Compass (37 page)

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Authors: Jeanne McDonald

BOOK: Compass
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“You know it,” Ryan balked. “I bet I’ll make my best time yet sporting this cast.”

“You’ll be back on your feet in no time.”

Ryan shifted, trying to find a more comfortable position. It seemed a hopeless feat. “This damn bed is probably the most uncomfortable thing I’ve ever been in.” He squinted his eyes, thinking for a moment. “On second thought, that hostel in Costa Rica might’ve given this thing a run for its money.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean,” Declan slipped.

“How might that be?” Ryan quizzed.

A bemused smile appeared on Declan’s face. “You know Alexis’ friend, Jenna?”

“Yeah,” Ryan bleated.

“Well, we got bored waiting on your sorry ass to wake up from your beauty sleep.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

It took a moment for Ryan to consciously understand what Declan meant. Then it hit him. “Oh, gross! You had sex in the hospital?”

A smug Declan shrugged. “I had a few hours to kill and Jenna, well...” He released a soft sigh followed by a starry grin.

“Oh, man. Mom was right,” Ryan droned.

The enchantment was broken. “About what?” Declan took on the defensive.

Ryan let out a raspy laugh. “You and Jenna are together.”

“No!” he rebuked. “It’s not like that. She’s gorgeous and great in the sack.”

Ryan cocked his head to the side. “Really? So this was the first time you slept with her?”

Declan rested his elbows in his lap and leaned forward, picking at his cuticle. “No.”

“How long have you been seeing her?”

“I told you it’s not like that!” Declan retorted.

“Okay, fine. How long have you two been sleeping together?”

“Um,” Declan rolled his eyes toward the ceiling. “Since Christmas, but we’re
dating. She lives in New York. I live in Dallas. Long distance never works.”

“So you do care for her?” A smile rounded Ryan’s lips. He’d never seen Declan react to a woman like this. It was nice to see his friend did, indeed, have a heart.

“What’s not to care for? She’s got an amazing ass.”

“Right. Like that’s all. Look me in the eyes and tell me she doesn’t have you by the balls. Tell me,” Ryan urged, his nose wrinkling as he taunted his friend.

Declan jumped up and slung himself to where he stood over Ryan. “She sucked my balls. Does that count?”

Ryan shuddered.

“Knock, knock.” Alexis peeked her head around the corner. Declan flopped back down in his chair. “I come bearing gifts,” she announced. In her hand was a hospital tray. “We have to take things slow, but I thought you might enjoy a little something to eat.” Alexis balanced the tray in one hand and pulled a rolling bed tray away from the wall toward him. She placed the tray on the stand and lifted the lid. “We have some chicken noodle soup, Jell-O, and tea. Does any of this sound appealing?”

Ryan snarled. “Not really. You couldn’t have snuck in a cheesecake or maybe a box of Cracker Jack? I need something with sustenance to it.”

“Ryan Zane Fisher, you’ll eat the soup first to see how it settles on your stomach. After that, we’ll discuss other options,” she ordered.

“Oh!” Declan whooped. “Now who’s got whom by the balls?” He buckled over in laughter, smacking his knees.

“Hush!” Ryan protested.

“Excuse me?” Alexis turned a brutal, almost terrifying expression on Declan.

“Did the temperature just drop in here?” Declan mumbled, shivering.

“How about you go find Jenna,” Alexis demanded.

“You don’t have to tell me twice.” Declan bounced up out of the chair. He smiled down at Ryan. “Good luck with Doctor Lecter. I hear balls are her favorite delicacy.”

“Out!” Alexis pointed toward the door.

Declan waved his hands. “I’m going. I’m going. Geez!”

Ryan hissed in laughter. He grimaced at the pain, but it was worth it to watch Alexis put Declan in his place.

When Declan was out of sight, Alexis turned back to Ryan and slipped a box from her pocket. It was Cracker Jack. “I couldn’t let him see me sneak this in.” She beamed from ear to ear. “All I need is him getting all uppity about me not following protocol.”

