Come To Me (Owned Book 3) (13 page)

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Authors: Mary Catherine Gebhard

Tags: #Owned Series

BOOK: Come To Me (Owned Book 3)
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Was he going to help me with GEM?

If so, why?

Taking a sip of my coffee, I tried to unravel it but none of it made sense.

Glancing at my watch, I decided it was time to face Lenny. It was so beyond breakfast that we’d moved into dinner. Wasn’t that enough time? As I made my way to my car, my phone buzzed. A picture popped up on the screen and the number belonged to me, well, one of my burner phones. I knew the skin of her leg immediately. Even if Lenny left me, I would never escape her. I had every inch of her mapped out in my mind, from the curve beneath her knee to the self-harm scars on her wrists and the macabre tattoo on her ribs.

So it took less than a second to recognize the body part and whom it belonged to.
she was, however, was not so easily deduced.

I ground my teeth as I typed out the text:
What the fuck are you doing?

Her behavior lately was beginning to surpass erratic and enter full-on dangerous. Lenny sent me another picture, this one of her stomach. I could almost make out the curve of her pussy. I bit my lip so hard I drew blood. I couldn’t tell where she was, but she definitely wasn’t at the safe house.

I had explicitly told her to stay at the cabin. It wasn’t safe outside. I had a group of angry assholes trying to kill me and anything I loved. Then again, Lenny never really took orders well.

Where the fuck are you, Lennox?
I typed back. In lieu of responding, Lenny sent me another picture. It was of her cunt, with one finger deep inside. I pulled myself to the side and into an alley. My cock was rock hard and I didn’t want to become that creep on the sidewalk, nursing a hard-on for everyone to see.

Lennox sent me another picture, this time of her entire body. I studied the picture carefully, trying to ignore the ache in my balls. I looked for any sign that I knew where she was. She was teasing me.

My eyes zeroed in on the background details, the walls, the paint, the windows. Then it hit me.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I screamed, catching the attention of a passerby. A boy no older than twelve stopped and stared at me eyes agape. “Stay in school,” I mumbled, brushing past him. I knew exactly where Lenny was, and it wasn’t good.



o you think this is a fucking joke?” I yelled into the empty, dilapidated hotel, stepping over the remains of the door I’d kicked down just yesterday. My voice bounced off the walls as if returning the question back at me. “Get your ass out here Lennox.”

My phone pinged and I picked it up. I saw a picture of Lennox bent over, her cunt lips spread wide for a steel bar. I growled, not sure if I was pissed off or horny as fuck, and advanced, peering into the darkness. I’d been there only hours before, rescuing her. I’d made the dirty cement and peeling wallpaper weep blood just so I could pull her out of this shit hole. And she came back?

Why the fuck did she come back?

I screamed again, feeling completely helpless and pissed off. The responders had done a good job of cleaning the place up, but I could still see stains of blood. The thought that it could have been Lenny’s blood had me ready to punch a hole in the wall.

The thought that she had willingly returned…

I followed the steps I had shot my way through, feeling a sense of déjà vu, dread, and complete rage. I took the steps slowly, my legs weighed down by the memories of the day before, of the fear that I would find Lenny dead. Also there was the gravity that if I continued and didn’t find her dead, but a willing participant, that I would kill her myself; I would throw her against the wall so she would finally see some sense, see the blood
I had put there
in place of hers.

When I reached the top, I saw her.

She was on the ground in the middle of the hallway, thighs wide with a bar between her legs. She looked up at me, as if she expected me and no one else. As if she hadn’t been there only hours before in dire peril.

She didn’t move or make an attempt to flee when I advanced up the ratty carpet, peeling to show cement. I felt she should flee. Even though I’d saved her the day before, right then I felt like I could kill her. Naked from the waist up, her skirt bunched around her hips, she stared me down.

I grabbed her by the hair. “The fuck are you doing?”

“Getting off.” She pushed back at me but I kept my grip on her hair tight. With my other hand I unzipped my pants. If she wanted to get off, then fine. Fuck it, whatever, let’s do this—with one searing and blistering caveat, though, that would stop her from ever doing something like this again.

I pushed her back down into the dirty floor. “You like this?” I demanded as her red hair spread around her face like some kind of fucking halo, which just pissed me off more. I held her down at the neck, my other hand wrapped tightly around my now thick and turgid cock.

“Open,” I commanded. Her eyes caught mine, but only briefly, and then they closed as she opened her mouth.
Good girl,
I said in my head as I lowered my cock into her mouth. Today, I would only say it in my head.

I went slowly, as the size of it stretched her pink lips around my own pink flesh. I paused for a second so I could watch the sight. Then I punished her.

I made her take more than she could, and then I made her take even more. I didn’t know what the fuck she was thinking, coming back to this place, but I didn’t want to examine it. I forced my cock into her mouth, I took it out, and I forced it back in.

I felt her teeth graze the skin so I tightened my hold on her neck.

Lenny had a problem with swallowing, so I didn't force my come down her throat. I probably should have. Maybe the pain from swallowing would have finally etched it into her fucking head that she couldn’t do shit like this, but I pulled out just as I was about come. My cock twitched in my hand and I watched as my semen spurted all over her lips, her skin, her closed lids.

When it was over she lay gasping, eyes still closed as my come covered her mouth, her throat. For that moment it was perfect.

