Colin Woodard (56 page)

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Authors: American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America

Tags: #American Government, #General, #United States, #State, #Political Science, #History

BOOK: Colin Woodard
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Page numbers in
refer to maps.
Act of Abjuration (1581)
Adams, Charles Francis Jr.
Adams, John
Adams, John Quincy
Adams, Samuel
African Americans:
and civil rights
free blacks
and Reconstruction
and slavery,
in the South,
Deep South; Dixie
and voting rights
and World War I
Borderlanders in
and Civil War
and Deep South
and westward expansion
Alamo, Battle of
Alcorn, James
Alexander VI, Pope
Algonquin people
Alien and Sedition Acts (1798)
American Creed
American Dream
American Exceptionalism
American Revolution
British surrender
and Canada
Continental Army/militias in
and Continental Congress
and Deep South
and English control
and Greater Appalachia
and Midlands
and Native Americans
and New Netherland
separate wars in
and Seven Years' War
and Tidewater
and Yankeedom
Amherst, Baron Jeffrey
Anaconda Copper
Andros, Sir Edmund
Anheuser, Eberhard
Anthony, Susan B.
Anti-Imperialist League
Anti-Saloon League
Greater Appalachia
Appalachian Mountains
and El Norte
and Far West
and Spanish culture
U.S. acquisition of
Anti-evolutionary views in
and Civil War
and Deep South
and education
and El Norte
and Greater Appalachia
Armey, Dick
Árpád, king of Hungary
Articles of Confederation
Austin, Moses
Austin, Stephen
Baltimore, Cecilius Calvert, Lord
Bankruptcy Act (1800)
Barbados, slavery in
Barrasso, John
Barton, Joe
Barton, Roger
Beck, Glenn
Beecher, Lyman
Bell, John
Bennett, Robert
Bensel, Richard Franklin
Berkeley, Sir William
Berlin, Ira
Bible, allegorical vs. literal interpretation
Bill of Rights
Birney, James G.
Bishop, Bill
Blackwell, John
Blue Nations
Boone, Daniel
Borah, William
clans of
combative culture of
and Continental Congress
and Greater Appalachia;
see also
Greater Appalachia
influence of
in Pennsylvania
public stories about
and religion
and Revolution
taking law into their own hands
and whiskey
Boston Port Bill
Boston Tea Party
Brace, Charles Loring
Bradford, William
Breckinridge, John C.
Breckinridge, William
Brethren of Christ
British Columbia
and Far West
and First Nation
and Left Coast
British East India Company
British West Indies
Brower, David
Brown, Albert Gallatin
Brown, John
Brownlow, William
Bryan, William Jennings
Buchanan, James
Burnt-Over District
Busch, Adolphus
Bush, George H. W.
Bush, George W.
Byrd, Robert
Byrd, William
Calhoun, John C.
cowboy culture in
drought in
and El Norte
and Far West
as free state
and Gold Rush
and Left Coast
and Mexico
and Spanish culture
U.S. acquisition of
and Yankeedom
Callenbach, Ernest,
Calvin, John
Campbell, Archibald
Borderlanders in
English control of
and Far West
and First Nation
immigration to
Loyalist Myth
and Midlands
national identity in
and New France
and Revolution
and Yankeedom
Candler, Allen
Carson, Rachel
Carter, Jimmy
Carter, Landon
Carter, Tim Lee
Catt, Carrie Chapman
Central Pacific Railroad
Chafee, Lincoln
Champlain, Samuel de
Channing, William Henry
Charles I, king of England
Charles II, king of England
Chávez, César
Cherokee nation
Chicano Moratorium
Chicksaw people
Chico, Mariano
child welfare
China, immigrants from
Chinook Indians
Civil Rights Act (1964)
civil rights movement
Civil War, U.S.
Confederate defeat in
and Deep South
Fort Sumter attack
and Greater Appalachia
and Midlands
and New Netherland
and Reconstruction
and secession
and slavery
and Tidewater
and U.S. foreign policy
and Yankeedom
Cleveland, Grover
Clinton, Bill
Coleman, Norm
drought in
and El Norte
and Far West
federal lands in
and Spanish culture
U.S. acquisition of
Comstock Lode
Concord, Massachusetts
Conestoga wagons
Confederate States of America
Connally, Tom
and Constitution
cultural influences in
education in
founding of
and Long Island
and New Netherland
and Northwest Territory
and Pennsylvania
and Puritans
