Come and Talk to Me (3 page)

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Authors: June Kramin

BOOK: Come and Talk to Me
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“All that fuss over blood?” Troy laughed again. That earned him a prompt smack in the arm by his wife. “Oh goody. Now we’re a matching set,” he said to Van. “Men and the women who abuse them: Story at six.”

Sabrina glared at him and he became quiet.

“You going to toss your cookies?” Van asked Reggie.

“No cookies.” She buried her head deeper into his chest. “I feel like I’m gonna throw up.”

Chapter 3

. It had been two weeks since he had been admitted. The sight of her made him smile, even though he could tell she was about to blow.

“Cookie?” He lifted up a small bag of white Oreos that had been brought to him as an afternoon snack.

“No, thank you. You’re outta here in half an hour. There’s an ambulance arriving shortly to take you to St. Cloud.”

“You heard from the VA? Why didn’t they get a hold of me?”

“Because I didn’t hear from the VA. You’re going on my insurance.”

“We can’t do that, baby.”

“Yes, we can and are. I spent the last four days making the arrangements. I’m not having you sit here another day in pain while they get their thumbs out of their asses!”

“Shh, calm down.”

“Like hell. Those bureaucratic assholes know exactly what they’re doing. You were their ‘property,’” she said, using finger quotes, “but now they don’t give a damn about you.”

He knew when it was best to keep quiet and let her rant.

“They could have had you out of here long ago only they don’t want to foot the bill. They are banking on the fact we’ll do exactly what I’m doing. I don’t care what the co-pay is, you’re going today.”

“It’s not so bad.” He picked up the button that dispensed the pain meds into his IV and wiggled it in front of her. “Yesterday I said I didn’t want to get hooked on the morphine and asked if I could have one of my dammit-alls. They said no, so…ding.” He pretended to push the button.


“See what?”

“They’re not doing dick about it. ‘Here’s more pain meds, Mr. Kimball.’” She went over and sat on the bed. “They’re going to kill you, my love. You’re having the surgery and you’re having it now.”

“This coming from a girl who faints when she gets a thorn in her foot.”

“You afraid of the surgery?” she asked him, reaching for his hand.

“No. They’ve been over the details enough. I’m okay with it. I was just hoping the VA would pull through.”

“You’re a flag-loving sap and I love you, but you’ve always given the military more credit than they deserve. They broke you, dammit, and they should fess up to it, but they aren’t so I’m stepping up to the plate.”

“You’re so damn cute when you’re pissed. I especially love when it’s not at me.”

“Well, no sex for two weeks will do that to a girl.”

“Ah ha, the thick plotens.”

“The thick plotens? You are high.”

He laughed. “I did that on purpose.”

She put her hands on his cheeks and looked into his eyes. “Maybe, but you do look stoned and I don’t like it. Enough is enough. I’m going to run home for a few things then I’ll meet you there.”

“Kiss me goodbye first.” She leaned down and gave him a quick peck on the lips. “No. Kiss me right.”

She gave him another quick kiss. He reached up and held her face in place. He tilted her head slightly and covered her mouth with his, using his tongue in a way that usually meant they were going to end up naked. She moaned softly and leaned into him, wanting more as well. After a few minutes she finally sat up. Her eyes opened up slowly and she smiled at him as her hand moved to his crotch. She chuckled.

“That’s hardly the reaction a man wants when a woman places her hand there.”

“After a kiss like that, there is no way you would not be aroused. You are high.”

“Give me another chance after surgery.”

“You ready for your trip, Mr. Kimball?” an orderly asked as he wheeled in a gurney.

“You’re early,” Reggie said, grateful for the arrival of someone finally.

“I’m late by a day, actually. Sorry about that, but there was an emergency that took precedence over a recurring back injury.”

“Yesterday? I had him set to leave for St. Cloud later today.”

“St. Cloud? No ma’am. He’s scheduled for surgery tomorrow morning in Fargo.”

“Fargo? No. He’s not going to the VA hospital; he’s going to St. Cloud.”

He picked up the chart. “Kimball, Donovan. Last four—”

“No!” Reggie hollered. “Don’t start that bullshit.” She looked at Van with pleading in her eyes.

He reached for her hand and pulled her toward him. “This was the plan, baby. They came through after all. I’d feel better without us having to foot the bill for this.”

