Colter's Revenge (14 page)

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Authors: Jan Springer

BOOK: Colter's Revenge
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Anxiously biting her lower lip, she sat down on the bed right beside him. Before she knew what was happening he sat up and she felt Colter’s cuffed hands slide up underneath her top and awkwardly cup her breasts.


Jan Springer

She tried to pull away, truly she did, but his fingers had already found her hypersensitive nipples. Had already started tweaking and massaging, making her knees melt.

“Miss me, Starry Eyes?” The knowing humor in his voice pissed her off.

“Go to hell,” she whispered, yet eagerly accepted the lock of his lips as his mouth slid over hers like a brand.

His kiss was greedy, leaving no doubt he wanted to make love to her again.

“We…can’t,” she said when he broke the breathtaking kiss and she tried to regain a small semblance of her senses. She had an hour. Maybe less. She should be talking to him. Spilling her guts about why she was there. About why he needed to get back to his cabin and tell Blade he was fine.

“Sure we can.” His head lowered and he kissed her nipple. Kissed and nibbled and tongued her until she wanted to scream.

Jesus. He was good with his mouth. But…

“Blade…your appointment…he’s looking for you…”

He kissed a line of fire down her belly. The intimate feel of his lips sailing over her flesh just about drove her mad with desire.

“I called him,” he whispered between kisses. “You forgot to take my cell phone with you. It was in my pants pocket. I told him I was…tied up for a while.”

He’d used the phone and hadn’t called for help? He trusted her that much? Trusted her to let him go? She found herself melting. Her earlier sadness vanishing, she found herself suddenly accepting the warm feelings of love she’d always harbored toward him.

His lips teased her belly. His moist tongue dipped into her bellybutton. His mouth tugged at her belly ring.

God. That felt so unbelievably delicious.

“I can see you still have your delicious belly ring, and I gather you like what I do to your innie?”

“It’s my other innie that needs your immediate attention, Doctor.”

“A quick satisfaction can be easily arranged.”

He stood quickly. His eyes flashed heavily with lust. His cuffed hand dug the remote control from the tiny pocket of her jacket.

“Which button releases the cock cage?”

“This one.”

She pressed the appropriate button and they both looked down to watch the metal cage click open. Urgency ripped through her at the sight of his engorged penis. She moved quickly, removing his swollen flesh from the contraption, curling her fingers around the heated arousal.

He gasped. Swore softly. “The cuffs, the key.” His breath came harsh and fast. 78

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She hesitated only a moment. Even if she un-cuffed him, he couldn’t go anywhere anyway. He still wore the collar.

She slid the key from between her breasts where she’d placed it. He grinned. “Nice hiding place.”

The instant the cuffs were off his wrists he grabbed her. She let out a yelp of surprise as he roughly turned her around and pushed her breasts and belly up against a nearby wall.

He grabbed her hands and pulled them to her sides.

“Keep them there,” he ordered harshly.

The need to follow his order swirled around her and she did as he asked. His force didn’t surprise her. She’d been anticipating some sort of controlled aggression, especially at the way she’d left the vibrating cock cage running at low speed when she’d gone to his cabin. It had kept him on edge.

His hot fingers branded her skin as he lifted her short skirt. She gasped as he entered her vagina. She’d expected him to penetrate fast. He didn’t. He slid into her wet slit slowly, the hot sensation entering her like a silk-encased piece of hard metal. Her cunt muscles clambered around his thickness. Curved around his every ridge, his engorged thickness filling her so solidly she swore he was bigger now than he’d ever been.

He stayed there inside her, his cock impaling her, his hips pressing her into the wall. Her breasts were squished, her belly cool. Her back and ass, however, were so hot as his hard muscles splayed around her feminine curves. For a split second she imagined herself squeezed between Colter and Blade once again, sandwiched between two tense soldier doctors, their desperate cocks plunging in and out of her in rapid rhythm.

She liked that memory. Wouldn’t mind trying a ménage again. But she liked this better. One-on-one intimacy with the man she loved.

