Coercion (The Cassano Series Book 3) (7 page)

BOOK: Coercion (The Cassano Series Book 3)
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Chapter Eight



Strolling past Blanca’s office, I see that it’s empty, so I head down to Theo’s. There she is.

Their gazes lift to mine, and she shoots me daggers before her blue eyes appear sad. Before I can say a word to her, she hurries past me to exit his office.

“Hi,” I say to my brother.

“Hi, what do you need?”

“Uh, nothing. I was looking for Blanca.”

Theo eyes me suspiciously. “You’re not the reason she called in sick for a couple of days last week are you? Your brother was gone. I needed her help.”

“Chill, I’ll make it right.”

“For fuck’s sake. She’s not even your assistant. Fix it ASAP.”

“So, I haven’t seen Adrian since he returned from Arizona, but I need to talk to him about Noah Sanders. He’s cheating in the lounge. I saw it for myself after reviewing the camera tapes.”

“Shit.” Theo scratches his chin.

“Shit’s right. I’m going to discuss it with Ace before I do anything. I honestly don’t know how to handle it. It isn’t fair to our other clients to let it continue, but at the same time, I can’t throw him out of here, either.”

“I think it’s a good idea to discuss it with Adrian, but he’s already left for the day.” Theo nods toward the door. “You better catch Blanca before she leaves, too.” His sharp look tells me I don’t have a choice in the matter.

“Right. Talk to you later.” Striding down the hallway, I arrive at her office and tap on the doorframe.

“Get out.” Blanca is shoving stuff into her purse and barely looks my way.

“I came to apologize.” She freezes and lifts her head.

“I didn’t know you were at that age level.”

“Funny.” I go inside and lean against the door I’ve shut.

“I’m sorry for being a dick. I shouldn’t have said those things to you.” Needing to break our eye contact, I look across the room. “Actually, I’m sorry for all of it. I shouldn’t have used you for sex. You deserve better than that.”

“I do?” I look back at her, and her eyes are watery. Shit.

“Yes, Blanca. You deserve better.”

She lets out a clipped laugh and begins rustling through her purse again. “You know the saddest part of what happened between us?”

“What’s that?”

“I realized after our verbal exchange that I care for you. After everything that happened, I discovered I have feelings for you. That’s pathetic after the way we treated each other.”

I swallow, feeling like my emotions are caught in my throat. “You have feelings for me?” I’ve never let myself get close enough to a woman for her to say those words to me.

“Yeah, I do, and I’m sorry for what I did, too. I was behaving no better.”

I don’t know what I’m doing, but I feel the need to touch her. I walk over to her desk, and she stops what she’s doing. Gazing up at me, her eyes bask with more tears.

“I’m sorry. You deserve better for yourself, Blanca. You’re a kind person.” I cup her cheek.

“Better than you?”

“Yes, better than me.”

“You have more to offer a woman than you think.”

“This is as good as it gets for me, sweetheart. This right here is as nice as I can be.” I kiss her cheek, but I’m not sure she’s setting my insides on fire anymore like that sweet little blonde did. I can’t stop thinking of that Tara girl, and frankly, it’s pissing me off.

“Zev, don’t sell yourself short.” Blanca’s lips begin trailing down my neck. Dammit, it’s been way too long since I’ve had my dick in a chick. Actually, it’s been since the train wreck I shared with Blanca last week. Hell, that’s a long stretch for me.

I breathe in the floral scent of her, but I’m not only an asshole if I fuck her right after apologizing for treating her like a whore. No, that would make me a son of a bitch, too.

I pull back from her and remove her hands that have now unbuckled my belt. “No, we can’t. I apologized for this very thing only moments ago. Come on, I’ll take you to dinner.”

Her eyes flit to mine. “Like a date?”

“Uh, yeah, sure.” The condemned sign on my heart must’ve been flipped around backward. I have a feeling this is only going to bury me in a deeper hole with Blanca.

We ride downstairs to one of the restaurants in the hotel. If I were a real gentleman, I would take her somewhere outside of Submission, but I have to work tonight, so this will have to do.

Of course, we don’t have to wait for a table, so we take our seats, and the waiter brings us menus. He moves out of my line of vision, and that’s when I see her. Tara. Shit, she’s having dinner with Noah Sanders.

She didn’t listen to a goddamn word I said. I believe my veins are thickening from the blood rapidly pumping through them. She shouldn’t be anywhere near that man.

“Zev, what’s wrong?” Blanca asks.

I glance back to her and my menu.


She turns and looks the direction my eyes have been glued. “Do you know them?”

“Yes. A member and a server.”

“Oh. Your veins look like they’re going to pop out of your neck, and if you grip that menu any harder, it’s going to tear.”

I ease up on my grip, but I can’t do shit about the frustration and helplessness I’m feeling. Actually, maybe I can do something about it.

“I’ll be right back.”



I’m eating dinner with Noah Sanders. I swear the man won’t take no for an answer. He’s easy on the eyes, and I’m always down for a delicious meal, so to get him off my back, I agreed to dinner. It’s all the man’s getting, but he doesn’t have to know that yet.

I’ve taken a bite of my fabulous chicken breast that is covered and smothered in scrumptious melted Swiss and bacon when Zev appears out of nowhere. I swallow swiftly and take a drink of my water.

“Zev, my man, what can I do for you?”

“Actually, I need to speak to Tara. We have an issue in the lounge.”

Noah scowls at him. “We’re having dinner. Can’t it wait? She’s not working tonight.”

Zev grits his teeth. “No, it can’t wait.” He looks to me, and the angry expression on his face tells me I should get up immediately.

“I’ll only be a minute.” I lay my napkin on the table and follow Zev out the door to the lobby. He turns and takes hold of my arm, much like he did when I was in his office last week.