So I shattered it.

I spun her over, shoving my still hard cock into her cunt before she could respond. I groaned the minute my cock felt her wet pussy. She was always wet, always wanting, like a perfect fucking fit. Lenny tried to look back at me but I grabbed her by the neck and shoved her face forward again.

“Is this what you want? To be fucked here on the ground like some fucking animal?”—
For someone else to find you?
—“I can do that Lenny.” I grunted, pushing my cock deeper into her. “I can fuck you hard. I can make you bleed for me. I can take you so hard you won’t know if you’re crying from pleasure or pain.”

The sound of Lenny’s nails scratching on the concrete echoed in the room. Her small, breathless pants let me know I was getting her worked up. Lenny was a screamer, though. If it didn’t sound like I was murdering her, I wasn’t doing my job. I ripped her up against me, pulling at her neck and hair until she was flush against my chest.

Her face was now covered in dirt and semen.

“Say you want it like this. Say you want to be fucked like a whore.”

“I want to be fucked like a whore,” Lennox breathed.

“Scream it,” I demanded.

“I want to be fucked like a whore!” she screamed and her voice pitched. I let go of her and she fell back down to the concrete, then I slapped her ass and pulled her close. I could have come right then, to the sound of her small, pitiful scratching and the look of her ass, red and round against my cock. I could have come again, but I wanted to feel her twitching and moaning and whimpering.

I wanted her useless.

So I could use her more.

“Come,” I demanded. Lennox whimpered in response. “I said come!” I slapped her ass again before snaking a hand around to her clit. I pressed my finger against it before drawing it down. She shook against me.

Overcome. That’s the word I would use to describe that moment. Overcome with rage, with lust, with anger, with fear. I was overcome with myself, then later I would be overcome with the need to forget it.



carried Lenny out of the now burning building behind me. Maybe you’re thinking it was a little unnecessary to burn the whole fucking thing, but fire is used to cleanse. That building needed to be cleansed, for Lenny and my’s sake.

Thinking back, it was always for our sake, and maybe that was the problem. The minute we came together, we disregarded everything else. Even then, I disregarded the effect a massive burning effigy might have, just because I wanted to feel some sort of catharsis. Of course the fire wasn’t what caused it all; it wasn’t like Alice saw the fire and declared what was to be right then. In the end, the fire would be a harbinger.

I opened the car door, careful not to bump Lenny’s head, and placed her inside. She looked peaceful, and for a moment I contemplated driving off and setting her someplace where she would never see me again. Maybe a beach, or maybe that purple painted house.

Everything was so fucked.

Behind me a building raged in hues of tangerine and vermillion; before me a woman slept. Even though she seemed calm, I knew the fire inside her was so much deadlier. I shut the passenger door, getting one last look at the lusty fire consuming everything in its wake. It would burn up and out soon, leaving nothing but ash. I doubted the fire department would do anything save make sure it didn’t spread.

The smoke now grew thick in the air as I walked to the driver’s side and hopped in. Lenny was somehow sound asleep. I sighed and turned on the ignition. It wasn’t beyond me that Lenny was passed out not because of my amazing skills in the sack, but because she had taken some kind of drug again.

As I pulled away, I reached over and felt below her jaw. Her skin was clammy but her pulse was strong. Sighing again, I shook my head and drove toward our apartment.

I wasn’t sure when the tail started, but you could be sure that was what it was. One way to identify a tail is to drive a very obscure route. Well, I started going down weird streets, turning into odd neighborhoods, all that shit. The red car followed me.

Don’t even get me started on the fact that this asshole was driving a red car.

He must have been an amateur.

I turned into a parking lot, expecting the guy to drive past. Even the dumbest follow knows not to continue their tail into a parking lot. So when he followed me, I knew he was either looking to give me some information or kill me.

Lucky him, I was in the mood to take a few punches.

I got out of the car at the same time as the asshole. Wearing a set of inconspicuous khakis, a green sweater, and a red beanie, he approached like fucking Christmas.

“What the fuck do you want?” I growled, shoving him against the car.

“Nothing man, nothing!” I glared at his response. He’d followed me for thirty minutes; his weaselly routine wasn’t fooling me.

I angled my arm against his windpipe. “Shut the fuck up.”

“Well which is it?” He coughed. “Do you want me to tell you what I know or do you want me to shut the fuck up?” I tightened my hold on his throat and shoved him harder against the red car. Maybe it was the past months of shit, but I really wasn’t in the mood for a smart-assed douche.

“Who sent you?” I demanded, loosening my hold just enough so he could respond. The guy smiled unctuously, revealing a set of yellowing canines.

“I think you know.” I wasn’t about to guess the answer. Guessing the answer gave him the upper hand.

“I think you’d better tell me if you want to live through tomorrow,” I said instead. The guy made a movement and I shoved him harder against the car.

“You’ll find out soon enough.” He laughed. I tightened my grip on his neck until his face purpled. I watched the light in him dim until it was almost out, then I let go and stepped back.

“Fuck,” I whispered to myself. I squeezed and then released my fingers, feeling like the world was slipping through my hands. It would have been really easy to kill that asshole, and that was the problem. When I finally got my breath back, the guy was getting into his car. I gripped my keys, feeling an urge to follow.

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