“Oh yes,” she hissed as his fingers greedily he worked their magic. He played with her labia, pulled and pinched her swollen clit until pleasure burned through her. She closed her eyes against the sensations beginning to peak. He began a fast, desperate thrust. Taking her hard and fast. Just the way she liked it. His cock throbbed as it plunged in and out of her. The scent of their sex drifted to her nostrils. His ragged breath felt hot against the back of her neck. The slap of flesh against flesh as his powerful hips smacked into her ass over and over again sailed through the air.

“You’re mine, Starry Eyes. Don’t ever forget that,” he hissed into her ear. He flexed his hips harder and pushed his cock into her deeper than he’d ever been and she allowed the mind-shattering climax to shower her senses. 79

Jan Springer

Chapter Seven

Ashley turned away from the entertainment set the general had made her watch.
Colter’s and Blade’s groans of arousal were still pounding through her mind and, despite her
not wanting it to happen, her pussy was creaming wickedly as she remembered watching the
video of both men slamming their cocks into her.

The general’s dark chuckle from the couch on the other side of the room made red-hot anger
push away her arousal.

“You videotaped us. Why?”

“Quite the entertainment, don’t you think? I can get a lot of money selling that video on the
Internet these days. Especially with so few women left alive. I could make millions with my little
porn star. There’s over forty-eight hours of it. No wonder you looked so wiped out every morning
at breakfast.”

Ashley bit back a retort that surely would have had her whipped. Instead, she tried like hell
to keep her voice from shaking. She had to control herself, especially now that she was pregnant.

“I wanted you pregnant, Ashley. I knew even before you knew, that you would be. I so
enjoyed watching you squirm for months, loved the fear glowing in your eyes of how you
thought I would react at the news that my pleasure slave was pregnant by the man who saved
my life.”

Sadistic bastard.

“And I knew that my young soldier savior wouldn’t be able to resist you if I left you two
alone. It was simple to make the condoms in the mansion disappear. Very easy to replace your
birth control with something ineffective.”

Bastard! She felt sick. Used.

She’d been set up!

“Aren’t you going to ask why I wanted you pregnant, my little pleasure slave?”

“I’m sure you’ll tell me.”

He chuckled and headed for the nearby bar.

“As punishment for getting pregnant by another man’s seed I should give you to your
stepbrother and his wife. The stepbrother whom you rejected when he wanted you. You should
have agreed to sleep with him, to be his sex slave. He’s not as bad a sadist as I am.”


“Did you know his wife and he enjoy ménages with pregnant women…enjoy watching the
horror shining in the woman’s eyes when she knows she shouldn’t orgasm, for if she does…bye-
bye baby and maybe even her. It’s a kind of Russian Roulette thing for them…quite addictive.”


Colter’s Revenge

Ashley’s legs threatened to give out at his softly spoken words. She knew all about Cheri and
Blakely’s sick, twisted fetishes and she found defiant words tumbling out of her mouth despite
her fear of him. “You are a sick bastard.”

“You seem to have forgotten your place, my sweet Ashley. I own you. I bought you from the
government before they could send you to service the general soldiers. Aren’t you lucky I
purchased you? You should be grateful to me. Over the past year, you should have been on your
knees, begging me to suck my cock in appreciation for what I’ve done for you. But all you’ve been
doing is giving me grief every time I so much as fuck you.”

He poured a tall glass of sherry, took a sip, smacked his lips and grinned smugly at her.

“According to Iraqi law, I can do anything that I want with you. You are merely property
here. And if the rumored Claiming Law comes into effect, then when we return to the States,
we’ll be required to have a minimum four husbands for you and you’ll be property there as well.”

Oh, God! No!

To her shock his cold gray eyes twinkled and his nostrils flared wickedly. Instinctively she
knew he could smell her fear. It always turned him on. He’d want to have sex with her. She’d be
safe though. She’d never orgasmed with him. Had always faked it.

