Come and Talk to Me (6 page)

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Authors: June Kramin

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He took her arm and pulled her back. He held her face and gave her a gentle kiss on the lips. “I’m sorry.”

She leaned into his chest. It wasn’t worth crying over, especially knowing he felt bad about it. There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for her and she knew it. “I don’t feel like cooking tonight. It’s too hot.”

“I’ll cook.”

“Take me out?”

“Anywhere, babe.”


He laughed. “You bet.” He leaned down and gave her another kiss. “Any chance I could get dessert first? That sundress is makin’ me hot.”

“Funny. I was about to say the same thing about your uniform. You don’t usually wear it home.”

“I wanted to see if it had the same effect on you as the twelve-year-old.”

“Oh, that sounded so wrong.”

“It sounded better in my head.”

That was usually the pace when Van walked through the door. Uniform or not, sex was almost immediate. Two days to each of them had been an eternity. One morning, Reggie went to fly into his arms and he put his hand up to stop her.

“What’s wrong?” she asked with fear in her eyes.

“I’m hurtin’, baby. I need to go lie down.”

“What is it?”

“I blew my back out.”


He held onto the counter and let out a groan. “Can you help me to the bedroom first?”

She positioned herself under his arm and helped him walk into their room. “Shouldn’t I get you to the hospital?”

“I’ll be fine. I just need to lie down for a bit. It’ll go back in place on its own. Could you get me a couple of aspirin though, please?”

“Sure.” She ran off to retrieve them and some water while he undressed. He climbed into bed, face down, after taking them. “Do you want me to rub it for you?”

He shook his head no. “I think that’ll make it hurt worse.” She gently stroked it as she kissed between his shoulder blades. “Let me rest, baby. Trust me. It ain’t gonna work.”

“This will be the first time we’ve missed a day.”

“I’ll make it up to you. I promise.”

“You want to tell me about it?” She was worried.

“Later. Just let me lie here, okay?”

“All right.” She kissed the back of his head. “I don’t work until noon. I’ll check in on you before I go. I love you.”

He grunted a painful reply.

At eleven thirty, she went in with a sandwich and a soda, but he was sound asleep. She left it at his bedside, kissed him, and went to work. Afraid to call throughout the day and wake him, she resisted. She wished he had called her, but he didn’t.

Reggie arrived home a little after eight and went straight to the bedroom. She was scared when she found him lying face-down on the floor. “Donovan!” She rushed to his side.

“I’m okay. I needed a harder surface.”

The nightstand still had the sandwich on it, untouched. “You haven’t eaten at all?”

“Not hungry.”

“This isn’t good, Van. I’m taking you in.” She went to stand up but he caught her hand, stopping her.

“No. I’m all right.” He slowly rolled onto his back with minor grunts and groans then reached out and brushed her nipple with the back of his hand. “I think I’m feeling better already.”

“How about something to eat?”

“How about some lovin’?”

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Maybe you’ll put something back in place.”

“You’re hopeless,” she said as she removed her clothes. He was already naked.

“And you’re beautiful. Marry me.”

“I already did.”

“Oh yeah.”

She straddled him slowly, waiting to hear him wince but he didn’t. They began to make love and he chuckled.

“What’s so funny?”

“I should have laid down the other way. We’re going uphill.”

Chapter 7

together after they made love. Reggie hoped the hot water would help Van’s muscles. He was leaning against the wall, holding himself up while the water ran down his back.

“Sex didn’t help, did it?” Reggie asked.

“Didn’t hurt.” He picked up his head long enough for a quick kiss then he dropped it back down.

“You going to tell me what happened?”

“There was a fishing boat that was taking on water. They had a life raft, but they were trying to save the boat.”

“Idiots. Does everyone play dumb, waiting for you guys to show up?”

“Pretty much. Anyway, I guess it was worse than they thought. One guy was below working a hose from the water pump trying to suck up the water. It was an ancient bastard, about three hundred pounds. The pump—not the guy.”