“Oh, my god. I knew I loved you for a reason. Gimme!” Ryan flinched his fingers at her. She ripped open the top of the box and poured a few pieces in her hand before feeding them to him. “My angel,” he purred, chewing the sweet popcorn.

“Anything for you.” Alexis leaned in pressing a kiss to his lips.

“You mean that?” he whispered, lifting his hand to her neck.

“Of course I do.”

“Then kiss me again.”

She flashed him a seductive grin and laid her lips to his. Heat sizzled between them, but she pulled away sooner than he’d wanted. He groaned at the loss of her touch. “You have to rest before we can have fun.”

“But I don’t want to!” he complained.

Alexis withdrew a syringe from her other pocket. “Yes, you do, because the sooner you get better, the sooner you get out of here. And the sooner you get out of here, the sooner I can…” she leaned in and whispered in his ear, “enjoy Declan’s aforementioned delicacy.”

Ryan closed his eyes and moaned. “God, you’re good.”

“I’m the best, Baby. Remember that.” She injected the medicine into his IV.

It didn’t take long for him to begin to feel drowsy. He struggled against it at first, but the heaviness of his eyelids won out. As they started to close, Alexis leaned in and whispered close to his ear, “I love you.”

“, too,” he mumbled, feeling the darkness overtake him.

Alexis pressed her lips to his. The pressure felt sweet and inviting, almost as good as the darkness that had invaded his bloodstream. “Sleep, my love. I’ll be here.”

“M’kay,” he muttered and the world faded into slumber.



“Where are we?” Alexis questioned, a slight giggle was in her voice. Ryan had promised her an adventure. One that would take her breath away. He’d insisted on the blindfold that had obstructed her vision. She was forced to rely on him to help her from the vehicle.

“Where do you think we are?” he purred against her ear. A glorious shiver rumbled its way down her body. His very closeness and her lack of certain senses left her feeling vulnerable yet wanton.

Alexis squeezed her eyes tight, as if that helped anything, but used the tense pressure to help her focus. Heat encompassed her, not only from the sun, but from Ryan’s hand resting on her hip. She swallowed and tried to focus in on the sounds she heard. Birds. The light rustle of trees. Then there was a hum in the distance. It was faint but distinguishable. She could feel the ground vibrate beneath her feet. Her hand reached for the blindfold as fear struck her heart. It had been five months since Ryan’s accident. While he’d long since returned to work, she still struggled every time he left her side. “No,” she squeaked.

Ryan grabbed her hand, stopping her from pulling it away. “Not yet,” he warned.

Anger swelled inside her. He knew her fear of flying had intensified since his accident, yet he had the nerve to bring her to a place like this. “What airport are we at?” she demanded, fury rolling off her. It couldn’t be DFW, because their drive had been at least thirty minutes long. On top of that, the sounds were not that of a large airport.

Ryan let out a soft sigh and loosened the knot of the blindfold. It slipped away from her eyes. “McKinney National,” he stated, tucking the blindfold in his pocket. In front of her was a small hangar. Off in the distance, she could see another hangar and a plane being taxied onto the runway. “A friend of mine has a DA20-C1. I thought we could take it out for a spin today.”

“You thought wrong!” she shrieked.

“Lex, please. I only want to show you there’s nothing to be afraid of.”

Her eyes flashed to the plane sitting on the runway. To her, it was a metal contraption of death. “Why are you doing this?” she demanded, terrified. Her arm flailed out toward the plane. “Nothing to be afraid of? Are you kidding me? I don’t see how you aren’t scared to death of that thing after all you went through,” she spat.

Her palms were sweaty, her stomach tensed in a massive knot. Simply being this close to a plane made her head swim with fear.

“People have car accidents every day, but that doesn’t stop them from getting back into them. Flying is in my blood, Lex, and I only want to share it with the woman I love most in this world.”

Alexis rubbed her hands down her jeans. Angry tears swam in her eyes. “Do you not know me at all?” She sucked back air, determined to not let the tears spill over.

Ryan drew her to his chest, his lips dipping close to her ear. “I do know you, Alexis.”

