Collared: Ashton [Collared Lovers] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (13 page)

BOOK: Collared: Ashton [Collared Lovers] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Ty could feel her pussy clamping down onto his dick, and it made him want to blow, but he held back, snatching himself out of her warm haven. Rounding the bench, he stood directly in front of it and jerked his cock, aiming his release into her open mouth.

“Keep your mouth open so you can take all of my cum.” The last of his words was delivered on a groan versus actual speech.

He watched her accept the last few drops against her lips, seeing it dribble down and coat a portion of her chin. Closing her eyes, she clearly didn’t want to open them until Nate positioned himself behind her, ramming into her to reawaken her need, as Ty could tell from her moans. She burrowed her face against Ty’s crotch and pelvis, taking every one of Nate’s plunges until the driving force behind them made her shove back and scream out yet another orgasm.

Nate’s jaw clenched, and he lunged one last time, and Ty knew he was filling her with every drop of his creamy deposit. Nate seemed content to rest against her limp body. Ty dreaded getting them up, but he knew they needed to clean her up and put her to bed. These actions were paramount to providing good after-care for her as her Dom.

Ty released her restraints and watched as Nate pulled his flaccid cock from her wet confines. Ty scooped her up in his arms, and Nate threw the things that needed to be put away in the cleanup area and switched the lights off.

Going into their bedroom, both men worked in companionable silence. In the shower one of them held her nearly sleeping body close while the other gently bathed her, taking turns so they could wash themselves too. Coaxing her to relieve herself and brush her teeth, they managed to blot most of the water from her hair and dry her body.

The three of them then slipped into bed naked. The men cuddled Ashton in the middle with one of them on either side of her. Ty wanted nothing more than to go to bed like this every night for the rest of their lives.

Chapter Twelve


Ashton woke to the feeling that someone was watching her, and she felt a hand touching her bottom. Opening her eyes, she wasn’t surprised to find it was Ty. His brooding ways made her used to seeing him assess her, always cataloging her emotions and feelings. Hearing her phone ding a message, she followed Ty’s movements as he grabbed her phone off the dresser then brought it back to her. Continuing to lie against Nate, she checked her phone and gasped as she heard a frantic message from Sophie asking her men to call Sophie’s men.

Because Ty made no attempt to hide the fact he was listening and heard the panic in Sophie’s voice, he was immediately looking for their phones. Shaking Nate awake, Ty told him to call Keith while he slipped his jeans on. Removing a handgun from a dresser drawer, he went downstairs.

She immediately tried calling Sophie back and got her about the same time that Nate was talking to Keith. Sophie was a lot calmer than in her message, but still worried. It seemed that the nut job who had broken into their apartment had followed Sophie and her men from the apartment when they had gone to take a look and had vandalized Keith’s truck. The crazy man had then jerked off on a pair of her and Sophie’s panties and left them on the doorstep with a note saying he was going to punish them both for letting another Dom touch what was his.

Ashton wanted to retch but knew if she showed any fear the men would have her under house arrest for the rest of her natural life. She knew Nate was getting the same story because he was cussing a blue streak.

Ty came in speaking to someone on the phone and carrying the wicked-looking weapon in a confident hold. It was now Ty’s turn to explode, and he was using expletives she was sure he needed his mouth washed out for using. He ended his tirade with a threat to, “Cut the fucker’s dick off, shove it up his ass, and feed him his balls.”

Nate’s seemed a little more original with a simple, “I’ll gut the motherfucker if he comes near my woman.”

Rolling her eyes, she got off the bed and walked to the bathroom to get away from the boiling testosterone and anger swirling around the room. She and Sophie finished their conversation in relative quiet, each promising to call the other periodically and ending with quick, “I love you.”

Nate, walking in at that moment, heard the phrase and immediately saw red. He grabbed the phone from Ashton’s hand, and she squealed as he pulled her close. He had a desperate grip on her arm.

Pulling her even closer to his face, he asked with a deadly voice, “Who do you love?”