“It’s too late. I already made the plans.”

“Un-make them. What’s the big deal? Switch your hotel to Fargo. Come on. This is a good thing.” She sighed heavily. “They’re good doctors, Reggie. Let the service pay for it.”

She climbed onto the bed and buried her head in his neck. “Just wait a little while longer, Van. I’ve already taken care of this. I want to do it with my insurance.”

“I hate to pull rank, baby. Let the man take me, okay? I don’t want to fight. Let’s get this over with.” He pulled her close and kissed the top of her head.

After sliding off the bed, she stood out the way, helpless, as the orderly transferred Van to the gurney. Before he wheeled Van out of the room, Reggie called out for him to stop. She walked over, bent down and gave him one final kiss goodbye. “See you in a few hours.”

The four friends arrived back at the house in less than five minutes. Van placed Reggie on the couch. “Get me a cold washcloth,” he said to Sabrina, “and one with soap for her foot, too.”

When she returned, she went to place the washcloth on Reggie’s forehead, but Van took it from her to do it himself. Sabrina smiled at Troy. He shook his head and went to the refrigerator for another beer.

“You want one?” he asked Van.

“In a minute.” His attention stayed on Reggie. “You feeling better?”

“I feel like an ass.”

“But what a great ass it is,” he said with a grin.

She opened her eyes just enough to shoot him a nasty look, then closed them again.

He laughed. “You’re kinda cute when you’re pissed.”

“Then you’re going to think I’m downright striking with my knee in your crotch.”

“Ouch. Is that any way to treat your knight in shining armor?”

“I didn’t ask to be carried.”

“You didn’t seem to mind.”

“I was almost comatose. Is that how you prefer your sex, too?”

“I accept.”

Sabrina laughed. “I’m going to go heat up the pie for dessert. You two duke it out.”

“You are certifiable,” Reggie said under her breath after Bri walked away.

“I’m also crazy about you.”

“You don’t even know me.”

“So let me get to know you.”

“Trust me: Run for the hills, farm boy.”

“Farm boy? Oh, I get it. I’m from Minnesota so I grew up on a farm.”

“Did you?”

“Yes, but that’s hardly a fair assumption.”

“I’d say it was a perfect—” He cut off her protest with a kiss. She swallowed hard. “I have half a mind to slap you right now,” she said when their lips parted.

“And the other half?” he asked as he slowly went in for another kiss. She closed her eyes, but their lips never met. Suddenly there was pressure on her heel.


“I need to get this cleaned out. I don’t want you to get an infection.”

“Kiss my ass!” she said as she stood then hobbled away.

“Where and when, doll-face? Where and when?”


“You can’t stay away forever, Reg. I miss you,” Sabrina said into the phone that lazy Saturday as she pulled weeds in her garden.

“We just went to lunch on Wednesday.”

“But you haven’t been here in two weeks.”

“Got that damn sidewalk ripped up yet?”

“They hauled the last of it away yesterday. Troy said they weren’t starting on the brickwork till next week. Come over for a barbeque tonight. I’ll tell Troy to make an excuse to Van if that’s what’s keeping you away, but quit it already. Come over.”

“You make sure he’s not there and I’ll be there.”

“Done. See you at six.”

“Want me to bring anything?”

“Why do you even ask? I tell you no and you bring what you want anyway.”

Reggie laughed. “Formality. See you at six.”

Sabrina grinned, hit ‘end,’ and plopped on a lawn chair next to her husband. She tossed the phone to him. “Call Van and tell him six thirty. You can stall the fire.”

“You are a devil, woman. You know that, right?”

“And you love me.” He walked over and lay on top of her in the lawn chair again. It creaked as she screamed playfully. “You’re going to break it if you keep doing that.”

“You ovulating yet?”


“I can’t wait.”

“You’re supposed to wait and save your little guys up.”

“I don’t want to wait. I’ll make more. I promise.” He untied her bikini top.

“Go call Van,” she said, unsuccessfully trying to push his face away from her neck.

“I already told him.”

“You didn’t tell him she would be here, did you?”

“Men don’t connive like that. I told him to show up for food and beer. He figures I left out the part where I’m going to make him work on something. He’s not sitting there obsessing over a pretty face. You know I love her but she’s a handful, baby. I hope you know what you’re doing.”

“You know why she’s the way she is.”