“I get it.” She smiled as she gently rubbed his back.

“I went over to holler at him to get out. The boat was taking on water too fast; there was no way he was doing any good. We ordered everyone off the boat and onto ours. He was about to come up when the damn cart that they had the pump on collapsed. It was about to fall down the hole.”

“It would have gone through the boat?”

“Worse. It would have landed on the guy.”

She gasped and covered her mouth. “Did he get hurt?”

“I grabbed the pump midair and held it there till two other guys came over to help put it to the side.”

“You held a three hundred pound pump by yourself?”

“It wouldn’t have been so bad; it was the angle though. I really thought something popped.”

“Don’t you think you should get an X-ray?”

“It feels better, really. I don’t think I’m up to company though. Will you call off the Avilla’s? Do you mind?”

“Of course not. I’ll call Virgie now. Stay in as long as you want. The heat should help.”

“I’m already pruney. I’m gonna go hold down the floor again.”

“My poor baby.” She leaned against his back and gave it a kiss.


She kissed down his spine then made her way back up. “Van?”


“You saved his life.”

“Just doin’ my job, baby.”

Of all the other couples at the station, Van and Reggie had hit it off best with a couple who were from the area. Virgie was raised in Marathon and Bobby was from Miami. He joined the Coast Guard to see the world and was stationed in Marathon instead. Turned out it wasn’t such a bad deal; he met Virgie and they were as happy as Van and Reggie.

They shared many nights talking away every subject imaginable. The guys tried a different import beer each time and the girls ran through the finer wines. As Virgie and Bobby discussed wanting to put off kids until they had done a few tours and knew where they wanted to settle, Reggie felt less like she was holding Van back from children. Maybe they wouldn’t be ready for kids for a long time either. Maybe in a few years they would talk about adopting.

Virgie completely understood about canceling the night, as Regina knew she would. They made plans for the next two days off since their husbands shared the same shift. As soon as she hung up, Van howled from the bathroom. She rushed in, and screamed at the sight of him on the floor. “Van, no!”

“Baby, call Master Chief. I’m hurtin’ bad.”

“I’m calling an ambulance!”

“No. I have to go with our coverage. I can’t go anywhere else.”

“You can’t ride all the way to the hospital in Key West like this!”

“I’ll be okay. Please, just call him. Call the station. They’ll get a hold of him.”

She ran to the kitchen to call the station and was relieved when their friend, Derrick, answered. She’d shared a few nights with him in Key West and considered him a good friend. The wives never thought twice about an invitation to go to Key West with any of the crew. No one messed with a crewmembers wife. You were as safe as if you were with your own husband. They were almost more protective, as a matter of fact. She was actually afraid of being looked at in the wrong way by someone, causing a fight to break out.

Reggie explained the situation hurriedly to him and he jumped into high gear. “I’ll get a hold of Master Chief, but I’m sending a driver right over. He has to go to Key West; there’s no choice.”

“But he’s in a lot of pain, Derrick. That’s an hour away.”

“I’ll send the truck with the emergency lights. He’ll get there quicker. He can’t go local unless it’s life threatening. Sorry, Reg. I’ll send the strongest meds I can find here for him. You can ride along, too.”

“He has to lay flat. He’s having a hell of a time.”

“There’s a topper on the truck. I’ll throw a mattress in for him. See you in a few, sweet cheeks. Sit tight.”

Ten minutes passed before they showed up. The boat wasn’t out on patrol so six of the crew showed up. They brought a wooden body board to load him up on the truck. Reggie breathed a sigh of relief at the arrival of the cavalry.

Although they all knew how serious it was, they tried to keep things light. “Hey, moron,” Derrick said when he walked in. “Can I stay with your hot wife while I make the noob here drive your sorry ass in?”

“Keep your black ass away from my wife,” Van said into the bathroom rug.

“But I brought her a hot new teddy.” He winked at Reggie, who managed a smile.