“What is the problem? Did I do something wrong last night in the lounge?”

“No, you didn’t, but you’re doing something wrong now. I told you to stay the hell away from Noah.”

“That’s what this is about? I’m just having dinner with him. It’s the only way I can get him off my case. The man is persistent.”

Zev closes his eyes and blows out a breath.

“Fuck, I know he is, and he will not let up. Trust me. This will only fuel him further.”

I tip my chin up at him. “I can handle a man. I don’t need you watching over me.”

“Tara, he’s not going to simply let you go home. Tonight, you’ll end up tied to a bed and not by choice.”

My eyes widen. Even if he’s correct, he’s not telling me what to do.

“Maybe I like being tied up.”

He blinks a few times. “Fuck, you’re …” He groans lightly. “Well, not tonight. I’m telling him I have to have you working. He can admire you from afar in the lounge if he’d like.”

“Maybe I’d like a break from standing on my heels.”

He looks off for a few seconds, and I can only imagine what he’s conjuring up next. “You have a business degree, right? My administrative assistant for Caged has been out sick for two weeks. I need some work completed. You can help me with that.”

Hmm … the thought of staring at Zev’s muscles and those hazel eyes all night is appealing. I like him, but he doesn’t have to know that. If I’m honest, it’s kind of sweet the way he’s looking out for me.

“Fine,” I say as I jerk free from him and cross my arms.

He exhales another breath and glides a hand over his silky, black hair.

“Thank you. I’ll handle Noah.”



What the fuck am I doing? I’m only going to have Noah more pissed at me, but I can’t let this girl walk right into his trap.

I unfortunately witnessed his freaky behavior the night we brought the strippers back to the hotel. He couldn’t wait to drag one of them to our special Submission rooms. He runs up a mighty tab reserving those rooms a few times a week.

To me, that’s not shit you do with just anyone, and he’s doing God knows what with a different chick in there every few days. The rooms supply about everything you need for the full-on BDSM experience.

He bragged that night about how he once forced a woman into the cage and made her suck his dick through the side of it, and from his detailed description of the night, I don’t believe she was getting her rocks off from it.

I already know he’s lost a screw in that brain of his, and evilness has filled its space. I stare down at him now that we’re back at the table.

“Tara has to come with me. We had a problem in the lounge last night between her and a member that we need to clear up. I apologize.” In my peripheral, I see Tara’s head jerk my way.

“Can I see you later tonight then?” he asks her.

“No, she’s going to make it up to me by doing some administrative work.”

Noah glares at me, his suspicion lingering, and I guess I should’ve come up with something better than that excuse. He throws his napkin down on his plate. “Fine.” His glare disappears as he shifts his gaze to Tara.

“Tara, thank you for having dinner with me. We’ll pick up where we left off another night,” he says.


My teeth grind across each other as my tightened jaw shifts. I’d like to tie her up for being so damn defiant. Does she not listen to a word I say? I turn to face her.

“I’ll meet you in the lobby in a moment.” I tread back to the table. Shit, now I’ll have to deal with Blanca.

“I’m sorry, but I have to tend to something work related. Can I give you a rain check on dinner?”

She shakes her head as she stares up at me.

“You see her and suddenly need to leave. Figures. I might’ve considered a different job when I started here if I knew it took being a server to catch the eye of the Cassano brothers.”

Blanca stands and pulls her purse over her shoulder. She looks impeccable in her pale pink suit. She also looks pissed.

“I’m sorry. It’s not what you think. I’m saving her from that freak.”

“Hmm … and why is that Xavier?”

Her back turns on me before she’s stomping toward the exit.

“Zev,” Noah says. I close my eyes for a second before I stroll over to him.

“What do you need?”

“Why do I feel like you’re cock blocking me? You and Simon both seem to have a knack for that.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Noah, considering his girl, Sadie, was never an option for you.” He shoots me a dirty look, and my nerves are about shot after the last ten minutes.

“I want Tara. If I can’t have the slutty schoolgirl, I want your trashy server.” The blood barrels through my veins again, and my fists close tightly. “I think I’ve seen this exact look on Jersey before,” he adds.

His smirk vanishes, and he narrows his gaze on me, his expression serious as fuck. “I want her, Zev, and if you want me spending a penny more in this hotel, you’re going to send her my way.”

“Did your mommy not make you share your toys as a child? Is that why you’re so demanding?”

“I think you’re the one who wasn’t taught to share. We can share Tara. I don’t have a problem with it.”

“I have to go.”

“Think long and hard about it,” he practically yells as I storm away. Simon was right. Noah is a royal asshole, and now I want to punch him.

Tara is biting her lip when I reach the lobby. My eyes roam over her shapely body. “Fuck,” I mumble under my breath. “Follow me,” I add tersely. It’s all I can get out with the anger I’m feeling. I want to unleash it on someone, and it’s going to take a lot of will for it not to be her.

She looks too damn gorgeous. Her blonde waves are resting over her firm tits again, and I had to fight to keep my eyes off them while I was speaking to her earlier. Her high cheek bones and full lips make her sexy as hell.

She’s in a short blue sundress, no straps, which matches her vivid eyes. At least I’m comfortable with Blanca. She gets me and would probably put up with my bullshit.

Instead, I’m finding myself immensely interested in this woman. She’s a mystery. Submissive and obviously easily persuaded one minute, then defiant the next.

I don’t get her. Pick your damn personality, so I have a clue what my heart is up against. Yeah, she must’ve removed the damn condemned sign around it.

I unlock the door to my office in Caged and step aside for her to enter. I have a clue what I’d
to do to her, but I don’t have a damn idea what I’m
going to do with her. All I’m sure about is that I want her here.

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