“I know. You know how I feel about that too. Seems to me, she has to be ready on her own time.”

“She needs a good man to snap her out of it.”

“I hope she doesn’t end up snapping my good man.”

“He’s a big boy. He can take care of himself.”

“How about you take care of your big boy?”

“I don’t want to waste another month, Troy.”

“And I don’t want to waste a perfectly good hard-on.”

“When don’t you have a hard-on?”

“Come on, baby.” He nuzzled into her neck.

“All right, but you’re having sex with me tomorrow, too.”

“If I must.”

Chapter 4

at five forty-five with a dessert, a salad and a six-pack of Smirnoff Ice. She didn’t believe in showing up on Hawaiian time. Being on time was important; early was actually better. She smiled wide when she discovered there were no other cars in the driveway. Sabrina told her Van wouldn’t be there, but she didn’t ask if anyone else was invited. She wanted some alone time with her friends and hated that Van kept her away.

“Hey, princess,” Troy said with a kiss.

“Hey yourself, boyfriend.” She held his hug just a little longer than usual. “Can I help with anything?”

“No thanks. I’m going to start the fire in a bit. You can go work on getting my wife drunk, though.”

“Going to try to take advantage of her later?”

“I already did that this afternoon,” he said with a wink.

She laughed, pulled two bottles from the six-pack and went outside to join Sabrina. The giggles and the drinks went down far too easily. Reggie didn’t realize how lonely she had been the last couple weeks. She was stupid to let Van keep her from coming over.

Going into the kitchen for another round about a half hour later, she stopped short of walking right into him. “Hey, doll-face.”

“What are you doing here? I thought the sidewalk was done?”

“Last time I checked, Troy and Bri don’t make everyone work when they show up, present company included.” He walked past her with a beer in each hand, sat down in one of the recliners and reached over to give Troy a beer. There was a football game on.

Reggie went back to the refrigerator and seized the bottle of chilled root beer schnapps as well. She stopped by the TV. “Do you need me to check the fire, Troy?”

“I got it, Reggie. Just go relax.”

She huffed away and sat by Sabrina. “You’re a real pal,” she said, taking a swig of the schnapps.

“Sorry. He just showed up. I guess Troy couldn’t get a hold of him. Chill, girl. He doesn’t bite.”

“Says you.”

“Yeah, says me. So,” she said, trying to change the subject, “did you think any more on the road sales position?”

“I don’t want it.”

“Why not? It sounds like more money.”

“Maybe. It’s more work for sure. Volume is higher but the margins are lower. I’ll work twice as hard, but still end up, money-wise, about where I am now. I’ve run the figures.”

“Working hard has never bothered you before. You love a challenge.”

She sighed and rubbed her eyes with the heel of her hand. “It’s not so much the job as how it is that Becker offered it to me.”

“How’s that?”

“You got it, cupcake. Use it.”

“He did not call you Cupcake!”

“No, but he might as well have. He wants me to show up at jobsites in short skirts and schmooze sales with tits and ass. He’s a pig.”

“So turn him in for sexual harassment.”

“It’s hardly worthy of that, but I’m telling him no. I don’t need to explain myself. If he pushes, I’ll quit and go work somewhere else. I’ve started a résumé in case it comes to that.”

“That doesn’t sound right.”

“I work at a lumberyard, Bri. It’s a man’s world. I wouldn’t take the shit if the money weren’t so damn good. The way I’m ogled every day is barely better than my previous job.”

“Hang in there, hon.” She held up her bottle and they clinked them together.

Van walked over to Bri and gave her a kiss. “Hiya, beautiful.”

Reggie smiled. That’s what he called Bri last time. She at least liked the way he treated her friends.

“Long time no see,” Bri said. “Thanks for coming to play with Troy so I can have some girl time.”

“I’d rather sit over here and look at you two rather than stare at his ugly mug.”

“Isn’t there a game on?” Reggie asked.

“It’s half-time and Troy’s throwing the food on.”

“I’ll go get the sides ready,” Reggie said as she stood up.


“That girl can’t stand me as far as she can throw me, can she?” Van said to Sabrina when Reggie was in the house.

“It’s not you, Van. Trust me.”

“Just hates men in general?”

“Something like that. Why don’t you go help her in the kitchen?”

“You want me near her when there are sharp objects around?”

