Collide (16 page)

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Authors: Juliana Stone

Tags: #romance, #siblings, #contemporary romance, #small town romance

BOOK: Collide
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For a moment Bobbi tore her gaze from Shane
and glanced around, afraid they were making a spectacle out of
themselves. But they were too heavy in the shadows and the crowded
dance floor was full of couples moving in time to the music. Hands
groped, mouths reached, lips touched, words murmured.

“It was just for one night, Shane,” she said
finally, chancing a look at him again. “That’s what we agreed on
and I didn’t see the need…” she blew out a breath. “I just wanted
to go home.”

Liar. I was afraid

He stopped moving. “Why?”

“Because,” she licked her lips, tasting him
and her breath hitched at the back of her throat. “Because we’re
not good for each other.”

He lowered his head once more and a shiver
rolled over her entire body, starting from the top of her head to
the bottom of her toes as he whispered into her ear.

“I don’t know where the hell you were last
Friday night, but from what I remember, we were damn good

A groan escaped her mouth as his tongue shot
out and he licked his spot again.

“In fact, I would say that last Friday night
was the best we ever had.”

Pain sliced through Bobbi and she started to
shake her head, but stopped herself in time. There was no way she
was going to make a complete idiot out of herself. He didn’t have
to know how she really felt. Friday night had been good. Hell, that
was an understatement because it had been more than good. Last
Friday had been amazing.

But it wasn’t the best. It wasn’t like that
night. That first night when she’d realized how much she loved him.
When she’d given him everything including her heart.

“But what are we doing, Shane?” she stopped
moving and pulled out of his embrace. “What is this?”

Shane’s eyes remained steady as his hand
tucked that stupid strand of her hair that just didn’t want to stay
put behind her ear.

“What do you want it to be?” he said softly.

“We’re no good together,” she repeated,
shaking her head. “At least not as a couple.”


Her chin rose up at his quick response. Okay,
he didn’t have to be so agreeable on the subject.

“But we’re good in bed and the connection we
had,” he leaned closer and damned if those shivers didn’t roll over
her skin again. “The connection that we still have is a hell of a
lot more than most couples ever find.” His finger traced the tattoo
behind her ear. “You’ve been starving for it princess and I’m not
ashamed to say after last Friday night, you’re all I can think

Ike’s band finished their song and as the
crowd erupted once more into cheers, Bobbi took a moment to collect
her thoughts.

“So you want us to have a sexual

Shane’s eyebrows shot up. “Don’t you?”

“Yes,” she answered without thinking.
“But...” No! No fucking way would she survive a relationship with
Shane Gallagher. Any kind of relationship. If the man wanted to
walk his dog with her every other night—even that sort of
relationship wouldn’t end well for her.

He shook his head and stepped away, a grin on
his face and yet, his eyes were much too intense. “There are no
buts, Bobbi. I’m laying it on the line. I have no problem letting
you use me for sex.”

“What? I’m not,” she sputtered, suddenly
angry. “I don’t want to use you for sex.”

Shane’s grin devastated her and his gaze
lingered so long on her breasts that her fingers crept upward,
covering the hardened peaks as she blew out a long breath.

“Don’t you? Because I sure as hell want you.”
His nostrils flared and his eyes narrowed. “I want you every way
that I can have you.” He shrugged. “But we keep it physical. We’re
good together that way, so why not take advantage of it? You know,
while we’re both available?”

God, she wished he would move away from her.
She couldn’t think with him this close. “Let me get this straight.
You want us to have sex,”


“Whenever we feel the need to have sex.”

“Sounds good to me.”

“Because we’re good at it.”

He nodded. “Damn good at it.”

“Sex with no strings.”

“No strings, sounds good.” He grinned again
and she had to look away. “Stringless sex.”

“And you think we can do this. That our past
won’t…that we won’t…end up hurting each other or…”

“I can do it, princess,” Shane said softly,
so softly she barely heard him. “If you can, you know where I

Shane dropped one more scorching hot kiss
onto her mouth and left her alone in the shadows, staring at the
back of his head as he disappeared into the crowded dance

For the longest time Bobbi stared at the
remnant of his shadow until he was lost to her. With shaking
fingers she ran her hand through her hair and shuddered.

