Colonel Roosevelt (128 page)

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Authors: Edmund Morris

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Papers denoted with an asterisk are located in the Theodore Roosevelt Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard University (TRC). It and the Theodore Roosevelt Papers at the Library of Congress (TRP) are the two main repositories of documents relating to the twenty-sixth President. Both collections are in the process of being electronically copied by the Theodore Roosevelt Center at Dickinson State University, North Dakota. The aim of this institution is to create a unified digital archive of Roosevelt’s papers, freely accessible to researchers worldwide via the Internet.

Lawrence Abbott Papers*
Archibald B. Roosevelt Papers*
Author’s Collection
Arthur J. Balfour Papers, British Library, London
Arthur Lee Papers, Cortauld Institute, London
American Museum of Natural History, New York
Anna Roosevelt Cowles Papers*
Albert Shaw Papers, New York Public Library
Albert J. Beveridge Papers, Library of Congress
Cecil Spring Rice Papers, Churchill College, Cambridge, UK
Finley Peter Dunne Papers, Library of Congress
Edwin Arlington Robinson Collection, New York Public Library
Edwin M. Hood Papers, Library of Congress
Ethel Roosevelt Derby Papers*
Edith Wharton Papers, Beinecke Library, Yale University
Flora Whitney Miller Papers*
Henry Cabot Lodge Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society,
Hermann Hagedorn Papers*
Howard K. Beale Papers, Princeton University
Henry Pringle Papers*
Henry White Papers, Library of Congress
James Herbert Morse Diaries, New-York Historical Society
Jean Jules Jusserand Papers, Quai d’Orsay, Paris
John J. Leary Papers*
James R. Garfield Papers, Library of Congress
Julian Street Papers, Princeton University Library
Kermit Roosevelt Papers, Library of Congress
Lucius Burrie Swift Papers, Indiana Historical Society
Morgan Library and Museum, New York
John Callan O’Laughlin Papers*
Owen Wister Papers, Library of Congress
Frances Theodora Smith Parsons Papers*
Philander Chase Knox Papers, Library of Congress
Ray Stannard Baker Papers, Library of Congress
Charles Scribner’s Sons Papers, Princeton University Library
Albert Shaw Papers, New York Public Library
Willard Straight Papers, Cornell University Library
Mark Sullivan Papers, Library of Congress
Mark Sullivan Papers, Hoover Institution, Stanford University
Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace National Historic Site Collection, New York
Theodore Roosevelt Collection, Gotlieb Center, Boston University
Theodore Roosevelt Collection, Harvard
Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., Papers, Library of Congress
Theodore Roosevelt Papers, Library of Congress
Willard Bartlett Papers, Columbia University
Walt Kuhn Family and Armory Show Records, Smithsonian Archives of American Art
Williams Family Papers, privately held
William Howard Taft Papers, Library of Congress
Whitelaw Reid Papers, Library of Congress
Woodrow Wilson Papers, Library of Congress

This valuable collection of notes and interview transcripts relating to TR, made by Beale over the course of several decades, has been destroyed by its curators.


Only those sources that have multiple citations in the Notes are listed here. All others are cited where they relate to the text.

The most comprehensive bibliography of Theodore Roosevelt is the online catalogue of the Theodore Roosevelt Collection, compiled by Wallace F. Dailey, curator of the Theodore Roosevelt Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard University. It includes manuscripts and photographs, and expands on an earlier print version, Gregory C. Wilson, comp.,
Theodore Roosevelt Collection: Dictionary Catalogue and Shelflist
, 5 vols., plus one-volume
, Wallace F. Dailey, comp. (Cambridge, Mass., 1970, 1986).


Abbott, Lawrence F.
Impressions of Theodore Roosevelt
. New York, 1919.

Adams, Henry.
The Letters of Henry Adams
. J. C. Levenson, Ernest Samuels, Charles Vandersee, Viola Hopkins Winner, eds. 6 vols. Cambridge, Mass., 1988.

Amos, James E.
Theodore Roosevelt: Hero to His Valet
. New York, 1927.

Asquith, Margot.
The Autobiography of Margot Asquith
. Boston, 1963.

Bailey, Thomas A.
A Diplomatic History of the American People
. 8th ed. New York, 1969.

Baker, Ray Stannard.
American Chronicle
. New York, 1945.

Balfour, Michael.
The Kaiser and His Time
. New York, 1964, 1972.

[Begbie, Harold].
The Mirrors of Downing Street: Some Political Reflections by a Gentleman with a Duster
. New York, 1921.