She laughed. “Go help her, Van.” He stood and walked to the house.

As Van opened the sliding glass door, Reggie called out. “Bri? Can I borrow a pair of shorts? I spilled the dressing all down my front and gotta get out of these—” Van turned the corner as she finished her sentence “—pants.”

“Do you need some help with that?”

“Funny. Out of my way, please.” She tried to get past him, but he put his arm out, stopping her.

“If I said you had a fabulous body, would you hold it against me?”

“My, you are a witty one. Please move.”

“Why the ice storm, Reggie? Can’t we be civil to each other, for Bri’s sake? She went through a lot of trouble to pretend we both weren’t going to be here today.”

“She wouldn’t do that to me.”

“She did. Are you really that naïve?” He stepped closer to her. “’Cause if you are, I think it’s kinda cute.” He held her face in one hand, leaned down and gave her a gentle kiss.

Her eyes closed for a second then sprang open. “Stop doing that!”

“Afraid you’ll like it?”

“Hardly.” Again, she tried to get past him.

His arm didn’t budge. “Give me a chance.”

She ducked under his arm and walked toward the screen door. She hollered to Sabrina that she was grabbing a pair of shorts. “And no thanks on the help,” she said as she walked to the bedroom.


When she was that pissy, Reggie always drank too much, too fast. The dinner didn’t help absorb any of the alcohol. It never took her tiny frame much to feel the effects and she’d had enough to keep up with Van, who had over a hundred pounds on her. As she drank, she didn’t get mean. Rather, she started to soften. Finally looking at Van really good for the first time, she saw the handsome face, the strong shoulders, the gorgeous eyes, and, above all, his kind heart. She didn’t want to want any man, but she was beginning to like him. Her guard had been dropped and she was actually being friendly.


“Pity she passed out,” Troy said as Sabrina tucked Reggie in on the couch where she fell asleep. “She was getting kind of fun.”

“I’m going to bed, too. You two behave.” She kissed them both good night.

The men stayed up and had a few more beers. Van had made plans to sleep over before he decided to have a few too many himself and claimed a spare room for his own, but he didn’t stay put for long. Whether or not it was the thunder rolling in across the ocean or the thought of Reggie so close, he couldn’t sleep. At two a.m. he went out and sat on the couch to gaze at Reggie’s sleeping face. His weight on the couch woke her. She looked up at him with a smile then stretched. She suddenly jerked awake as if she finally realized where she was. Lighting cracked close, causing her to jump again.

“Don’t like storms?” Van asked.

“Not particularly. Is it going to be bad?”

“I didn’t hear anything. I don’t check when I’m not on duty, though.”

“You like that? Being out on the water all day? Rescuing people that don’t have the smarts to know when to stay on shore?”

“I do, a lot. It’s the most satisfying thing I could think of. I couldn’t think of anything else I’d rather be doing. Well, there is one thing.” He grinned.

She only got out, “What—” before she caught herself and didn’t finish the question. Instead, she blushed.


Lighting cracked again. She pulled the covers close to her chest. Reggie had been through her share of hurricanes and storms. Although nothing more dramatic than losing power for a few hours had ever happened, she never could stand the booming of thunder. Her parents never allowed her to crawl in bed with them when she was scared. Thank God for an older brother who was more understanding and often tried to fill in on love where their parents had lacked.

Van stood up and extended his hand to her.

“I’m fine here, thanks.”

He waved it in front of her. “Come on. I’m not going to bite.”

“I’m not sleeping with you, Van.”

“I don’t recall offering to service you. The bed is more comfortable. I’ll take the couch.”

“I’m smaller. It’s fine.” He waved his hand again. She let out a huff and stood up. He held her hand and led her to the room. “This really isn’t necessary. I’ll be much more comfortable on the couch than you will.”

“Good point. Maybe we should share the bed,” he said as he closed the door.

“I’m tired, Van. I don’t want to play games.”

“So lie down and go to sleep. Come on.” He patted the space next to him. “You afraid of me?”

“Yeah, right.” She wasn’t about to let him get the best of her. She stomped over to the bed and lay down. She pulled the sheets up and said a gruff, “Good night.”

“Sleep tight, doll-face.”


