancer a few years back. My father drank himself to death before that, so it’s just me, myself and I. I’m learning to adapt to being alone in this world.”

Tara’s eyes round, and she scurries to the desk to take a seat. “I shouldn’t have unloaded all that on you.”

“It’s fine, Tara.” I debate on whether I should tell her about my mom, but that might open up a barrage of questions I’m not willing to answer.

She smiles again. “You should send Lucille flowers. I bet that would brighten her day.”

I never thought about it. I’m such a dick boss.

“You think?”

“They’d brighten my day, so I imagine they’d make her feel better. Maybe a plant that won’t die so easily, but something with some color, too.”

I swear I think this girl could be happy enough for the both of us.

“Would you do that for me? I mean, could you order flowers for her?”

“Certainly. Get me her address, and I’ll take care of it.”

“OK, I’ll leave you alone for now.”

I sit at my desk with my back to her office. I kind of wish I could see her, but that isn’t possible from where I’m positioned. It dawns on me that I’m to send Noah to Adrian’s office, so I leave Tara alone to take care of it.

An edgy feeling settles over me as I trek to the lounge. I don’t even like being in that man’s presence. The only thing that has made me feel good today is speaking to Tara.

I’ll find a way to be closer to her again before the evening is over. Noah is at the bar, waiting for the games to begin.

“Noah, Adrian Cassano would like a word with you in his office.”

“A meeting with your brother. I’m intrigued. What could he possibly want to speak to me about?”

“You’ll have to ask him.”

We quietly make our way to the elevator. He’s been on Adrian’s floor before, when he first came to join as a client, but I feel more protective of our private spaces in this hotel now that I’m aware of Mr. Sander’s true character.

“So, where’s Tara tonight?”

“She’s in my office working, but she’ll be on the floor later.”

He chuckles. “You were serious the other night? I can’t believe you’ve sent her to do paperwork as a punishment. Just admit you like her. You want her fine ass all to yourself.” I finally look him in the eyes.

“One night, Zev. I’m going to get her to see me outside of the lounge.” He skirts a hand over his blonde hair and squints at me with his evil, grey eyes. “I’m so close to convincing her.”

“Hmm … losing your touch? It takes convincing now does it?”

The elevator dings as I smirk at him. I step off before he can dish it back. I’ve at least quieted him before I tap on Adrian’s door.

If I’ve ever wanted to be a fly on the wall, it’s right now, but I’m not sticking around to see how pissed Noah is when this meeting is over.



I take a couple of calming breaths as Noah Sanders enters my office. I’d like nothing more than to beat the shit out of him, but that would be foolish of me. He isn’t worth years of prison and time away from Victoria.

“Mr. Sanders, please have a seat. Can I fix you a drink?”

“Bourbon would be great.” Watching Noah out of the corner of my eye, I fix our drinks. I hand it to him, while wearing a fake smile, and motion for him to have a seat.

“What can I do for you, Mr. Cassano?”

Upon unbuttoning my suit jacket, I take a sip of my scotch. “I wanted to discuss a few things with you. First, I want to thank you for the business you give to this hotel and casino. It’s much appreciated.”

He flaunts an egotistical smile. “It’s my pleasure.”

“I also appreciate the dealings we have with you outside of this hotel, and I’d like to increase those to make them worth both our while even more so.”

“That could be arranged with certain conditions.” He takes a drink of his bourbon and appears earnest now that we’re discussing his illegal activities.

“You’re a business man like myself, and I’m sure in your line of work, integrity and loyalty are of the upmost importance.”


“Well, here at Submission trust and loyalty are key, especially in our exclusive lounges. I have a security team and a room full of cameras.” I inwardly enjoy the sudden paleness of his skin.

“Everything that goes on in my casino, clubs, restaurants, and most importantly, in my lounges is recorded.”

I want Noah to believe my security team tipped me off about his cheating and not one of my brothers. He also doesn’t need to be made aware that I can view everything he does right on my laptop.

“I don’t believe I need to say where I am going with this. I would hate to see a client as important as you, Mr. Sanders, have to leave my hotel. It would be a shame. I’m hoping you feel the same.”

His mouth partially hangs open. He knows he’s busted, and I don’t think he’s sure how to respond. He takes another drink of his bourbon and swallows slowly.

“Of course, I feel the same and understand.”

“Good. Let’s put this behind us then. I see no reason to involve anyone else in this matter.”

Finishing his drink in one long gulp, Noah sets his empty glass on the edge of my desk and stands. I’m not surprised he wants out of here.

“I’ll escort you to the elevator,” I say.



Zev has left me alone at my desk to work for an hour. I’ve filed away invoices under their company name, but I’ve hit a point where I’m not sure what to do. I’ve gone from being an overpaid server to an overpaid file clerk.