The feel of his heart against her back, and the overwhelming scent of his cologne mixed with that musky aroma that was all Ryan stilled her. “But this?” She tried to sound perturbed. She failed. Just being close to him melted away her irritation. The very rhythm of his heartbeat acted as a salve to her fear.

“I know you’re a strong, confident woman. One that I love very much. It pains me to see you slip into your shell every time I leave for work. But most of all, I know you can do this,” he persuaded.

“But what if I don’t want to?” she whined.

His lips closed around her earlobe, sucking gently. He clasped his hands around her waist, tugging her backside flush against him. “For me?”

Her knees were already shaking with fear, but now, they were weak from his very presence. She closed her eyes and released a soft hum. It was no use. He’d played dirty and won.

She cleared her throat. “All right,” she agreed, “but I won’t promise to like it.”

Ryan released her, slipping his hand into hers. She suddenly regretted agreeing to him. “Are you sure that thing is safe?” She hesitated.

Turning to her, Ryan pressed a soft kiss to the tip of her nose. “I promise you, I’ll never let
happen to you.”

A surge of panic expounded inside her, shaking her, but the simple truth to his words and his soft touch expunged the fear enough to allow her to take a step. Then another step. Until finally they were in front of a hangar. Ryan squeezed her hand as a mechanic exited the building.

“Ryan?” the man called out.

“Brian,” Ryan yelled back and waved. Ryan glanced to Alexis, giving her a wink. Alexis tried to pout, but it was difficult when she could see the pure excitement in his eyes. She hadn’t flown with him since the day she moved to Texas. However, this was completely different. Now, it was just the two of them.

Brian wiped his hands on a rag and stuffed it in his pocket. He greeted Ryan with a warm handshake. “Glad you could make it. She’s all gassed up and ready for ya.” Brian pointed to the craft on the tarmac.

“I really appreciate this.”

“It’s no problem at all. Glad to do it.”

Ryan wrapped his arm around Alexis. “This is my girlfriend, Alexis York. Lex,” he pointed to his friend, “This is Brian Mead. He used to work at DFW.”

“Pleasure to meet you,” Alexis stated, extending her hand to him.

Brian lifted his hands, showing her the grease stains on his skin. “The pleasure is all mine.” Alexis dropped her hand and smiled with a slight nod of her head.

Ryan kissed Alexis on the temple and moved toward the plane. He walked around it, examining every inch of the craft. “Isn’t she a beaut?”

“You realize that thing scares the shit out of me, right?” She eyed the propeller, leery of its ability to lift off the ground, let alone guiding a hull of metal through the friendly blue skies.

“I do, but I hope to change that.” Ryan tucked his hands into his pockets, shuffling his feet as he made his way around to the tail of the plane. Despite her fear of the aircraft, Alexis couldn’t take her eyes off him. He looked good enough to eat.

“I assure you, she’s quite safe,” Brian assured her. “She’s just had a full tune-up.”

“She’s perfect,” Ryan purred. He stepped beside Alexis and took her by the elbow, leading her to the plane. The closer they got to the monstrosity, the higher the panic level mounted inside her. Her initial instinct was to pull back, and run as far away as possible. Ryan’s grip on her tightened, stealing any chance she might have of escape. He helped her into the passenger's side, locking her into the soft, leather seat.

“Relax,” he murmured, kissing her lips.

“Easy for you to say,” she muttered out of earshot, as he walked around to the captain’s side.

Ryan hopped in and closed the glass door down on them. Alexis forced air into her lungs feeling like the lid of her own coffin had just been sealed. She swallowed hard releasing the hold she had on the seat cushion. Her eyes drifted down to see her claw marks imprinted in the leather.

Ryan started the engine. The whole plane rumbled with life. He glanced up, a sweet smile appearing on his handsome face. After a check of the gauges and a few other little things that Alexis had no clue about, Ryan pulled back on the control stick and the plane started down the runway.

She felt her lungs collapse in her chest. Her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth. This was it. Her imminent death. At least she would go with the man she loved. Although she wasn’t sure how much she loved him at that particular moment, putting her through such hell.

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