Regina was tired but she couldn’t fall asleep. She lay awake listening to Van breathing. She smelled his cologne on the pillow, nuzzled in and inhaled deeply. Her back was facing him when she first climbed in, but she had slowly turned around so she could look at him while he slept. How could he just fall asleep? Why hadn’t he tried anything? Wasn’t that the whole point? She wasn’t sure if she should be glad he was so nice or wounded that she obviously didn’t do anything for him, despite how he acted. What were all those kisses about? She finally fell asleep, pouting but not without having moved a little closer, just to get a better whiff of his cologne of course.


Van wanted her. He wanted her bad, so bad he hoped she didn’t brush past his midsection and discover how bad. He couldn’t believe he had gotten her in the bed in the first place; he wasn’t about to push it. Something had happened to her; she didn’t trust men. He didn’t want to give her a reason to not trust him. Maybe he shouldn’t have been so forceful with the kisses before, but he knew she had wanted it…needed it. She longed for someone to love her; only it made her afraid. He wanted to be that someone and would try anything. If he hadn’t had so many beers, he would never have been able to fall asleep with her next to him. If someone could have died from arousal, it would have been him that night. The rain that fell outside had quickly lulled him to sleep.


They woke up in the morning with barely room for a quarter between them. Reggie had snuggled up to him for warmth with the cool breeze coming in. He had unconsciously wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tight to him in his sleep.

“Good morning,” he said, without hesitation.

Her reply was a little softer. She was embarrassed. “Good morning.” She tried to scoot out of bed but he tried to hold her there.

“Don’t go, Reg.”

“I have to pee.” She flew off the bed and out of the room, grateful to find no one else awake.

Instead of returning to the bedroom, she went to the kitchen and started a pot of coffee. While she waited for it to brew, she sat outside on the picnic table. In a few minutes, Van joined her.

“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. It’s not like anything happened,” he said after a minute of uncomfortable silence.

“I’m not embarrassed. We’re two adults.” She rubbed her arms as if she were trying to warm up. She wasn’t cold, just fidgety.

He rubbed her arms, trying to help. “Go on a date with me, Reggie.”

“A date?”

“You know; the customary ritual between a man and woman where they usually go for food or a movie that may or may not result in a good time or even better…sex.”

She glared at him. He should have stopped while he was ahead. “Since you put it that way, no.”

“Come on. I was teasing about the sex part. Dinner?”

“Man, you’re a pain in the ass.”

“I won’t quit until you say yes. Just a harmless dinner. I’ll even let you buy if you’re some kind of feminist.”

“You’ll buy and I want lobster,” she said as she crossed her arms.


“Coffee should be ready. I’ll go get some.”

“I’m going to take off actually.”

“Really?” It came out sounding like she was a lot more disappointed than she wanted it to.

“I have to get a few things taken care of. You want to go tonight? Starting tomorrow I’ll be on duty for a week and we’re getting underway.”

A week?
I have to go without seeing him for a week?
She pulled herself together. “I suppose tonight would be all right if you’re going to make me do this.”

“Write down your address for me. I’ll pick you up at five.”

“Four. Take me to Lahaina for dinner. I’d like to wander around Front Street for a while first…if you don’t mind.”

“All right. Four it is.”


Reggie wanted to look casual for their date, not desperate, so she chose a colorful, floral sundress. It had spaghetti straps and left little to the imagination as far as cleavage went. It had built-in support so she could go braless. It was a hot day; she welcomed the chance for a breeze blowing up her dress rather than heat sticking pants to her legs. She all but refused to wear dresses or skirts to work since her boss had suggested taking the road sales position. This date was a nice change of pace for her wardrobe.

Van’s jaw dropped when he saw her. He could have tripped over it if he wasn’t careful. “I feel underdressed,” he finally said.

“You look fine. I wanted to be comfortable.”

“I like the way you get comfortable.”

“Are you going to behave? You said a date as friends. I don’t want to be batting away innuendos all night.”

“I’ll behave, sweetness.”

“That, too.” Again she crossed her arms.

“What now?”

“What is it with you and the names? Why is it always ‘doll-face’ or something else? Just call me Reggie.”

“Troy calls you princess. I thought you didn’t mind.”

“I don’t mind when he does it. He doesn’t want in my pants.”

He moved closer. “What makes you think I want in your pants?”

“You…” She huffed passed him without finishing her sentence. “Can we go? I really have an errand on Front Street.”

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