What the hell had just happened?

Chapter Fifteen



“I heard you decked Gerald Dooley on your way
out of the Hockey Shirt dance.”

Shane glared at Logan Forest as the two men
worked to place the large harvest table he’d finished for his buddy
in the right spot. It was Sunday afternoon, his mood wasn’t exactly
sunny, and he didn’t need to deal with shit from Forest.

He gritted his teeth and gave a quick nod,
but didn’t answer as they moved the table another inch.

“Not so smart, Gallagher,” Logan said
carefully as they stood back to look at their handy work. “Hope it
doesn’t mess with your parole.”

“The asshole deserved it.”

Shane couldn’t help the grin that stole over
his face when he thought of how good it had felt when his fist had
connected with Dooley’s face. There had been a crack. There had
been crumbling of bone and cartilage. There had been blood and

His grin widened.

A broken nose looked damn good on Dooley and
like he had just told Logan, the asshole deserved it.

Shane shrugged. “He said the wrong thing at
the wrong time and met the wrong end of my fist.”

“Let me guess. It had something to do with
you and Bobbi sucking face near the side of the stage.”

“Could have.”

In fact it had been a lot more than a
comment. The guy had outright called Bobbi a whore in front of
Sabrina Fairfax and a few others. Shane supposed the guy was
entitled to his own opinion, hell, he’d been left at the altar, but
there were some things you didn’t say out loud. At least not to the
guy who could kick your ass all over New Waterford and back. Dooley
was damn lucky that Shane’s parole prevented him from doing just
that because he was itching to do it.

Asshole. In what world did Gerald Dooley
think he belonged with Bobbi Jo?

“Huh,” Logan said, though the look in his
eyes said a whole lot more.

“What?” Shane snapped, not in the mood for a
heart to heart with Forest.

“What are you guys doing exactly?”

A glint entered Shane’s eyes as a smile
spread over his face. He cocked his head to the side. “Do you want
a play by play or just the short, condensed version?”

Logan scowled. “I want to know why the hell
you think it’s a good idea to get involved with Bobbi Jo again. On
any level.” Logan shook his head and stepped back, his lips tight,
his expression fierce. “I get that you’re adults and not the kids
you once were, but man, are you sure about this? Sometimes you have
to let it go. No matter how good it feels. The two of you
together…after what happened, Christ you fell away from all of us

Something clicked inside Shane, like a piece
of the puzzle finally fit. He took a step back and glanced out the
kitchen window, into the thigh high snow that blanketed

“I’m done blaming everyone else for the
stupid shit I did, Logan.” His voice was low. “I can’t do that
anymore. If I did, I wouldn’t be half the man that I want to be.
The kind of man I need to be. I fucked up my life and I did it on
my own.”

Logan crossed his arms over his chest, but
didn’t say a word.

“Bobbi might have sent me over the edge but I
was standing there already. I wanted to fall. I wanted to fail.” He
turned back to his oldest friend. “Sure the girl tore out my heart
but what did I do? I turned around and fucked one of her best

“Technically you and Bobbi were split up.”
Logan offered.

“That doesn’t excuse what I did, because I
did it to get back at her. I did it because I wanted to hurt her
and you know what?
was something I didn’t fail at.”
Pain rifled through Shane and he glanced away, ashamed. The look in
Bobbi’s eyes when she had burst into his room…when she had found
him on the bed they used to make love in, bent over a naked,
writhing, Jane Lawson was one he would never forget.

Technically he hadn’t screwed Jane. Hell,
after Bobbi had slammed the door shut and left him, he would have
needed a truckload of Viagra to get the job done. But still the
intent had been there and he sure as fuck hadn’t done anything to
let Bobbi know the truth. In fact, that last night, the night his
life had truly gone to hell, he’d thrown it in her face.

Truth be told, it was that moment that had
sent him over the cliff and it had nothing to do with Bobbi hurting
him. It had everything to do with the fact that he hated himself
for causing her pain. For losing her.