I walk up behind him and stand next to his chair.

“Do you have anything else I can do?” I ask softly.

Zev gazes at me and mumbles, “Fuck.”

“Excuse me?”

He unpeels a sticky note stuck to the end of his desk and hands it to me. “Here is Lucille’s home address and my credit card number.” I go to take it from him, but he holds on to it for a second.

Letting go, he pulls another sticky note from a pad and scribbles something down. “Can you send flowers to this address, too?”

“Sure. Um, I need a name.”


“Denise. Another woman’s day you will soon brighten.” New Jersey, interesting. I turn on my heels to walk away, but Zev takes hold of my arm.

“Tara, Denise is my mother.”

“Oh, how sweet of you to send her flowers.” The cheerleader in me is doing tuck jumps over the fact he’s not sending flowers to a love interest.

“My mother is sick with cancer, too. Hers is incurable.”

“I’m so sorry.”

“It’s not your fault.”

“It’s called empathy, Zev. I feel it for you, your mother and your family. It has to be awful, especially when she’s so far away.”

Zev stands, shoving his chair back. A hand slithers its way around my waist and right back into my heart. I’m pulled against him, his free hand holding the nape of my neck.

So much emotion spills from his gaze, and all I know is this wasn’t supposed to happen again.

“Zev, you said only business.”

“I know, but you’re so …” Leaning over, his mouth brushes my cheek. “You’re so goddamn sweet.” I shiver as his tongue circles the shell of my ear. “You’re also irresistibly beautiful and smell so fucking good.” Tilting my head back, he trails kisses down my neck.

“Daisy, a gorgeous woman who deserves to be pleasured.” His hand tugs at the side of my blouse until it’s free from my skirt. Large, warm fingers splay over my stomach, and I suck in a rush of air. “Zev, you said I’m supposed to stay away from you.”

“You should. Is that what you want? If it is, I won’t touch you again.”

“No, but are you sure this is what you want?”

“I’ve never been more certain in my life. I have to touch you.” The hand on my neck pulls me back farther, so his nose can skim down my throat. I’m twisted up by a rope of passion, the edges frayed with longing. I couldn’t escape if I tried.

My hand clutches his waist as fingers pull down the cup of my bra. His thumb rolls over my nipple, and I whimper, the need for him all-consuming.

“More,” I utter. Shifting me around, he steps forward until my ass is against his desk. I grip his massive bicep as he shoves up my skirt.

His gaze is smoldering and dark, his desire seeming as strong as my own. I’ve never wanted a man’s touch as much as I want Xavier Cassano’s.

Fingers slip into my panties and into me in seconds. He groans and presses his forehead against mine.

“I bet you taste as good as you feel.”

I know he’s not referring to my mouth, but I bet his tastes superb. I wish he’d let me test it to see.

Instead, we trade breaths as his lips hover in front of mine. I want to share oxygen with him in every space imaginable. I need to taste his mouth and get into his head. For the first time in my life, I want a man to consume my thoughts while I eat, sleep and breathe.

Fingers that were playing with my nipple begin unbuttoning my shirt. His hands are skilled as he moves one in and out of me and frees my breasts with the other.

Once he’s pushed my bra strap over my shoulder, he lifts my breast and takes it into his mouth. I grip his silky hair below me and moan. Pleasure is instantaneous and intense, multiplied by one thousand.


Letting my nipple go, he pushes his body forward. I fall backward, slamming my palms on his desk. His hand winds around my neck as he lays his body heavy and scorching against mine. His mouth is soon at my ear, his breath raising the hair on my arms.

“You’re going to come over my fingers, Tara. I have to feel your sinful body quivering beneath me. Let go for me, sweetheart.”

As his large fingers move in and out of me, I imagine the size of his cock and what it could do, what I hope it will do to me. His fingers curve and pump my sweet spot, increasing the friction until the flames spread right through me.

I unravel, my body writhing beneath his from one of the longest orgasms of my life.

“Damn, watching you is like ecstasy. You’re a stunning sight. I’m fucking you soon, but I want plenty of room when I explore your sexy, tight body. Let me take you out.”

I grin at him as I grip his hips. “You want to take me on a date?”

He rises and scratches the back of his hair. “Yeah, I guess I do, and I want it to be soon. I don’t know how long I can resist burying myself inside you.”

My face flushes hot as coal, but I imagine it’s already scarlet. “I’m off in two nights.”

Zev begins buttoning my blouse. “I’ll pick you up at seven … Daisy.” He blushes, his dimples peeking through his smile.

Finishing the last button, he grips my shoulders and kisses my cheek softly. He lit up my night like it’s the 4
of July. I’ve never experienced fireworks like that, and I hope he’s going to set them off again.

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