Bishop, Joseph Bucklin.
Theodore Roosevelt and His Time: Shown in His Own Letters
. 2 vols. New York, 1920.

Bourne, Kenneth, ed.
British Documents on Foreign Affairs: Reports and Papers from the Foreign Office Confidential Print, Part One, From the Mid-Nineteenth Century to the First World War
. Multiple vols. Frederick, Md., 1990.

Bull, Bartle.
Safari: A Chronicle of Adventure
. New York, 1988.

Butt, Archibald W.
The Letters of Archie Butt: Personal Aide to President Roosevelt
. Lawrence F. Abbott, ed. New York, 1924.

Taft and Roosevelt: The Intimate Letters of Archie Butt, Military Aide. 2
vols. New York, 1930.

Cherrie, George K.
Dark Trails: Adventures of a Naturalist
. New York, 1930.

Clemenceau, Georges.
Discours de guerre
. Paris, 1934, 1968.

Cooper, John Milton.
Woodrow Wilson: A Biography
. New York, 2009.

Cordery, Stacy A.
Alice: Alice Roosevelt Longworth, from White House Princess to Washington Power Broker
. New York, 2007.

Cowley, Robert, ed.
The Great War: Perspectives on the First World War
. New York, 2004.

Davis, Oscar King.
Released for Publication: Some Inside Political History of Theodore Roosevelt and His Times, 1898–1918
. Boston, 1925.

Dugdale, Edgar T., ed.
German Diplomatic Documents 1871–1914
. Vol. 3. London, 1930.

Dunne, Finley Peter.
Mr. Dooley Remembers: The Informal Memoirs of Finley Peter Dunne
[1936]. Philip Dunne, ed. Boston, 1963.

Dyer, Thomas G.
Theodore Roosevelt and the Idea of Race
. Baton Rouge, La., 1980.

Ecksteins, Modris.
Rites of Spring: The Great War and the Birth of the Modern Age
. Boston, 1989.

Gable, John Allen.
The Bull Moose Years: Theodore Roosevelt and the Progressive Party
. Port Washington, N.Y., 1978.

Garland, Hamlin.
Companions on the Trail: A Literary Chronicle
. New York, 1931.

My Friendly Contemporaries: A Literary Log
. New York, 1932.

Roadside Meetings
. New York, 1930.

Gerard, James W.
Face to Face with Kaiserism
. New York, 1918.

My Four Years in Germany
. New York, 1917.

[Gilbert, Clinton W.].
The Mirrors of Washington: With Fourteen Cartoons by Cesare
. New York, 1922.

Gilbert, Martin.
A History of the Twentieth Century
. Vol. 1,
. Toronto, 1997.

Goetsch, Charles C.
Essays on Simeon Baldwin
. West Hartford, Conn., 1981.

Gould, Lewis L., ed.
Bull Moose on the Stump: The 1912 Campaign Speeches of Theodore Roosevelt
. Lawrence, Kan., 2008.

———, ed.
Four Hats in the Ring: The 1912 Election and the Birth of Modern American Politics
. Lawrence, Kan., 2008.

Grey, Edward, Viscount.
Twenty-five Years: 1892–1916
. Vol. 2. New York, 1925.

Hagedorn, Hermann.
Edwin Arlington Robinson: A Biography
. New York, 1938.

The Roosevelt Family of Sagamore Hill
. New York, 1954.

Harbaugh, William H.
The Life and Times of Theodore Roosevelt
. Rev. ed. New York, 1975.

Hechler, Kenneth W.
Insurgency: Personalities and Politics of the Taft Era
. New York, 1964.

Heckscher, August.
Woodrow Wilson: A Biography
. New York, 1991.

House, Edward M.
The Intimate Papers of Colonel House
. 4 vols. Charles Seymour, ed. Cambridge, Mass., 1926.

Karp, Walter.
The Politics of War: The Story of Two Wars Which Altered Forever the Political Life of the American Republic
. New York, 1979.

La Follette, Belle and Fola.
Robert M. La Follette
. 2 vols. New York, 1953.

La Follette, Robert M.
La Follette’s Autobiography: A Personal Narrative of Political Experiences
. Madison, Wis., 1913.

Leary, John J., Jr.
Talks with T.R.: From the Diaries of John J. Leary, Jr
. Boston, 1920.

Lee, Dwight E., ed.
The Outbreak of the First World War: Causes and Responsibilities
. Lexington, Mass., 1970, 1975.

Lee of Fareham, Viscount.
A Good Innings
. Vol. 1. Privately printed, London, 1939.