“Don’t worry, my sweet slave. I have decided I don’t want to lose you or the love child.”

What? Was she hearing right? She forced the blade of relief from taking hold of her. Forced
herself to remain cautious. To make sure he was serious and not just toying with her as he
usually did.

“Blakely and his wife have a lab full of pregnant women to play with. They can amuse
themselves with them. I can amuse myself with you after the baby arrives. You do know you will
be punished for your behavior with the gyno. And for being aroused at the way he touched you.
Do you know how embarrassed I was when you refused to name me as the father of your child? If
he says anything, I could be the laughingstock of Iraq by not keeping a tight leash on my pleasure

“I’m sorry,” she lied. She’d never be sorry for something out of her control. It hadn’t been
her fault the gynecologist had purposely aroused her. The general had probably instructed him to
do it just so he could watch her squirm.

“Oh you will be sorry.”

A shiver or dread rippled through Ashley. The general’s punishments were cruel. And he
never left behind any scars.

“The next few months are going to be very pleasant for you, Ashley. Pure, sheer pleasure,
but when that love baby pops out of you, life for you will become a living hell. Now return to
your room and prepare yourself for me.”

Ashley hesitated.

“You heard me, Ashley. Prepare yourself for me. Don’t worry about pretending to
orgasm…because the baby will know if you really do.”

His laughter raged inside her head as she headed out of the room to do his bidding.


Jan Springer

Ashley awoke in a cold sweat, the fear of the dream following her into the real world.


She’d gone through it.

Whippings. Waxings. Bondage. Eventually torture.

She’d survived it. Survived everything the general had done to her. In the end, she’d paid him back, hadn’t she? The bastard had pushed too far and he’d gotten his just reward.

Now she was free. At least she’d thought she’d been free until Colter had come back into her life and recaptured her heart.

She allowed herself the luxury of a heavy sigh and peered around the cabin, staring at the spot where Colter had taken her up against the wall. That’s how it had been between them in Iraq. Hurried fucks in the hallway by day and by night…long, tender lovemaking sessions.

Sessions the general had known about. Had planned. Had videotaped. Bastard.

A silvery thread of moon glow splintered through the drawn blinds. The room was dark. Full of gentle shadows. Shadows that should soothe her, reassure her that she was safe there with Colter.

A quick glance at the nearby table revealed they’d been asleep for several hours. She let out a heavy, frustrated sigh. She simply had to stop playing these sexual games with Colter or she would never get that cure.

Beside her he stirred, felt his hand reach out and touch her bare arm.

“You all right?”

“Hmm. Just a dream.”

She found herself cuddling against him, intertwining her fingers with his and holding on tight.

“You sure?” He blinked at her, a cute little furrow of concern wrinkled his forehead. She was about to say she always felt fine when she was with him when she suddenly realized he wasn’t wearing the collar…she was!

“Oh, God! I can’t believe you’ve done this to me again!” She ripped herself from his embrace and tried to get up, but he grabbed her around the waist pulling her right back to his side again.

“Now don’t get mad, Starry Eyes. The sight of you in the collar turns me on.” He reached out and cupped one of her breasts, holding her swollen flesh in his palm as he leaned his head close to her mouth, his warm breath washing over her lips. “And it gives me the opportunity to show you how much I enjoy being with you.”

“That’s bullshit! You just don’t trust me.” She heard the hurt in her voice and couldn’t believe she was allowing him to see her being so damn vulnerable. 82

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“It has nothing to do with not trusting you—”

He cut himself off by greeting her to a scorching kiss. She felt his cock harden against her leg. Felt her pussy cream.

Sweet mercy. The man and his ferocious sexual appetite were going to be the death of her yet.

She broke the kiss and ignored his groan of disappointment.

“Stop it.” She’d meant it as a command, but it came out in a hell of a husky whisper. “Blade’s probably still waiting for you in your cabin.”

Her warning didn’t move him the least bit.

“How do you know he’s in my cabin?”

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