Derrick knelt down, leaning closer to Van. “You should have let the sonofabitch fall, you jackass.”

“You’d have done the same thing in my shoes.”

“Yeah, you’re right. What a bunch of schmucks. Jones is here. He’ll give you a shot in your hairy ass ’cause lord knows I don’t wanna see it.”

“Up yours. Ah shit, don’t make me laugh, man. Get me the hell outta here.”

The station’s paramedic joined them in the bathroom to give Van a shot of morphine. Reggie hadn’t met him yet, but it didn’t matter. The thought of that drug made her cringe, no matter who was administering it. He acknowledged her with a nod, but now really wasn’t the time for introductions.

Carefully laying him on the board, each man took a corner and carried him out. Once he was loaded into the truck, Reggie climbed in the back with him. Derrick drove, all the others returned to the station in a second vehicle. The truck bounced more than she cared for. With each bump, Reggie looked down to see the pain on Van’s face. His eyes squinted together too often and one made him bite his lip so hard, she was afraid he’d draw blood. It took everything she had not to yell at Derrick to be more careful. She knew he was doing everything he could. Relief set in when she realized the morphine must have finally done the trick. About half way into the drive, he drifted off.

Watching him resting now caused her mind to wander and place a heavy load of guilt on herself. She was feeling horrible about having just had sex with him. Hell, she practically demanded sex from him so soon after he was in so much pain. Instead of pleasing herself, she should have insisted they not continue. He swore he was better afterward, though. Maybe it was endorphins acting like a runner’s high and he did feel better, if only for a moment, or maybe he was just being himself; always wanting to please her. When he was better, they really needed to have a talk.

Derrick had opened the sliding window, continually asking for updates along the way. Reggie couldn’t respond with much. “The same” was usually her response. Small talk and any other conversation didn’t come easy. This was not the place for their normal banter. Even as cool as Derrick tried to be, he seemed to be nervous, too. His replies of, “He’ll be okay,” only made her worry more. Having had enough of awkward silence, Reggie positioned herself next to Van, noses touching, with the tire well at her back as she stroked his short hair.

Van woke up when they were transferring him to a gurney. Reggie kissed him goodbye and went to get him registered.

“Member’s last four?” the nurse asked.

“Excuse me?”

“Member’s last four. His social security number, honey.”

“His name is Donovan. Donovan Kimball.”

“Don’t do me no good. I need his last four. Do you have your military ID?”


“Give me that. It’ll be on there.”

Reggie handed her the card and waited while the receptionist keyed in the four numbers. Within seconds she had his entire history. That was frightening. She quickly verified his address, phone numbers and rank. Reggie waited to hear verification on his preference on boxers or briefs.

“You can sit in the waiting room. Doctor will be out to see you as soon as they are done looking at your husband.”

“Thanks.” She sat closest to the swinging door that he had been taken through.

Derrick joined her. She rested her head on his shoulder. “Your hubby is the toughest bastard we have. He’ll be fine.” He tried to give her a reassuring hug. “I hate to leave you, but I have to head back.” Reggie sat upright. “I’m not abandoning you here. Someone called Bobby; he’s off tonight. He and Virgie are on their way. They’re probably going to keep Van overnight. I already checked. There’s housing available out back if you want to stay here.”

“I’m staying with him.”

“I figured that. So did Virg. She’s bringing you a change of clothes. Sorry I can’t stay, Reg.” He gave her a kiss on the forehead. “You know I would if I could.”

“I know. Thanks for coming to my rescue, Derrick, and don’t tell me it’s your job.”

He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. “Give me an update in the morning.”