———. “
A Good Innings”: The Private Papers of Viscount Lee of Fareham, P.C., G.C.B., G.C.S.I., G.B.E
. Alan Clark, ed. London, 1974.

Link, Arthur S., ed.
The Papers of Woodrow Wilson
. Princeton, N.J., 1966–1990.

Wilson: The Road to the White House
. Princeton, N.J., 1947.

Longworth, Alice Roosevelt.
Crowded Hours: Reminiscences of Alice Roosevelt Longworth
. New York, 1933.

Looker, Earle.
Colonel Roosevelt, Private Citizen
. New York, 1932.

Lorant, Stefan.
The Life and Times of Theodore Roosevelt
. Garden City, N.Y., 1959.

MacDonogh, Giles.
The Last Kaiser: The Life of Wilhelm II
. New York, 2000.

McGerr, Michael.
A Fierce Discontent: The Rise and Fall of the Progressive Movement in America, 1870–1920
. New York, 2003.

Marks, Frederick J., III.
Velvet on Iron: The Diplomacy of Theodore Roosevelt
. Lincoln, Neb., 1979.

Millard, Candice.
The River of Doubt: Theodore Roosevelt’s Darkest Journey
. New York, 2005.

Miller, Char.
Gifford Pinchot and the Making of Modern Environmentalism
. Washington, D.C., 2001.

Miller, Leo E.
In the Wilds of South America
. New York, 1918.

Morris, Edmund.
The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt
. Rev. ed. New York, 1979, 2001.

Theodore Rex
. New York, 2001.

Morris, Sylvia Jukes.
Edith Kermit Roosevelt: Portrait of a First Lady
. New York, 1980.

Mowry, George E.
Theodore Roosevelt and the Progressive Movement
. New York, 1946, 1960.

Naylor, Natalie, et al., eds.
Theodore Roosevelt: Many-Sided American
. Interlaken, N.Y., 1992.

Nevins, Allan.
Henry White: Thirty Years of American Diplomacy
. New York, 1930.

New York (State) Supreme Court.
William Barnes, Plaintiff-Appellant, Against Theodore Roosevelt, Defendant-Respondent
. Walton, N.Y., 1917.

O’Laughlin, John C.
From the Jungle Through Europe with Roosevelt
. Boston, 1910.

O’Toole, Patricia.
When Trumpets Call: Theodore Roosevelt After the White House
. New York, 2005.

Papen, Franz von.
. Brian Connell, trans. London, 1952.

Parsons, Frances Theodora.
Perchance Some Day
. Privately printed memoir, 1951 (copy in TRC).

Pringle, Henry F.
The Life and Times of William Howard Taft
. 2 vols. New York, 1939.

Theodore Roosevelt, A Biography
. New York, 1931.

Putnam, Carleton.
Theodore Roosevelt: The Formative Years, 1858–1886
. New York, 1958.

Remey, Oliver, et al.
The Attempted Assassination of Ex-President Theodore Roosevelt
. Milwaukee, Wis., 1912.

Republican National Committee.
Official Report of the Proceedings of the National Republican Convention, 1912
. The Internet Archive,

Robinson, Corinne R.
My Brother Theodore Roosevelt
. New York, 1921.

Robinson, Edwin Arlington.
Collected Poems
. New York, 1922.

The Town Down the River
. New York, 1910.

Rondon, Cândido M.
Lectures Delivered by Colonel Cândido Mariana da Silva Rondon … On the 5th, 7th and 9th of October 1915 at the Phenix Theatre of Rio de Janeiro, on the Roosevelt-Rondon Scientific Expedition
. R. G. Reidy and Ed. Murray, trans. Rio de Janeiro, 1916; New York, 1969.

Roosevelt, Eleanor Butler.
Day Before Yesterday: The Reminiscences of Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt, Jr
. Garden City, N.Y., 1959.

Roosevelt, Emlen, ed.
Roosevelt vs. Newett: A Transcript of the Testimony Taken and Depositions Read at Marquette, Michigan (May 26–31, 1913)
. Privately printed, 1913.

Roosevelt, Kermit.
The Happy Hunting-Grounds
. New York, 1920.

The Long Trail
. New York, 1921.

———, ed.
Quentin Roosevelt: A Sketch with Letters
. New York, 1921.

Roosevelt, Theodore.
African and European Addresses
. Lawrence F. Abbott, ed. New York, 1910.

An Autobiography
. New York, 1913; Library of America, 2004.

The Letters of Theodore Roosevelt
. 8 vols. Cambridge, Mass., 1951–54.

The Works of Theodore Roosevelt
. Memorial Edition. 24 vols. New York, 1923–1926.

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