Ashton was so shocked at this first display of anger from him she couldn’t answer, and when he questioned her again, she attempted to jerk away from him. Upset or not, she would cut the balls off the man who handled her like that.

“Let me go, now. You are bruising my arm,” Ashton bit out.

Taking a breath and seeing her arm turn red where he gripped her, Nate swore and immediately apologized. “I’m sorry, baby, and despite whoever you were talking to, I shouldn’t have grabbed you. I’m so sorry. I assure you it won’t happen again. I promise.” Gently, he massaged the area he had grasped.

“I was talking to
. I love her like a sister and right now my sister is being threatened. I just wanted her to know I love her.”

Ashton gave Nate a hard-eyed stare, refusing to give an inch. He wasn’t going to make her feel sorry for him. She was still angry, and she had every right to be. He kissed her temple. She watched Nate retreat back in the bedroom so she could use the bathroom without witness. His regretful posture almost made her call after him, but she didn’t. He had to recognize that they were going to have boundaries and trust in their relationship, and this was a perfect place to start.

Stepping out of the bathroom a little later, she felt marginally more human than she wanted to admit and was not as mad at Nate as she had been prior to her shower. He looked so remorseful she went over to the bed and tried to reassure him. Ty just looked mad as hell. Wanting only to comfort them both, she climbed on top of Ty’s lap and straddled his hips.

Looking him in the eye, she asked the one thing she knew would throw him. “Sir, did I please you last night? Was I a good sub?” Ashton inquired breathlessly. When Ty flipped her over onto her back, she nearly giggled in excitement. His enthusiasm gave her a delicious thrill, now that her panic had eased.

As he loomed over her, her desire only grew. “I love to see you under me, your hair in disarray and your lips wet and waiting to be fucked.” He fit the flared head against her wet cleft and slowly pushed in, the tight, slippery confines luring him deeper. She tilted her hips, urging him to thrust and pound instead of stroke and savor.

Turning her lips toward Nate’s waiting dick, she circled the head with her tongue and sucked his length deep into her mouth, swallowing against him, taking more depth into her throat. Ty’s body felt stretched so tight, so clearly wanting release that when Nate started to come after just a dozen strokes in her mouth, her pussy clenched with pleasure, making Ty empty the seed right from his balls.

Ashton was content to lie there. She hadn’t achieved orgasm, but she felt intense satisfaction that her men had found theirs. But Ty clearly wasn’t, so when he withdrew, he leveled his mouth with her pussy and dove in, sucking and licking her wet tissues, alternating between tonguing her tunnel and flicking her clit hard and fast. When he sucked the little button into his mouth and pushed two fingers deep into her, she cried out, reaching her orgasm quickly, clenching around his digits.

Slowly nursing her down, he lay between her thighs, sucking all the moisture from her. When he pushed her toward a quiet, less intense climax, he finally called a halt to the gentle assault to her flesh.

Nate brought a warm washcloth over, cleaning up the saliva and remaining juices seeping from her, and they got ready for the day.


* * * *


The next two days, they alternated between sex and getting to know everything about one another. Walking back into the bedroom and having had a much-needed soak in the bathtub after another round in the playroom, Ashton noticed a flat rectangular box lying on the comforter. When she got to the bed, both men sat down on the edge of it and pressed her to her knees in front of them. Ty held the box in his hands, and they both seemed terribly nervous. Her stomach vaguely felt queasy at the thought that it was maybe a parting gift. Taking a breath, she looked them both in the eye, prepared to hold on to her dignity despite wanting to fall apart. Ty looked very nervous, and she saw him clutch Nate’s hand as they opened the box together.

Nate explained, “Ashton, when a couple wants to commit to one another in a dominant relationship, most Doms will collar their sub. This collar was designed only for a sub we wanted forever. No one has ever worn it and no one after, should you choose to take it off and walk away from us. Make no mistake, if you take it off, it means our relationship is over and you will move on. There is no going back.