“I will. Thanks again, Derrick.” Reggie wandered to the picture window, allowing Derrick his escape. She’d linger over the goodbye forever if he let her. She didn’t want to sit here alone, but she didn’t want to get him in any trouble. As she watched the truck drive away, her sadness turned into anger. Why did it have to get so bad before Van got it looked at? Why did her husband have to sit in pain through a horrible drive when they could have gone for help much closer?
He’s a person not a goddamn number! Last four? Kiss my ass!
While stewing over her husband’s pain, Reggie paced the waiting room. She went to the vending machine for coffee but realized she didn’t have any cash on her. They both emptied their change nightly into a jar marked “Maui Fund” so not even a stray quarter was to be found. A swift kick to it brought her brief satisfaction, but no coffee. The nurse had disappeared long ago. There was no one to vent her frustrations to, which was probably a good thing. Complaining about the military to the nurse would get her nowhere. Without a doubt she’d defend the life she chose and boast how great it was.

Finally settling down into one of the chairs, she pulled her legs up, wrapping her arms around them, feeling completely alone for the first time in months.

The doctor came out after an hour, assuring her that Van just had a horribly pulled back muscle and would be fine with some rest. “His CO won’t be happy, but I’m giving orders for him to stay home for a week to be sure.” He gave her two bottles of pills. “One’s an anti-inflammatory and one is for pain. Directions are on them.”

“He can go?”

“I see no reason to keep him.”

“He can’t even sit up.”

“He’s doing better already. We’ve given him shots of the meds I’ve given you and they’re helping.”

“When he grabbed the pump, he said he heard something pop. Did you do an X-ray?”

“You have a medical background?”


“Then leave the diagnosis to me. I felt his spine; he’s fine. It’s a pulled muscle.” He pointed at the bottles again. “Follow the directions. He should stay on top of the pain meds or it’ll sneak up on him. Don’t let him slack off. He can go back to work in a week, but he should take it easy for maybe two.”

“It’s hard to take it easy at his job.”

“I can only offer the advice; I can’t make the CO’s follow.”


“I have to get going now. If you need a refill on the meds, come back down and we’ll get you taken care of.” With that, the doctor walked away.

Virgie and Bobby came scrambling in the room as the doctor left. Reggie turned to them with tears in her eyes. “What’s wrong, Reg? Is he bad?”

“They’re sending him home.”

“That’s good, right?”

“You didn’t see him, Bobby. I don’t think he should be leaving.”

“He looks fine to me,” he said as he pointed toward the doors. A nurse was bringing Van out in a wheelchair.

Reggie rushed over. “Are you sure you’re okay to leave?”

“I’m fhhine, baby. Don’t be such a whhory wart.” He was slurring, but not horribly.

Bobby laughed. “Must be some good stuff.”

“It’s not funny, Bobby,” Reggie said. “Can you stand, Van?”

“Suure.” He slowly pried himself from the chair, cringing a little, but stood up almost straight. Reggie rushed over to his side to help steady him.

“Can we just go?” she said to Bobby. “I’m sorry you came all this way. Had I known, Derrick could have waited.”

“No biggie, Reg. Come on. We’re right out front.”

Van had a little trouble getting in the car. As soon as they were settled, he leaned into Reggie, snuggled between her breasts, and fell back asleep. She stroked his hair and kissed the top of his head the whole way. She didn’t like this at all.


Van was still very groggy when they reached their house. Bobby helped him in. “He does seem awfully loopy, doesn’t he?”

“He’s overmedicated, that’s for sure,” Reggie said, angrily. “They should have kept him there for at least a night.”

“I’m fhhine.”

“Bed or floor?” Reggie asked when they reached the bedroom.


She threw the comforter down and placed a pillow on it for him. They eased him down. He cuddled the pillow as they exited the room.

“Call me if you need anything, Reg,” Bobby said. “Don’t call the station. Peckerhead Garner won’t do shit to send help. He’ll tell him to suck it up.”

“You know…I’m getting really sick of hearing how he treats you guys.”

“It’s military life. What do you do? Some officers are jerks. This ain’t Home Ec class.”

“It’s uncalled for.”

“Come on, Reg. You’ve had bosses that were jerks before.”

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