self-rule in
and Vermont
and Western Reserve
Constitution, U.S.
Bill of Rights
, ratification of
regional compromises in
resistance to
Constitutional Convention
Continental Congress:
Coolidge, Calvin
core, use of term
Corn Tassel (Cherokee)
Cornwallis, Charles, Lord
cowboy culture
Creek Indians
Crockett, Davy
Cromwell, Oliver
and Deep South
and Spanish-American War
cultural revolution (1960s)
Cushing, Robert
Daly, Marcus
Darwin, Charles
Davis, Jefferson
Day, Sherman
Declaration of Independence
deCosta, Mathieu
Deep South:
anti-evolutionary views in
anti-Spanish views in
Borderlanders in
caste system in
and civil rights movement
and Civil War
and Constitutional Convention
and Continental Congress
and cotton
Council of Safety
defining characteristics of
and democracy
and Dixie coalition,
East Coast expansion of
and education
and Far West
founding of
geographical area of
leisurely life in
Lost Cause in
plantations in
political preferences in
and Reconstruction
and Red Nations
Regulators in
and religion
and Revolution
and secession
slavery in
sugar crops in
and westward expansion
and World War II
and Civil War
and Continental Congress
founding of
and Midlands
and New Netherland
and Revolution
and Tidewater
DeLay, Tom
Democratic Party:
and Deep South
and Greater Appalachia
and Midlands
and Northern alliance
and slavery
and social issues
and Tidewater
and Yankeedom
Denonville, Jacques-René de Brisay de
Descartes, René
DeVoto, Bernard
de Vries, Margaret
Dewey, John
Díaz del Castillo, Bernal
Dickinson, John
caste system in
and civil rights movement
coalition of
and Democratic Party
Lost Cause in
and political control
and Red Nations
religion in
and religious fundamentalism
and Republican Party
and social issues
status quo sought in
war supported by
and wealth gap
Yankeedom vs.
Dixon, A. C.
Doctrine of First Effective Settlement
Dole, Bob
domain, use of term
Douglas, Stephen
Douglass, Frederick
Duden, Gottfried
Dukakis, Michael
Dundas, Baron Thomas
Dust Bowl
Dutch East India Company
Dutch West India Company
Dwight, Timothy
Dyer, Mary
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Eliot, Charles
Elizabeth I, queen of England
El Norte:
conquest of
cowboy culture of
cultural uprising in
defining characteristics of
founding of
and Gadsden Purchase
geographical area of
and immigration
isolation of
mestizos in
and Mexican-American War
political preferences of
and racial prejudice
and Santa Anna
Spanish culture in
and swing nations
and Texas Revolution
and Vietnam War
and World War II
Embargo Acts (1807, 1808)
Anglo-Saxon tribes of
Civil War (1640s) in
colonial revolts against;
see also
American Revolution
common law in
Glorious Revolution
immigrants to U.S. from
and Pacific Northwest
and Seven Years' War
as United Kingdom
and War of 1812
environmental movement
Equal Rights Amendment (1972)
evolution, opponents of
Falwell, Jerry
Far West:
and Blue Nations
borders of
corporations in
and Deep South
defining characteristics of
Dust Bowl of
and education
federal infrastructure projects in
federal ownership of land in
first settlers in
founding of
fur traders in
geographical areas of
immigrants in
Indian reservations in
labor unrest in
land grants in
mining industry in
political preferences in
railroads in
state constitutions of
and swing nations
and Vietnam War
weather conditions in
Western Caucus
and World War II
Faubus, Orval
First Nation:
geographical area of
and Greenland
and New France
Fischer, David Hackett
Fitzhugh, George
annexation of
anti-evolutionary views in
and Civil War
and Cuba
and Deep South
founding of
slavery in
Force Bill (1890)
Ford, Gerald R.
Ford, Henry
Fort Sumter, attack on
Founding Fathers
Fox, George
and American Revolution
French Revolution
Louisiana Purchase
and New France
and Seven Years' War
U.S. peace with
Franciscan missions
Frank, Thomas
Franken, Al
Franklin, Benjamin
Franklin, State of
freedom vs. liberty
Frist, Bill
Fuentes, Carlos
Fugitive Slave Law
Fulbright, J. William
Gadsden Purchase
Gage, Thomas

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