For not fighting for what he wanted. He was
done with that. He was ready to grab what was his.

“Okay,” Logan said finally. “Okay, but that
still doesn’t tell me what exactly it is you’re up to.”

“I want her back.”

“Back as in…”

“I don’t want a fuck buddy if that’s what
you’re thinking.”

“What do you want?”

For a moment Shane didn’t say anything. Maybe
it was because it wasn’t until that exact moment that he really
knew what the answer was. Or maybe it was because he savored the
dramatic flavor of what he was going to say. Either way, he took
his time. He rolled his shoulders, exhaled softly and then looked
at Shane.

“I want everything.”

Logan stared at him long and hard and then he
nodded, his body relaxing a little as he leaned against the
countertop. “How exactly are you planning on doing that? Bobbi
isn’t exactly the type to be manipulated or tricked and I’m still
not convinced she will ever think you’re right for her.” He
shrugged. “She’s changed a lot. Hell, she was engaged and about to
marry Gerald fucking Dooley.”

“But she didn’t.”

“So what’s your plan?” Logan still sounded
unsure and more than a little concerned.

“Don’t sweat it Forest. There might not be a
two of us together. The ball’s in Bobbi’s court and I have no idea
if she’s going to take the bait.”


Shane smiled and shoved his hands into the
front pockets of his jeans. “Sex.”

“You’re using sex as bait for Bobbi Jo

“Underhanded, I know but I’m willing to do
whatever it takes. I’m going to reel her in with the promise of hot
nights and more orgasms than she can handle and when she’s weak
I’ll move in for the kill. I’ll make her see the truth.”

“Oh yeah, and what’s that?”

“That no matter what she or half of New
Waterford thinks, we belong together. I might not deserve a second
chance with her but I’m going to take it.”

A knock at the door sounded and Logan

“Expecting anyone?”

“Nope.” Logan headed for the front door.
“Hold on.”

“Nah, I gotta get going. I’m planning on a
trip out to White Hall.”

They were now at the front door and Logan
paused, his hand on the doorknob. “That’s good.”

“It’s time.”

Logan opened his front door and a tall, slim,
woman stood there. Draped from head to toe in fur, a few blond
wisps of hair sticking out from her hat, she looked frozen. She
removed her sunglasses and Shane stepped back shocked.

Her eyes were shadowed. Her pallor grey. Lips
no longer red, but pale pink pressed tight as she gazed up at the
two men, and when she spoke her voice was raspy, nothing like the
musical, easiness of years ago.

“Logan, I’m sorry to bother you. I tried the
carriage house but,” her voice trailed off as she took a moment and
glanced at Shane. “You weren’t there so I thought I would take a

“Hello Celia.” It had been years since Shane
had laid eyes on his father’s wife. He had a hard time referring to
her as step-mother, mainly because the woman was barely ten years
older than him. Though, from the looks of her, time hadn’t been
exactly kind. She looked like hell.

With his father’s money he thought for sure
she’d be one of those women whose best friend was a plastic

“I need to talk to you, Shane.” She sounded
almost desperate and for the first time a tingling of something
uncomfortable hit him in the gut—a warning that things weren’t

He was all about facing his past, but there
were still some things that needed time and space. His father James
was one of them. His wife Celia was another. And their daughter,
the sister he hadn’t seen in over five years was definitely

Shane could deal with the anger, the mistrust
and pain. It was the guilt he wasn’t so sure about. And when he
thought of little Eden, guilt was the one emotion he felt. No, that
was wrong. There was also shame.

“Shane?” she said hopefully.

Damn, he wasn’t keen on having a chat with
Celia Gallagher, but from the looks of her she wasn’t going
anywhere until he did. Shane grabbed his jacket from the coat rack
near the door and shrugged into it.

“This way,” he said tersely, before nodding
goodbye to Logan.

Outside the sun was warm on his face. The
temperature was hovering around the freezing mark and the white
stuff at his feet was heavy, packing snow. It was a perfect day
really, one that should find most local kids out playing in the

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