Complete Book of Wedding Vows (35 page)

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Authors: Diane Warner

Tags: #Family & Relationships, #Marriage, #test

BOOK: Complete Book of Wedding Vows
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Page 77
"When I first met you, _________________, I was drawn to you immediately, but I was resigned never to marry again, after the pain I had suffered through the years. But your love was so tender and genuine, so compassionate and caring, until you crept slowly into my life; inch by inch you permeated my being, as your love fell softly onto my heart and I became addicted to your love. You have turned my life around; it will never be the same. Because of your love, each day is a new delight, a new awakening. My heart belongs to you, dear _________________, and I pledge here today, in the presence of these witnesses, to be your faithful husband/wife, to stand beside you, upholding you, cherishing you for the rest of our lives."
"_________________, I am proud to marry you this day and become your husband/wife. I promise to wipe away your tears with my laughter, and your pain with my caring and my compassion. We will wipe out the old canvases of our lives and let God, with His amazing artistic talent, fill them with new color, harmony and beauty. I give myself to you completely as your husband/wife and I promise to love you always, from this day forth."
"_________________, we are blessed beyond measure this day as we stand here, bound by our eternal love. How I thank God for bringing you to me, my beloved, as a healer to my soul and as a hope for my future. I promise to be faithful to you, to honor you, to grow
Page 78
with you through the years, to suffer with you, to rejoice with you. Because I have never known such a love as this before, I take you now and forever as my dear husband/wife."
"Today I have come to marry my best friend, my lifesaver, my sweetheart. Before I met you, I was only half a person, a broken man/woman, filled with sadness and regret. But your love has made me whole again. Together we will face life with gladness and thanksgiving, welcoming all God's blessings in store for us. I am humbled by your love, and I will stay with you, in love, for all of our days. I accept you as my husband/wife; will you accept me as your husband/wife?"
Up Close and Personal
I would like to close this chapter by telling you another true story of a couple I know; I'll call them Bill and Anna, to protect their identifies. Bill and Anna lived two doors apart in a Northern California suburb when they were growing up and they, along with all their blond-haired, blue-eyed, Scandinavian brothers and sisters, played together every day. By the time Bill and Anna were in junior high school they were sweethearts and never dated anyone else until after their high school graduation. It was then that Bill went away to college and met, fell in love with, became engaged to and married a stunning Mexican-American girl with glorious waist-length black hair. Meanwhile, Anna

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