“We aren’t trying to scare you off or anything, we just want you to be as sure as we are. This is a commitment that far exceeds most marriages, though we want you to marry one of us when you are ready. This is our token of forever. It is made of platinum. The clasp is to the front and the catch holds our designed tag. It’s etched with our initials intertwined with yours. Any Dom seeing this will know you belong to us because of our emblem. No two collars are the same. Most are similar, but the closest design we were assured was made for Keith and they gave it to Sophie, but her collar is still different.”

Losing the battle she was fighting with her tears, she sobbed and nodded wordlessly as they clasped the beautiful collar around her neck. The necklace was so beautiful. The sturdy links without a doubt were made to last forever, but were delicate enough for there to be no mistake that it was given in love. It was a horribly expensive way to mark a sub, but a way she was proud to uphold.

The next morning she steeled herself for the coming fight, knowing the men were going to disagree, but she wasn’t going to ask for any more time off work. She had enjoyed the time with her men, but she was starting to go stir-crazy. The men insisted that she and Sophie be confined to home because the danger the potential stalker posed. They’d not even taken her shopping or out for groceries.

When the fight came, the blow-up was huge, resulting in neither man speaking to her all day. When it came time to dress for her night shift that later that afternoon, they were nowhere to be found. Choosing the melon-pink scrubs, she pulled her hair back in a large clip, letting the curls cascade down in a little organized disarray. She wore her collar proudly and knew that it was going to garner some attention, but she didn’t care.

Going downstairs, she found the security guard from club waiting for her. He quickly explained that he would be taking her to and from work and sitting in the waiting room should she need him. Holding out his hand, he requested her cell phone. He saved his info in the speed dial and explained what key to hit if there was an emergency and she needed help. Looking up she found both men at the top of the stairs simply watching her, both angry still.

She gave them the one gift she thought would make them understand that she wasn’t leaving them, but just going to work. Standing at the foot of the stairs she looked at them both and simply said, “I love you both. I should be home before seven. It’s a twelve-hour shift, but I’ll call if I’m going to be late.”

Both men jogged down the stairs. Ty grabbed her up, turning her, and kissed her hard, almost punishingly, while Nate’s kiss was soft and reverent almost. Wiping the tear away that had leaked out, both men kissed her on the mouth again and told John to keep her safe.

“John has your dinner and a snack in Nate’s truck. We are going to be at the club working on the paperwork we’ve put off all week. Our numbers are in your cell, and John will call if there’s any sign of things being off. At the first hint of trouble he has direct orders to get you the hell out of there, so don’t even try and convince him otherwise. If you get hurt I’m beating your ass, do you understand, Ashton? Tied to the cross in the playroom and you won’t find release this time!” Ty delivered his scathing orders.

She would have taken exception to his instructions, however she could feel the fine tremble of his hand as it brushed a stray curl away, and seeing his eyes bright with emotion, she couldn’t find it in herself to take issue with him. Instead, she just smiled and kissed his chin.

“I promise to be good,” she whispered, and he leaned his forehead against hers.

Her shift seemed to pass quickly, and her coworkers seemed happy she was back at work. The other nurses teased her about running away, and the two doctors on duty seemed pleased, telling her that they were glad for her return, anxious for everything to go back to normal. The ER was steady enough that she didn’t slow down until after midnight.

Ashton ate dinner at about one in the morning. The pasta salad and roast beef sandwich were delicious. Ty had put some sort of spicy sauce on her sandwich, and she devoured it before starting to eat the yogurt and fresh pineapple.

She pulled out her phone. She was going to call them quickly before it got too hectic, like it always did after midnight. She got Ty’s voice mail first. Leaving a message, she thanked him for the wonderful dinner and told him she couldn’t wait to see him in the morning, closing with “I love you,” which she knew would make him happy to hear.

Calling Nate next, she got him immediately. She was glad that she could call them. Most people didn’t share her odd shifts, but owning a club, they would be up and, like her, hard at work when everyone else was asleep. After she assured him everything was fine and that she was just checking in, they traded work stories. She was still on the phone and was putting away her containers from dinner one-handed when, out of nowhere, she felt harsh hands grab her shoulder and arm. With great force she could feel herself thrown against a wall.

BOOK: Collared: Ashton [Collared Lovers] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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